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CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
๐Ÿฅฑ๐ŸฅฑEdited by ...sandhureet.. - 9 years ago
bmtdluver thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Reset, can you move the 'it's never just one cigarette' thing I made to under the effects part instead, rather than having it under the second hand smoke part?
-aady- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

                                                              Post 1

a word which itself seems so suffocating and choking and i always wonder how people bear with it so romantically.Smoking refers to the inhalation and exhalation of fumes  from burning tobacco in cigars, cigarettes and pipes. Historically  smoking as a practice, was followed by natives of the Western Hemisphere, in religious rituals and for medicinal purposes. It has a history starting from the late 1500s.  Most commonly the substance is the dried leaves of the tobacco plant which has been rolled into rice paper into a small, round cylinder called a "cigarette". Smoking is one of the most     common forms of recreational drug use. 

 The main ingredient in cigarettes is tobacco. Tobacco is a green, leafy plant that is grown in warm climates.It has been suggested that smoking related disease kills one half of all long term smokers but these disease may also be contracted by non-smokers.A 2007 report states that every year,about 4.9 million people worldwide die as a result of smoking.Tobacco is most actively used and less used are cannabis and opium.Today medical studies have proven that smoking tobacco is among the leading causes of many diseases such as lung cancer,heart attacks,erectile dysfunction and can also lead to birth effects. 

Every pack of cigarettes has a warning from the Surgeon General stating that smoking can be harmful to your health. You are not stupid. You understand this. You feel the harmful effects every time that you cough or have a sore throat, but this has not stopped you from smoking. Why? Because the reasons for smoking are mostly psychological. People are seduced to try tobacco by the glamorization of smoking in the movies and in advertisements. Addiction to nicotine makes it hard to quit smoking once you have started, but this addiction can be overcome in two weeks once the psychological reasons for smoking are eliminated.

Most people start smoking as teens. Those who have friends and/or parents who smoke are more likely to start smoking than those who don't. Some teens say that they "just wanted to try it," or they thought it was "cool" to smoke. Anyone who has used Tobacco is likely to become addicted to nicotine. Studies show that it is most likely to become a habit in teen years. They start in teenage years and become addicted by the time they reach adulthood. Some people try to quit but have returned to cigarettes because smoking is a strong addiction. Young people mostly smoke to look mature. Older ones, have other reasons, some of them have been depression or pressure. And for some people, It just gives them pleasure, makes them feel good.

The First Cigarette

Much of this guilt feeling can lead directly to one's first cigarette, which the older generation remember as a forbidden and sinful thing. Their fathers considered the habit a bad problem, whereas many parents nowadays have adopted a "modern" attitude toward smoking.

"No, Thanks, I'll Smoke My Own"This is the reply most smokers give when they are offered a brand different from their own. Brand loyalty among smokers is strong and persistent. Individuals smoke one brand consistently, so that they become identified with it.

Smoking can't give you and our environment more then destruction.

So Quit Smoking,Breathe Healthily,Live Happily




       Second hand smoke, or environmental tobacco smoke, creates a dangerous environ- ment for the innocent bystanders and family members of smokers. While the non- smokers make the conscious decision to not risk their health, those around them unfortunately do not. Secondhand smoke is composed of the smoke coming off the product and that exhaled by the smoker. It contains greater than 7,000 chemicals, of which greater than 250 are harmful. From those, around 69 are carcinogens,includ- ing arsenic, benzene, and cadmium. According to USA's Surg- eon General, a  non- smoker living with a smoker has an increased risk of lung cancer by 20-30%.Second hand smoke has also been thought to cause an increase in heart disease in  non-smoke rs  and a greater prevalence of SIDS, asthma,pneu-monia, and other respiratory diseases in children.

Addiction can start immediately due to thenicotine present in tobacco. The chemical is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream when inhaled and soon enters the brain. The result is an adrenaline rush and release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, beta- endorphin, and norepinephrine.There result in pleasure, appetite suppression, and lessened anxiety. The highly addictive substance causes a chemical dependency, meaning the body will crave for it. It is one of the reasons quitting can seem so difficult. Tar is also present in tobacco. It is a black, thick substance that can coat the little hairs, the cilia, lining one's respiratory tract. It makes it hard for the hair to move, compromising one's ability to filter out particles in the air.  


Indonesian men rank as the world's top smokers, with two out of three of them light- ing up in a country where cigarettes cost pennies and tobacco advertising is every- where.Asurvey released found that 67 percent of all males over 15 years old smoke. The sprawling archipelago ranked second only to Russia overall with a rate of 35 percent compared to 39 percent, respectively.Indonesia has long been criticized for its lack of tobacco controls. It is one of a remaining handful of countries that has failed to sign the WHO's tobacco treaty. Giant billboards promote cigarettes and commercials run on television and before movies in theaters. Local and multinational tobacco companies also routinely sponsor sporting events and concerts " advertising that has long been banned in many countries.Indonesia's tobacco industry employs millions in the world's fifth-largest cigarette-producing market.About 6 percent of the government's revenue comes from cigarette taxes, and a powerful tobacco lobby has blocked past regulation attempts, including a move to ban TV ads.Indonesian cigarettes are cheap by regional standards, with taxes less than 40 percent. Tobacco farmers have held massive street protests to denounce any push for higher tariffs or tighter restrictions.


                                                          Post 2

                                                QUESTIONS ASKED BY -AADY-

                                             1.How many smokers do u know??
                  2.Are you aware of what your government does about smoking??
                            3.Have you tried stopping someone from smoking???

This Survey aims at finding about the Awareness and the Willingness of people to get rid of smoking.In a huge country such as India it is very important that the people work together in order to make a difference.The same 80 people were asked three questions,and the results got were quite alarming.

Question 1: How many smokers do u know?

The 80 people were asked this question.The age group varied from teenagers to adults to senior citizens.


It was found out that 37% of the people know 3 smokers,24% know one smoker,17% know more than 4 smokers,14% know 2 smokers and a meager 8% of people knew no smokers.We believe that if special steps are put into place the numbers of smokers can be reduced drastically.The alarming percentage of people who knows smokers is 92%.We must aim to bring about a huge difference in these statistics.


Question 2: How many of you are aware of what the Government does to reduce smoking?

             The same 80 people were asked the question and the results are as follows:


Well these results were on the negative side too.There was a major part of the people who had no clue about what Government was doing to reduce smoking.An alarming 52% of the people had no clue about what was happening in the realm of smoking bans.37% were aware of steps taken by the Government,and the improvement brought about by this.However the sad part was that 11% did not care at all whether anything was being done or not.The only way we can show a reduce in smoking is when people become aware of what is happening.


Question 3: How you tried stopping/advising people from smoking?

          The same 80 people were asked the question and the results are as follows:


In this survey it was found out that almost 50% of the people had never really stopped or advised anyone from smoking.32% had tried advising smokers to leave the habit and 18% did not feel it effected them,so had never thought about it.We have to work on that 18% to make the difference.Peoplestill believe that smoking only effects the smoker but that is not true.As citizen of a society we must work together to eradicate this problem,because everything happening in a society effects the people living in it.

                                                                                                    Area of Survey :Chennai,Tamil Nadu
                                                                                                    No. of People Surveyed :80 People
                                                                                                     Age Groups : 13-19,24-50                  


                                                                        Post 3

Quitting smoking is a herculean task for seasoned smokers. Smoking becomes a part of their life style and it becomes very hard to withdraw themselves from this addiction. However there have been many success stories of smokers quitting this bad habit. The amount of struggle that goes into it and they self control required is tremendous. We bring to you a real life experience of a lady called Karen, who expresses her views. This inspirational thought of hers, proves that it is never impossible to achieve something. It's never too late to stop smoking. Break free from the shackles of death and stop smoking. 

            "Today I celebrate the miracle of being a healthy non-smoker" 

I am proud to say that I have enough experience with life to have learned how to cherish life's little miracles with the same enthusiasm as I do the large.A miracle, defined in the dictionary as something that defies scientific laws, an event or act that challenges logic, is exactly what I am living.

Today I celebrate the miracle of being a healthy non-smoker. I have accomplished no other deed that compares to this. No other achievement in my life touches the hem of gaining and retaining my life back from the world of the "smoking section".

There are many many roads to becoming an ex-smoker. Mine was not the straight and narrow nor was my trip the "shortest distance between two points". I took the long way around. Why?, blurred vision, inability to make a commitment?, or plain laziness?. All of the above, plus 3 or 4 less logical excuses assisted my reasoning, which allowed me to continue smoking when I knew that there was no good thing about it.I won't dwell on my past smoking experiences. I've given enough of my life to a cause whose only return has robbed me of the quality and quantity of time that I may have to spend with my loved ones.

I will clarify, subjectively, the advantages of becoming a remaining a non-smoker.

Anyone that has, loves or wants a child would do himself or herself a huge favor of not smoking. The impression that you make on children by what you do or, more important, don't do is more than you know.

Your health will make or break you, literally. No matter how many old people you see smoking, you will never live to your expectant age if you continue to tell yourself that not every smoker dies early from cancer. The age that you do live to see will not be comfortable or enjoyable.

I once read that smokers are better managers of time than non-smokers. So, I prided myself on being able to plan my next cigarette break before I even finished my current cigarette break, being able to remember to stop between destinations to restock. Progressive? Psychic? Neither, and anyone who still believes that they need a cigarette (a depressant), to figure out life's problems are not using the full capacity of their brain to start with.

A two-edged sword. I had convinced myself that$3.25 was not a lot to pay for my habit. I never asked anyone to purchase my cigarettes, and it was a small amount when you consider that other ILLEGAL drugs were much more. I work every day, and I am worth a mere $3.25, right? Right, but my life is worth more than that. Plus, I really do notice those extra bills in my pocket.

I can only laugh at my attempt to conceal the smell of smoke in my hair, clothes, skin, car, house, and mouth. I can now smell smoke from a block away. About the same distance that non-smokers smelt me from, no matter how sweet the perfume, gum or air freshener I used to carry with me at all times.

Making the decision to stop smoking has nothing to do with remaining a non-smoker. Ask any smoker about quitting. It's not the hard part. Remaining a quitter is more than a notion.

A small miracle or a large miracle? I cannot say. I do know that after exhausting all my natural powers, I kept praying for assistance to conquer a habit that half the world considers to be normal and the other half knows by it's true name: an addiction that causes cancer, emphysema, pain, and early death.

Here Karen covers the various aspects of smoking that makes it a negative deed. In a nutshell she is able to become a motivation to all smokers who wish to get rid of this habit.Quit Smoking, it is never too late. The first fe weeks might be difficult, but once you get out of the binds of smoking, you will realize you have ended a bad phase of your life. Suchsuccess stories are the ones that give people the hope to BELIEVE. 



                                                     Post 4



India- the nation of Gandhi and Tagore, Ambani and Tata, Bachchan and Helen, and many more great figures first took major action in 1975. The piece of legislation stated health warnings needed to be presented on all cigarette packages. Over the years,  more restrictions were applied. Cities like Chandigarh and Shimla are smoke free, there is a nationwide ban on smoking in public places, and prominent picture warnings must be placed on all tobacco products.  Cigarette and alcohol advertises are prohibited and smoking scenes in India's Bollywood are prohibited, unless a warning about the harmful effects of smoking is displayed during the scene.


World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) unanimously adopted a number of decisions strengthening tobacco-control efforts worldwide.
                                              The Conference decided that:
 1. Flavoring ingredients that increase attractiveness of tobacco products  should not         be  regulated in order to reduce the number of new smokers, especially among               youth;    
 2. Smoking cessation services should be integrated into national health systems  to            make them more available for increasing number of smokers who wish to quit;          3. Parties should establish an infrastructure and build capacity to support education,      commmunication and trainingthereby raising public awareness and promoting           social change.

The Conference is the governing body of the WHO FCTC and, as of November 2010, is comprised of171 Parties to the Convention. The WHO FCTC is the first international treaty negotiated under the auspices of WHO and provides a new legal dimension for international health cooperation.



Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) envisions a tobacco world free -related damage, disease and death. This is accomplished by taking action to educate the public and decision makers, track the tobacco industry, and work for sensible public policies at the local, national and global levels. ASH is not anti-smoker , it is anti-tobacco. ASH is a leader in this movement and has been since its inception in 1967.ASH supports the global war on tobacco by working with and supporting the Framework Convention Alliance, a coalition made up of hundreds of individual organizations in more than 100 countriesAll of the organizations work together to enforce and effectuate the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control " the world's first international anti-smoking and nonsmokers' rights treaty.

       ASH remains a leader in the fight against the harm caused by tobacco working                                   both domestically and globally on initiatives that include: 

1. Initiating advocacy and public policy initiatives to inform and motivate the public        and others in the tobacco control movement; 
2. Providing legal assistance; 
3. Developing and distributing publications and research documents for tobacco                control best practices.



As United Nations Buildings are not the subject of any national jurisdiction,the U.N. has its own smoking and non-smoking policies.Following the gradual introduction of partial smoking restrictions between 1985 and 2003,Secratary-General Kofi Anaan introduced in 2003 a total prohibition upon smokingat U.N. Headquarters.Similar restrictions have not been introduced in field offices of the United Nations worldwide. Some specialised Agencies of the U.N.,such as United Nations Children's Fund(UNCF) and the World Health Organisation(WHO)have their own strict smoke-free regulation s that apply to their offices worldwide,but the same is not necessarily true for entities of the Secretariat,such as the Department of Peacekeeping Operations nad the Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs(OCHA).O nly on 13 December 2007, OCHA introduced a smoke-free regulation applicable to all its filed offices.


The centers for Disease control and prevention (CDC),through the office of Smoking and Health (OSH),is the lead federal agency for comprehensive tobacco prevention and control.Originally established in 1965 as the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health,OSH is dedicated to reducing the death and disease caused by tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke.CDC funds health departments in all 50 states,the District of Columbia,and seven U.S. territories for comprehensive tobacco prevention and control.Funded programmes focus on tobacco use prevention,cessation,smoke free environments,and tobacco related disparities.To achieve impact,CDC work collaboratively with state and national partners and networks in providing strategic leadership,a solid science base,and technical assistance to advance evidence-based interventions at the state and local levels.

           1. Prevent initiation of the tobacco use among youth and youth adults
           2. Promote tobacco use cessation among adults and youth
           3. Eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke
           4. Identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities



Russiathe world's largest country and recent host of the Winter Olympics, also has moved towards reducing smoking prevalence within the country. Effective June 1 2013, smoking was banned in select public places like public transport, elevators, official state government property, and schools. The lax law still allowed for smoking other public places like restaurants. A stricter version came about just this year in July. Smoking is now banned almost everywhere, including hotels and markets. Smoking on films will now also be monitored and tobacco advertisements are not allowedIn addition, the next year will bring about the next few changes. Cigarette consumers will only be able to buy the lethal item in big supermarkets at an increased price. For those who want to quit, medical help will be provided for freeIn a country where over 60% of males and 20% of females smoke, the government is taking radical steps in preventing younger kids from becoming addicted. Doctors will be testing any child above ten years for smoking.



In a country known for its Great Wall, delicious food, New Year celebrations, and, unfortunately, high smoking rates, steps to regulate smoking have not gone very well for China. There's a ban on public smoking in places like schools, hospitals, and stadiums, butpoor reinforcement of the bans had led to a minimal change in the country's tobacco consumption.  There is also regulation of smoking in films. The government declared any inappropriate forms of smoking, such as minors smoking or adults smoking in public areas where it is banned will be removed from the movie.



United States, the land of golden opportunities and the American dream,unfortunate- ly does not have a nationwide smoking ban implemented by Congress. The only federally implemented smoking bans are those on US aircrafts and buildings owned by the Executive Branch of the government. The bans in the states are passed and implemented by each of the fifty individual states themselves. The state of California was the first to move for a state wide smoking ban restricting smoking in indoor working spaces. 28 of the 50 states, as of January 2014 have smoking restrictions applying to public places. Advertising, however, is a different story. In 1970, Congress passed a law banning cigarette advertisements both on the tv and radio. Currently, all cigarette boxes must have a label with a warning by the Surgeon General, advertising of cigarettes on billboards and public transportation in banned in most states, and the Tobacco Control Act restricts tobacco sales.



Recently in the spotlight because of excitement over the Royal Wedding and Royal Baby,England has also been tackling the worldwide problem of smoking. A plan of action implemented by the UK ensuressmoking is restricted in many areas, including England. Smoking is prohibited in indoor public areas like workplaces and public transport, tobacco advertising is mostly restricted, and packaging must include prominent warnings on the front and back of the box. Through these measures, England was actually been able to lower the number of smokers to less than 21% of its inhabitants, according to a 2010 paper in the UK Department of Health's archives.



                                                                              Post 5

                                                                   Did you know?
Research shows that most smokers get motivated to quit very suddenly, spurred into                                action by a specific event, milestone or resolution. 

Tobacco cravings can wear a smoker down when they are trying to quit smoking. Delaying, avoiding triggers, yoga and nicotine replacement are best ways to resist cravings. For almost all tobacco users, cravings or urges to smoke can be pathetically powerful. But one is not at the mercy of these tobacco cravings. When an urge to use tobacco strikes, one must remember that no matter how intense the urge might be, it always will be short-lived, and it will always pass within a few minutes. Each time one resists a tobacco craving, they are one step closer to stopping smoking. 

Some shortest ways one can help to resist the urge to smoke when a tobacco craving strikes are :

                                                  Nicotine replacement therapy
Talking with the family doctor about nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is the first way to help to deal with cravings. The nicotine nasal spray and the nicotine inhaler are available by prescription, and medications bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix) are easily available at the common drugstore. 

                                              Trying the best to Avoid triggers
Urges for tobacco are likely to be strongest in the situations where one smoked most often, such as at parties or bars, in the car, or while watching television. Identifying one's trigger situations and then having a plan in place to avoid them entirely or get through them without using tobacco is the best way to avoid triggers. One must never set himself up for a smoking relapse. If one usually smoked while they talked on the phone, for instance, they must keep a pen and paper nearby to occupy themselves with doodling rather than smoking.

                                     Delaying the craving as much as possible.
If one feels like they're going to give in to their tobacco craving, they must tell them- selves that he/she mustfirst wait 10 more minutes and then resort to do something to distract him/her for that period of time. This simple trick may be enough to derail the tobacco craving. This method should be repeated as often as needed.

                                                                     Chew on it
One must give their mouth something to do to fight a tobacco craving. Chewing onsugarless gum or hard candy, or even munching on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds or something crunchy and satisfying, helps to resist the urge as well as keep the whole system clean as well as healthy.

                                                  Involve in physical activities
Physical activity can help distract from tobacco cravings and they also reduce the intensity of cravings. For example- Just 30 minutes of moderate physical activitycan make a tobacco craving go away easily. One must get out for a walk or jogIf one is stuck at home or the office, trying squats, deep knee bends, pushups, running in place, or walking up and down a set of stairs always serves as a good distraction. If physical activity doesn't interest one, they must try praying, or doing needlework, woodwork or journaling. Or even doing chores for distraction, such as vacuuming or filing paperwork often serve as great examples.

                                                  Practice relaxation techniques
In the past, smoking may have been the best way to deal with stress, for a smoker. And resisting a tobacco craving can itself be highly stressful. One must take the edge off stress by practicing relaxation techniques. These include deep-breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualization, hypnosis and massage.

                                                            Go online for support
Joining an online stop-smoking program for an addict is one of the best ways to quit smoking. Reading a quitter's blog and  also posting encouraging thoughts for some- one else who might be struggling with tobacco cravings , often adds to resist cravings. Learning from others who have handled their tobacco cravings is thebest methodto handle cravings.

Golden Note : One must remember that trying something to beat the urge is always better than doing nothing. And each time they resist a tobacco craving,they are one step closer to being totally tobacco-free.



                                       Post 6              

The effects of quitting starts to set in immediately and most of the effects do only good to both the smoker as well as the people who surround the smoker. 

The happenings that take place right after an addict quits smoking are emulated in the following paragraphs.

After the last cigarette is smoked, in less than 20 minutes the addict's heart rate starts to drop back towards normal levels from the elevated level.  After two hours without a cigarette, the heart rate and blood pressure always decreases to the normal levels. The body's peripheral circulation also improves on the better side of the scale. And the tips of fingers and toes start to feel warm. Early withdrawal symptoms are also inclusive of intense cravings and anxiety, frustration, drowsiness or sleeplessness and also an increase in appetite. With regular self-therapy one can easily have a control over his or her craving and can easily master the state of detachment. In just 12 hours after quitting the carbon monoxide in the body decreases to lower levels, and the blood oxygen levels increase tonormal. Within 24 hours after quitting ,the risk of having a heart attack begins to dropfrom 70% to 30%. Living without a cigarette for 48hours, make the nerve endings to re-grow and the ability of smelling and tasting too gets enhanced. In 3 days the nicotine iscompletely out of the body.After a couple of weeks, addicts will be able to exercise and perform physical activities without feeling sick and dizzy. The lungs are able to rejuvenateand breathe in fresh air and with properly functioning lungs, the coughing and shortness of breath decreases. And within a year of quitting one finally is able to lead a completely healthy and disease free life. The immunity increases and the body is able to fight against viruses and bacteria easily. One becomes highly positive and are completely cured of the addiction and are also able to extend their lives for more 15yrs on an average as the non-smokers. 



                                       Post 7
A. If you are currently a smoker, do you think a smoking ban would encourage you to quit? What according to you are the ways we should follow to reduce the number of smokers?

Angel-Jot. I'm not a smoker but the best way to reduce the number of smokers is to educate. Not a very original answer but it's the best solution. Educate children from a young age about this and the bans for sure definitely help as well.

..Athena.. Honestly, for me the smell itself of smoke is nauseating- I guess thats why I would very rarely pick up a cigar. Its not the action, more so the smell. 
I guess smoking bans will create further awareness, it will get people thinking- after all smoking is a underrated issue. However fact is that some are so addicted to nicotine that quitting no longer is an option for them. Saying that though- smoking bans and thorough advertising should decrease the amount of smokers significantly. 

B. What is your personal feeling about smoking in public places? Would you socialize more if there is a ban in smoking in public? Why? 

Angel-Jot. Certain public places already do have 'smoking not permitted' signs placed but it would definitely make me feel more comfortable if they were used in other open areas as well. [I'd really love for there to be a smoking ban on all places but that's wishful thinking ๐Ÿ˜†]

..Athena.. Look many people are not comfortable with smokers, whether it be the smell or the actual action some just cannot deal with it. So for the sake of those people; smokers should just stick to the designated smoking areas. 
Honestly, smoking doesn't affect my personal social life- but I would probably get closer to non-smokers purely due to the fact that they would not be reeking of nicotine. 

C. In what ways and places would you ban smoking if given a chance to and mention the ways that the society will benefit from it. 

Angel-Jot.  I would want smoking banned where kids and elders frequent but most such areas already do have smoking bans. Honestly, I feel the government[s] of many countries have done their best to deter smokers and there's not much else that can be done. Cigarette packages are made more gruesome with warnings as per government regulation, smoking bans are placed in areas that are close to businesses and public parks.. An area that usually doesn't have a ban is residential parks for kids but as I stated earlier, i'd like a ban where kids frequent. 

..Athena.. Well places where children and families are prominent- such as malls, community centres and parks. Its better if we ensure that children are not in the place of nicotine


                                                                               Post 8



                                                    By - bmtdluver


                                                                           Special thanks to Sukanya_Datta for Banner & Tags
                                                                                          Presentation & Dividers : ...sandhureet..
                                                                                                      Source : Google(Wikipedia)
                                                                                                          Extra siggies : Tumblr
                                                                                                                                 Post 1
                                                                   Write-up : ApurvaLovesARVI , bmtdluver , ...sandhureet..
                                                                                                               Creations : bmtdluver
                                                                                                                       Post 2 & Post 3
                                                                                                     Write-up and Pie Charts : -aady-
                                                                                                                                 Post 4
                                                                                            Write-up : ...sandhureet.. , bmtdluver
                                                                                                                      Post 5 & Post 6
                                                                                                  Write-up : MisHumptyDumpty
                                                                                                                                 Post 7
                                                                                    Questions prepared by : MisHumptyDumpty
                                                                                         Questionnaire recieved  by ...sandhureet..
                                                                                                                    Creation : -aady-
                                                                                                                                Post 8
                                                                                                              Siggies : bmtdluver 


Just one change that bmdt suggested! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: bmtdluver

Reset, can you move the 'it's never just one cigarette' thing I made to under the effects part instead, rather than having it under the second hand smoke part?

radz under effects major title u want this or under effects on organs????coz i guess if we put both under organs one..thn that wont look good...coz its not having ny write-up
-aady- thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Reet, I got a petition signed by 150 people saying they are against smoking? Do you want to put it up?
WaqtZaya thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Most Comments (August 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago
AND ALSO REETH can u please put that siggy which i had posted :v 
CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Ankie siggy...posted by u...*shocked*..where is that???
how can i miss that???
have u made that with your..very your hands????rofl..rofl...cox only thn i'll put the siggy...ohk
CatcherInTheRye thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: -aady-

Reet, I got a petition signed by 150 people saying they are against smoking? Do you want to put it up?

cm'on ady..ofcourse if u have got one...thn why i wont add that...after all its yor hard work๐Ÿ˜†..n u deserve applaud for this๐Ÿ‘