clueless_2005 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

the serial seems to be a very ambitious project but unfortunately some things seemed out of place

-i guess a palace was rented out for the shooting of this serial coz it seems unlikely for normal people to lead such a lifestyle!!!

-y does the father lament about not having much money while speaking to gurumata (guess that's what she was called)?????????? hello!!!!!! look around plz!!

-veera went to a friend's place to check results on the net-couldn't they afford a computer????????????

-if some vehicle is about to hit you, you dont jump over the bridge!!!!!

-y does the father lament about his 6 daughters every sec???????? i dont think anyone would praise their son so much-seemed a little over the top!!!

-if nirvaan failed in his exams wouldn't he rather hide the report elsewhere-say underneath some clothes?

-doesn't krishna know that it's not polite to go through other people's stuff????????????

i wasn't impressed at all with this serial-lavish lifestyle and narrow thinking seems unrealistic to me!!!!!!!!!!!  🤢


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atria thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: clueless_2005

the serial seems to be a very ambitious project but unfortunately some things seemed out of place

-i guess a palace was rented out for the shooting of this serial coz it seems unlikely for normal people to lead such a lifestyle!!!


-y does the father lament about not having much money while speaking to gurumata (guess that's what she was called)?????????? hello!!!!!! look around plz!!

Maybe he had money earlier and spent it all looking after seven kids and that huge house?😆

-veera went to a friend's place to check results on the net-couldn't they afford a computer????????????

Well the dad is shown conservative, maybe he doesn't approve of a net connection at home.😕

-if some vehicle is about to hit you, you dont jump over the bridge!!!!!


-y does the father lament about his 6 daughters every sec???????? i dont think anyone would praise their son so much-seemed a little over the top!!!

Agreed. The whole serial seems set at least fifteen years ago. I have Gujerati friends, not from Rajkote, but from Baroda which is also a small town, they are nowhere near as conservative. I mean, there is a limit to conservatism. I didn't like the way the beginning goes-- this is Rajkot, where half the population is subjugated. The whole town of Rajkot can't be like this?🤢

-if nirvaan failed in his exams wouldn't he rather hide the report elsewhere-say underneath some clothes?

Maybe he is overconfident, he can't be too smart if he is hiding his results when they are available on the net.

-doesn't krishna know that it's not polite to go through other people's stuff????????????

Now that seemed more natural. In many Indian families, privacy is not accorded a great deal of respect. It is not unnatural for a mother or elder sister/brother to go through your effects casually.

i wasn't impressed at all with this serial-lavish lifestyle and narrow thinking seems unrealistic to me!!!!!!!!!!!  🤢

Also, did they have to have six daughters? Three/four would have been easier to remember. I am getting confused about who is who, except for Krishna and the blind girl, the  others seem the same. 😆 I hope they have good roles in the future that defines them out, otherwise it is a waste of characters.

And the thing which confused me most-- what was it about Veera's reactions? She said to Krishna- I went to see the results on the net, then she said pass. Then when Krishna came home and said she went to see the results on the net, she looked like she would have a heart-attack. Huh? 😕 I hope this gets explained today.
Edited by atria - 17 years ago
clueless_2005 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
1 more thing-couldn't they afford cooks?????????????????? 🤢
qtpie9870 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
i think i only have the answer to ur first question..... its not really that unrealistic that they live in that big house and still arent very rich because in india like in gujrat and rajhastan and places like that land is very cheap its like only a few rupees for many acres of land so yea and also those big palaces are called havelis becuz they r passed on from generation to generation. so its not really unrealistic for people to live in really big houses there. also its not neccicary that he bought the house himself.

And yea everthing else u said does seem kinda out of place