29th June 2015 Mere Angne Mein Written Update

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Posted: 8 years ago

Mere  Angane Mein 

Written  Update

29th June 2015

By  Vinnie R.


Episode  starts  with  Shanti  and  Sonal going towards  the room. Indise the room  Preeti  is  setting everything.  She is saved when Kaushilya  comes  down the steps  shouting  for  Shanti. Shanti  starts  on Kausilya where she was all this  time. Kaushila  says  that the  theif  is upstairs.  Shanti says  she can't fine her keys.  Meanwhile Shivam is  upstairs  he makes  noise  and they  all go  upstairs. 

Nimmi puts  back  on  the main switch. Every  one gets scared.  Shivam  runs  out to the balcony, and Shanti and  Kaushila follow the sound.  Preeti  comes out of Shanti's room safely, and drops  the keys  back on the ground. 

Up the stiars  Shanti  says   she is  out of  breath , as Koushila is  looking for the  kids.  Shivam jumps  from the balcony  onto  the  road.  Shanti  and  Koushila  go back  inside to look for the keys.  Shivam  is standing  outside  when his father comes  home and asks  him why is he outside so  late. Shivam  fumbles. Shanti  comes outside followed by  every  one. She scolds  Shivam saying  they  all inside and he was outside.  He tells her he came to look for the theif  , but could not catch  him cause it was dark.

Shivam  asks  Preeti  if she deleted the  video  , she  says  she  not sure as the light  came  and she   came  outside. They  get worried.  Meanwhile Shanti  is  inside, she  finds  the keys  and gets  happy.She  takes him  to  her room and  tells him she wants  to show him something.  He  replie he is tired but she  insists. She takes  the phone out of the chest as they  all look on  tense. She  tells him to check the video  and makes and  tells  him she dose not understand it. She says she will make  him tea whan he tells  her  it can wait until morning  as he is  extreamly  tired.  She leaves him checking the phone , koushilya follows her into the kichen and  apologizes again and asks  her not to do this.

Shanti  replies  I  forgive you long time... She makes the tea happy  and goes in the room only  to find Ragave  asleep on the bed.  They  tuck him in properly  and Shanti  tells Koushilya they  will wake all night until he gets up, she takes the phone and  tucks it in her saree. 

No one sleeps , as the kids are  waiting also in the   courtyard.  The morning arrives and Ragave gets up surprised he fell asleep in his mothers  room.  His mother insist  he looks at the video again. He takes it and looks, the Hanuman chalisa starts  he tells her that is  all in the phone there is  no video. The kids are  relieved  and Shanti is shocked. 

Ragave leaves to go to his room, Koushilya also leaves and  Shanti closes her door. The kids  burst out laughing at the plan  worked, Koushila  lets out a relived smile in the  kitchen, Shanti  opens her door and  catches the kids laughing. She thinks  they  all did this and cries.

Sonal wishes every  good by  and leaves to go home, she  says she will visit  every  day  now.  The wish  her a safe trip home.  Shivam  gets a call , and says  he  wants money  but will call them back.  The sisters look at him curiously  and ask  what but he  brushes them aside and  goes into the house.

Ragave is getting ready  for work, Kaousilya is helping him get dressed and he asks why  she looks so worried.  She tells him that Amma is looking for a girl for Amit  and then it would be their doughters  turn to get married, and tells him it will be a lot of expense. He  tells her  not to worry   Amma will se to everything. She leaves to see to the kids.

In there room the  children are happy  they  saved  their  mother  from the video  scenario.  Nimmi asks  Shaivam  why  he wants  money he tells them it is for his friend who he promised to arrange the money  for.  He goes to his  closet to  get a shirt and  3 samples of  cream falls  out. He tells   his sisters  it belongs to his friends. The girls say  they  will keep it   and  starts  bickering  Koushilya comes and takes one and says  she will take one, she  tells them it is for their dad as she heard  it is good for the skin. They  tease her  about how  she  cares for her only  husbands  complexion and she blushes  causes them to tease her some more.  Shivam smiles at the scene.  The girls leave him to get ready , and he  thinks  all his samples are  finished in the house.

At the office  Riya and Bunty  comes, they  wonder if they  are early  as shivam  has  not reached as yet. The boss comes and tells  the  peon  to  send Shivam to his office as  soon as  he  gets  their . Riya asks the Peon what that is  about  and he  tells her Shivam has  to pay  a fine for the lost samples. Riya and  Bunty  smile at  each  other.

At Shrivastave house  Shanti  is mending an old Saree gets a call  from a guy   saying his daughter is suitable for Amit. Nimmi  is eves  dropping the conversation,  finally  they  agree to  meet the day  after  tommorw  so  that they  can  see if the   marriage will happen or not.  She  comes out and taunts  Koausilya  that she found a girl for Amit and God knows  what will happen to  Shivam. 

Shivam  in  the  office,  the peon  gives him a new  kit and tells him the  boss has forgiven  him and  that  Riya  has  paid  his  fine.   Shivam  confronts  Riya and  asks  her  why  did she  do that, as no one asked her to. He tells her to stay  away  from him and leaves. Riya  cries.

Sarla  is  on the phone with  Shanti,  and  Shanti  tells her to come over with  Amit on the date  to see the girl. Sarla says  so  soon.  Shanti   starts  her drama and  says if you do not want me to look for a girl then  tell me straight.  Sarla  pacifies her mother and says they  will come for a short while.  Amit overhears the conversation and tells his mother  that he will not go , he threathens  to leave the house and Sarla  wonders  where is she trapped!.

Riya is  crying at the office she tells Bunty  Shivam has no  feelings for her and she is the one always thinking of him (duh)  . Bunty  tells her not to think that way  that  Shaivam is a self-respecting guy  who wants to make it on his own  that is  why  he dose not want any  ones  help.  Riya  gets  satisified with that answer and tells Bunty  why  she did not tell her that all along.! Riya  says  he is  difficult to  understand.

Bunty  says  don't get dishearten,  They  make a plan  to  go to his  house ( Sarla's  house)  on the pretext of a field  trip.

Shanti  is  complaining  that no one  dusts  in the  house    Nimmi comes and says she already  did  the  dusting.  Shanti gives her a cloth and says  do it over.  She calls  Kaoushilya and says  there is lots of work and  that guests are coming she  rattles off  some   dishes she wants koushilya  to n cook and tells her to make sure the table looks  laden.

She gives her  rs.1000 and says  to buy  what is needed  with  that. She then  asks for a ring that she  gave Koushilya  when Shivam was born, saying that if the  Relation is fixed they  will have to give them  something.  Koushiya says  that  ring was sold  when  Shanti  got sick a long time ago.  Shanti tells her to get another ring as she is sure she has one hiding somewhere. She threathen  her with raguva again. Kaoushila leaves  looking  her usual scared self.

Riya and Bunty  goes to Sarla's  house  on behalf of the company  and tell her  she won a free hamper for being a special costomer. She receives the hamper and  invites them  in.  She offers them water and   tries to call Amit but he  dose not answer.

They  have an akward  conversation where she  asks Riya why  she  washes  peoples  dishes and that she dose not like all that . Riya  says to promote the product they  have  to.  She makes and excuse that he has an iron on and  leaves. She calles  her Daughter  Parineeta  to  keep them  company , Pari says  she  has an appointment and dose not want to but dose.

Finally  She gets  on  to Amit and tells him to hurry  home as  Riya is there. Amit gets  Happy.

At Shrivastav  residents, Koushilya I gives Ragave some tea and massages his foot. He asks  for his mother , and  she  tells him she is at the neighbours  house  for their new  grandchild. He  says  his mother is  well respected in the  community. Koushiya  examines his face and  tells him he should go to the beauty  parlor, he laughs and says  that is for women and she should go . They  have a cute  moments  and she  tells him she will do his facial. She  takes him in front of the mirror and puts  the cream she got from Shivams on his face. It is  Green

( hahha😆) . She leaves  him and goes down stairs.

Sarla  meanwhile   is telling   Riya  her son also got a new  job,  she  responds  she  knows  ( thinking it is  Shivam)  Sarla thinks  they  both  know each  other  well.  She praises  her  son  saying he  has  all kinds of proposals  coming  to  him.  Degrees, some we never  heard off  (bba cba ect)

Riya  says  they  need to  leave now, and  Sarla tries to  stall  them  but  they  says they  have to  go. She asks  if they  will come back  and  They  reply   they  would to  get feed back  Finally  she  managed to get riyas  number.

Riya  leaves  thinking that Shivam  is  a very  family  oriented  person with a good family.!!! She thinks Sarla is her mother in law.   Amit  passes her  on the  street. He gets  mad   at his mother for not keeping her.  He  is stopped  by the  neighbor  who tries  to  sweet talk  him  he brushes her  off saying he  dose not want  any  tea.

Shanti  returns  home as  Koushilya is going upstairs  with  some cucumber slices and ice for her husbands beauty  treatment.  She   follows her upstairs and  makes a commotion about hat is all that  junk on his face, and asks  if he will get fair by  that!!!   Koushilya says she will take it off, Shanti   says now  you  will  beat my  son in front of me. Ragave says  it was a mistake leave it, Shanti  takes a towel to wipe  it  off.  Episode  ends  with Koushilya  looking  on  dejectedly.


Precap:  Shivam is leaving and  Shanti  stops  him  she  tells Ragav Shivam  stole her ring and asks  him to check  him.  His father  dose a body  search  of him.