Obsession Or Love ?? A Virika FF - Page 3


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NishuM thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Woaahh look whose here in the writers block! Lilyyy πŸ˜ƒ
Long time, no see and you my friend turn into a writer huh? J/k πŸ˜†
It's great that you're writing a story. :)
And the concept is really really nice. It's good to see new concepts coming up! 
Absolutely can't wait to read on.
I'm sure this story will be a success. Good Luck and update SOON!!!!! πŸ€—
shweta_14 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Very Interesting & Intriguing... Update sooon... :)
romanticgurl070 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Its sounds interesting and different...
Continue please
shweta_14 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Hey forgot to add, Do PM me on the next update :)
avni_19 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Waiting for the next update... interesting start. ..
virikamaliha thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
great concept...
really excited for read forward...
continue soon.
-Aaliya.KryAn- thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Continue soon. 
Riddhi_S thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Oh My My!! πŸ˜ƒ

Am I Dreaming?? πŸ˜ƒ  You're Writing A Story!! ? πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜Ž

And That Too This Flawless!? The Prologue Itself States That Your A Splendid Writer Beyond My Imagination! πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸΌ

Superb! Everything Seems So Drop Dead Interesting! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ‘πŸΌ 

I'm Already Dying To Read Further!! πŸ˜† πŸ€’ 

Better Update Soon!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

I Know I Know...πŸ˜• πŸ€’ Before It I'll Have To Update For You! πŸ˜† 

PS ~ Love You!! πŸ˜† β€οΈ
Edited by RiddhiTacker - 10 years ago
--Ayesha-- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
someone started a new story hun πŸ˜‰
Itsss Amazing MillleeπŸ˜ƒ
d prologue seems soo interesting totally different
cant wait to read more
u better update jaldi jaldi orelse dekho kya karti
looking forward to dis story

Edited by --Ayesha-- - 10 years ago
millee18 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

(This Amazing Banner Is Made By My Super Amazing Twinnie "Karina" . Thanks A Ton For This Keeni Pie !!!! Love U β€οΈ)

Viren Vadhera stood silently in the open lobby, his hands in the pockets of his jeans and one shoulder propped against the frame of a window. His whole body was tense, his brown eyes scanning the sidewalk with the intense and total focus.

Where in the hell is she? It ' s ten forty-five.

He knew Jeevika was working tonight. She was back to work at his Mom' s Place . He had checked. His mother owned the bistro where Jeevika worked and was generally pretty forthcoming with information when Viren wanted it, but he was careful. If he wasn't, his only mother would be hounding why he wanted information on  Jeevika. His wonderful but inquisitive mom would be like a bloodhound after a scent if she thought that Viren's interest was anything but casual. He would be nagged to death, his mother wanting to know exactly what his intentions were with Jeevika.

Viren frowned. Like he had any intentions? He had fantasies but not more than that.

Viren took a deep breath, trying to get his body to relax and telling himself that he must be insane to think again and again, for some woman that he had never officially met. But here he was... again, his back to the curious doorman, leering out the window like a stalker, waiting to get glimpse of Jeevika Chaudhary. Something about the woman brought out strange, territorial and protective instincts that kept him here, keeping watch, waiting for her to walk by his condo building on her way home from work.

And then, when he spotted her, he'd do the same thing he always did. He'd follow her at a distance, trying not to alarm her, and wait until she had let herself into her apartment safely before he turned around and walked back home.

He wouldn't talk to her, or even get close to her. He never did. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but Jeevika was going to medical school and working full-time at his mother's restaurant. According to his mom, Jeevika adamantly refused to date because she didn't have the time or energy to put into a relationship. She was probably right about that. The insane woman didn't sleep enough, eat enough. She had no one who even worried about her except for his mother...and Viren. Hell...in the last year, Viren had probably cared more about Jeevika's well-being than a dozen family members would have, and he couldn't even call her a friend. Problem was...he wasn't a family member, and his feelings were far from brotherly.

God, she was sweet!

Viren had to bite back a groan of frustration as he thought about the first time he had seen Jeevika, her green eyes flashing with humor, black tendrils of silky hair flowing down till her shoulder and her lithe body . She looked innocent and vulnerable that caught Viren  in her unintentional web. He'd been a prisoner there ever since.

His mother used to talk about Jeevika as if she were her daughter, and Viren knew that Jeevika and his mother had a special bond; one not formed by blood, but by a special friendship. Shit...if Jeevika were younger...Viren was pretty sure his mother would adopt her. Lips twitching slightly, Viren hoped his mother never expected him to be like a brother to Jeevika. It wasn't happening.

What in the hell was it about this particular woman that made him so edgy and restless?

Viren had been with women who were more attractive, more sophisticated, and not a single one of them had ever touched any of his emotions. He was a loner, preferring to spend his time with his files rather than attending social functions, but there were times when he needed a woman's company for physical relief. Occasionally taking himself in hand just wasn't getting it done. Viren had certain female acquaintances for those occasions, women who gave him the control he needed and had to have in the bedroom, without a lot of demands or questions. Damn it! That had been enough for him...until he had seen  Jeevika. God, he was getting pathetic. How long would he moon over a woman who had never even acknowledged him? Until she finished medical school and moved away? Until she got married?

He nearly growled at the thought of another man putting his hands on Jeevika's delectable body. Viren fought a purely feral instinct that rose up at the thought of another man touching his woman.

She's not your woman. Get a grip.

For once in his life, Viren wished he were more like his older brother Virat, the other half of the Vadhera Corporation. Virat would have no problem putting the moves on Jeevika. Charm, conquer and discard had always been his brother's style and Virat wouldn't have given a thought to the possibility of rejection. Probably because Virat never failed! His only sibling went through the female population like a person with cold went through tissues. Virat would have broken down Jeevika's defenses, charmed her and then discarded her for his next conquest. Oh, hell no . Viren loved his brother, but he'd be damned if he'd ever let Virat seduce Jeevika. He didn't even want the two of them together.

Because she's mine.

Viren shook his head, surprised at his own behavior. Yeah...he liked control, actually needed control, but he had never wanted one woman in particular. Now, he could think of little else but the pretty waitress who got his attention a year ago.

You're afraid of her.

Viren scowled at the thought. Like hell he was! He wasn't afraid of anything, and he definitely didn't fear Jeevika Chaudhary. She just...was not a likely lover. Why bother?

He use women

He didn't date.

And he liked it that way.

His brother Virat was the face of the company, the marketer. Viren was the manager, happy to stay in the background. What did he know about Women ??? He was not a Womeniser !!! He was Just getting feelings about this single Women ever in his life .

Maybe I need to find a way to have her and get over this crazy obsession .

Would it be enough? Could he actually get free from his fixation with this woman if he could find a way to have her ??

He had to do something. His preoccupation with Jeevika had grown worse and worse over the last year, causing him to want no other woman except her. He hadn't gotten off with anyone except himself in well over a year, and he really needed to scratch that itch. Yet...he couldn't. If he tried to take action, to make a move to call another woman, he would see Jeevika's pretty girl-next-door face and hang up the phone.

I'm just that obsessed with her.

Viren glanced at an approaching figure,who was dressed in a short, black, leather mini-skirt and a tank top. He'd never seen Jeevika dressed in anything other than jeans and a t-shirt. He was surprised as the woman got closer,when her face came into view. Holy. It was Jeevika. She was close enough that he could see her features.

What in hell is she wearing?

 Viren could see almost every inch of her long, slender, shapely legs in the ultra-short mini and the whole outfit molded over her like a glove. His hand curled into tight fists as a bead of sweat rolled down his face.

Goddamnit! What was she thinking? Dressed that way, she was practically begging for some man to come and snatch her up off the street.

And, by God, he was going to be that man. He wasn't leaving that opportunity to another male, someone who might do her harm.

Didn't she realize that this was Tampa? A major city! It wasn't some tiny town where she could walk the streets at night and not be noticed .

Viren unclenched one fist and gripped the window frame for support, his eyes never leaving the approaching female., Viren knew that today was the day he was going to have to get close to her, closer than he'd ever been before. He couldn't handle these animalistic and rampant emotions anymore. He didn't like them, wasn't used to them. All he wanted was to return to his business and work on his passion without thoughts of Jeevika taking over his brain.

Jeevika was having a bad day !!!

She shifted her backpack to make it sit more solidly on her shoulder and reached for the hem of her ridiculously short skirt, yanking it down. The clothes looked great on her classmate, meera who was several inches shorter and seven years younger than Jeevika. Unfortunately, they didn't look quite good on Jeevika.. The top hugged her and the skirt was too damn short,making her feel all uncomfortable..

She was a street-smart woman, having grown up in one of the worst areas of Tampa and coming through the experience intact. Jeevika knew how to protect herself, how to avoid any unwanted attention. So what in the hell was she doing in an outfit that was bound to get her in trouble? Stupid, Jeevika. Really, really stupid!

Frowning, Jeevika forced herself to keep walking. No big deal. She was in a decent area. So what if she looked like a sex kitten in sneakers? Eight more blocks and she would be home, free to finally strip off the ludicrous outfit and put on her own comfortable jeans and t-shirt. Her legs were cold and she shivered, walking faster to get her body warm. It was January in Tampa, and while the daytime hours were pleasant, it got chilly at night. She should have brought her jacket, but she had been running late this morning.

She hadn't planned on having her legs bare and her behind flapping in the breeze.

The day is almost over.

Thank God!

She had spilled coffee on her own jeans and t-shirt earlier in the day. With no time to go home and change before she had to get to work, Jeevika had gratefully accepted the offer of clean clothes from Meera, a classmate who was never without a change of clothing in her car. It wasn't that Jeevika didn't appreciate the kindness of her classmate. She definitely did. Jeevika just wished she could wear the clothing with the same attitude as Meera. But...she couldn't. She was used to keeping a low profile.

When she had arrived at the restaurant for her shift, her kind boss, Vanshika Vadhera, had taken pity on her and dug in the drawers for an apron that reached Jeevika's knees and covered her exposed backside. Wishing she had worn the apron home, she jerked again at the bottom of the skirt with more than a hint of frustration, hoping she wasn't flashing anything more than some bare thigh.

Exhaustion tugged at Jeevika's body and her stomach rumbled. She had gotten so busy at work that she hadn't taken the time to eat. The small, cozy restaurant had been busy, much busier than usual because it was Friday night. She had actually been grateful for the customers. The tip money she had in her backpack was all that stood between her and a completely empty bank account. Maybe she could buy a few groceries now that she had a few bucks from tips. Her cupboards at home were bare and her roommate seemed to be in even worse financial shape than Jeevika

Last semester! You can make it.

Damn...it had been a long four years, she felt old. Period! Most of her classmates were barely legal drinking age and were all about college partying, while Jeevika could only think about making it through each day, getting one step closer to graduation.

Jeevika had lost her parents in an car accident at the age of eighteen and was pretty much alone. After working for several years as a waitress, barely surviving, she knew she had to either go to college or resign herself to struggling through life with no end to poverty in sight.She didn't regret the decision to go to college, but it had been difficult, an arduous and lonely road that she could only be grateful was almost over.

You'll make it. Almost there!

Jeevika stopped abruptly as the sidewalk started to tilt and her vision blurred.Dizziness made it impossible to function,

Damn it. I should have taken the time to eat .

" Jeevika!" She heard through to her foggy brain. The voice was abrupt, but it was reassuring to know that someone who knew her, who recognized her, was here. Shaking her head, trying to clear her vision, Jeevika tightened her grip on the metal post and willed herself not to pass out on the cold stone pavement as her body swayed precariously, preparing itself for the fall.


Phewww !!!! Finally I M Done With This Update !!! Guys For The Last Update I Sended 157 PM's To Be Precise Nd Got 30 Likes Seriously !!! πŸ˜­ I Really Want To Write This Story But If I Will Get This Much Likes Only Then Sorry To Say I Will Not Continue !!!πŸ’”πŸ₯Ί Hope This Time I Will Not Get DisappointedπŸ˜”πŸ’”πŸ˜­ !! Will Be Waiting For Ur Response !!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

Edited by millee18 - 9 years ago