Fatima's Cozy Corner 2 - Link to New Corner on Pg 152 :) - Page 67


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Fatima_Q thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: tanuharshiti

Wowww πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ awosme superb update Fatima di
😳 😳 pls update ASAS    πŸ˜Š

Thank you for taking the time out to read Tanu  πŸ€—
Fatima_Q thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: SNKaD

Wow!!!u hav written amazing yar...I really like ur story Fatima...thank u for writing nd I hope ke preet aur meher ki dosti aur badh jaye nd story line begins now...had amazing yar...u r a good nd fabulous writer yar...πŸ‘

Thank you so much for the wonderful remarks.  πŸ€—

I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far. πŸ˜³
Fatima_Q thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Chapter 9 -  A Punjabi Wedding


A short while later...


Preet stood at a short distance on one side of the banquet hall watching Meher talk to a girl.  He waited patiently until the girl had left, before walking up to her from behind.  "Hey Cinderella," he whispered into her ear.  "You finally made it to the ball."


The soft deep voice in her ear gave Meher goose bumps all over her body.  "Preet!" she turned around and smiled.  "Where have you been?"


"I should be asking you that," said Preet.  "You guys took forever to get here."


"Oh that...well, it was 3 of us getting ready, so it took some time," explained Meher.


"I guess it was worth it," grinned Preet.  "Someone looks really beautiful tonight."


Meher glanced over at Ashlesha, who was surrounded by several young men.  "Yeah," she sighed.  "But then Ashlesha always looks great."


"Come on Meher, I was talking about you," said Preet.  "You look beautiful."


"I do?" Meher said in surprise.


"Dharti Ma ki qasam," grinned Preet.


"Thanks...I guess...," Meher blushed and stared at the ground.  "...um...you look really nice too.  Uh...you know I just met a friend of mine here.   Her name is Preeti.  We were in grade school together.  She's a distant cousin of the bride."


"Small world," smiled Preet.


"Yes," nodded Meher.


"Hey Meher, mind if I join you?" asked Ashlesha, as she walked up to Preet and Meher.


Yes, thought Preet.


"No", smiled Meher.


"Well this is a stuffy old event.  Looks like they forgot to invite anyone under 50," said Ashlesha.


"Maybe the bride and groom's parents had a lot of friends and relatives that wanted to share in their happiness," suggested Meher.


"You're so cute Meher...always looking at the positive side of things, but it's still boring," said Ashlesha.

"Preeti just told me that there is a small group of guys and girls our age playing some games on the other side of the room.  I think Sam and Gaurav are already there.  I'm sure they're having fun.  You want to go play?" asked Meher.


"Cheesy wedding games...fun?  No way.  I'm not interested," said Preet.


"Nor am I," said Ashlesha.  She rested her elbow on Preet's shoulder and smiled.  "Great minds think alike, I guess."


Preet rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on guys, it's better than standing around being bored.  Please Preet...," pleaded Meher. 


She clasped her hands together and smiled so sweetly at him that he simply could not refuse.  Ashlesha threw her hands up in the air and followed them too.  They walked to a group of young people their age that had gathered at the back of the reception hall.  There they found Gaurav and Sam seated facing each other in front of a large bowl with milk and rose petals in it.


"Oh hey guys, glad you decided to join us," smiled Gaurav.  "We're about to play the ring game.  Now remember everyone, the one who finds the ring first rules the roost."


"Gaurav, isn't that something the bride and groom are supposed to be doing?" asked Preet.  "Where are they anyway?"


"I think they're with the photographer having pictures taken.  Anyway, the bride didn't want to risk messing up her dress and the groom is lactose intolerant, so they nominated us instead," explained Gaurav.


"Alright then, do us guys proud," chuckled Preet.  His words were followed by a cheer from all the young men gathered there.


"Come on Sam, you can do it," Meher cheered her friend.  The other girls there also offered words of encouragement.


Both Sam and Gaurav dug in and began to fish around for the prized ring.  They both found it at the same time and a small tug of war ensued between them inside the tub of milk.


"Come on Gaurav, give it up.  I found it first," said Sam.


"Like hell you did," chuckled Gaurav.


"I can't believe you're fighting with me over a silly ring," frowned Sam.


"It's not just the ring, it's the male pride at stake here," reasoned Gaurav.


"Oh well, then I guess your male pride is more important to you than us dancing later on," said Sam.  She smiled shyly and batted her eyelashes at him.


Gaurav's mouth fell open and he let the ring slip from his fingers.


"Yay!" cried Sam, as she held up the ring triumphantly.  "The bride will rule the roost!"


"Oh come on Gaurav, I can't believe you did that!" cried Preet.


"Did what?" Gaurav asked innocently.


"You let her have the ring," Preet pointed out.


"He did not," pouted Sam.  "I won it fair and square."


"Preet, it's only a game," said Meher.


"Yeah, it's only a game," agreed Gaurav.  "You think you can do better?"


"You bet I can," said Preet.  He took his dress coat off, rolled up his sleeves and sat down in front of the tub of milk.  "I demand a rematch."


"Fine!" said Sam.  "Go for it Ashlesha."


"Me?  I don't even like milk," Ashlesha said, taking a step back.  "And what about my dress?  It's just as important to me as the bride's is to her.  I'm sure someone will want to take pictures of me too.  I nominate Meher from the girls' side."


"What?!  No!" cried Meher.  "I'm sure there are girls here closer to the bride who'd like to play."


"Come on Meher, be a sport," said Sam, as she pushed her forward.

Reluctantly Meher took her place in front of Preet.  "This is silly," she said giving him a weak smile.


"It's okay," grinned Preet.  "I'll go easy on you."


"I don't want you to let me win," said Meher.  "I can do it on my own."


"I never said I'd let you win," said Preet.  "I'll just let you put up a good fight so you don't come out of this looking so bad."


"Oh really!" cried Meher.  She dove her hand into the tub of milk and began searching for the ring.


Preet also put his hand in the tub and fished around for it.  He found it almost immediately.  He smiled as he watched Meher continue to search for the ring.  With eyebrows furrowed in determination and chewing on her lower lip nervously, she looked so genuinely adorable, that he couldn't bring himself to reveal his victory.  He let the ring roll from his hand towards her fingers.


"I found it!" exclaimed Meher.  She pulled the ring out of the tub, and held it up for everyone to see.  "The girls win!"


Gaurav walked over to Preet's side and handed him a towel to wipe his arm with.  "You let her win, didn't you?" he whispered.  "You had the ring in your hand.  That's why you stopped searching for it."


"It's just a game," Preet shrugged his shoulders.


"And what about male pride?" asked Gaurav.


Preet glanced over at Meher.  She was surrounded by cheering girls.  "A small price to pay," He said.  "Just look how happy she is."  


"Well now," a girl from the bride's side spoke up.  "Since the boys lost...twice.  They're going to start up the next game.  It's called 2 Truths and a Lie.  Each one of us takes a turn in stating 3 personal things about themselves.  Two of them truthful and one lie.  If we guess which one is the lie, you have to agree to do a dare."


"Aren't you mixing up 2 games?" asked Preet.


"Yeah, but it's more fun this way," the girl giggled.  "Guess what, you get to go first."


"Oh no...I just got done with the milk bath...someone else take a turn," said Preet.


"Come on Preet, have a go at it," urged Gaurav.


"Please Preet," said Meher.


Preet rolled his eyes.  Why does she always have to do that?  Doesn't she realize I can't say 'No' to her when she looks up at me with those doe eyes.  "Alright alright," he sighed.  "I...uh...I own 10 pairs of pants..."

"It's supposed to be personal," Ashlesha pointed out.


"Okay...," said Preet. "I own 10 pairs of underpants."


Giggles could be heard from among the girls.


"I once met SRK in an airport coffee shop," continued Preet.  "And I...speak 4 languages."


"He's lying about meeting SRK," a girl cried out.


"No wait, he is a Juneja, so maybe he did meet him," another girl pointed out.


"You spent several years in Canada, so it is possible that you know French in addition to English, Hindi and Punjabi," said Meher's friend Preeti.  "Plus you're super rich so you must have more than 10 underpants.  That has to be your lie."


"Wow, what did you guys do...research up on me or something?" asked Preet.


"Something like that," smiled Preeti.  "I'm the bride's cousin.  I've been looking forward to meeting you ever since I heard you were coming to the reception."


Several other girls nodded in agreement.


"Good grief!" cried Ashlesha. "I thought we were playing a game, not match making.  I'm sure Preet is not interested in the likes of you."


The girls frowned at Ashlesha's rude remark.


"Uh...Preeti, do you have a dare for Preet?" Meher asked.


"Yes," smiled Preeti.  "You have to tell us truthfully who you think is the prettiest girl here."  She smiled and batted her eyes at him.


Preet thought for a moment then smiled.  "Cinderella," he said. 


Meher looked up at him in surprise, then lowered her gaze.


"Cinderella?" said Ashlesha.


"Yes, Cinderella," smiled Preet.  "She's always the prettiest one at the ball, isn't she?"


"But there is no Cinderella here," a girl pointed out.


"That's not fair, you didn't answer my question," frowned Preeti.


"But I did," Preet said, as his eyes settled on Meher.  "And she knows exactly who she is."

Meher could feel her face grow red.  She prayed that no one else could.  Preet was obviously joking in order to avoid answering the question, she consoled herself.  Wasn't he?


"Are you alright?" Sam whispered to Meher.


"Uh...yeah...heh heh...why do you ask?" said Meher.


"I don't know...you're wearing a funny expression on your face," said Sam.


"Okay, now it's the girls turn," said Gaurav.  "Meher, you're up."


"Me?" said Meher.  "Um...okay...uh...Peas are my favorite vegetables.  I work part time in a flower shop.  And...I own 4 horses."


"She's lying about the horses," a guy spoke up.  "She lives right here in town, where would she keep the horses?"


"On her family farm in Ambala," said Preet.  "You hate peas Meher.  I've seen you pick them out of your food many times."


"That's not fair Preet," said Sam.  "You should have let someone who doesn't know Meher answer."


"Okay," said Gaurav.  "So Meher's lie has been caught.  Now for the dare."

The guys huddled together then came back with a request.  "We want you to sing a song for us."


"What?!"  cried Meher.  "No way!"


"Oh come on Meher, you sing great," said Sam.


"Yeah like...in the bathroom maybe...not in public," protested Meher.


"If you don't take up the dare, we'll lose," said Preeti.


"And if you do sing...it would give us a break from this Star Wars themed music," said Sam.


"But Sam!" cried Meher.


"Come on Meher, let's go liven up this place," Sam said.  "In fact we'll all go.  Come on girls!"


Preet and Gaurav watched as Sam and Meher went to talk to the DJ.  They saw him nod and give them a thumbs up sign.  Suddenly a very different and festive sounding music came on, and the girls spread across the room clapping their hands with the beat of the music and encouraging the guests to do the same. 


"Come on guys," one of the boys said.  "Let's go join the girls."


"Yeah," said another one.  "I wouldn't mind dancing with that one in the pink."


"Or that one in the blue," said the first boy.


Preet and Gaurav looked at each other.  "You know they're talking about Meher and Sam, don't you," frowned Preet.


"Well then, what are we doing standing here?" said Gaurav.  "Let's go."


The boys joined the girls and Preet and Gaurav took their places next to Meher and Sam.

(Hit the play button for the music to play)

Everyone sings:

I like dandiya, I like garba

But if you really want to party

Throw your hands up and twist them around

Do the bhangra everybody,

Come on and do the bhangra everybody.

I like dandiya, I like garba

But if you really want to party

Throw your hands up and twist them around

Do the bhangra everybody,

Come on and do the bhangra everybody.

Meher {dances around Preet and sings}:

Nothing like my jutt mahiya

Nothing like my mutyara

Nothing like some kangana shangna

And long da lashkara

Boggie te woggie, main gidda ghol na


Everyone sings:

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

Meher runs to Sam and they dance back to back. Meher sings:

Dholoon ke beatoon pe main toh dolna


Preet and Gaurav smile at each other then run up to Sam and Meher and sing:

Hai sharam chadke laga jhatke

Te isme nothing wrong

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song


Everyone {claps and sings}:

I like dandiya, I like garba

But if you really want to party

Throw your hands up and twist them around

Do the bhangra everybody,

Come on and do the bhangra everybody.


Meher sings:

{She makes a trumpet with her hands and pretends to play it}

Ay baja te waja te ghodi te shamiyana

{She picks up a laddoo from a waiter passing by and stuffs it into Sam's mouth}

Laddoo te shadoo te lassi te kahana vana

Happiness makhan maar ke ho gayi multiply

{She passes by a table of olders guests}

Chacha, te chachee, te mami, te beeji veeji

{She passes by Ashlesha, who is busy touching up her make up}

Hootoon pe laali, te phono mein 3G VG

Shosho wali garam hawa pe kardi rehndi fly

{She and Sam pick up glasses of punch and clink them together}

Chetti champaignoon ke dhakan kholna

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

Dholoon ke beatoon pe main toh dolna

Preet & Gaurav sing:

Hai sharam chadke laga jhatke

Te isme nothing wrong

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

{Preet grabs Meher's hand and leads her to the center of the room where the bride and groom have just joined the other guys and girls.  Couples have formed  and begun dancing.  Gaurav does the same with Sam  Ash is surrounded by several young men but frowns when she sees that Preet is not among them}

Preet {spins Meher around} and sings:

Ye chori, janatoon ki lage meherbani

Ye chori

Meher {comes to a stop and looks admiringly at the bride and groom}:

Han mujhe bhi aisi Jodi hai banani


Gaurav {pats Sam on the cheek}:

Ye chori

Apni hateli aur lakeerein sath sath hain

Jin pe mubarak barsatein qainaat karti hain


Preet & Gaurav {run up to the bride and groom}:

Baant mithaiyaan, lakh vadhaiyaan

May you live long!


Meher sings (steals a glance at Preet):

Kaho Rab ko hazaroon shukrana

Ghar mere bhi nazarein nazar ana

Par tere varga hi tere jaisa hi changa mahiya

Senti mein hoti aur mental dholna

Everyone {Sings and dances}:

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song


Meher sings:

Boggie te woggie, main gidda ghol na


Everyone {dancing and enjoying themselves}:

Aaj toh go crazy ke jab wajde Punjabi wedding song

Punjabi wedding song


As the song ended, one of the guys purposely bumped into Meher.


"Oops sorry," She smiled.


"It's okay, it was my fault," the boy smiled.  "I'm Viren, by the way."


"Nice to meet you Viren," smiled Meher.  "I'm...


"Meher...I know," said Viren.  "You're name came up several times when we were playing the games.  You sing like an angel."


"Thanks," blushed Meher.


"And you look like one too," smiled Viren.


Meher didn't quite know how to respond to his compliment.  "Uh...I...uh...thanks," she stammered. 


"Would you like to go get something to drink?" asked Viren.


Before Meher could answer, Preet came up to her.  "Hey Meher, I almost lost you in the crowd there," he said.  His smiled faded when he saw Viren.  "Hi, I'm Preet," he said extending his hand.


"Viren," said Viren.  He shook Preet's hand, then looked from him to Meher.  "Are you 2...together?"


"Preet is my friend," smiled Meher.


"Friend?" said Viren.


"Good friend," said Preet, as he pulled Meher to his side and took her hand in his.  "Come on Meher, let's go get something to drink." 


Preet led Meher to the drinks table then picked up 2 glasses of fruit punch for them.  "You never told me you could sing," he said handing her a glass.

"And you never told me you met SRK," said Meher.


"It never came up," smiled Preet.  "But I have an autograph and plenty of selfies to prove it."


"Wow!  You're super lucky," said Meher.  "DDLJ is my all time favorite movie.  I would love to meet him.  What's he like in person?"


"He's human, just like the rest of us," said Preet, shrugging his shoulders.


"Come on Preet, tell me what he's really like," pleaded Meher.  "I want to know everything.  How you met...what you said to him...what he said to you...everything."


Preet was about to say something when he noticed Viren walking towards them.  He paused a short distance away, but continued to look in their direction.  Preet followed Viren's gaze and realized that he was staring admiringly at Meher.  The middle string of her blouse had come undone, and was giving him a generous view of her bare back.


Preet frowned.  "I'll tell you everything you want to know Meher, but not here, let's go somewhere else," he said.


"What?  Why?" she asked.


"Because I said so," said Preet.  He looked back at Viren then placed a protective arm around Meher and tried to lead her away, but she stood her ground.


"Preet, will you please tell me what's going on?" said Meher.


"I will," said Preet.  He took off his dress coat and placed it around Meher's shoulders.  "But first, put this on."  He then took her by the arm and proceeded to drag her away with him. 


"What are you doing?" Meher asked, puzzled by his sudden strange behavior.  "Where are you taking me?"


"Away," said Preet.


"Away from what?" asked Meher, as he led her to sheltered spot behind a pillar and some curtains.


"From prying eyes," said Preet.


"Prying eyes?  Nothing you're saying is making any sense.  Such mein, ladke hote hi aise hain...pagal (Honestly, guys are just crazy)", said Meher.  She took off Preet's dress coat and handed it back to him.  "Here...I'm not cold or anything."


"I didn't give it to you because you were cold," said Preet.  "I gave it to you because your blouse..."


"What about my blouse?" Meher asked worriedly.


"The string...," said Preet.

Meher reached back and felt her backside.  Her eyes grew wide as she felt the loose string.  "Oh no!" she gasped and quickly flattened herself against the wall.  "I knew it was a bad idea to wear this outfit, but Sam insisted.  What am I going to do now?"  She reached back and tried to tie the string herself but failed to do so.  "Will you please find Sam for me and tell her I need help."


Preet peaked out from behind the pillar and looked around the crowded room, but he was unable to spot Sam.  "I don't see her anywhere," sighed Preet.  "I'm sure she's with Gaurav.  Maybe they went off somewhere."  He thought for a moment then spoke up again.  "If it's okay with you...I can tie that string back." 


"What?  No!" blushed Meher.


Preet looked out and scanned the room to see if he could find Sam again.  "I see your step mom at the buffet table.  Would you like me to go get her?"


"No!" said Meher.   She tried to reach back with her hands again.  The middle one of the 3 strings that held her blouse closed had come undone, and she was still unable to reach it.


"Meher, please let me help," offered Preet.  "I'll be real quick.  And if it'll make you feel better, I'll keep my eyes closed."


Meher thought for a minute.  "Okay," she sighed.  "But be very quick, before anyone sees us like this."


"I will...Dharti Ma ki qasam," smiled Preet.  Meher slowly turned her back to him.  As his gaze settled on the smooth creamy skin exposed to him a rush of heat chased the smile from his face, and his heart began to pound.  Focus Preet, he scolded himself.  Focus. 

"Hurry up Preet!" hissed Meher.


"Uh...yeah...right."  Being careful not to touch her, Preet gingerly picked up the lose strands and quickly tied them securely in place.  "All done," he said.


"Thanks," Meher breathed a sigh of relief.


Preet watched as she proceeded to pull pins out of her hair.  "What are you doing?" he asked.


"What I should have done in the first place," Meher explained, as she let her long brown hair down.  "Provide my poor back with some cover."  She finished finger combing her hair out, then looked up and smiled at Preet.  "How's that?"


God she had a beautiful smile!  He had to becareful here.  Extremely careful.  "It's...uh...it's perfect," he muttered.  Swallowing hard, he forced his gaze from her lips to her eyes.   Friends, he reminded himself.  Just friends.




Sam and Gaurav had just returned from taking a walk outside. 


"Let's get something to eat," suggested Gaurav.  He picked up an h'orderve from a tray a waiter passing by was carrying and popped it into his mouth, just as 2 older women passed by.

"Hmph!  Look at the young generation these days," one of the ladies remarked.  "So besharam (shameless)." 

Gaurav thought they were referring to him when Sam hit him in the stomach with her elbow almost making him choke.


"Hey, look at that," Sam hissed.


Gaurav looked in the direction she was pointing and saw Preet and Meher coming out from behind a curtained pillar.  Preet was putting his dress coat on.  Meher's hair was open, and she was finger combing the strands.


"Didn't she have her hair up earlier?" asked Gaurav.


"She sure did.  I styled it myself.  What do you think those 2 have been up to?" Sam said with a raised brow.


"Well I'll be damned," said Gaurav.

So there you have it.  Hope you all liked the update. πŸ˜›

Please remember to hit the like button and leave your feedback.

Take care and happy reading. πŸ€—

Chapter 10: Preview:  Preet asks Meher out on a date

Link to Chapter 10: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/131485910

Link to: Table of Contents

Edited by Fatima_Q - 7 years ago
Chit15 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Wow It was complete Meetilious updateπŸ‘
It was really awesome

Preet complimenting Meher as superb. I loved the way he described her as "Cinderella". It was so sweet of him.☺️

Preet cannot say no to any of Meher's wish. He just want to see her happy and always smiling.

The best part was when Preet in publicly announced Cinderella is looking most beautiful tonite and indirectly complimented Meher.☺️

Fatima what a superb work you did with the song. You synchronised & described each & every scene with song was perfect balance.You deserve salute.πŸ‘πŸΌ

Tying of dori scene was really cute

Ayaesha tring to impress  Preet but Preet can see only Meher everywhere.

Gaurav & Sam scenes are cuteπŸ˜ƒ

Atlast Viren-the Villain 😑enters and I hope he doesn't create any misunderstanding between our couple and I get indication that he shares bad past which Preet knows.

Eagerly waiting for next update
sherma thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Sooo love dis part. I m surely gng to hav meet dream today. So looking frwrd fr meet date but scared also aftr reading d chpt name. Pls try to update soon.
I frgt to add pls keep that creep viren away frm meher
kksoap thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Splendid love story (songs) portion πŸ˜‰ and talks between meet so lovely thanks for the pm Fatima and also for superb story πŸ‘β€οΈ
brainychild92 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
lol  sich mein, your mind wanders to the worst case scenarios always.
I just hope sam doesn't ask meher about it or she might lose it..lol

thanks for the pm.
continue soon!
Nikhad003 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Whoaaah such an amazing updateee...
Meet, meet and meet :D 
Song, dance...I can clearly feel Meher has fallen for Preet too..
Sam and Gaurav are so cute too...
But this viren :@ Cheap guy uff! 
Hahahha I can't stop laughing reading the last part hahahahahaha XD Poor Meet...
Meet will be going on a date? :') 
Updaaate soon my lovely fatima <3
Fatima_Q thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Chit15

Wow It was complete Meetilious updateπŸ‘

It was really awesome

Preet complimenting Meher as superb. I loved the way he described her as "Cinderella". It was so sweet of him.☺️

Preet cannot say no to any of Meher's wish. He just want to see her happy and always smiling.

The best part was when Preet in publicly announced Cinderella is looking most beautiful tonite and indirectly complimented Meher.☺️

Fatima what a superb work you did with the song. You synchronised & described each & every scene with song was perfect balance.You deserve salute.πŸ‘πŸΌ

Tying of dori scene was really cute

Ayaesha tring to impress  Preet but Preet can see only Meher everywhere.

Gaurav & Sam scenes are cuteπŸ˜ƒ

Atlast Viren-the Villain 😑enters and I hope he doesn't create any misunderstanding between our couple and I get indication that he shares bad past which Preet knows.

Eagerly waiting for next update

Thanks for reading Chitra. 

I'm glad you liked the update.

Lot's of things going on here πŸ˜›

Yes, Preet only has eyes for Meher.  He's in love, even though he's not yet ready to admit it.

 I love it when he calls her Cinderella. πŸ˜†

Ah ha!  Viren makes his entry...let's see what happens next ...😈
Fatima_Q thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: sherma

Sooo love dis part. I m surely gng to hav meet dream today. So looking frwrd fr meet date but scared also aftr reading d chpt name. Pls try to update soon.
I frgt to add pls keep that creep viren away frm meher

Glad you liked the update Sweety

I'm always dreaming about Meet 

Ah ha!  So you noticed Viren's entry...coincidence or will he have a role to play?...Let's see πŸ˜ˆ