ArShi FF: Sex between Hearts - Thread 2 - Page 72


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guy3 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Very disturbing. To think, so many women go through this even now. And the unborn babies so brutally killed. Thanks a ton dear for writing this.
suji5 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
feeling sad for khushi..
hope her baby will be fine
thank god Arnav found khushi in mumbai...
luvbug thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Oh no im glad khushi ran away... I hope her parents r not like her inlaws ... Glad that arnav found her ... Wat must she be going through ... I knw la will stand by her ... Hope her baby is fine ... But since the baby js not responding im a little worried... Oh pls update soon i dont think j can wait to long fir thr next chap
Horaja thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
I can't stop crying after Reading this update
By god Karan should chop From head till  toe
Kushi this is wake up call for you
People who  Said she is dum ... i dont think so 
He is her husband  trusting him is not  a bad  thing to trust someone 
But she should leanr from this  and move on with her life
And hope her preants Will not ask her togo back sayi ng ist mistake ...

Edited by Horaja - 9 years ago
newfoundlove thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
This is such a sensitive issue...female feoticide... and inhumane as well. I just don't understand how one can easily kill their own child. And Khushi's MIL, she's also a woman and a mother, and behaving like is just...arrhh... I'm sad to know that people like these still exist in the world today.

However, you are dealing with the topic quite sensibly in this fiction. Just hoping that all's well with Khushi and her daughter.

ToxicLove thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: radhvi

A Very Happy New Year Deepthi, have a blessed and wonderful year ahead.πŸ€—

I couldn't resist depicting Khushi's nature or what she felt in each of the following instances. (bold is my take)

"Her heart bubbled with warmth hearing the concern and love in his euphonious words."  - Khushi's dripping innocence. If this was the effect for the words of mouth I really wonder what would be the effect on her for the words of heart. (Although, I am obliged to say that such words of heart can only be from Arnav and certainly not from F**ked up Moron Mehta😑)

"A woman who can readily clean up the mess her husband makes, can go to any extent to protect his image in the public.  And the same woman can make countless efforts to understand and pamper him within the secured walls of their relation."

"No seriously everyone mistakes him. But truth is he is very possessive about me which is why he acts like that. But he is the best husband one could have!" - Khushi's immense respect for a chauvinistic pig who don't deserve her a bit.

"I..I am not sure" Khushi looked up at Karan as apprehension fluttered through her." - Khushi's apprehension in doing something against her husband's wishes. I felt that she is aware that he can get violent if he wants.

"...Khushi uttered in low voice mindful of Arnav's presence, so that he doesn't hear their baseless arguments." - Khushi's maturity in handling a situation while all her husband did was to create a scene in front of a complete stranger and displayed to quote Arnav, "I-got-the-biggest-hole-in-my-ass".

"She turned with a start and looked around for Karan. "Where is he? Did he agree for the appointment? Is that why you took him aside?"" - Khushi's concern for her husband totally unaware that he was the one who did not bother to kill her unborn daughters or subjecting her for the mental and physical distress.

"I am sorry for my husband's behavior." Khushi apologised fumbling with her saree. - Khushi's humane attitude to apologize.

"Yes, How can you think I want an abortion when all I have been doing is praying for the safety of my baby after going through so many miscarriages. I need to get my husband, he will tell you how badly we wanted a kid. This can't be my file. Let me get my husband..." - Khushi's unwavering trust on her husband who truly is a class-A jerk.

Here I will certainly not blame Khushi completely for her innocence and naivety, because I feel that she was brought up that way, in an environment where things were shown entirely black & white. And I feel this must be the reason she doesn't find anything wrong in her husband or in-laws behavior as she in her growing up years must have witnessed her mother in similar situations where the later would have probably said "that is the way your papa shows his love for me."

So when that Class-A jerk Karan Moron Mehta displayed his "asshole-lism" and was hell bent on making Khushi's life that miserable, she didn't find anything wrong or amiss.

But when she can trust Lavanya with her secret about Arnav's touch spreading warmth and care, why couldn't she atleast given in a thought about what her friend has to say about her husband and in-laws?

And in chapter 5 I couldn't hold back my tears to read about a totally shattered soul, who deserves nothing but unconditional love and now justice for her daughters.

Here I could not help but recall Anjali's words from the serial IPPKND where she says,

"hume aap per vishwas tha...thoda sa pyaar maanga aur badle mein hume sirf dhoka mila."

I literally have no words to tell what she is going through. And it was at that moment I couldn't help but realize how blessed I am to be born, to live & loved, cared, nurtured, educated and most importantly taught that things in this world are not completely black and white but more often shades of grey by my parents and extended family. 

I say to live and loved because, once a daughter is born, she is killed with worst sort of inhumane methods.

I remember watching a movie called "Karuthamma" in Tamil, which shows about a village has a practice of feeding cactus juice/ milk (it solidifies at the throat) or shoving a couple of unhusked rice kernels down the throat of a new born baby girl. In both methods their airway are blocked and eventually kills them. But that's in fiction. In reality things are actually worst in cities rather than villages. It is usually the educated who are narrow minded and biased. I did see the show of Satyamev Jayate, when the woman in question, actually a doctor herself, is subjected to this torment by her so very educated husband and in-laws.

For now, I'm off to fetch a box of Kleenex *sniff*😭. I'll be back with more comments.

PS- Here I wonder if such morons want only sons and not daughters then the future will be only filled with boys. Then will they get their sons married to another boy, who obviously cannot give them any heir? Will they be happy seeing their "sons just like Khans" turn gay? 

But truth to be told there is another horrendous act happening where in a girl is married to all the brothers! I cant say that I can even digest this news!😲🀒

Please see this link


I am so overhwhelmed to read your comments. How clearly and aptly you have narrated who Khushi is as a life partner. Every single day, more than a daughter or mother, as a wife I tend to crib alot. But sometime when you take a step back, keep aside of ego and see to the positive side of what my life partner is saying, It all makes sense that He may not agree to all my opinions but at least he respects them, doesnt brushes away as meaningless. 

Likewise there are so many men in the world who supports women in some way or other. There is no man without a woman and there is no woman without a man, unfortunately Few mothers of their princes do not understand this to an extent that they think only their sons carries the divine potion of sperms who can create leaders/heir in the form of next gen males. 

Stories, articles like these makes me think how lucky I have been in this birth for not becoming prey. 

Coming back to the story and your question on why Khushi didnt give a thought to Lavanya's words, Khushi never believed that her marriage is perfect but as I said she always tried to look something positive even out of negative, Thats how her character is and that is how she has been brought up; which is why, She must have not given much thought to Lavanya bcos Khushi was OK with things like no anniversary wishes, little heated arguments between the couple. You will understand Khushi's immense trust on husband and overlooking his mistakes, once I shed light on her maternal background. 

Having said that, I have always witnessed 2 best friends gossiping about men and others but not always they end up sharing their private life. Thats easy for men to do but women remain private no matter how thick friends they are.

Thank you for sharing the article. Its very disturbing to even think how can they share a bed, sleep taking turns in one single room. But she looks happy, I really hope she is happy. 

Thank you dear once again! 

Edited by deepthiya - 9 years ago
ppriyaa02 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Loving the story with such a social message
sneharjun92 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
amazing parts. loved it very much..
beautifully written...
finally khushi came to know what is her husband.
arnav is so frustrates bcoz he is not able to find about abortions.
khushis pain, guiltiness, helplessness, anger on herself is portrayes amazingly.
khushi came in front of arnav's car.
waiting for next part.😊
Arjuhisis thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
oh my God, I just cant believe such things happen in life - oh that is truly a pity- is this how the society treats a girl child - oh I just couldn't read the words of the nurse - it sounded tooo cruel but I know that's the reality -
great update deeps
radhvi thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: deepthiya


I am so overhwhelmed to read your comments. How clearly and aptly you have narrated who Khushi is as a life partner. Every single day, more than a daughter or mother, as a wife I tend to crib alot. But sometime when you take a step back, keep aside of ego and see to the positive side of what my life partner is saying, It all makes sense that He may not agree to all my opinions but at least he respects them, doesnt brushes away as meaningless. 

Likewise there are so many men in the world who supports women in some way or other. There is no man without a woman and there is no woman without a man, unfortunately Few mothers of their princes do not understand this to an extent that they think only their sons carries the divine potion of sperms who can create leaders/heir in the form of next gen males. 

Stories, articles like these makes me think how lucky I have been in this birth for not becoming prey. 

Coming back to the story and your question on why Khushi didnt give a thought to Lavanya's words, Khushi never believed that her marriage is perfect but as I said she always tried to look something positive even out of negative, Thats how her character is and that is how she has been brought up; which is why, She must have not given much thought to Lavanya bcos Khushi was OK with things like no anniversary wishes, little heated arguments between the couple. You will understand Khushi's immense trust on husband and overlooking his mistakes, once I shed light on her maternal background. 

Having said that, I have always witnessed 2 best friends gossiping about men and others but not always they end up sharing their private life. Thats easy for men to do but women remain private no matter how thick friends they are.

Thank you for sharing the article. Its very disturbing to even think how can they share a bed, sleep taking turns in one single room. But she looks happy, I really hope she is happy. 

Thank you dear once again! 

Hey Deepthi,

Thank you so much for the reply. And I most certainly agree with you on

"Every single day, more than a daughter or mother, as a wife I tend to crib alot. But sometime when you take a step back, keep aside of ego and see to the positive side of what my life partner is saying, It all makes sense that He may not agree to all my opinions but at least he respects them, doesnt brushes away as meaningless."

Sailing in the same boat you see. πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜†

And very true statement you have made, There is no man without a woman and no woman without a man. 

Now after reading your reply, I very much feel another of my suspicions turning true about Khushi's maternal family and at present she may not be welcome there? Given the travel time and no mode of communication with her, there is a possibility that the Moron Mehta cooking up a cock-n-bull story of their daughter taking advice from a rogue Doctor and ran-away from the house without informing them.