Did Nihkil and his mom resolve their issues

Nove2014 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Did Nikhil ever resolve his issues with his mom, how his mom always blamed him for elder brother death, and didn't care about him thru out his child hood?


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londonkababu thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

I think to save time and tie up loose ends, the production house changed Barkha's
character completely.

Barkha accepted Laajo, accpeted that she has made mistakes with Nikhil and had not been
a good mother.  Accepted Inder's daughter form an extra marital affair, forgave Inder.

Barkha's new avatar was unbelieveable.

varshitap thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
I feel inorder to end the Show on a happy note they made Barkha do things which are alien to her!!😆 May be we can believe to some extent that Nikhil's disappearance and brush with near death situation , might have made Barkha change to accept him ( you know even if she did not love her son,...she is a mother( that seems like a contradiction!!😡) who has lost her elder son and fear of loosing the younger son might have made her soften up!! ( if that is to be believed!!😕))
  However Her accepting Laajo was unbelievable and her accepting Inder's  daughter from EMA was out of the world!!😆 But I don't know if Nikhil had the same feeling while making peace with Barkha...or her changing so suddenly...as old wounds take time to heal...🤢
ak75 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
However Her accepting Laajo was unbelievable and her accepting Inder's  daughter from EMA was out of the world!!😆 But I don't know if Nikhil had the same feeling while making peace with Barkha...or her changing so suddenly...as old wounds take time to heal...🤢

Exactly my thoughts Varsha.  
londonkababu thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

I do think that if the production house had toned down on the Laajo detective agency in searching for evidence against Ranawat, silly side stories of Veena the house thief, and concentrated on core issues we could have continued with high TRP'S  and truely believe that we would have had six more months of the show.

With the extra time they could have resolved deep issues between Barkha and Nikhil, Barkha and Inder,  the chachu story and the Buaji story which was hardly touched upon.

I bet the highest ratings for the show would have been with the epidemic story in Sonbarsa.
We could have had more Sonbarsa characters involved to make a very well rounded series.

Now we will never know, sad.
