Collision - A MaNan Fan-Fiction Ch-11, pg-31 - Page 11


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ZaraKhann thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Yaayyy girl
U've got my heart now...
I mean seriously so damn  good vocabulary
I need it!!
The way u write drives me insane
Ur sure not an Indian i guess british or irish??
But so damn good vocabulary 

Manan are so fabulous and the cherry Eric Miller 
I guess u really like David Miller!!

But u r so good at writing 

Ur story is based in which city??
New york??

I really do need a pm for the upcoming chapters

I know u have got friends but i really wanna become ur friend

Half-Brother thing is so damn amazing

In love with ur FF❤️
ShenzK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Quickies: Replies:

This is just my way of getting done with replies in an easier manner, when running short of time and have no patience to tolerate the damn Spamming Error! So please do tolerate this.

@-Chandramukhi.. - Thank You so much.
Yes. It's been more than a week that I haven't updated. Bless the damn connection. But anyways, I will get it back on track. It's not too much to ask, it's just that I am too much of a lazy person at times. - Hey Rez! Even those words of yours are enough to make one understand. I am glad you like the story.
About updates. It's gonna happen.

@MysticRiver - Thank You!!

@zohasad2.0 - Hey Zoha!! I know. And I also know I am late this time as well.
Well, the updates can be weekly with a buffer time of 3 days that  fits in your range properly. About the length have a look at the following update. I think it's suffice.
I am glad you like Manik, Nandini-Eric bond. And I will try to justify Eric soon. There's more about him then what's been showcased yet.
But Thank You so much!!

@neha0002 - Thank You so much!!

@asmi.6 - Even if you hadn't mentioned, you did now. But I am glad that you like the writing style/story enough to stick by.
Wow! Thanks, that was really a huge compliment. I am glad and touched at the same time. Thank You!
About the updates. It's gonna be faster, the only problem is I will add a buffer time to it. And about the length it anyways comes to 3500+ words, always.
Do not thank me for the PM, that's the least i can do for you all.

@khevnashukla - Hey! You need not thank me for the PM. That's something I can do the least for you all being the readers. Ah! I am getting to it. I am planning to make the update schedule to weekly but with a buffer of 3 days extra, to avoid situations like what I suffered this time. 

@Smiley_23 - Thank You! I am glad you found it Epic. One reason to add it.
You don't need to thank me for the PM though.
Thank You for the comment. I am glad you are enjoying it.

@sanviM - Thank You!!

@Cooldude101 - Hey, Simran! Damn you, you make me smile like an idiot with your words.
I am really, really, really, really, really touched by your words. Don't worry I won't make you wait long enough for the chapters.
I know the best friends thing was predictable.
I am trying to build up their equation, Nandini and Manik's, but also there will be a tad bit more to it. They aren't becoming friends yet but when they do. They will start with a strong base.
Little one's everyone's gem.
I love you too, even though I might not know you. I would love to.

@simkapoor - Thank You! 
Awww! I am glad you find Manik cute. 
Thank You so much!!

@gauriangel - Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep that mind. Thank you for the comment.

@Mananholic982 - Hey! Sorry didn't get your name. 
Well, your comment, I think was all meant for good. I am glad you like the story, the writing style and vocabulary good enough to read. 
I do like David Miller. No offence to him, but I didn't have him in my mind while planning Eric Miller. Though I would anytime cheer for Eric Miller. ^__^
I do not tend to base a particular story in a particular country or city. For me it restricts the amount of experiments I can do. But in case the readers would wish to have such a thing, I will have to come up with so, after a whole lot of research because I haven't been to any of these cities yet.
You will get a PM, without a doubt, the only thing is you comment on the chapter and you receive a PM for the next chapter. The standard rule to keep my PM list apt.
I don't mind being friends with anyone. In fact, I enjoy bonding with people; writers or readers. 

PS: Do I need to feel offended that you don't think I am Indian. Because I surely am, in every damn single way. *pouts* 


Now since most of you all have suggested the weekly updates, I am going to stick to it. But just for the sake of emergencies, I will have a buffer period for about 3 days.

So the updates would be for 7-10 days. Length depends, but I will at least keep it a minimum of 3000 words, which doesn't seem a problem going through the track record of this Fan Fiction chapter history.

You guys might be thinking about the delayed update. Trust me, this was ready on last Friday. I just needed to go through it ones for the final touch up before updating but the next day there were some technical problems and I lost the internet connection. I got back to this as soon as I could. So, here have a read.
Edited by -shenz- - 8 years ago
ShenzK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Chapter Four.

Nandini's POV

Sighing heavily, I stroll in the corridor. The day couldn't have been worse. And with worse I mean real worse. 

Firstly, I had Manik at my doorstep this morning. To my misery, he had to be best friends with Eric. Couldn't he find anyone else to be best friends with? Why my only brother? Why?

To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was scared to death when I first saw him this morning. No matter how gorgeously he stood at the doorstep with the kill-me goofy grin, it did not help. I could only let out a sigh in relief when he played along being pretentious. Though, later things did seem quite easy between the two of us. But he ate my pancakes, oh! My pancakes with blueberries and the whipped cream, Yum!

Then, secondly, my brother happens to announce that we were to drive with Manik to school. Sometimes I really wish I could strangle him to death. What part of 'still need time' did he not get? We had the discussion for hundreds of times and still he does that to me. He had to be bossy and annoy the shit out of me. Annoying, bossy, jerk of a brother! Huff!

And, last but definitely the not least, my friend Shelly. She came running to me this morning as soon as I entered the school corridor. The first thing she said was, 'What the hell did you do to make Leo all grumpy?' After explaining the situation to her, with each and every detail since she demanded all of it, all she commented was a 'so?' while her nose twitched in confusion. 

Later she did nothing but stomped out. Apparently, giving in to Leo wasn't a big deal according to her. Girl! Do I need to explain myself to her or anyone else that I am not desperate to be laid? Guess what, I am not going to explain myself to anyone but just do what I did, knee them in the balls. 

To be honest, I am really frustrated with the drama going on in my life. I need a break, good break. And right now, there seems nothing as good as crashing onto my bed and fall asleep.

My phone chooses to buzz the very instant in the back pocket of my denims. I pull it out, hoping it wasn't from Eric ordering me around. My eyes popped out when I found the name blinking on my screen to be of 'Manik.'

I find a text message from him. Unexpected. 
I quickly tap my fingers across the screen to open the message. Cannot blame me for being curious. And I read the unexpected.

Eric asked me to drop you home. So tell me when you are ready. ;)

Just because Eric asked him, huh! I smirk inwardly and quickly type a reply and send it to him.

You don't need to bother just because my brother said so, I will walk back home. Need not worry about Eric, I will handle him.

All my tiredness and frustration flies out of the window, as I keep smiling anticipating his comeback reply. The phone buzzes in my hand within a minute and it reads:

I haven't given you an option. This is all what you get. I will drive you home, even if it means to tail you all along the way back to your house, in my CAR. Got that?

I narrow my eyes at the screen. He just did not do that, did he? He cannot go around throwing orders at me. No way! I type a quick reply.
Not happening, dude.

I smile in satisfaction after turning him down. Feels good when you turn down some bossy jerk. Pat your back, Nandini Miller for the good job! That's when another message flashes on the screen of my phone.

Message from Manik:
I will drop you home safely even if that means I will have to drag you out from the school corridor. And this time it's my car, kitten! ^_^

I can almost imagine his smug face as I read the text message. He knows I don't want to drag attention to myself. My eyes zeroed onto the word, 'kitten'. He did not just try to call me names, did he? And out of all the names couldn't he come up with something better? I mean who calls a complete stranger as 'Kitten'? Fine! I may be exaggerating a bit, we aren't complete strangers but we aren't even acquainted to start with. All I know of him is that he happens to be my brother's best friend apart from one of the popular guys at school.

And a complete gentleman, a voiced cooed gently reminding me of the time he walked me back home. 

By the way his antiques of trying to drag me out of the school make me think of him as a caveman. But unlike him, I am not going to name him something, not on his face at least. We aren't even friends yet to call each other names.

Glaring back at the screen, I puff my cheeks and pull my lips into a pout. 

Fine! I will meet you in sometime. Just let the crowd move first. Please! 

Knowing it sounds convincing enough I tap the send button and wait for him to reply back. Unlike the previous messages, this time he takes longer to reply. 

Oh! God! Just make sure he isn't marching my way to drag me out of school. Please! I pray to the Almighty with my fingers crossed.

Minutes later the screen flashes with a new message from Manik. I let out a sigh in relief. At least he has read the message and isn't going to drag me out. Phew!

Take your time, kitten. ;)

I roll my eyes at the screen as though he would be able to see it. But who cares?

Dumping my books into the locker, I slam the locker shut after collecting my bag. I turn around only to bump into something hard. Rather someone. Ow! My nose hurts, instantly my hand shots up, rubbing it in a soothing motion. 

"Hey there, kitten." Hearing his chirpy voice doesn't really help. 

"Would you just stop calling me that? I am not your kitten." I snap back at him. Instead of apologizing he has the nerves to hey me. He looks amused for a fraction of second and then he is back to his cocky self.

"You are holding onto your breath to be mine," he pauses staring deep into my eyes. His eyes darkening with some clouded indecipherable emotion. "My kitten." He whispers and burst into laughter.

Now I get what he was been trying to do. "I am glad I could inflate your already inflated ego." I just got played. Looking around I find the school corridors seeming to be unusually calm and silent, not to forget empty. I look back at him and say, "I think we should leave."

"What is the hurry?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck. Folding my arms across my chest, I glare at him. "Okay! We are leaving just don't try to scare me with those glares," he fakes an attempt of hurt, "which I must add are pretty cute. Just like you, kitten." And just like that he walks away. I gaped at his retreating figure. Now even my glares don't work, I stomp my feet and proceed towards where he had just disappeared into. 

I somehow manage to have arrived at home without having murdered someone because, trust me or not, Manik can really rile up anyone and everyone when he sets his mind on. "I can't believe I made it alive." I muttered under my breath as I entered the house with Manik tailing behind me. 

Turning around on my heels, I thought of thanking him for dropping me home, forcefully and against my will when I found him vigorously typing on the cell phone.

Show some mercy on the damn phone you, fool, I thought.

Anyways, ignoring his tactics, I did what I was supposed to. "Thank You." I muttered hoping that he would get his cue to leave me alone. Tearing away his eyes from the cell phone screen, he so dearly held whilst typing to god knows whom; he looked at me wiggling his eyebrows. Gazing back and forth between the door and me, he closed the door behind him.

Uh! What?

He lazily made his way across the hallway and plopped onto the couch in the living area. He leaves me amused. 

"Still haven't learn to thank properly, have you, kitten?"

I marched towards him and stated the standard formal dialogue, "Make yourself comfortable." Not even bothering to hide the sarcasm along. 

"Get me something to eat, I am hungry." There wasn't a question or a request. Dump the politeness he is manhandling me, in some different sorts of a way. 

I rolled my eyes at his comfort and inquired much to my annoyance, "Anything else, Sir?" I forced a smile at him. 

Thinking he might by any chance get the hint of being impolite and absolute rude, he might at least stop behaving so if not apologize, rather he nonchalantly said, "Just make sure you get something from the instant made food. I do not wish to die at such a young age leave alone by the food you prepare." 

Collecting a cushion, I banged it onto him. "I will rather love to poison the instant made food than to make a meal for you to be dead." And just like that I shrugged, walking towards the kitchen area.

I stopped by the staircase and glanced my way up to my room. Maybe I can buy a bit of time just to freshen up, I feel really tired. Without wasting my time, I rushed upstairs and quickly went through the freshening up process before proceeding my way downstairs. Leading my way to the kitchen area, I peeked up towards the spot where Manik lay flat. "Why don't you go and freshen up till the time I get something ready for us?" 

He just nodded as I gave him the directions to the washroom down the hallway and he made his way towards it. Later when he came back, I had settled down with a tray of sandwiches, granola bars and some chocolate chip cookies. Now a person like me cannot just get away with putting them back in the container while those cookies are tempting enough to make one's mouth water. He came in a few minutes later and took his seat on the couch. I offered him the sandwiches, "I made you some sandwiches. No matter how much tempting the idea of getting you poisoned seemed to be, I did not want to."

"I am honoured that you did not."

He ate in silence which was unexpected because he always manages to come up with some cocky response irrespective of the situation, place and witnesses. Sensing some difference in the silence filled air, I chose my words carefully before I blurted them out to him. "Do you stay with Eric or are you planning to stay with him?" His head stirred, meeting my gaze as his eyes peered through mine. 

The corners of his lips, pulled slightly and I could imagine the smirk returning back in its place. 

Too soon, was the only thought that ran into my head.

"As much as tempting the idea of stay seems to me," he paused, letting his eyes lazily wander down me, "I don't feel the invite warm enough to decide." For a moment there I felt he might be speaking in some other context but his rattling laughter confirmed my suspicion. He was teasing me. Feeling the heat rushing over to my cheek and neck, I averted my gaze from his..

"I just thought I will give you company till the time Eric is back." His eyes held sincerity that couldn't be mistaken as he continued, "Also, I had some business to discuss with Eric. So I thought it's better to wait for him until he arrives." Understanding drained into my system and I bobbed my head in response. 

"You can go get some rest by the time Eric arrives." He shrugged looking at me as I had almost had most of the cookies having filled my stomach enough till the dinner time. But it didn't seem right to leave him alone when he was here to accompany me. "Don't worry, I will be fine." He reassured, after having guessed my thoughts. 

"No." I pressed a smile, "I just need to stretch my body a bit and that's all I need to relax." 

I heard him state something like, "You aren't helping me, kitten." I didn't quite understand his words but I glanced over him to have a sight of rigorously shaking his head.  

I crawled into the smaller couch, making myself comfortable as I threw my legs over an armrest with my knee right over it and my head lay gently against the other armrest over the cushion I had placed. He did come up with the suggestion that I take the larger and more comfortable couch, if not my bed and lay down rather but I just turned him down. I am as stubborn as him, if not more and he needs to understand that.

While on a light conversation with him, I suggested we could watch some movie if he wished to but he shrugged away and made himself comfortable on the other couch. Some day those broad shoulders would drop themselves down his body by his act of shrugging, some day. After replying to a few text messages, I grabbed a book and read it till my eyelids felt heavy and went shut. 

I stirred in sleep as muffled voices rang over. Trying my best to shut them off, I grabbed the cushion to cover my ears. Trying to comfort myself back into my sleep, though I felt the couch already slipped beneath me. I was no more sprawled under the couch much smaller to accompany my tiny frame in sleep but a larger one. Blinking my eyes open I stared across the room. I sprang out of the bed..

Holy cow! I wasn't in the living room anymore. This is my freaking room. How the hell did I get here?

Stretching my arms and legs, I sat upright while a yawn escaped my mouth. I was still sleepy, recovering from the nap that I just had after a hectic day at school. Might add, the worse hectic day at school, so far.

I looked over the side table and found my bag resting on it, along with the neatly folded book that I was reading before I fell asleep. My eyes racked over my belongings that were now sprawled across the table with sticky notes stuck at each one of them.

I picked the first one and saw a roughly scribbled note that read:
Morning sleepyhead,

                Before you yell and scream, let me tell you. Yes, I am the one who brought you here. You might be as tiny as kitten but that small couch does no justice to comfort you. So I took care of that and brought you here once you were fast asleep.


I glared at the note and darted my eyes on the other note that read:
Stop glaring at my words. Did you know, how much of a work it was to find you room? I had to run from one door to another, just to find your room.

The next note confirmed my suspicion about his perverted mind.
By the way, your clothes were scattered around the drawer, I might have had a peek through some of the stuff. But that was all unintentional.

Unintentional, my foot!
Breathe Nandini, breathe. He is just messing up with your head, I thought.
Did you know you cuddled to me while I picked you up and carried all the way to your room? ;)

I had this weird thing about cuddling and snuggling that I would have a pillow while sleeping at night. So this wasn't a shocker. But his single tracked mind was.

God! Is he the same guy who dropped me home, and I quote, "safely"? Because he surely doesn't behave like one. Though I also knew he is harmless and it's just his way of being friendly. Maybe!

You need to control your cookie intake. You are heavy. I sprained my back while carrying you.

He just did not. I glared at the note. He is so dead when I meet him the next time.

By the way, you snore quite adorably.
-Manik! ^_^

I do not! If glares could burn, the paper would have caught fire by now.

I am leaving. Spoke to Eric. Take care, kitten.

I was glad there weren't any more notes lying around.

When I was walking down the stairs after having finished my studies in the evening, I heard murmured voices from the hallway. Without any doubt I knew the two voices, I had now grown accustomed to - the best friends, Manik and Eric.

"You are the one who is been talked about a lot, today." A hearty laugh, which I supposed was my brother, Eric.

"Those are gossips," followed by a snort, probably by Manik.

As I stepped off the last stair, my eyes followed the trail of voices that came from the kitchen area and I found Eric leaning over it as he unwrapped the bags of takeout food while conversing with Manik, whose voice boomed in the house through the speakers.

"Yes, but it isn't a made-up thing." Eric spoke confidently. Though I wasn't aware of the topic of discussion, I did get a nervous feeling about it.

Drawing attention was one of my weaknesses, because I never wanted to. However, clearing my throat was enough to have his head snapped in my direction. Unexpectedly, I was welcomed with warm, tender smile as I made my way towards him.

"I have got food for dinner." Eric beamed at me. "Hope it can do."

Their conversation was just paused at my arrival, as seconds later they continued where it was left. Eric nudging Manik for information about some juicy rumour while the latter denied to enlighten him.

"You are being ridiculous over a girl," was Eric's complain as he eyed his best friend with puppy dog eyes and a pout that adorned his lips. I had to fight the urge to cover up the distance and pull his cheek over. He was behaving such a baby.

But Manik couldn't see him.

"I am not." Manik whispered through the phone in a firm yet calm voice.

"Then why don't you tell me who was the girl you stole from Leo after Friday's party?" Eric's questioning eyes pinned on the phone hung near the kitchen counter, while I was the one caught off-guard. 

Damn! The Friday night!

"She was his date," came a flatly countering reply from Manik.

"Still she chose you to walk out with, that says a lot my friend," Eric smirked but for once I was sure it wouldn't be the same if he knew who was it and why did she choose to leave with a complete stranger over her date.

"Leo was drunk and she accidentally bumped into me," was all Manik could state for explanation while the colour drained from my body.

However, Eric wasn't pleased with the explanation. He wanted to hear every bit of it, every detailed visual-clear description of the night. I so wanted to fly my fist right into his stomach and express my opinion though, You don't want to hear it, brother dear, and I for once, don't want to explain the rest to you. Leave it as it is', I thought. 

"She needed help and I provided it. I dropped her home safely and left; nothing that you wouldn't do if you were in my place." He added. 

"Can we have some dinner rather than discuss some not so interesting gossip from school?" I interrupted not wanting the conversation to head where it seemed to be going.

"Sure." Even if Eric suspected something unusual he didn't point it out, which I was thankful for. I wouldn't spend my night explaining him things. While my day went worse, I certainly didn't want my night to head the same way. 

They hung up after a small conversation about the upcoming sports event as we ate our dinner. For some extent I was relieved that Eric didn't bring up the Friday-night-Leo discussion yet again, because I had a doubt Manik could keep it to himself for long enough. Not even could I.

He would learn it someday, a voice peered in my head which made sense but I still wanted to avoid the drama for a few days. 

But alas! The day ended.

The next morning, inspite of my constant nagging and whining, Eric drove me to school. Alike yesterday I made him drop me at a distance which he didn't protest and seemed more understanding. Maybe he isn't the most autocratic types, maybe.

The day went with a swing until I ran into Leo, more like he approached me during the second half of the Lunch time.

"Hi." I started walking towards my locker when I felt a hold over my elbow. I turned around to find Leo staring at me with something which wasn't the expression that the drunken Leo held. More like the friendly Leo.

"Nandini, please listen to me once." I didn't know what was there to listen anymore but I didn't want to come out rude either. I was the one who went on a date with him inspite of knowing his popularity in school. I should have guessed that.

I let out a heavy breath but didn't utter a word because honestly, I wasn't sure what to say. I don't have to deal with such situations on an everyday basis. His eyes pierced at me, searching for some sort of indication. But once he was sure that I won't run away, he started, "I don't know how to explain this to you."

Then don't, I so wanted to retort back but held the urge.

"I know being wasted wasn't or couldn't be put up as an excuse for what I did. Hell," he ran his fingers through his thick unruly hair, "I would have done it anyway." I was startled at his confession. My eyes drifted to my elbow that he had gripped effectively. I was sure I wouldn't escape that easily.

"I thought you were like any other girl at school just wanting to play." I narrowed my eyes at him. Say that again and you will face the consequences. All the girls cannot be classified under one broad category. Apart from being from the same gender and possessing similar parts on the body, we have got traits that make us different, you knucklehead.

"But you were different." Come again, did he say, I was different? "You are different." He sighed, gushing out air as he spoke with pleading eyes, "It just took me a lot of time to realize that you are unlike any other girl; You are different."

Okay! This side of Leo was, well, different and a lot likeable.

"I just wanted to know if by any means, I can rectify what's gone wrong between us. I just want a chance and I will do anything." He waited for me to answer. Now is there a way to answer him?

"Leo," I just didn't know how to reply him. Though he might have looked apologetic but I still couldn't just go ahead and forgive him. He himself confessed that he would have tried to get all touchy with me, drunken or not.

"I need time," I looked at him with calculative gaze, assessing his reactions to my words. I may not be the best judge but the instantaneous reactions speak a lot about one's mindset. If he is the same aggressive Leo from the Friday night, he would roughly shove me to the wall and force me to give in to his apology speech and get back to normal. But it amazed me to have found his eyes turning soft and tad bit happy.

I smiled at him before taking a step back and moving into the direction of my locker. "Friends," I spoke, "Friends; is all what I can give you, if I do," for now, I thought but that was for me to know. I wouldn't give him false hope. I wasn't even sure about being friends with him, if at all I decided to.

He in return bobbed his head and his lips curled into a gentle smile.

After a couple of minutes later, Eric came beaming at me and engulfed me into a big bear hug. I was amused at his excitement and had my mouth opened for a question, when a girl dragged him into her grip. Her fake squealing voice irked me and I turned to leave. I didn't want to witness her clinging all over my brother. I had my sanity at stake.

"I will see you later, Eric." I muttered, turning on my heels. 

My words might have caught the girl's attention as she slid her grey eyes across my frame and screamed, "You."

Her index finger pointed at me, her eyes narrowed at me and her words felt like accusing me of some guilt. She was pretty much made-up, dressed up like for an event or some party, not the usual school girl type; maybe someone from the cheer-leading group.

I found her walking towards me and spitting out, "You are the one who stole my date last Friday night." It then clicked me; she was the one who was making out with Manik the other night.

She turned her head in Eric's direction and her voice screeched, "She was Leo's date." I saw emotions flicker through Eric's eyes and I knew what was to happen.



Edited by -shenz- - 8 years ago
ShenzK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
Chapter posted, 
damn 4380 words long chapter.

Do let me know your thoughts :)

PMs tomorrow!!

PMs sent!
Edited by -shenz- - 8 years ago
Endurance thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago
That was some really well written part...
I am thoroughly enjoying Manik, he is sassy, he loves pulling her leg, Nandu is kinda comfortable with Manik teasing her around & this Leo angle is making me curious..
u left it on cliffhanger Shenz not cool *humph*
Manik ki date ki tou main *beep*
Okay I missed u Buddy serious walaaa, I really did, thanks for being back :')
zohasad2.0 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
So excited. I so wanna know what will Eric do now. Though I can somehow Imagine it and it's bad.

I love this Manik.Makee me remember the typical S1-sassy yet lovable Kameena that he is.

nandini is normal-which I like. she's a young girl nd I like her approach towards things

Also the u sweetheart. And yes this length is cool. thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
uh oh busted.can't wait for the next update.
Dreamer3003 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
m yet to catch up wit d updates wil do that soon😳
Love yaaa🤗
neha0002 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Awesome update
Thanks for pm
I hope Eric doesn't blast her for that night 
Waiting for the next update
Cooldude101 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago
I'm typeless😆
After reading the chapter all I can do is gape widely in bewilderment!😳
How can some one write so perfectly!?
The chapter was another one of the gems coming out from the mines of your vast mind!❤️
I couldn't have ever asked for more!
Manik is so cute, he has a personality which is so different so versatile and so amazing. Nandini, I don't know what to say about her. She is strong and bold and independent; just like the Nandu I always wanted to see. Eric, is amazing! That guy is like the most adorable bro ever!😳
Oh! Nandini and Manik are so busted! I really don't know how Eric will react after listening to this, after knowing the truth, after knowing that the girl he accused Manik swooning over is his very own dear sister!
I know you are busy and need time, but the heart wants what it wants,right?
But I will wait for another one of your gems, because I love you too much to stress you.
Thank you so much once again.
Vaise I read your reply and trust me when I say that my comments will always fall short in appreciating you because you deserve so much more!❤️
And just a small correction, it's Smriti and not Simran.
Anyway, love you loads and I would be honoured to know someone like you!😳