Love &Mystery- Part12-pg44 Completed - Page 4


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b.baheti thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
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The evening started and buiness associates started coming for the Party. There was media at standing at behind the big Iron doors and was trying to take a glimpse of the Royal Party but given the tight security it was impossible for them.

The girls were waiting with baited breaths for Raghav inorder to impress him. They had seen him and he was definitely more handsome than he looked in his photographs. The business honchos waited to see the new scion to Rathore Industries and wanted to catch an idea of his ideology. Everybody had a different motive in their mind.

Kalpana's phone buzzed, it was a text from Nandini "Jijisa (Di) I need help. Please come upstairs. Kalpana smiled on reading the text and the smiley which described how irritated Nandini was. She highly disliked traditional clothes but given the Royal Party she was suppose to follow the Royal Traditions. She messaged her "On my way"

After Kalpi went away from his room Raghav went to bathroom to freshen up. He has to look good considering the party was thrown for him by his Babasa (Dad) to launch him in India. He was having his bath when someone locked his bathroom door from outside. When he was done he dried himself and wrapped his towel around his waist and went to open the door. He pulled the knob but it didn't open. He tried several times but failed to open the door. He tried again and again but the door didn't open. He banged the door for help but since his room was to spacious it was rare if somebody would here his voice. Still hoping against hope he started banging the door and as well as shouted for help. He kept trying himself to open the door.

"Guruji he got trapped. It means she wants to harm him." "Relax Madahv don't jump onto the conclusion. Remember they have already met first. Lets see." "But Guruji" Madhav stopped on seeing Guruji raising his hand indicating him to stop.

Kalpana came upstairs and was moving towards Nndini's room when she felt somebody is banging the door. She looked around and tried to track the direction from where the sound was coming. On not hearing any sound again she shrugged her shoulders thinking may be I just assumed it. She went a lil ahead and again heard the same sound. She turned back this time sure that somebody indeed was screaming for help. She waited for the recurrence of sound so as to follow the direction.

She was shocked on knowing that the sound of someone screaming for help and banging of door was coming from Kunwarji's (Raghav) room. She rushed towards his room. She tried to open the door but it was locked from inside. She heard his voice again asking for help. She stood there and thought for a while how should she help him. Thats when something strike her and she rushed downstairs but maintained her composure. Its a Royal gathering. Highly esteemed people are present inside while media is standing outside. She cannot make them aware from her body language, if at all anybody notices her, that there is a crisis. She quickly headed to the kitchen saving herself from everybody's eyes.

She started searching the drawers and cabinets as she knew one set of keys of the entire palace is kept in kitchen. She searched and finally managed to get the keys. She again gained her composure. She headed for upstairs but was stopped by Maasa.

"Beta where are you going?" She asked politely completely unaware of what was going upstairs. Kalpi quickly hid the keys in her stole and said "Badimasa Nandini called me for help. You know her its always difficult for her to wear such traditional clothes. I am going upstairs to help her." Maasa nodded and Kalpi went for her goal.

When she reached upstairs she went towards Nandini's rooms direction and took the other way of reaching Raghav's room since now Maasa has noticed her and she cannot take the risk of being caught. She took the long passage which was their at the backside of rooms and reached his room. She looked here and there to see if anybidy was seeing her. When she found the scene clear she tried the keys and finally managed to open the door. The speed with which she opened the door in the same speed she shut it once she reached inside. The noise shouldn't reach the ears of guests.

She ran towards the bathroom and opened the door. As soon as door opened he fell on Kalpi's shoulder. He was panting. He felt suffocated inside and was completely tired of banging the door and screaming for help since long. She supported him and helped him to sit on the bed. The situation was so critical that she forgot all the shyness she felt few hours before when she saw Raghav in unbuttoned shirt. Right now he was sitting just in towel but his position was such that Kalpi just had one thing in mind to make him feel better.

She gave him water and he drank it in one go. She rubbed his back to make him feel comfortable. "Kunwarji aap thik hai" (Are you okay) "He took deep breaths and said "Hmm" After few more moments he asked "Kalpi did you see who locked me inside the bathroom." Kalpana was shocked. She realised that the room was locked from inside then hiw can somebody lock the bathroom. She checked the windows they too were closed from inside. "You didn't answer me." Kalpana looked at him and after a momentary pause she said "There was no one. The door was locked from inside." Raghav was shocked. "What???...How can it be...I mean if it was locked then who locked my bathroom from outside. And by the way if the room was locked from inside how did YOU enter into the room." He asked confusingly.

"Kunwarji I used duplicate keys to open it" She said while pointing at the table where she had kept the keys. Raghav was shocked even more. Never in his life such kind of wierd incident has happened before. If the room was locked from inside, the windows were closed from inside then how come he got locked in his bathoom from outside.Both of them were having same thought running across their minds. "How is it possible Kalpi?" She looked at him mirroring the same expression as his. "Kunwarji everybody is waiting for you downstairs. Get ready before people start asking." He nodded. He got up but due to exertion he again sat down. She rushed towards him. "Wait I'll bring your suit." "Hmmm" He was extremely tired to say no to her. He was still not normal and therefore welcomed her help.

She was inside and was bringing his suit when he phone started vibrating. Raghav looked at the phone and seeing his sister's name he picked it up. "Jijisa where are you??? You know na how difficult it is for me to wear these traditional dresses. Kaha ho bataiye na" "She is with me" Nandini looked at her phone twice before keeping it back on her ears." Bhaisa (elder brother) is it you?" "Yes" "What is jijisa doing with you?" "Its a long story will tell you after party gets over but remember don't tell it to anyone and by anyone I mean family members too." Nandini could sense the weakness in his voice and chose to remain mum. She cut the call and adjusted her dress herself. She needed to see her brother and definitely she cannot go like this.

"She saved him" "I told you Madhav they have met. Wait and don't jump on conclusions." Guruji and Madhav smiled enigmatically. "Time will protect its heir. Don't worry." He nodded in agreement as he has himself witnessed how it was impossible to hear Raghav's voice yet Kalpana reached out to help him on time.

"Raghav wore his pants while Kalpi was finding the acessories for him. She came out with his watch, tie, kerchief and socks. "Here it is. You get ready. I am going to Nandini's room.She was waiting for me." She turned to leave but he held her hand. She looked at him he was staring at her. His gaze was intense as if looking straight inside her soul. "Thank you." He said polietly and she answered in a humble tone "Your welcome". He released her hand and she went away.

"Theres something in her which is pulling me more and more towards her." He smiled knowing very well that he is attracted to her. He started getting ready and in the meantime taking the same route Kalpi reached Nandini's room. "Jijisa what hapoened to Bhaisa." Kalpi was shocked. She had taken every care that nobody knows about his situation then how come she knows about it. Looking at her startled expression Nandini figured out that she doesn't know about the call. "Jijisa wheres your phone" Kalpi looked at her hands.They were empty. She remembered she had forgotten her phone in Kunwarji's room. She looked at her while Nandini said "I had called you whn Bhaisa took the call. He didn't tell me anything but his voice was evident enough to say that something has happened. What happened?" "Nandini it would be better or rather appropriate if you ask Kunwarji. Please." Unwillingly she agreed for she knew its upto Bhaisa. He will decide whether I should know or not and if Jijisa tells her about the incident he may not like it.

Kalpi helped Nandini in getting ready while Raghav in his room was all ready. He proceeded to leave when he saw Kalpi's phone. He took it and slided it in his pocket. Both came out of their respective rooms and met at the staircase. After exchanging smiles they started descending the staircase. Destiny gave a clear hint what it has planned. Kalpana was walking besides Raghav while Nandini was walking besides Kalpana. It wasn't intentional. When they met they were in the same position and then they headed towards the staircase. They walked each and every step together. Everybody had eyes on them. Kalpi was feeling uncomfortable. She knew somewhere in this whole thing she was unwanted. She silently sidelined herself and went towards her father. Raghav felt bad. Being a Royal you aint allowed to show your emotions publically. He walked with the same expression as if nothing happened.

The party started. He was engaging himselves more of with business associates and honchos. He wanted to know what they think about Rathores and what is their way of working. He rarely engaged in conversations with Royal girls. His primary intention in coming to this party was meeting business people. The girls were staring at him trying to buy his attention. But his whole and sole attention was business and in between he was stealing glances at Kalpi. He tried not to look at her since he is Royal blood and she is common girl but he can't help it. It was as if he was enchnated towards her. She was different, she unlike other girls was not busy in staring at him rather she was engaged in some conversation with a guy who knew her.

He observed her. Her appearance was simple yet powerful. She was looking elegant. She didn't decked herself with heavy jewellery or make up but kept everything under the limit. He could bet amongst all the girls present she was looking best 'THE BEST'. He slid his hand inside the pocket and noticed he has her phone. He thought of giving her but smiled inwardly when he found the phone an excuse to meet her again.

The party was on full swing. Everybody was full of praises for Raghav Pratap Rathore. They were waiting for him to join the business. But she wasn't happy. She couldn't stop Raghav from cominng down. She couldn't harm him. She was fuelled with anger. Its all coz of that girl. She came in between. She will now have to pay for it. Nobody can come in between me and my goal. She will have to bear the consequences.

"Guruji she she is going to harm Kalpana. What will happen now?" "Lets see Madhav" Guruji said in a tensed tone. He thought she will harm only Raghav but now she was ready to hurt or probably kill Kalpana. He looked at Matarani (Goddess) and thought "What have you planned I don't know but I trust you."

Kalpana was standing under the chandelier and it was a perfect timing for her to attack her.

Thanks & Enjoy Reading 😊 Edited by b.baheti - 7 years ago
lolor thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
superb story...I really wanted a supernatural love story with suspense... πŸ‘πŸΌ ...
very interesting...
only kalpi has to reach der to save raghav...& she deed...
raghav attracted to kalpi... 😳 even he has find excuse to be with kalpi... πŸ˜‰ Edited by lolor - 9 years ago
sampa79 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: b.baheti

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this post to members only.


Eagerly waiting
shoonya9 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Aww Barkha, sorry I had read this FF too but forgot it's name and so was asking u about third FF. 
Well this one too is very good. Soared u Making it paranormal mystery with ghost or some haunted soul?
girl how are u going to strike a balance with all three FFs and ur work? Or we will hv to suffer without update for long? 
BTW  do u hail from Rajasthan?
IT'S really interesting please complete fast, and dunno  why I land up on commenting on incomplete chappy?
sweet1308 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
😊 Awesome update the way u portrayed kalpi she is so sweet
She help rag from that mystery n helping him in getting ready was cute he feel for kalpi as if he is connected somehow wiz her n kalpi n rag descending the stairs n kalpi busy in talking rather than drooling over rag n rag think phone as an excuse t meet kalpi n mystery want hurt kalpi
Too awesome update soon soon⭐️
Edited by sweet1308 - 9 years ago
b.baheti thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: shoonya9

Aww Barkha, sorry I had read this FF too but forgot it's name and so was asking u about third FF.

Well this one too is very good. Soared u Making it paranormal mystery with ghost or some haunted soul?
girl how are u going to strike a balance with all three FFs and ur work? Or we will hv to suffer without update for long?
BTW do u hail from Rajasthan?
IT'S really interesting please complete fast, and dunno why I land up on commenting on incomplete chappy?

Thanks Shoonya 😊

Regarding balancing work and ff's I guess updates will take longer time now but will try to update every weekend πŸ˜‰

And yup I hail from Rajasthan 😊
diti96 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Supernatural story
I like it
Plz plz giv update soon
Pl pm me also
MagicalMadness thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Loved the complete update. So who is it that wants to harm rags? Update again soon.
apsa243 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
superb mysterious story...plz continue to read again n again...eagerly waiting for next update... 😊
priya_remix thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
brrr...freaky and spooky!!!
But I am surely loving it!!!

Barkha you are turning me into your fan!!!!! β˜’️