MG SS/Thread#2:The Deadly Husband--Link To 3rd Thread/Pg-1 - Page 21


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happydays30 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 16

One month later

Annie entered the house, holding her purse while the bodyguard name, Samar was following behind with the grocery bags in hand. Annie went to the kitchen straightly only to feel intoxicated by the aromatic smell of food. "It smells heavenly" She said taking a sigh and looked at the two girls standing behind the stove and stirring. "Thank you...I hope it will taste even better" Geet hoped. Annie went forward to check the dishes. "They definitely looking great...Whats in the dessert?" She asked out allowed while her finger was dipped into curry and tasted it right from the pot. "I haven't decided on it yet" Geet said and turn off the stove before she turned back at the girls with a raised brow. "Any suggestions?" Annie just shrugged her shoulders in response and then the gazes were on Shaina who was having a hesitant smile. "Can I suggest?" "Of course" Geet and Annie nodded, giving her a bit confidence. "Can you bake those chocolate cakes you used to make? I used to love them" She asked with hope only to see Geet stunned for a moment. "Sure...But I thought that your friends liked them?" Geet said getting closer to her baby sis. "That was just an ...excuse" Shaina expressed before she was enveloped in a warm hug by a teary Geet. She smiled and hugged her back. "You can always ask me for it anytime" Geet said in a whisper. "I love you Geet...I am sorry for hurting you all through" Geet just broke the hug and kissed her forehead in love. "You were the only one who kept me going into that house too..." "Hey...Now I am feeling ignored here" Annie said coming closer to the sisters before she was pulled in for a hug too. "You know I never knew I will be friends with you Shaina...But you are a good person...I am so glad to have you as my bhabhi" Annie winked making Shaina blushed. "Ok now enough...How about we make some tea while Geet will prepare the batter...There is sgill some time left for the men to come back..." They agreed and Shaina went to make tea. Annie took out the snacks, she just brought to go with the tea and started to serve them in platters while Geet get on with the quick choclate cake recipe liked by Shaina.

Maan, Aryan and Rahul entered the home to hear the giggles of the women. A smile automatically get curved on their lips. All the tiredness of the day seemed to be gone on just feeling that cozy home coming atmosphere and not to mention, the aromatic smell of food in the air, which awoke those sleeping rats in the stomach who fell asleep due to the ignorance of their workaholic masters. Geet and Annie had planned a grand dinner in order to celebrate Geet's birthday and so have invited Rahul too. Though Maan has recommended a dinner outside is a posh restaurant but that was straight away rejected by Geet and as per his given words to her earlier, he has to agree upon it.

They get to the dinning area to see them enjoying their conversations. Infront were placed empty tea cups and plates with the crumbs of biscuits. "Seems like, we missed a party" Aryan said with a teasing smile that got th girls attention. While Shaina quickly looked up at Aryan and Annie at Rahul, Geet avoided to look up but she could certainly feel Maan's gaze at herself. Right then, their moment was distracted by the screeching voice of the chair as Shaina pushed the chair back and got up. "I will bring you water" She said while playing with her fingers and rushed to kitchen. Aryan just smirked at her retreating back and took a sigh. "Bro...Whats going on here? I feel something fishy" Annie asked teasingly making Aryan go red but he maintained his composure and get back. "Why are you so interested? Its between me and my wife..." In response, he just heard a loud Ohooo from her. "So keep your nose out" Aryan lightly pinched her nose, making her moan as all giggle. After taking the water, the boys dispersed to take a shower and be back for the dinner.

"Geet...Get up and go get ready..." Shaina pushed her while sharing a look with Annie. "But why...Its not something special" Geet argued but was pulled up by girls in the mean time. "What do you mean 'Its not special'...It is special and you better move your butt now" Keeping her engaged in an argument, the girls pushed her into the room and closed ot behind. Geet took a deep breath and smiled. "They are crazy" She whispered and went towards the closet to take out one of the dresses, she and Annie shopped for in last one month. But before she could made up her mind onto the purple red suit, her eyes fell on the bed where a rectangular wrapped box was placed at the end. Wondering she went to it and found a folded note placed upon it. Sitting down on the bed, she carefully unfolded the paper and read it.


Happy Birthday to you.
Its after years that you are actually with us to celebrate this day.
I just Can't thank God enough for it.
So here is a gift from a friend to a friend.
Do wear it if you feel that we can be best friends once again.

Your awaiting friend,

She read it twice before she held the box and unwrapped it carefully. The box was opened and inside she found a happy surprise. The same pistachio sari with half cut pearl was placed inside which she liked during the wedding shopping with Annie. Annie had rejected it but Maan...and then she covered hrr mouth with her fingers as she got to know the reality. Maan was actually their and looking at her all through. Unknowingly, she smiled and took out the sari from the box and found that the blouse and petticoat was placed in the bottom of the box. It was her size. But how can he knew it? And then she answered her own question. Annie.

And then she argued with herself. Is she ready to forgive him and move on? Can she pretend that everything is OK and their friendship is intact? Definitely not. But he just wanted to start that beautiful friendship, they once used to shared. The hope of which had made her survive till now. Is she ready to give up those hopes cause of her anger? Till what time, she can avoid talking to him when they both were sharing the same home now. She looked around at her room once again which was the exact reality of her childhood dreams. "He cares for me...That I know..." "May be taking the first step of friendship is the right decision" She looked at the sari once again and went to change.

Rubbing the soap on her milky body, she remembered how Maan helped her with everything till now. He kept himself at bay and didn't tried to influence her in anyway the whole last month. He had hired a professional portrait maker who helped her immensely with the projects when once he saw her struggling on a canvas, cribbing about how she missed on few lectures at her university during the days of his visit. He made sure, she had all her meals, giving Annie a task to keep an eye on her. Once when she got a twist in her leg after fumbling from last two stairs of the home, he made sure her feet will not touch the ground for the full five days besides using washroom. She was getting treated like a princess, quiet unusual for what she was used to be treated as before. Even Shaina was treated in the same way by Aryan except then the first couple of days after their marriage. And she halted. Marriage. Where they will go from here. What is the future of this marriage?

"Geet...Come on now, we all are waiting" Shaina called from outside, making her ignore the thoughts for the moment and after rinsing out the soap, she quickly get dressed up .

Maan has changed into a black kurta. Rahul and Aryan too were dressed up casually. Annie was ready with her DSLR Camera to click the pictures of this occasion. While Shaina brought out the cake, baked by Geet and was later on frosted by Shaina and Annie who went to severe measures to go through YouTube cake decorating video earlier the week. They were being immature at the handy work but they tried and i came out pretty good with those white flower patterns over the pistachio frosted cake and "Happy birthday Geet" written in between with edible sugar coated pearl.

Taking a deep breath, Geet gave herself a last look in the mirror before she started to go downstairs. "Its looking brilliant" Rahul was commenting on the cake when Geet descended down the stairs. Maan was the first one who felt her presence and looked up l, only to be left mesmerized. God! He loved her choice of the sari, but never imagine it will make her look so deadly gorgeous. "I should have been warned" Maan mumbled as he felt his heart stopped for a fraction of a second. The flash of the camera, made him turn his gaze as he felt Geet looking at his way before she turned and smirked at others. "Here comes my birthday bhabhi" Aryan said out loud making others giggle. "Happy Birthday Di" Shaina said and moved forward to hug her, taking her with surprise. "Di?" Geet whispered. "Yeah...I was just wondering why I never called you that earlier" Geet bit her lower lips trying to control their trembling before she hugged her once again. "As much as i loved hearing it from you, I will still prefer if you call me Geet" Shaina nodded holding her hand. Rahul to wished her Birthday before Annie attacked her and made her get near the table. "Hurry up" She said. Everyone gathered around the table and looked at Geet and then at the cake which was colored in the same color as her sari, making others giggle. Maan lit up the candles beside the cake as Geet bend down and blew them off, making others clap and sing the ever famous birthday song.

Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday To You
Happy Birthday Dear Geet
Happy Birthday To You"

Geet cut the cake and fed Shaina, Annie, Aryan, Rahul and lastly came to Maan who was so waiting for it. Geet looked at him for a moment and fed the cake. Accidentally, Maan closed his mouth at the time that made her finger tips touched his lips. She was stunned with this intimate kind of sudden contact and looked at him with wide eyes. Maan was equally astonished by the act. For the moment, they forget about the people around and were gazing at eachother.

Annie noticed it and shut off the flash, before she captured the moment in her camera and smiled to herself. "Perfect" She mumbled. Others were busy in cutting the cake. But before it all can get awkward for them, she said out loud. "I need the cake too...Save for me some" And that was enough to made them jump apart. Geet quickly turned towards the others while Maan just ran his hands in his hairs. Damn, How hard it was to practice self control.

Geet had an awesome day. If she can recall, after her mother's death, it was one of the best birthdays ever. Shaina and Aryan bought her a gold pendent while Annie gifted her a beautiful self designed dress. Rahul gifted an exclusive painting of a well known painter that Geet so loved. The theme of the painting was HOPE and Rahul really prayed and hoped that his friend and his bhabhi will get together soon. In short span of time, he started to like Geet and knew, no one would ever be perfect for this angry young man than this calm girl who was life a still shore of a high waved sea. The dinner later was served by the maids as soon as the cake was put to fridge to be later have with the tea and no one could left without licking their fingers

In the calmness of the night outside, Geet was sitting on the sofa swing placed in the backyard. The coolness of the air and the greenery around made her feel at peace. Her legs were curled up on the swing sofa while a hot cup of coffee was rested between her palms. Looking up into the sky, she looked at the stars and took a deep breath. "I miss you mom..." She whispered and remembered all those happy memories of her life spent with her mother. How her mother will slip beside her on her bed, hugging her and wish her Good Morning with such a sweet kiss followed by happy birthday. How she used to snuggle up to Smriti and use to engulf her mother's distinct smell. How Smriti herself used to bake a cake for her. It was actually from her, Geet learned how to bake the cake. She remembered how in childhood she was just used to get up covered with flour while mixing the batter and then she remembered how her mother use to giggle.

Engrossed in the thoughts, she didn't notice when Maan came out and stood beside her. He observed her silently, letting himself capture her smiling face in his mind. How he always wished to see her smiling. After being all sad and teary, Finally she was coming back to life. He leaned against the swing and crossed his hands on his chest. "Missing Aunty?" He questioned making her get out from her dream world. She looked up at him stunned but nodded. Putting her legs down, she made space for him as she corrected her sari. "How did you manage it...I mean the revelation of her disease and then her...death" He questioned while sitting beside her. Geet sipped her coffee as her mind reminded those moments. "It was surly...Painful..." She paused before starting again. "You know Mom didn't let me know about her cancer till it worsened...I only got to know about it just 3 months before she passed away..." Her eyes teared up. Maan's hand came around her arm as he tried to comfort her. "You must stay brave Geet...Aunty must be looking at you right now...She will be hurt to see you so down" Geet nodded and wiped her tears. "And now, let me start to give you all what Aunty want you to get...Starting it with.." He put forward the files that he had brought with himself. "THIS" Geet wondered and looked back at him before taking the file and opening it. "Smriti Cement Factories" Surprised, she looked up at him. "But, It was Handa Cement Factories...Mom has changed the name as Handa Factories after her marriage" She wondered. "Yeah she had...but now its all back on her name as it was supposed to be..." Maan smiled making her smile wide. Her eyes had a new glint. "Though she has given one of the factories to your Grandpa...but all others are now on her name and now as you have turned 25, they are yours." Her mouth fell open. "But Maan...I can't...I mean...who will I take care of them...I don't know anything" She pushed the papers back to him. "You take care of them..." She requested but Maan was relentless. "No, You will take care of it as Aunty wanted. Consider it a birthday gift from her. You can't return it...and If you don't know, we can make you learn but you must accept it" Maan pushed the papers back to her as she smiled. They both looked in the front for silence till she whispered. "Thank you...You know we just talked like friends". Maan smiled but avoided to look at her, fearing she might get conscious and stop talking. "We have always been friends Geet...But after this gap, we just have to revive it" He answered. "So are you willing to give me my friend back" He questioned still looking ahead. "I am..." She replied honestly and then smiled. "I have wear this sari...haven't I?" And he smiled too before putting forward his hand. "Friends?" Geet looked at his hand and then at him. That same old but traditional way of making friends. She thought and her palm met his before catching his hand in a tight grasp. "Friends Again" "Friends Forever" And they both smiled brightly. Up above on the sky, three stars twinkled blessing the two person down and praying for their betterment.

Do comment/criticize and HIT LIKE

love ya

Edited by ..oneOone.. - 9 years ago
sporthy_smile28 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
Please increase tge font size!!
It isn't readable through mobile.. .😕
Edited by sporthy_smile28 - 9 years ago
..oneOone.. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: sporthy_smile28

Please increase tge font size!!

It isn't readable through mobile.. .😕

done dear :))
sporthy_smile28 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
After a long n a very long while a small ray of hope!😊
But this geet is so different from the one in the first few parts. ..😕
Hoping to get a glimpse of her in the coming updates. ..
Waiting for the next! 
priya111111 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
wow itne dino ke baad sab acha chalrahi hai geet ki zindagi mein. now shaina too turned positive and learnt her mistakes. now wholeheartedly accepted geet as her sister. just loved the three girls bonding. and now maan and others are very happy to see this change. maan has gifted saree to geet as birthday gift and she accepted along with his frienship.
aparna3011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
nice update
positive happenings
finally geet accept maan's friendship
geet is happy first time after her mother's death
maan give her all her mother's business as birthday gift from her mother
sanghita0000 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
WOW!! that was awesome...loved it dear...😃
honeygrape thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
aweseommme loving it more n more...finally they are friends...eager to see how their relation will move forward here continue soon
-Lehar- thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
wonderful part
loved it so they all celebrated geet birthday at home..maan gifted her saree once she liked...and asked her to wear the saree if she is ready to accept him as her friend...
maan gave her property papers and told her they will help her to handle the busines..
eagely waiting for the next part