Somewhere, over the rainbow #1 (Members Only) - Page 58


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NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: loveansh

Cao Dragice, nasa devojcica je godinu dana starija i zrelija.Star Ona je inace jedno super iskreno bice, uvijek kaze ono sto misli, ponekad i na svoju stetu, tako je to kada si mlad. No ona je ocito pocela da uci da daje diplomatske odgovore. Mada se meni svi njeni odgovori svidjaju, posebno to kakav treba da bude njen zivotni partner.

A sto se tice Pinkija i njegovog rozog sakoa, mnogo su mi se svideli Duskine kreacije i malo sam ih posudila da ga ubacim sa Prats u isto tako rozoj boji. Duska, nadam se da ne zameras. Trebala sam pre da te pitam, ali tako meni kad nadodje inspiracija (izazvana Vibhinim komentarom u FC-u, da joj se ne svidja Sid u toj boji, ali da je cudno koliko su pre na forumu, kritikovali i ismejavali Prats kada se pojavila u toj boji,( iako je ona bas bila lepa, kao i u svim ostalim bojama), a sada im je Sid OK.

Pise na sigiju: Prats: Sta su ti uradili duso? Zasto ta sokirajuca ruzicasta boja?

Sid: Mnogo im nedostajes tamo, medena, a pored tebe, jedino jos ja mogu da ponosno nosim tu boju, svi ostali tamo su previse bezivotni...


Mama, nemoj da se ljutis...😳 moj mis bio brzi od moje pameti...😆 i umesto punih imena i prezimena, spontano upisah ono sto mi vec vise od godinu i pol zvrnda po glavi...🤣

vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago

Hello Riya, looking very smart and nice, happy with the coming week-end, I guess!
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago
Good morning dear friends!

Branka, a big hug to you🤗 for posting such beautiful flowers and visuals, you do not just post pics, you post beauty, positivity and happiness! This Cc is really very colorful and  a happy one! Some more flowers here!

Good Morning
seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Good morning dear friends!

Branka, a big hug to you🤗 for posting such beautiful flowers and visuals, you do not just post pics, you post beauty, positivity and happiness! This Cc is really very colorful and  a happy one! Some more flowers here!

Good Morning

Good afternoon !  Vibha these words dear !
seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 3

Sunshine and Sorrow and some Dreams to Borrow

This VM was prepared by my friend Sai ! 

This beautiful creation was sent by my dear friend who loves Sidyusha like all of us ! 

Sunshine and Sorrow and some Dreams to Borrow    

Their Range Rover was moving homeward smoothly.  Anandi and Shiv were lost in thoughts in their own worlds  ...recollecting the events of that day...This morning the dawn was as calm as  ever...but now, the dusk has set a daunting task for them to surpass...

 There is something instinctively    unsettling about coming face to face with a cascading waterfall ...the revelation of love, the realisation of deep fondness  , the desire to lose oneself in that gush ...Now they stand on the edge , hesitating , taking little steps , before taking a deep leap and losing themselves in the torrent ! Their apprehensions were quickly replaced by a rush of adrenaline rendering them breathless, but undaunted !

While driving, he was grinning from ear to ear and started humming...

 Bhaware ki gunjan hai mera dil (My heart is a humming bee)
Kab se sambhale rakha hai dil...Tere liye, tere liye'(I preserved my heart carefully since a very long time...for you..only for you )

She was drenching in the fine spray of love knocking at her heart in the form of a slight drizzle in that cloudy evening is the most immersing moment for them in their togetherness after marriage !   And there is no better time than this to experience the sweetness of the union of one's intense love  with an equally vibrant love of a soul mate!  They were eager to reach home to call it a day!

They reached the DC bungalow-their home  by late evening and Chotima was anxiously waiting for them in the hall ...As they walked in, she said, Shiv ...Sanchi hurt herself while returning from her evening walk ...

What happened Chotima'" While coming back she said some rude words to that Paagal kaka[ mad person], who loiters around, as he laughed while she was reaching the house. He got angry and started chasing and abusing her and tried to hit her ...She came running to escape from him...she reached home felt safe  and again shouted at him from behind the gate... then he became maddeningly ferocious and jumped over the gate and came inside! while escaping from him , she  hit the Cactus plant in the Porch and hurt her leg ...A few thorns were lodged in her sole, which we removed ..because of that her foot has swollen slightly  ...I applied some ointment also ...but see... just like a little girl how she is wailing and weeping there something my son!'

Anandi went nearer to her to examine the wound,  Sanchi ...please control yourself dear ...let us go to Jaggiya's hospital ..he will give you a TT shot and a pain killer too !Your pain will be reduced ...let us go'

No Bhabhi ...don't feel happy for my trouble and pain and don't try to increase it!' She went inside her room weeping and  limping .

Anandi tried to follow her but Shiv and C'ma stopped her ,'' she will stop making scenes after getting full attention, which we are anyway going to give her at dinner time ...for the time being let us leave her alone Anandi '--C'ma said ! Still out of concern , she prepared Ginger tea and gave it to her and pampered her for a while . Then she calmed down !

With a tiresome look Anandi went in to their bedroom and closed the door to take bath and change

She stood in front of her wardrobe and started choosing what to wear now and what to wear after dinner ! Today, from dusk to night it is looking too long for her!   She took bath, went  in to the garden and brought some flowers  with her and put them at  the feet  of Kanha and Devima !...and bowed her head  and prayed for happiness for all  and for a successful married life !

Standing in front of the mirror she started combing her hair ...she was unaware of the presence of Shiv in that room , who entered the bathroom when she went out for plucking flowers !

She  was observing her own beaming and twinkling image in the mirror when she suddenly saw Shiv coming out of the  bathroom ..wet hair covering his forehead ...fresh water droplets everywhere on his body, with a blue and white striped  towel wrapped around his waist  ...she turned back, stunned  and stood there ..with eyes wide open ...and a sudden thought flashed in her mind ...she remembered that night ...before marriage , she came here with a tiffin box for Shiv on the insistence of Dadisa --

 That night also he was like this ---that time too she missed some heart beats like now! Then that moment , immediately she recovered and covered up her adoration and  with a flirtatious smile , pulled his ears in the pretext of cleaning soap froth ! While thinking ...unknowingly she went nearer to him and suddenly realised her affinity towards him and was captivated  by his charm ...he was allured by her freshly bathed was an intimate, flirty moment ,with half closed eyes she heard his coy whispers ... the interaction between the couple was  delicately captured by the mirror ! His rugged cheeks while rubbing on her delicate ones were making impressions...  and suddenly C'ma  called them to join for dinner ! Anandi distanced herself from him and started making her hair ,, but with anxiety , looked at herself in the mirror and was startled to notice pinkish red  thread- like stripes  on her cheeks .. she was dumbfounded and was unable to decide what to do ...

Sorry Anandi ...I never expected this ...your cheeks are so delicate ... is it paining ...from now onwards I will shave in the evening too'...he muttered in a low voice...' Ha'... she said and soon realised her implied consent in those words  ...and was taken aback for her disguised boldness.

She left her hair loosely flowing and went downstairs ...covering that cheek with her black  hair ...he was looking at her and was amused at her clever concealing act !

At dinner table ...Sanchi did some sobs and wails ,sat there for dinner!  C'ma served food for the four of them !  Anandi served the Prasad first to Shiv ...''.today we did Puja at home in the morning! I made it hot for you now '...he was watching her from the corner of his eyes ...and feeling bad for the pinkish tinge on her cheeks ...

C'ma and  Sanchi were talking about that mad man who made Sanchi crazy with his loud laughter ,...

Bhabhi you are looking different with that open hair   Sanchi commented and C'ma looked at her and turned her  attention towards the dishes ..

.''Sanchi ..I know you like this curry ...have some more dear !''said Anandi... C'ma realised the change in their behaviour and now the stamp on her cheek, she concealed her smile and said 'Anandi are looking gorgeous in this style...with open hair  !''

Anandi was trying hard to hide her husband's manly overtures and the visible result !

After dinner  Anandi and C'ma  tidied up the kitchen.  Anandi went to her room , in fact wanted to run there , in to Shiv's arms, but shyness, which is natural to every modest woman in such a situation...held her back!   Slowly she went up with animated expectations and noticed that Shiv was talking with Chief Minister on phone !

After finishing the call he came to her and said 'Anandiji ...Finance minister wants to meet CM to discuss the development plans of Rajasthan and the CM wants me to accompany him  to explain the details and impress upon the  FM  about the utility, viability and the  magnitude of the modified  Nahar project  of Jaitsar, which can be a game changer for our state. He wants to press the Central Govt. to give a national status to this project and allocate funds!  The FM  has given time to meet and discuss tomorrow afternoon. So CM has called me direct to Jaipur Airport, from there we will proceed to Delhi! Now I have to collect the papers from the office and prepare myself on this all important matter!    After all  hundreds of  villages and lakhs of people's lives depend on this modified project which involves construction of a dam also! While talking to her he changed his clothes and went out and drove off. The sound of his car slowly faded away.

She sat there on the bed... a little bit disappointed by the turn of events by the fact that he has to go away to Delhi !  But yes ... the people and their well being is more important for a dedicated administrator or even to her as a Sarpanch!

She opened the LT and started reviewing the project details and the modifications made, the affected areas and what sort of measures they have to take !

Meanwhile Shiv came back with that file and sat there and started working. She showed him the points she jotted down and her version of the salient features for presentation to the FM on the Irrigation Project !

A sudden uproar was heard from outside the DC's bungalow !  Anandi went out to check what  the matter was !

Sarla Kaki is sobbing inconsolably and in between told Anandi that her daughter Neela is nowhere to be seen since evening ! She said,'Neela must have committed suicide because of the death of her new born son! She already lost her husband recently, in her seventh month of conception! We searched for her everywhere but couldn't find her! So I came here to seek your help in organizing the search in the night itself.. in the river and in the ponds nearby I thought you are the only saviour for me...for all of us in our village! Please help otherwise I will die!'

Anandi hurriedly wore her slippers and said, 'let us go I will come with you ' ----and went out with a big torch light along with a hand full of people!

Before going, she went up and told Shiv about the crisis and he offered to come along with her but she insisted that he should continue with his work and told him that she can handle it by herself!       He sent his sentry along with her as an escort and told her to call up if any help is required.

Anandi went with Sarla Kaki ...talking with her throughout saying some occasional soothing words to her. She enquired about the incident  and learnt that ...'today morning Neela delivered a still born boy ... She wanted to see the face of the boy once before they bury him...but they were afraid that she may feel more pain on seeing the face of that baby boy ! Without showing her they buried the body! ...but Neela heard somebody saying that the baby looked like his father who  recently died in a road  accident ! since then she was crying uncontrollably and asking everybody about her baby's features !'

In that evening,  Sarla Kaki went in to her room with a  glass of milk ...she was not in the room and Kaki searched for her in the house and backyard ... but could not find her and then  she started crying and called her neighbours and then came to meet Anandi ...for seeking her help .

They started searching for Neela everywhere in the nearby wells and village pond to find  her,  Sarla Kaki started crying again   ...Anandi hugged her  for giving solace to her ! They went in different directions of the village and continued their search late into the night.

In the outskirts of the village Anandi found  a small ray of light at a distance in a desolate area ...she started walking  fast towards that light, accompanied by Sarla Kaki and others.. ...there was a heart wrenching sight ... they were stunned with tears in their eyes ...

Neela was there sitting on the ground ...digging the  newly covered mud on the grave..    with her bare hands ...with full concentration ...unaware of what was happening around her in  that night..  in that cemetery !

Anandi ran towards Neela and took her in to her arms ...'Neela what is this why are you here at this hour?'

She started trembling and crying  inconsolably...Anandi  started consoling her with a soft voice and  pressed Neela's head against her chest and  asked her ...why she was here in the graveyard ?

 With a low voice if she is telling to herself ... Neela said,''everybody is saying the new born boy resembles my husband ...very cute  with curly hair, fair complexion ...nobody had shown him to me ... took  him away from me immediately after delivery, while I was unconscious ...not even once they showed me ...just want to see his face ...only once, just touch his delicate tiny hands and feet ...only once... hug him , press him to my heart ...only once , the last trace of my husband.. just once! I wanted  to  live in his shadow , wanted to  see my husband in his face but ...but I lost him too, what an unfortunate woman I am ... Anandiji ...when will this pain go away ?   I feel as if some body is choking my soul and smothering my heart with a huge boulder! The death of my baby ... means the loss of more than just a precious life... It is the loss of my future hopes'.  Neela burst in to a loud crying ! Her body was trembling with sorrow ... In that night ...a mother's wail in the darkness of the graveyard , the sky was cloudy ...small drizzle started again  ...which is quite unusual at the time of the year eerie atmosphere!...when the black' in the clouds impinges on the gory red' of shattered dreams and squeezes your heart and makes you go white in your face! 

Anandi suddenly noticed something while looking at  Neela in that dim light..  and sent the men folk away from the site ...a newly delivered mother's tears from her pale eyes , are getting mixed with the red patch on the earth... where Neela sat, diluted by the drizzle ! there !...there.. is a white patch on her blouse ...a new  mother's love for her child was overflowing...what a heart wrenching sight  it was ! With upwelling tears Anandi and Sarla Kaki hugged Neela and took her away from that place, made her sit in  the auto brought by a villager from the chowrastha  and reached home .  Anandi said  a few words to Sarla and advised her to be with her daughter and hugged Neela again and returned to DC bungalow  by mid night ! Shiv was still working seriously and looked at her and showed some concern about her mud smeared clothes!  She nodded at him ,briefly told him about the course of events and went into the bathroom to take a bath afresh !

By the time she came out ...Shiv already started packing ..''why that big suitcase ? for how many days " Anandi asked Shiv...

For two of us this is necessary Anandiji n't it?'He said with a smile ...;for both of us ... means ?'

After you left ...I talked with CM and booked a ticket for you too Anandi ...I know mine is state sponsored ...but  you are accompanying   me to Delhi at our own expense !

In the morning we will inform C'ma ...have to start early in the morning  ...have to catch     10 o'clock flight ... meeting with FM is at around 3 pm in the North Block !

I wish you also see the political hub of our country  and moreover, you are also the Sarpanch  of Jaitser, the original proponent of this project!  Anandi started packing happily .

Only a few hours were left for their travel ... Shiv was mentally preparing himself for impressing the finance minister for grants , Anandi was thinking about a mother's unbearable pain  at the loss of  her child..the situation in which they found Neela... Anandi  was thinking about the pros and cons of Neela's life and has determined to show her a means to live with a meaning in life! Shiv and Anandi were immersed in their own  thoughts and slowly slipped into sleep .. like resting crusaders , holding each other's hands !

Next morning Shiv informed C'ma and her first question was when will you be back?' Within 3 days..   want to spend some time there meeting my friends Ma !'

OK , then we will leave to Udaipur on Thursday Shiv ...after your return !'

 They took  blessings from her and they started on their journey again !

While travelling Shiv said ..".Anandi ...CM asked me to stay in the Rajasthan House  with him ...but I told him , I will stay in my friend's  house,because you are coming with me ...then he said ,'bring Anandi too to the meeting . She will get to see the corridors of power and have a look at the North Block , where the finance ministry is located !'

Ha ...Anandi I talked with my friend who is staying in the Defence colony . At present he and his family are on a tour of Europe , his uncle and aunty are taking  care of the house , but today afternoon they are planning to go to their village near Faridabad . After meeting us they will leave to their village ! So you and me last alone" ...with a wink Shiv smiled at her.

Shiv  ,I will be very happy to see the FM's office  and other important places in and around Delhi !'

Why not ...I am planning to show you the Taj Mahal ...let us go there after the meeting and spending some time with each other !

In every word he was showing his eagerness ..she was concealing  her feelings  with a smile !

Throughout the journey ...he was seeing spring is in its full bloom in her eyes ..he was watching  the rainbow  swinging in her heart ...he was admiring the flowers  blushing on her cheeks ..the eternity of love is glowing in her face ! They were on their way to Jaipur Airport!Yes ...the journey continues ...floating on the silver clouds of the sky , with fingers entwined like  flowering creepers ...strolling in the imaginary  moonlit nights  ...hands clasped ..walking on the bank of Yamuna  near the Taj Mahal the gardens their imagination! The dreams are dreaming the romantic moments , revealing transformation that's becoming a true sensation... hard to conceal ..yes overflowing through their  smiles and touches ! The journey started again towards their destination They are just a kiss away from the full moonlight...floating on the clouds with dreams in their eyes !To be continued ...


seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Sunce i Tuga i nekoliko snova za posuditi

Ovaj VM je napravila moja prijateljica Sai ! 

Ovu prekrasnu kreaciju mi je poslala moja draga prijateljica, koja voli SidYusha isto kao i mi  !

Sunce i Tuga i nekoliko snova za posuditi   Part 3  

Njihov se je Range Rover kretao nesmetano prema njihovom domu. Anandi i Shiv su bili izgubljeni u mislima, u svojim svetovima...prisecajuci se dogadjaja koji su se zbili toga dana...Jutros je zora bila prohladna kao i uvek, ali sada je sumrak doneo zastrasujuci zadatak koji su trebali prevazici...

Postojalo je nesto instinktivno uznemiravajuce u cinjenici da su trebali da se suoce sa vodopadom koji se obrusavaopreko stena...obelodavanje ljubavi, shvatanje duboke neznosti...zelja da se potpuno izgube jedno u drugome, u toj bujici osecanja...Sada su stajali na ivici, neodlucni, praveci sitne korake napred...pre nego sto ce skociti u dubinu i izgubiti se u bujici ! Njihova preispitivanja su ubrzo zamenjena naletom adrenalina, koji ih je ostavio bez daha, ali neustrasivim !

Vozeci, cerio se od uha do uha, pocevsi da pevusi...

Bhaware ki gunjan hai mera dil (Moje je srce pcela koja zuji)
Kab se sambhale rakha hai dil...Tere liye, tere liye'( Sacuvao sam moje srce vrlo pazljivo, vec dugo tebe, samo za tebe)..

Ona se potpuno potopila u finoj izmaglici ljubavi koja je kucala na vrata njenog srca, poput blagog povetarca u toj oblacnoj je to najintenzivniji trenutak njihovog zajednickog zivota posle vencanja ! I nije postojalo bolje vreme od ovoga da iskuse slatkocu njihovog sjedinjenja njihove intenzivne ljubavi sa isto tako jednakom, treperavom ljubavi svoje srodne duse ! Bili su nestrpljivi da stignu kuci, i da zavrse ovaj dan !

Stigli su do svog doma kasno uvece. Chotima ih je nestrpljivo iscekivala u hodniku, i kada su usli, rekla je: Shiv..Sanchi se povredila kada se vracala iz njene vecernje setnje...

Sta se desilo, Chotima?" Kada se vracala kuci, rekla je neke grube reci onom poremecenom coveku, koji se stalno muva tuda okolo, jer joj se smejao, dok se priblizavala kuci. On se naljutio i poceo je da je juri, i da je vredja i pokusao je da je udari...Dosla je trceci, pokusavajuci da pobegne od njega...Stigla je do kuce, i osetivsi se sigurnom, ponovo je pocela da vice na njega, sigurna iza kapije...tada je on jos vise poludeo, i preskocio je kapiju, i usao unutra ! Dok je pokusavala da pobegne od njega, sudarila se sa kaktusom na trijemu i povredila nogu... Nekoliko se bodlji zabilo u njenu kozu, i mi smo ih iscupali...ali je zbog toga njena noga malo natekla...Namazala sam joj na to i neku kremu..ali vidi...kako se duri i cmizdri, bas poput male devojcice...ucini nesto sine moj!"

Anandi joj je prisla blize da joj pregleda ranu..."Sanchi, molim te kontrolisi se mila...hajde da podjemo kod Jagya u bolnicu...on ce ti dati injekciju protiv tetanusa i tabletu protiv bolova, takodjer ! Prestat ce ti bol, hajde da podjemo"

Ne, Bhabhi...nemoj da se radujes mom bolu, i ne pokusavaj da ga uvecas! Otisla je jecajuci i sepajuci u svoju sobu

Anandi je pokusala da je sledi, ali su je Shiv i Chotima zaustavili. Ona ce prestati da pravi scene, nakon sto joj posvetimo punu paznju, a to cemo ionako da uradimo za vrijeme vecere...bolje da je za sada ostavimo na miru." Rekla je Chotima Anandi. Ali je ipak, zabrinuta skuvala djumbirov caj, i odnela joj ga, teseci je neko vreme.Tada se ona i smirila !

Anandi je izgledala umorno i posla je u njihovu spavacu sobu, zatvorila je vrata i posla da se okupa i presvuce.

Stajala je ispred svog ormara, i pocela da bira sta ce da nosi, sada a sta posle vecere ! Danas, od  zore sve do uvece izgledalo joj je predugacko ! Okupala se i posle toga otisla u vrt, idonela sa sobom nekoliko cvetova, spustvsi ih pred noge Kanhe i Devima ! Sagnuvsi glavu, molila se za srecu za sve i za uspesan bracnoi zivot !

Dok je stajala pred ogledalom i cesljala kosu, bila je potpuno nesvesna Shivove prisutnosti u toj sobi...on je bio usao u kupatilo kada je ona otisla da bere cvece !

I dok je u ogledalu posmatrala svoj izraz lica, koji je sijao i svetlucao od srece, iznenada je ugledala Shiva kako izlazi iz kupatila...vlazna mu je kosa padala na celo...sveze kapljice vode svuda po njegovom telu, sa plavo-belim peskirom na strafte omotanim oko struka...okrenula se zaprepascena i stajala tu zaustavivsi dah...ociju sirom otvorenih...i iznenadna je misao proletela kroz njenu glavu...setila se one noci...pre vencanja, dosla je kod njega sa posudom za hranu, koju mu je donela na nagovor Dadisa...

Te noci je isto ovako izgledao...tada je takodjer njeno srce preskocilo nekoliko otkucaja, bas kao I sada ! Tada, u istom se trenutku povratila i prikrila svoje divljenje, i sa zavodljivim osmehom na usnama, povukla njegovo uvo pretvarajuci se da cisti sapunicu ! Razmisljajuci, nesvesno mu se priblizila, i iznenada shvatila koliko je on privlaci, potpuno zarobljena njegovim sarmom...On je bio osamucen njenom sveze okupanom je to intiman, flertujuci trenutak...poluzatvorenih ociju je slusala njegova stidljiva saputanja...Njihovo je zblizavanje delikatno uhvaceno u ogledalu ! Njegova jednodnevna brada je ostavljala tragove, dok je svojim neobrijanim obrazima milovao njeno nezno lice...Iznenada ih je Chotima pozvala da dodju na veceru ! Anandi se odmaknula od njega, i pocela da namesta kosu, ali je zacudjeno posmatrala svoj odraz u ogledalu, primetivsi crvenkaste tragove, poput ogrebotina na svojim obrazima...bila je zaprepascena i nije znala sta da radi...

Izvini Anandi...nisam to ocekivao...tvoji su obrazi tako nezni...da li te boli?...Od sada cu se brijati i uvece, takodjer...promrmljao je tiho..."Da" rekla je, ubrzo shvativsi sta je ta njena rec implicirala...i potpuno se zaprepastila svojom prikrivenom smeloscu.

Ostavila je kosu raspustenu, pustajuci je da joj slobodno leprsa oko lica dok su silazili u trpezariju...prikrivsi taj obraz svojom dugom crnom kosom...on ju je posmatrao, zadivljen njenim mudrim nacinom prikrivanja !

Za trpezarijskim stolom je sedela Sanchi , jecajuci i cmizdreci pomalo, cekajuci veceru ! Chotima je servirala veceru za njih cetvoro ! Anandi je prvo dala Shivu Prasad rekavsi Jutros smo prvo obavili Puja kod kuce ! Sada sam podgrejala ovo za tebe"...on ju je posmatrao krajickom svoga oka...i osecao se lose zbog rozikastih tragova na njenom licu...  

Chotima i Sanchi su razgovarale o onom ludom coveku, koji je izludjivao Sanchi svojim glasnim smehom...

Bhabhi, veceras izgledas drugacije sa raspustenom kosom"  rekla je Sanchi. Chotima ju je pogledala i skrenula joj paznju na jelo...

Sanchi, znam da volis ovaj kari...uzmi jos malo, mila !" rekla je Anandi...Chotima je primetila promenu u njenom ponasanju, i ugledavsi tragove na njenim obrazima, prikrila je osmeh i rekla Anandi...izgledas predivno raspustenom kosom !"

Anandi je s mukom pokusavala da prikrije postupak svoga muza i vidljive tragove koji su iz toga proistekli !

Posle vecere su Anandi i Chotima pospremile kuhinju. Anandi je krenula u svoju sobu, u stvari je zelela da potrci, ne bi li sto pre stigla u Shivov zagrljaj, ali stid, koji je prirodan kod svake skromne zene u takvoj situaciji, ju je u tome sprecio ! Polako se penjala po stepenicama sa iscekujucim izrazom na licu, i primetila da Shiv razgovara telefonom  sa Ministrom (CM) !

Kada je zavrsio razgovor, prisao joj je i rekao: Anandi, Ministar za financije (FM) zeli da se sretne sa CM kako bi razgovarao o razvoju Rajastana i CM zeli da i ja budem tamo prisutan, kako bih objasnio sve detalje i planove  o velicini i znacenju izmenjenog Nahar projekta  u Jaitsaru, sto moze da bude od izuzetne vaznosti za nasu regiju. On zeli da pritisne lokalnu vladu, da obezbedi nacionalni status ovom projektu i obezbedi sredstva za to ! FM je odredio vreme sastanka za sutra posle podne. Zato me je CM pozvao da dodjem direktno na aerodrom u Jaipuru, odakle cemo zajedno da nastavimo za Delhi ! Sada moram da odem do ureda i uzmem neka dokumenta, i da se pripremim za taj vazni sastanak ! Na kraju krajeva stotine sela i zarada mnogih ljudi ovisi o tom izmenjenom projektu, koji u sebi takodjer ukljucuje i izgradnju brane ! Tokom razgovora sa njom, presvukao se i zavrsivsi objasnjenje, izasao se i odvezao prema uredu. Zvuk njegovog automobila se polako gubio u daljini...

Ona je sedela tamo na krevetu...pomalo razocarana zbog promene u desavanjima, razocarana cinjenicom da on mora putovati u Delhi ! Ali da...ljudi i njihova dobrobit su mnogo vazniji posvecenom administratoru, pa cak i njoj kao Sarpanchi !

Otvorila je laptop i pocela da pregledava detalje projekta i izmene koje su uradjene, koja su podrucja najvise ugrozena, i koje mere treba da se preduzmu ! 

U medjuvremenu se Shiv vratio sa fasciklom, i seo pored nje i poceo da radi. Ona mu je pokazala tacke koje je zapisala, i njenu verziju onoga sta bi trebalo uciniti, kako bi ukljucio to u prezentaciju FM u vezi projekta navodnjavanja ! Iznenada se zacula neka buka pred njihovom kucom ! Anandi je izasla napolje da vidi o cemu se radi ! 

Sarla Kaki je nekontrolisano jecala, i izmedju jecaja ispricala Anandi da je njena kcerka Neela nestala i da je nitko nije video od vecere ! Neela je sigurno izvrsila samoubistvo, jer je nedavno izgubila svog novorodjenog sina ! Nedavno je izgubila i muza, kada je bila u sedmom mesecu trudnoce ! Svuda smo je trazili, ali je nismo pronasli ! Zato sam dosla ovde da zatrazim tvoju pomoc da organiziras potragu i po noci...sada...u reci i u barama u okolini...jer sam mislila da mi jedino ti mozes pomoci i spasiti me...sve nas u selu ! Molim te pomozi mi, inace cu umreti!" 

Anandi je na brzinu obula papuce I rekla" Hajdemo, ja cu poci sa tobom!" ...i krenula je napolje sa velikom baterijskom lampom zajedno sa grupom ljudi !

Pre nego sto je posla, otisla je gore u sobu da ga obavesti o tome i on joj je ponudio da podje sa njom, ali je ona insistirala da on mora da nastavi sa svojim poslom, a da ona moze to sama da zavrsi. On je poslao svog cuvara da je prati i rekao joj je da ga pozove ukoliko joj bude potrebna pomoc.

Anandi je posla sa Sarla Kaki...pricajuci sa njom celo vreme, govoreci joj utesne reci. Raspitala se o tome sta se desilo i saznala danas u jutro se Neela porodila. Rodila je mrtvorodjenu bebu...zelela je da vidi lice decaka  makar jednom prije nego sto ga sahrane...ali oni su se plasili da bi mogla da oseti jos vecu bol ako ugleda lice tog decaka ! Bez da su joj ga pokazali, sahranili su ga ! Ali Neela je cula kada je netko rekao da je decak izgledao kao njegov otac koji je nedavno poginuo u saobracajnoj nesreci ! od kada je to cula plakala je nekontrolisano i pitala sve o izgledu njene bebe !

Te veceri je Sarla Kaki usla u njenu sobu sa casom mleka...ona nije bila u sobi, i njena ju je majka trazila svuda po kuci i dvoristu...ali nije mogla da je nadje, i tada je pocela da place i da zove svoje komsije i  posle je dosla kod Anandi, da trazi njenu pomoc.

Poceli su svuda da traze Neelu, u okolnim bunarima, i jezercetima u susednim selima, pokusavajuci da je pronadju. Sarla Kaki je pocela ponovo da place...Anandi ju je zagrlila i tesila je ! Posli su u suprotnom pravcu od sela, i nastavili svoju potragu duboko u noc.

Na obodu sela, Anandi je ugledala mali tracak svetla u daljini, u napustenom podrucju...pocela je da uzurbano koraca prema svetlu, u pratnji Sarle Kaki i ostalih...i tu su ugledali srceparajuci prizor...stali su zanemeli sa suzama u ocima...

Neela je bila tamo i sedela je na zemlji...kopajuci u sveze iskopanom grobu...golim rukama...potpuno skoncentrisana na to...potpuno nesvesna svega sto se oko nje desavalo te tom groblju !

Anandi je potrcala prema Neeli i zagrlila je Neela, sta je ovo? Zasto si ovde u ovo doba noci?"

Ona je pocela da drhti i place nekontrolisano..Anandi je pocela da je tesi svojim neznim glasom, i pritisnuvsi Neelinu glavu na svoje grudi, ponovo ju je pitala zasto je tu na groblju?

Tihim glasom...kao da govori sama sebi, Neela je rekla Svi govore da novorodjence podseca izgledom na mog muza...vrlo slatko sa kovrdjavom kosom, svetle puti...nitko mi ga nije pokazao...odneli su ga od mene odmah nakon sto sam ga rodila, dok sam jos bila bez svesti...nisu hteli ni jednom da mi ga pokazu...samo sam htela da mu vidim lice...samo jednom, samo da dotaknem te male rucice i stopala...samo jednom...da ga zagrlim...pritisnem uz moje srce...samo jednom, poslednji trag moga muza...samo jednom! Zelela sam da zivim u njegovoj senci, zelela sam da vidim svog muza u njegovom licu...ali izgubila sam i njega, takodjer, kako sam ja jedna nesrecna zena...Anandiji...kada ce ova bol da prestane? Osecam se kao da netko davi moju dusu i razbija moje srce velikim maljem ! Smrt moje bebe...znaci mnogo vise od gubitka jednog dragocenog je gubitak svih mojih buducih nada ! Neela je pocela glasno da place. Njeno se telo treslo od tuge...U toj noci, majka je kukala u tami groblja, nebo je bilo puno oblaka...lagani povetarac je ponovo poceo da duva...sto je bilo potpuno neuobicajeno za to doba godine...zlokobna atmofera...

Anandi je iznenada primetila nesto, dok je posmatrala Neelu u tom prigusenom svetlu, i poslala je muskarce da se udalje odatle...Suze majke koja se tek porodila, koje su tekle iz njenih bezivotnih ociju, izmesale su se sa crvenom mrljom na zemlji, gde je Neela sedela, razblazeno laganom kisicom koja je sipila...a tamo...tamo na njenoj bluzi sirila se bela fleka...ljubav majke koja se tek porodila prema svom detetuisticala je obilato, bio je to prizor koji slama srca ! Sa ocima punim suza, Anandi i Sarla su zagrlile Neelu i odvele je sa tog mesta. Stavile su je da sedne u auto, koji su dovezli seljaci, i krenuli su kuci. Pred kucom je Anandi rekla nekoliko reci Sarli, i savetovala je da uvek bude uz svoju kcerku. Zagrlila je Neelu jos jednom i vratila se svojoj kuci oko ponoci ! Shiv je jos uvek bio udubljen u svoj posao, ali kada ju je ugledao, zabrinuo se kada je video njenu blatom isprljanu odecu ! Ona mu je klimnuvsi glavom ispricala sve sto se desilo, i posla u kupatilo da se ponovo okupa.

Kada je izasla iz kupatila, ugledala je Shiva koji je vec poceo da pakuje stvari Zasto tako veliki kofer? Koliko te dana nece biti?" pitala ga je...

To je neophodno za nas dvoje Anandiji...zar ne? Rekao je sa osmehom..."Za nas oboje...znaci?"

Nakos sto si ti otisla, razgovarao sam sa CM, i bukirao sam kartu i za tebe...Znam da ce moje troskove da snosi drzava, ali ti ces me pratiti u Delhi o nasem trosku !

U jutro cemo obavestiti Chotima...moramo krenuti rano u jutro..moramo uhvatiti onaj let u 10 u jutro...sastanak sa FM je u 3 po podne u Severnim Blokovima !

Voeo bih da ti takodjer vidis politicko sediste nase zemlje, a sto vise, ti si takodjer i Sarpanch od Jaitsera, i originalni predlagac ovog projekta ! Anandi e pocela srecno da se pakuje...

Ostalo je jos samo nekoliko sati do njihovog putovanja..Shiv se je psihicki pripremao da ostavi dobar dojam na FM, Anandi je razmisljala o neizdrzivoj boli majke koja je izgubila svoje dete...o situaciji u kojoj su pronasli Neelu...Anandi je razmisljala o svim aspektima Neelinog zivota, odlucivsi da joj pomogne i pokaze nacine da njen zivot ponovo dobije smisao ! Shiv i Anandi su bili izgubljeni u svojim mislima, ilagano utonuli u san...poput ratnika nakon bitke...drzeci se za ruke !

Sledece jutro je Shiv obavestio Chotima, i njeno prvo pitanje je bilo, Kada se vracate?" Za tri dana, zelim da provedem nekoliko dana tamo i sretnem se sa prijateljima.

OK, kada se vratite, ici cemo za Udaipur, u cetvrtak, Shiv!"

Uzeli su njene blagoslove i ponovo zapoceli svoje putovanje !

 Dok su putovali, Shiv je rekao " Anandi...CM mi je rekao da boravimo u Rajasthan Kuci sa njim, ali sam mu ja rekao da cemo odsesti u kuci moga prijatelja, jer I ti dolazis samnom...onda je on rekao da povedem I tebe na sastanak. Tako ce moci da vidi hodnike moci, i da vidi mesto gde su smesteno ministarstvo financije,  Severni Blok !"

I, Anandi, razgovarao sam sa mojim prijateljem koji zivi u koloniji Ministarstva Odbrane, trenutno su i on i njegova porodica na putu po Evropi, njegov ujak i ujna se brinu o kuci, ali danas popodne su planirali da idu u njihovo selo pored Faridabada. Nakon sto nas sacekaju i sretnu, krenut ce u svoje selo ! Tako...nas dvoje...ti i ja...konacno sami!!! Shiv joj se nasmesio, namignuvsi joj...

Shiv, ja cu biti presrecna da vidim ured FM, i ostala vazna mesta u Delhiju !"

Zasto da ne, ja planiram da ti pokazem Taj Mahal...hajde da podjemo tamo posle sastanka, i provedemo tamo neko vreme, zajedno!"

U svakoj njegovoj reci ogledalo se njegovo nestrpljenje...ona je osmehom prikrivala svoja osecanja !

Tokom celog putovanja...on je video prolece u punom cvatu u njenim ocima...gledao je dugu kako se ljulja u njenom srcu...divio se cvetovima koji su se rascvetali na njenim obrazima...cela vecnost ljubavi je sijala na njenom licu! Bili su na putu prema aerodromu u Jaipuru. Da...putovanje se nastavlja...lebdeci na srebrnim oblacima na nebu, isprepletenih prstiju, poput puzavice..secuci po zamisljenoj mesecini..rukom u ruci...secuci po obali uz reku Yamunu blizu Taj Mahala...kroz vrzove...u njihovoj masti ! Sanjali su snove..romanticne trenutke..otkrivali promene koje su postale prava senzacija...tesko su ih prikrivali..da, svi su ti osecaji izvirali iz njih kroz njihove osmehe i dodire ! Putovanje je ponovo zapocelo prema njihovom cilju...Bili su samo poljubac daleko od punog Meseca...lebdeci na oblacima sa snovima u ocima !

Nastavit ce se...


 Thank you my dear sweet sister Branka for translating it  in to Serbian Language !🤗


Edited by SEETHA.K - 9 years ago
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Nataly

Mama, nemoj da se ljutis...😳 moj mis bio brzi od moje pameti...😆 i umesto punih imena i prezimena, spontano upisah ono sto mi vec vise od godinu i pol zvrnda po glavi...🤣

A sto bih se ljutila, slatka moja dusice 🤗 
Tvoj mis najbolje zna sta je istina😉😆

A osim toga nisi jedina kojoj SY  godinu i pol zvrnda po glavi ...i po srcu...i gde sve ne 😃

Evo , uoci Pratsinog rodjendana da se setimo kako to radi SY ❤️ uz malu pomoc avisa koji je uradila nasa carobnica Bikica

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Good Morning Riyu ❤️(or rather Good afternoon 😊) my sweet Didi 🤗
Such a beautiful smile 😃 Pug dog graphics 😆

You are sleeping now like angel
Dogs avatars , so I will see you when you wake up  in your Saturday morning Dogs avatars, and my Friday around midnight hours....😆Dogs avatars Love ya  Dog and cat dog graphics  😆😆😆
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Good morning dear friends!

Branka, a big hug to you🤗 for posting such beautiful flowers and visuals, you do not just post pics, you post beauty, positivity and happiness! This Cc is really very colorful and  a happy one! Some more flowers here!

Good Morning

Good Afternoon Vibha, my dear friend 🤗
Thank you for this kind words 😳 I just love flowers, so thank you for this beautiful tulips, as well.I just love it..
.😊 The same I love beautiful images and quotes, so here are some for you 😊
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant... We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ~~ Albert EinsteinGratitude
Every cell in your body has a direct relationship with Creative Life Force, and each cell is independently responding. When you feel joy, all the circuits are open and the Life Force or God Force can be fully received. When you feel guilt, blame or anger, the circuits are hindered and the Life Force cannot flow as effectively. Physical experience is about monitoring those circuits and keeping them as open as possible. The cells know what to do, they are summoning the Energy --Abraham Hicks

Love is the ultimate greatest force of all.
Ivone12 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: loveansh

A sto bih se ljutila, slatka moja dusice 🤗 
Tvoj mis najbolje zna sta je istina😉😆

A osim toga nisi jedina kojoj SY  godinu i pol zvrnda po glavi ...i po srcu...i gde sve ne 😃

Evo , uoci Pratsinog rodjendana da se setimo kako to radi SY ❤️ uz malu pomoc avisa koji je uradila nasa carobnica Bikica

Divni su 😆  koji par srce  se rastopi gledaju ih  , super su  ,❤️  esto ih stavim i gledam  SY  👏👏👏