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desire_nikki thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
awsumm part...
poor ishita...it was really an sad n emotional chap...
eagerly waiting to read next...
Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago


'Did her rape you'' Raman asked his voice breaking

 'NO He didn't, I mean he tried but no he didn't. Abhimanyu walked in just in time and helped'' she answered as he turned and looked at her sighing with relief but it would not last

'Wait a minute, you met Abhimanyu there? I thought you all met at the orphanage...'' said Raman

'No we met there. He was brought just after one of the boys was sold off and he was scared to his wits. Tarish wanted to kill him because he had messed up the order of packaging for one of the customers and I volunteered to take his punishment. That is how we became friends. He looked out for me, I looked out for him, it is how it worked.'' Said Ishita she took the glass of water but was visibly shaking that the glass almost slipped from her hand

Raman looked at her and understood that there was something she was not telling him. The way she looked scared after talking about this incident only indicated on thing to him]

'This wasn't the first time this was happening was it?'' asked Raman holding his breath hoping her answer would be in the affirmative

'No it wasn't...'' She answered tears streaming down her face but still showing no emotion

Raman folding his hand in a fist wanted to just hit someone or just punch something because he was so levied. Not at her but at that imbecile and circumstances that led her to that place.

Ishita looked at him and could see he was getting more and more agitated so she figured she just won't give him any more details concerning this and just put an end to it.

'He had tried this numerous times but something always happened that stopped it. It was weird, everything into that stupid place was so messed up but that is the one shred of dignity that I managed to keep intact'' She said putting back the glass of water on the table

Raman walked forward to try and hold her but she shunned him away because she knew once he touched her, she would start to cry and fall apart and once she started to cry, she wouldn't have the strength to stop.

'Anyway...'' she said as she continued with the story

Tarish came forward and stood closer to Ishita trying to kiss her but she pulled back and slapped him

'Look you try that bullshit with me one last time and I will kill you...'' she said

'Hahahahaha Wow I love your feistiness seriously.'' He said holding his cheek as he leaned forward again

He suddenly heard something pull him back so had he lost balance and fell flat on the ground and it took a minute to find out what or who that was

'Try putting your hands on her again and so help me God I will not be held responsible for what happens to you.'' Said Abhimanyu filled with rage

'Okay slow down, this puppy love you two have will get you killed.'' Said Tarish as he got up from the floor and dusted himself off

'Are you okay?'' Abhimanyu turned to Aabha and asked

'Yeah ...'' Said Aabha who was visibly scared

'Anyway this isn't why I came here. I have a proposition for you, I will give you this money, help you sneak out of here and in the end you and your brother will get treatment or better never show your faces here ever again. If you do, I will see to it that I kill you myself.'' Said Tarish

'Wait why are you helping her'' Said Abhimanyu

'What is it to you? This is not about you, but about me and her...'' Said Tarish

'Not the point! I am asking why are you helping?'' said Abhimanyu

'Who said anything about helping? Now do you or do you not want to do this.'' Said Tarish

'Yes please I will be forever grateful...'' Said Aabha

'Are you sure Aabs? This idiot doesn't do anything without having an ulterior motive.'' Said Abhimanyu

'I know Mani but what can I do. I cannot watch my brother die, I refuse to do that.'' She said before she moved to Tarish and said

'What do you need me to do?'' she asked

'Okay in the morning 6; am sharp I will distract the guards while you sneak into the house. I will leave the front and back door open you will use the back door and go out through the back gate. I will leave that open as well. Are we clear?'' said Tarish as he handed her the money

Aabha took the money from his hand hesitantly as she couldn't believe that he was actually helping them. He loved punishing the workers as much as his mother or maybe even worse and Aabha should have known that nothing in this world is given for free.

'Thank you, thank you so much Tarish I swear you will not regret this...'' Said Aabha as she looked at him walk away from the stable and back to the main house

'Aabs please be very careful, I will cover for you and give you time  but they will notice that you gone, but none the less, it will buy you time.'' Said Abhimanyu as he reluctantly agreed to the plan

'Morning came and the plan worked smoothly, in fact too smoothly. There was no huddle and there were no guards like he had promised. I took my brother away from there and went to the hospital. I didn't know many but there was a clinic almost 45 minutes away from where the compound was and it was all we knew. So I got there, he got treated and turns out he was asthmatic and also the stressful environment didn't help matters so that even made him more sick. Turns out Ms. Tee had started starving him...'' Said Ishita as she poured herself and drunk another glass of water

Raman was listening attentively when he suddenly heard his phone buzz and when he checked it and saw Shagun's name pop up on the screen, he switched it off. He turned and saw Ishita gulp down another glass of water before she let out a small laugh and said

'Do you know the funny part, Jai said Ms. Tee told him he won't be given food because she didn't feel like feeding him anymore...'' before she turned to him and said

'Aren't you going to take that?'' pointing at his phone

'What... No it is not important.'' He said a bit taken back by her previous statement. She looked at him with suspicion before she added

'Anyway when the doctor prescribed the drugs and we were on our way out. We saw Ms. Tee's men and we knew, they had figured out we had left. I had spend the last penny I had on his drugs so we didn't really have anywhere else to go except the one place you do when you're in trouble, Police...''

Aabha and Jai escaped and somehow managed to get themselves to the police station and this was going to turn out to be the greatest mistake of their lives. When they got there

'Please sir, can anyone help us. I want to report something. There are men chasing us please help...'' Said a very frightened Aabha

'Look calm down and sit down. Tell me what the problem is...'' Said the Police officer

'That woman Madam, I mean Miss. Tee, I work in her compound. I escaped, she is going to kill me please help...'' she said through her sobs fighting to keep words together and make out sentences

'Wait stay calm and talk to me. Tell me exactly what happened from the beginning...'' Said the police officer

Aabha with her brother's hand in hers sat down and told the police officer everything. From the fire, to the deal with Ms. Tee, to the work she did, to the kids she worked with, to those that were killed and those that were disappeared.

'You need to help me. Please I can't go back she will kill me.'' Said a frightened Aabha

'Okay calm down No one is going to harm you. Just have this glass of water and I will be right back.'' Said the police officer handing them water and some food before he walked into another office to see his boss

They stayed at the station for a couple of hours and she could see the police officer was arguing with his boss about something. Whatever was happening in that room they didn't seem to agree on something? The police officer then came out and looked at them with this expression that Aabha knew quite too well.

'You're going to give us back aren't you'' she asked and just like that, Jai's father and Tarish walked in the room with a number of Ms. Tee's men ready to take them back

'I am so sorry officer for the misunderstanding. Jai here is my son and she is just an orphan I help take care of. I think she misses her family so she tried to run away hence the confusion. You know how kids can get to be. Thank you for keeping them safe'' Said Jai's dad

Aabha looked at the police officer pleadingly asking him not to let them take her and her brother back there but to no avail. They forcefully carried her and Jai out of the police station and drove them back to the compound.

'Please sir, just let my brother go. I will go back and work forever if you want but please let Jai go. You can tell Ms. Tee that he ran away please...'' Shouted Aabha

'Aaahhh Didi please don't let them take me back there'' cried Jai

'Arre Chup Karo, Shut the hell up! Your screaming is giving me a headache. And you ...'' Said Jai's dad as he turned to his son saying

'Who the hell told you to run away? Are you crazy? That crazy bitch will kill me if I didn't find you. This had better be the last time you try this or else I will kill you myself.'' Said Jai's dad

'I think that is the point I began to give up on human beings. You are only dependant to yourself really and no one else. You know when I walked into that police station I thought finally I would get to be safe; this was my second chance at something good after years of tears. But maybe I dreamed so soon.'' Said Ishita her eyes swollen at this point because of too much crying

'He just let them take you...'' Said a surprised Raman

'Well yeah and they just carried us out and took us back...'' Said Ishita

'So this Tarish did ...'' said Raman

'He actually told his mom we had escaped and accused his father or helping us. He wanted so much to be in her good books and impress her that the minute we left that compound we were marked. We would either be killed or taken back there was no other option.'' Said Ishita wiping her tears as she remembered her brother's screams that night

'After that, it was never the same. And I made a vow that I would do everything in my power to get my brother out of that place if it meant my own life so be it. We went back to the compound. Jai was moved back to the stable like the rest of us but as punishment she took his drugs away.'' Said Ishita

'So what did they do to you when you got back?'' Asked Raman

I was seriously whipped, couldn't sit straight for a week. For every tablet he took was a meal away from us, every time he needed an inhaler I was to work 6 extra hours in the farm, for every chore he missed, I was to do didn't matter how long it took I had to finish and for every bid he got from a customer, I had to entertain to out bid them...'' She said as her demeanor changed again but this time she had an expression of shame, of disgust, almost as if she was disgusted with herself

'What do you mean entertain?'' said Raman holding his breath hoping it is not what he thought

'I stripped, for all her customers and if I made her target for the night. Jai got to stay...'' she said ashamed to look into his eyes

'Oh My God Ish...'' he tried to come close to her and hold her but she moved back

Ishita didn't have it in her to know what his eyes were saying, it would break her heart if she saw pity in them because she didn't want that and it would kill her if she saw disgust. She didn't have it in her to look. She suddenly let out a small laugh and said

'I told you I wasn't good wife material. I am filthy and disgusting believe me I know''

He tried to move closer to her and just embrace her and make her feel and see what he actually saw because it wasn't what she thought but she wouldn't let him.She just moved away and continued talking

'This continued for a while, Abhimanyu would sometimes help me with the chore and stuff. It brought us together because we knew all we had as strength was each other and no one else. If we stuck together then we would survive it. And we did''

'Abhimanyu has really been there for you?'' said Raman feeling completely stupid for his jealousy

'Yes he has, I would move in front of a moving bus for him if he asked because I know he would do the same for me.'' She said

Raman looked at her and felt so bad and couldn't help but cry with her. He wanted to just take her pain and make it his if that was even possible. He hated seeing her like this and he finally understood why it was difficult for her to talk about her past. It wasn't something anyone would want to relieve, it was horrible.

'How did you get away...'' Raman finally asked

'Well it took us about 3 months planning and we made sure we had what we needed to pull it off. It was difficult but we had an inside person, Mayra who was to help us and in turn we were to help her run away from that compound as well. They didn't count on how strong we should be if we were together and that is how we escaped.'' Said Ishita

Night of the great escape


CHAPTER 41;  http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4241564&TPN=77&#p120659399

Edited by Khuarnav - 9 years ago
Khuarnav thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
This conversation happens while Ishita drifts back to her past. So the text in black represents the present while the one in blue represents the past


Night of the great escape

'Mayra was to reduce the number of times she came to the Stable. It was to make her gullible brother believe she didn't care about us anymore and it worked. The best way to leave the compound where security was low was the mansion and Mihika's job was to figure out and gather information about the schedules of Ms.Tee's work and also the best time it would have been to leave that house. Abhimanyu who was doing the packing turned to work in the green room and everyday he would steal a few rupees just enough to become some good amount at the end of the month but just little enough that no one would notice it was gone...'' she said letting out a sigh as if she was exhausting to talk about the whole thing but she powered through and continued

'My job was to ensure that the money stolen was to be kept safe in a place where no one would find it and it was to change it every 3 days just to avoid detection. Jai being the youngest and the only one allowed freely between the Stable and the Mansion was going to be our message delivery guy.'' She added

'So how did you get the messages across...''Said Raman

'Well I think Ms. Tee's biggest mistake was giving us basic education, you know we were to learn the basics; you learnt how to read and write. It helped in the packaging and the whole green room counting of money. Also when it came to developing her cannabis, she always found ways of improving her brand and all of us little slaves were to learn how to read. We were given literature to read all the time about marijuana brands and that is how it helped. There was a teacher who came every end of the week to teach us. We always sat in this room, filthy as hell but you had to attend or be disappeared. She was a fool for giving us that basic education.'' She said letting out a small laugh

'Did you know that every letter of the alphabet is represented by a number? It was easy all Mihika had to do was get the schedules and record them down on a piece of paper and find a way to give them to Jai who cleaned the main house. To a lethargic eye they just seemed like random numbers on a piece of paper or some child revising math.'' Ishita added

'That was brilliant actually...'' Said Raman which weirdly brought a smile on Ishita's face, something that hadn't happened since they walked into that house

'Mihika would write them, Jai would de-cord them and Abhimanyu and I were to read them and find a flaw in her tight system and we got it. She had parties every month and we just needed to find a way to get round that security and once out of that compound it would be easier to just plan everything else from there.'' She said as she turned to look at Raman who was listening attentively and added

'There was a flaw in her security and it was her ego and naivety. Every month she had a party, a ravish party for her men, there was alcohol, drugs, women, pills, you name it and it was there. She was so nave thinking there was no one who dared the leave her compound and she knew people revered her so she thought that no one would ever dare to go against her. The fear factor was there because everyone who escaped, she always found a way to bring them back. But when you have four very determined kids who have nothing to lose and everything to gain, it becomes a recipe for disaster.'' Said Ishita

'Weren't you scared?'' Asked Raman

'Of course we were but it beat staying in that house anymore. So the day came and everything went on as usual. Abhimanyu went to the green room, I went to the farm, and Jai went to the house where he was to do the chore there. Mihika kept him calm and gave him company. I think they gave each other strength to go through it. So the night came and those idiots like very party night always left the main gate open and went to the mansion for booze and there was a 45 min window every single time and that was going to be our time frame. That was going to be the day we escaped...'' Said Ishita

'Abhimanyu had taken his place and was to hide in the package room since it was next to the main gate and his job was to wait there until all of us came out. He was to lock the gate from outside. The guests had arrived, the alcohol was chilled, the drugs were brought and it was a ravish party. Abhimanyu took his place and I went to the mansion to perform like I did every party night. When Mayra saw me on stage, she went to the stable with a small bag and was to pick up Jai and go to the gate to join Abhimanyu and wait for me. She went to the stable and helped Jai, who was ill that day by the way and helped him get ready such that they left. The plan was perfect except for one thing, we didn't count on the fact that Jai's father would be roaming around that day...''

He saw Mayra walking to the stable with her back pack and wondered what she was doing there at that time of the night and so he decided to follow her

'Jai please you have to leave now get up. We need to leave, now come on...'' Said Mayra trying to get Jai to hurry

'What the hell are you two doing?'' asked Jai's dad startling both Jai and Mayra

'No nothing...'' Said Mayra hiding her bag

'What are you idiots up to?'' he said looking at them attentively

'Nothing, I am just helping out Jai as he is not feeling well.'' She said

'Bullshit! You four have been up to something; I have been noticing you... Wait what is that?'' he said as Mayra started to fidget hiding hers and Jai's stuff.

He dragged Mayra by one hand and Jai by the other seeing the bags that they were trying so desperately to hide.

'Where the hell do you think you're going'' he asked

He looked at the bags then at them and then it finally dawned on him, they were trying to escape. Like a deranged animal he speared ahead slapping Mayra out of his way and grabbing Jai

'Stay there...'' he told Mayra before turned to Jai and said

'Now you, since she is off limits...'' He said pointing at Mayra

'I am going to smack you till you bleed. What do you think you doing?'' he said as he kept hitting Jai over and over again

Aabha was done with her act and was hurrying to go to the main gate when she heard Jai screaming in the stable

'Please stop your hurting me please...'' Said Jai as he cried and screamed in pain

She quickly ran where they were and when she got there she could see that Jai was on the ground face down holding his head as his dad kicked him repeatedly. She grabbed Jai's dad from behind him and somehow managed to get him off balance giving them enough time to run to the other room in the stable.

At this point even Tarish had managed to come having heard the commotion when he came out to have a cigarette. He walked into the stable and could see his father wobbling on the ground and some tiny blood trails on the floor and he sensed something was seriously off.

Tarish turned to the door of the room they were in

'Bang bang ...Open the damn door Aabha, open the door,'' he screamed

'Oh God he is going to kill us, he is going to kill us Aabha...'' cried Mayra

'No I won't let him. Just calm down let me think of something.'' Said Aabha as she looked around the room

She saw a window that was there and figured if she managed to get them out, they would find their way to the gate to Abhimanyu as he was waiting for them

'Okay look, I am going to lift you and you will go out but once you get there, under no circumstance should you come back, no matter what you hear, no matter how much you hear me scream you do not come back you run, no matter how many gun shots you hear, you run and tell Mani if I am not there in 5 minutes you three should leave.'' She said looking sternly at them all scared to their wits

'Take this and give it to Mani...'' she added giving them the money

She lifted them up and managed to get both of them out the window and turned to look at the door that Tarish was till banging

'Run Mihika Run, Take Jai with you and run as fast as you can do not come back no matter what.'' Said Ishita

'Didi, didi, Aabha please...'' screamed Jai and Mayra at the window as Aabha closed it

'Come on Jai lets go...'' Said Mayra who grabbed him and both of them took a ran for it

'Open this door or I swear to God I am going to kill you. Open the door.'' Said Tarish

The door breaks down, he walks in and he couldn't see anyone.

'Where are they?'' he said to which Aabha looked at him and didn't answer

'I said where the hell are they?'' he asked again

'They are gone, they are long gone.'' Aabha answered

Tarish filled with so much rage speared to where Aabha was standing pulling her by the hair as he banged her head to the wall over and over again. He hit her and kicked her while she rolled on the floor screaming in agony

'I said where.Are, they...'' Said Tarish

'They are gone and I am going to enjoy seeing your mother rip you to shreds since you failed to take care of three little kids. She is going to kill you, you sick son of a bitch...'' said Aabha which made Tarish angrier and he continued hitting her

'I swear Raman I do not think I have ever known so much pain like that in my life. I could taste my own blood and I could feel it chocking me.'' She said as tears streamed down her face

Raman looked at her listening to what she was saying and couldn't help but cry with her. How could anyone be so callous and so hard hearted? How could they do this to such a little child?

Jai's dad somehow gained his balance and came back in the room budging in like a possessed person

'Arrrggghhh where is that boy? Tell me where that boy is or I swear...'' he said aiming the gun at Aabha

'Go to hell...'' Said Aabha blood gushing from the wound on her head

'Bang Bang...'' the gun went off

'I will not miss next time, now tell me where the hell are they?'' he added putting the gun on Aabha's head his finger on the trigger

Aabha by now was lying on the ground but just then Abhimanyu came running in pushing Tarish and hitting Jai's father

'Leave her alone...'' He screamed

Tarish lost balance and when he got to the ground he grabbed his gun shooting at Abhimanyu

'Mani...'' screamed Mayra but luckily the bullet missed and just grazed Abhimanyu's shoulder

'No no no you shouldn't have come back, why did you come back?'' said Aabha in a soft voice as she lay on the ground fighting for her life as blood kept running through her face.

Jai and Mayra were back and were screaming and were also very scared because they thought they were going to die.  Jai's dad turned and saw Jai saying

'I am going to kill you, you know that...'' Said Jai's dad as he grabbed Tarish's gun who was holding Abhimanyu

'You have caused me nothing but misery; you have caused me nothing but pain. You couldn't just stay away. You should have died with you mother or better still she should have killed you before you were born but Nooo, she wanted to be a good mother and not kill her baby. All a bunch of bullshit Now I am stuck with you, you curse of a child...'' he said pointing the gun at Jai

'I am going to kill you, something I should have done a long time ago. I hate you and I am going to kill you right now...'' said Jai's dad his hand on the trigger

Aabha could see that this deranged man, this man who was high as a kite was going to kill her brother and like out of instinct she grabbed the metal pipe that was on the floor and hit Tarish losing his balance then grabbed the gun he had and shoot


'I shot him. I didn't know what to do so I shot him. He was going to kill Jai Raman I had no choice he was going to kill him. But I swear I am not a killer, I didn't want to kill anyone I just wanted to go way from there.'' She said as Ishita became hysterical and started to cry uncontrollably

Raman at first was shocked and was still processing what exactly Ishita had just told him. She just turned to him and continued saying

'I just shot him, he was there and then he wasn't because I shot him...'' she added finding it difficult to utter anything

'Ishita... Ishita it is okay...'' said Raman as he walked and sat next to her

'I do not remember much after that but Abhimanyu said he managed to carry me out of that place and all four of us ran away. About ten blocks from the compound we found a taxi and all the money we had collected, we paid driver and he agreed to drive us to Mumbai and that is the day we met the Iyers.'' Said Ishita still hysterical as she turned and grabbed Raman's hand

'You have to believe me Raman I am not a murderer I just had no choice, I never wanted to kill anyone, I just wanted to get my siblings to a safe place. You believe me isn't it'' she said holding Raman's hand as she cried hysterically hoping and praying he didn't get to see her differently

Every time she cried a piece of Raman died inside and now he could understand why she was the way she was. So much pain and so much loss, how in the world she managed to survive was beyond him.

He slowly came forward and put his arms around her as he cried with her. He wrapped his arms around her, shielding her from the horrors of the day, horrors of the past and worries of the future. It was a hug to show reassurance that she was safe, that she was okay, that she had no reason to worry as he was there and that is exactly how she felt pulling him more inside his arms as she held him tight

'I understand what you did and you are not a murder, but rather a hero.'' He said as he pulled from her embrace holding her face in his hands

'What you did for you brother, not many people, hell not even many parents can do. I am proud of you...'' he added rubbing the streaming tears away from her face.

'Please keep this faith in me. Anyone else gives up on me and I won't mind but you, it will kill me. I am sorry I didn't tell you all this earlier, you deserved to know the truth. I am sorry it got to this...'' she said still crying hysterically

Raman just put his finger on her lips shaking his head as if asking her to say no more pulling her in for another hug unselfish and comforting making her feel like she was the most loved girl in the world.


chapter 42; http://www.india-forums.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=4241564&TPN=81&#p120773650

Edited by Khuarnav - 9 years ago
nitii-76 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
my vision is blurred😭
it's so sad😭😭😭
wonderful update as alwaysπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
waiting for ur next update.hopefully some light-hearted moments
you are a wonderful writer πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Edited by nitii - 9 years ago
janani_divan thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
πŸ‘πŸ˜­πŸ‘πŸΌ Edited by janani_divan - 9 years ago
SushSathisha thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing so sad ishita had to go through so much
Raman is so caring and understanding it's really touching please update I'm really curious to know what happens next
Anju.s thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
What more can I say amazing ...
How much pain ishita had to go through...god
But now there is Raman to share her pain and understand why she is the way she is...
The bond the 4 share is too good
But you have still held some mystery back regarding Mani and ishita πŸ˜ƒ

I loved the quote you have used in the pic in the begining πŸ‘
Edited by yhmmylife - 9 years ago
Richajin thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing.. Very emotionally expressed... Loved it...
Aniva thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
amazing well written.emotional. updt soonEdited by aviana - 9 years ago
VENBA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
How well you described the pain of Ishita..
Awesome writing...