#2 ArHi SS: Against All Odds (Complete) - Page 79


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a4aarsh thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
can i cry????😭 dont worry this is 'khushi ki aasu' at last the much awaited marriage πŸ˜³,great update dear
p.s : sorry 4 the super late replay i was having exams πŸ˜Š
aysemLDG thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
I loved the way how Khushi got permission from her deceased parents after told them about Arnav's proposal for marriage. Guptas also accepted Arnav's sincere apology. Now after a few days, Khushi will be Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Sing Raizada forever with all rituals.  
Deal05 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Dear Kiran,
I loved the whole 25 chapters so far it is quite awesome than the actual aired episodes. I wished they had used your storyline and it would have increased the rating.

Loved the way you construct the happenings from scene to scene. Liked how Arnav initially put Shayam in prison after sending Naniji and Anjali away.

Liked how you weaved real life social issues into the story such as Shayam bribing an inspector to make a call to his wife. Loved Khushi's reaction when she saw them coming back.

Loved how you made Khushi to move out of their room and Arnav spending 9 hours standing in front of the door as he could not sleep without Khushi. 

One of the best scene for me was when Khushi went to Arnav's office and had a go at him while he was in a meeting. That is really awesome. Also liked the way Abhay was introduced into the scene but he part was only for a short moment. Would have loved to see him more in the story as NK has been removed from the story. It would have been good to see more of Arnav's jealousy with Abhay getting close to his wife rather than cancelling the contract.

Did not like that you did not allow Abhay to bring to Anjali's attention what he witnes when Shayam manhandled Khushi in the kitchen.

Loved how you portray Arnav's vulnerability and insecurity through out a lot better than IPK. 

Loved how you actual portray Akash and Payal as strong character rather than timid and shy couple. Loved how they worked behind the scene to look for evidence to expose Shayam to the family.

Now coming to the exposure of Shayam, can't believe up until the very end he was still weaving lies and damaging Khushi's character bringing it into question.

Loved the way the truth was revealed, loved that it was not over dramatic but rather Arnav, Akash, Payal and Khushi provided the evidence in a very constructive way. Khushi came across really strong in front of the family when she slapped Shayam for every evil he committed against her and her family. Liked you did not allow anyone to stop her until she finished.

As much as I believe Arnav got a private investigator to find out about Shayam's lifestyle, like you just went straight to the actual evidence to confirm he knew Khushi and her family before she came to RM.

Another credit to you is the way you made Anjali really strong almost immediately that she visited her husband in the prison to discover more truth. Liked how she told Arnav that him and Shayam had wronged Khushi and she was not happy about it. Liked how she acknowledged that she had allowed Arnav to play the elder for a very long time and that now is the time for her to take her rightful position.

Loved how Anjali took charged after Arnav revealed the truth to the Gupta's and Raizada's. 

It was really fabulous how Khushi had a dialogue with her real parents about Arnav and the way the approval came. It was nice the way Khushi confessed her love to Arnav and him realising she too had loved him for the last two years.

Now that the wedding scene is about to commence, are we going to see Arnav going to sleep with his wife in the Gupta's house? How is he going to survive the next one week away from Khushi? 

Just a request, Would love to see a modern Anjali, career minded and ruling the world. 

In one of the chapters when Abhay and Khushi were discussing about Abhay getting married he referred to if Anjali was free he would. Would we be seeing an Abhay and Anjali union or is that wishful thinking?

Eagerly awaiting the next update.

Thank you.

sk2405 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
I am glad she took her time before giving into her heartfelt desires. This way she will never regret her decision and will be more than willing to give them another chance because she would be ready to face the obstacles in a much stronger way. Also she wouldn't have any doubts regarding her Arnavji's sincerity to make their relationship work.

It's sad that the wedding is a week away but then doesn't distance make hearts grow fonder. So it would be interesting to see him sneak away to meet her and make all the cute excuses.

Waiting for the next part.
Update soon. πŸ˜Š
loves_aishu thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
loved the Anjali-Chote and Khushi-Her Parent's dialogues,

Liking the way you are treating Arnav,
though he is the hero, 
he deserves to realise what damage he did to Khushi!!!

Hoping you update soon,
Take Care!!
vrindagupta thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
first of all sorry for late comments
firstly cause of my busy schedule
and now i'm recovering from viral fever

amazing update
i think it was good  that khushi took some time
before taking a decision
this wait made arnav think of worst

but that made the confession superb
so much full of emotions..from both arnav n khushi

glad the family is supportive
loved how arnav was so desperate to get married soon
instead of waiting for a week
and even when khushi had to go to her home
the longest one week of his life

can't wait to read more
update soon
thanks for the PM
star_fan1 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Just read all the parts in one go 
Must say beautiful and amazing 
Loved it too much
Waiting for next update eagerly 
Plz pm me when you update
Pearl_Oyster thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 years ago

Banner Courtesy: asrcraze πŸ€—

Chapter 26:The Bumps


The house was buzzing with activity and every single person in the house was on cloud nine, every single person minus Anjali Singh Raizada. She was supposed to be the happiest soul in the house but for certain reasons she was not. Even Manorama Raizada for the time being was giving rest to her spiteful tongue and was enthusiastically taking part in the preparations of the wedding. Manorama Raizada had realised in time that weddings are ticket to prolific shopping sprees and spa appointments without being admonished by her mother-in-law so keeping aside her reservations she had allowed herself to actually enjoy the opportunity.


Now we should get back to discussing Anjali Singh Raizada who was looking sullen and a deep set scowl adorned her face as she sat in the living room, watching the flurry of activities in the house.


The house was being decorated with flowers; the walls were being covered by sleek and silky draperies and all this without her involvement.


Arnav had specifically tipped off his Nani and Payal that Anjali should not be allowed to do anything other than resting herself which didn't go down very well with Anjali.


She wanted to help but wasn't even allowed to move a finger.


So, as she sat upon the sofa and watched people rushing from one room to another she couldn't help but feel bad. This was her Chote's wedding and she wasn't supposed to sit back and be a mere spectator.


With some effort she raised herself out of the couch which was no longer an easy job as her baby bump had grown considerably. She stood up and instantly felt dizzy.




As her head spun and was about to fall back on the couch balance felt Arnav reaching for her, his arms steadying her footing.


"Careful Di, I have so many times asked you to not leave your room but have you ever.."


"I am alright Chote and this is normal during pregnancy" Anjali interposed, cutting his words short and moving away from him.


"What's normal Di? The dizziness or the urge to hurt yourself by being careless?" Arnav asked and realised it came out harsher than he intended.


"Know what Chote? I hate you" Anjali mouthed and tried to walk past him but Arnav held her back, placing his hands on either side of her shoulders.


"I am sorry Di. I didn't mean it. I worry about you" Arnav said in a soft voice and Anjali relaxed.


"I know Chote but I feel cranky. More so because you aren't letting me help with the preparations. It's YOUR wedding Chote and you want me to attend it as a guest" Anjali pouted cum whined.


"Hmm. Actually you can help Di. Why don't you go back to your room and I'll ask HP to deliver the guest list to you? You can write the name of the guests on the invites?" Arnav suggested.


"Well at least that's better than sitting idle" Anjali paused to think before agreeing.


"Now I'll take you to your room" Arnav said and he supported Anjali as he walked her to her room.


As he was returning back from the room and moving towards his own, he ran into something, rather someone.


"You?" The words escaped his lips as he looked up and found himself staring at the familiar face and his gaze hardened immediately.




Khushi was standing in her room with her hands resting on her hips as she surveyed the fineries which had engulfed her bed. Her eyes were wide as she studied each item.


"Amma, what was the need to buy so many things?" She mused out loud and shook her head.


"Why not? We need to gift clothes to everyone who's related to the boy's side and you're talking as if we didn't do it at the time of Payalia's marriage" Garima replied as she proceeded to fold the clothes back into the bags they belonged.


"We had bought things for Jeeji's wedding but I was earning then and we had little savings. How are we going to afford all these expenses now?" Khushi said with a worried expression. When she had gloated over the fact of re-marrying Arnav she hadn't considered that her decision would land up as a financial burden upon the already frail shoulders of her family.


"You need not worry Sankadevi, we are still alive to take care of that" Buaji interceded in what she thought an austere voice but it came out rather irresolutely thus confirming Khushi's doubts that her decision was pressing upon her family's financial condition.


"I know Buaji but your pension alone cannot meet all the expenses" Khushi revealed the fact which was already too well known to Garima and Buaji.


"Amma, you should return all of this. I will talk to Arnavji. We should keep the wedding a simple affair.."


"And allow the last wedding of the house to be a bland affair? That's not happening. We have to make this wedding memorable" Buaji retorted in and looked at Garima for support.


"I think Jeeji is right Khushi. You should not talk to Arnav Babua about any of this. We know he will understand but it will be an embarrassment to us. So, let us; the elders take care of this. We want you to enjoy the occasion. Don't worry yourself" Garima enunciated with an assuring look.


"But Amma.."


"Khushi Bitiya, listen to your mother. We are taking care of this" Shashi stepped inside the room, wheeling his chair.


"But Babuji.."


"No ifs' and buts' Khushi. We have got it covered" He said.


"How?" Khushi probed as she saw her family exchanging looks.


"We are mortgaging the house" Buaji broke the silence in the room.


"What?" Khushi drawled in a surprised tone.


"Don't worry. We'll get the house back once we pay back the amount we are loaning" Garima was the one to speak this time.


"No way. You cannot do that Buaji. Babuji, you should not let Buaji do this. This is her house" Khushi repudiated the idea without a blink, looking at her father.


"I know Khushi but there is no other option. I am still on these wheels. The doctor says it will take me few more months before I can walk on my own legs and once that happens I and Garima ji will go back to Lucknow. We will restart our sweet shop, earn the money and get this house back" Shashi reasoned.


"No Babuji. I understand all of you want this wedding to be a memorable one but I don't want the memories attached to my wedding where my family had to mortgage the house. I will talk.."


"You will not say a word to Damad ji about this, Khushi" Garima interposed, this time with strictness.


"He can help..." Khushi tried to speak again.


"Taking his help is beneath our self-respect, Khushi Bitiya and you know that well enough. Just relax and enjoy. Your father will take care of this to the best of his abilities" Shashi delivered the words, his tone making it clear there was no room for further discussion.


All Khushi could do was to nod helplessly.




"You?" The words escaped Arnav's lips as he looked up and found himself staring at the familiar face and his gaze hardened immediately.


"What are you doing here?" He asked.


"Whoa! I thought you invited me" Abhay replied, all cool and nonchalant.


"I did, but not here" Arnav said, irritated and pissed. He still wasn't sure if Abhay was the right person for this. This guy always seemed to be just too full of beans.


"I know right! You had asked me to meet you at the office but I deduced you wouldn't be at office at this hour so I drove here instead, saving you and mine from exhausting extra petrol, hence saving the "natural resources" Abhay replied with a wink, using his fingers to double quote natural resources'.


"Would have been better had you tried and not exhausted your brain" Arnav muttered.


"What?" Abhay asked, unsure if he heard right.


"We need to discuss this out of the house Abhay, where my family cannot hear us which is why I had asked you to meet me at the office. I was just about to change and join you there" Arnav answered.


"Ohkay" Abhay said.


"So, why don't we just in your poolside and discuss things? With Khushi gone back to Gupta house, I don't think we'll have an audience there. I mean weren't you and Khushi the only ones who used to practically live there? Now that she isn't here..."


"Stop overstepping your limits Abhay Singh and how the hell you know about me and Khushi spending most of our time in the poolside?" Arnav asked, sure this man was on a special purpose to get on his nerves.


"Oh Chill, Khushi narrated all of your love journey to me the last time I was here like how she gave you a bath of hot tea" Abhay chuckled but when Arnav continued to look frosty he silenced himself.


"Follow me" Arnav said as he moved ahead and crossed the gallery they had been standing in all this time to finally walk into the poolside.


"Wasn't it here you had untangled those fairy lights off Khus.. umm.. So, why have you called me here?" Abhay quickly changed his question and decided it was good to discuss the topic where Arnav would spare him the piercing scornful gaze.


"Now that's the important question" Arnav replied, letting his uninvolved front drop down and shrugging on the business front.




"Hey, I know you" Anjali was surprised by the jubilant tone of the man who happened to be standing right in front of the door to her room and who she knew not.


"Oh, don't work yourself up. I don't think you remember me. I am Abhay Singh, a friend of Khushi's and I am a little lost...in your beauty" She heard the man and was confused further.


"Excuse me?" she said, appraising the man before her who was dressed in a pair of black Jeans paired with a white tee underneath a black coat.


"Pardon me. That was inappropriate. Actually I am a little lost. I was visiting Arnav and once we finished talking he left to somewhere after giving me the details to find my way to the main door but I kind of...got lost. This is a big house you see? Totally not my fault! Who would have ever thought Arnav Singh Raizada would leave me on my own means to get out of this house? Poor me." Abhay finished, having explained the things in what he thought was certainly an impressive way but when Anjali's confused look morphed into a suspicious one he realised he had made a fool out of himself.


"Could you just tell me what is the best way to get out of the house? I am kinda lost" He said, allowing himself to thumb the pockets on either side of his jeans and pulling on an ingenuous look.


"Where is Chote?" Anjali asked, after a moment of silence where she wondered if this man standing before her was a nutcase.


"Sorry? If you're asking about umm..Your firstborn, I haven't seen him" Abhay replied as his eyes finally caught on Anjali's baby bump.


Anjali's mouth was left half-open as the words settled in. Did this man just imply...?


"See, I just want to know how can I get out? Arnav said I had to step out of the poolside, take the stairs, head left..Or I guess he said right..or maybe..left it was but I ended up before this room" Abhay explained as he studied the element of surprise and then many more emotions suffusing on Anjali's countenance. Things were really getting awkward now and he needed to get out.


"Abhay? Is that you?" Payal's voice boomed in the background and Abhay thanked the heavens for saving the situation.


"Payal" He looked away from Anjali who seemed to have caught on with the situation and was now squinting between Payal and him.


"This is such a surprise. How can you be here? You were in Mumbai right? Or did Khushi already send you the wedding invite?" Payal asked questions after questions.


"It's pleasure to see you too Payal" Abhay laughed.


"I did receive the invite Khushi sent me but I am here early for a business conference and erm..some business things I had to discuss with Arnav" Abhay explained.


"Oh, you were here to meet Arnavji? I thought you were mistakenly here to meet Khushi as she is not staying here. The wedding ceremonies will be taking place from Laxminagar. So, Khushi is there. Anyways, did you meet Anjali Di? She's Arnavji's elder sister. Anjali Di, he is Abhay, our neighbour from Lucknow and Khushi's childhood friend" Payal made the quick introductions and Anjali's face finally broke into a polite smile paired with a nod.


"So, does Khushi know you're here?" Payal asked.


"No and don't tell her. I was going to leave here and meet her at your house. She'll be surprised" Abhay replied.


"Oh, I was about to ask you to stay a while" Payal said good-naturedly.


"No, that's okay. I'll come later. Can you lead me out? I am confused with the same kind of doors and galleries" Abhay said, his carefree tone back in place.


"Sure, come this way" Payal replied with a small laugh.


"After you"


 "Bye Anjali" Abhay waved at Anjali who was already walking back to her room and she frowned at him.


"So, what happened to her husband? I mean she was not wearing those pesky objects which indicate girls are off the market" Abhay probed as they were out of the earshot and Payal led the way.


"You mean what happened from when you left?" Payal asked and Abhay nodded.


"That's a long story and not the kind of one I would want to repeat. You should ask Khushi" Payal replied and Abhay nodded in understanding as he sensed it was a topic not suitable to be discussed on the occasion of an impending wedding.


"See you later" He said, as he and Payal reached to the main door of the house and Payal asked him to visit again.




Khushi was sitting anxiously in her room wondering if she should call Arnav or not when her cell phone started ringing. A smile etched upon her face as she realised it was Arnav calling and all her worries were lay forgotten for a moment.


"Arnavji" She whispered into the phone, the smile still lingering on her face.


"I am missing you terribly" She heard him say from the other side, making her heart swell with love and warmth. No matter how many times he would utter those words to her, each time they would seem more real to her. Each time she would take a deep breath in and revel into the feeling of hearing him say it loud.


Now that he had said it again, she could not help but say the words back to him with same emotion. She missed him as much as he missed her. Somehow she had grown accustomed to having him around, feeling his presence, and breathing into the smell which was exclusively him.


"I miss you too Arnavji"


"I cannot wait to have you back to myself, this time for the entirety of my life"


"Me too" She barely said the words in exhilaration yet he heard her.


"So, how's everything going on there? Nani told me the Mehandi function will be held day after tomorrow, followed by Haldi and finally the wedding. The Sangeet ceremony is not being held. I had called Buaji in the morning and she said it was fine if we skip one ceremony. I mean I don't think the loud music and dance is something Di can manage and we all know she's too stubborn to be a passive participant. I hope you're okay with it?"


While Arnav explained the ceremonies and his reasons for cancelling the Sangeet ceremony, Khushi realised it was one less burden on her family's tight budget.


"I think it's for the best Arnavji" She replied with a relieved smile which he couldn't see over the phone.


"You sure?"


"Of course" She replied.


"Okay great then. Be ready tomorrow, I'll be picking you up and we'll spend the day together. Nani has already told me we aren't allowed to meet after the Mehandi ceremony so I want to spend as much as time possible with you"


"But where?" Khushi asked with her interest piqued up.


"Why not wait until I take you there?" came the prompt reply and just like that Khushi decided she would not share her problems with Arnav, at least the one she was facing right now. Arnav was clearly happy with everything which was going around them and it was the most she expected from him. He was happy and she had no intent of ruining the moment for him. She could tackle this problem on her own and it would keep her parents happy too. Self-esteem of her parents was something she was not willing to put on stake by involving Arnav into the matter, not in this matter.


"Hello?" Arnav's voice brought her thoughts to halt and told him she'd be looking forward for him to come and pick her up tomorrow.


As she disconnected and kept her phone away, she felt someone holding her by waist and lifting off the ground.


"Hey, look at you Jalebi Express"


"Abhay?" Khushi gasped in surprise as she fought to get her way back to the ground but Abhay only laughed seeing her flailing her arms at him.


"Put me down Abhay" She threatened and giggled at the same time.


"Okay, first you have to admit you missed me all this time I wasn't here"


"No bargains Abhay, just put me down"


"I wonder what will be your future husband's reaction if he walks into the room at this moment"


"Nothing much, just that your head wouldn't be resting on your body. Now put me down" Khushi told him sweetly and Abhay instantly let her down.


"This is how you talk to a friend who's been away for.."


"A month with no phone calls and texts" Khushi finished.


"Yeah, about that I was busy with work thus giving you enough opportunities to call me but clearly you didn't" Abhay complained as both of them settled onto the bed, easily falling into a conversation with their old camaraderie back in place.


"I sent you the wedding invite and that should be enough proof you were there at the back of my mind" Khushi said.


"Yeah right. You don't call me, you don't text me after all the good advices I had left you with and in the middle of nothing I receive a wedding invite" Abhay mocked.


"So you reckon I shouldn't have sent you the invite?" Khushi teased.


"You do that and apocalypse will befall you" Abhay answered.


"Haww.. I am about to get married and this is what you wish for me? You're a really bad friend Abhay" Khushi pouted and Abhay laughed.


"Well, on a serious note I do wish you a happy, married life and may you get all the happiness you have always deserved" Abhay said after a moment and Khushi smiled.


"Thank you Abhay. You know you being here makes me feel lot better. Things are such a mess right now and Babuji is still recovering..."


"I get it Senorita. I totally understand and which is why I am here. I'll make sure Uncle does not take much stress and strain unless you have fallen in the arms of your prince as his wife"


Abhay replied and Khushi started to feel better.


"So, how come you're here before time? I mean I thought you were going to land up in the city on the day of the wedding" Khushi asked out of curiosity and Abhay tried to rummage his brain for a good reason to come up with. He was not supposed to let Khushi know about his involvement with Arnav, not until the wedding had taken place.


"Umm.. I want to get married so I am looking for a suitable girl" was the best he could and as soon as the words were said he bit his tongue for coming up with the lamest excuse.


"Excuse me?" asked a pleasantly surprised Khushi.


"Umm, yeah. Now that all of my friends have found permanent sexual partners for themselves, maybe I too should" Abhay answered earning a smack from Khushi.


"Whatever, I guess I'll help you with that" Khushi answered with enthusiasm.


"Sure you will" Abhay muttered under his breath and took a heavy breath. Heaven forbid if Khushi takes this seriously because the last thing he needed in his life was a woman with a life time durability.



A/N: This was another highly delayed update and I guess I shouldn't apologize because more such updates are to follow. I have been royally stuck in my real life with one or the other thing. The past month's been hectic and so is going to be this one. My unit tests just got over and now my Semester exams are in row. So, I am going to be unavailable for another month which means I won't be able to write the updates. I really hope you people will understand. I am going to try and update the chapters if and when I can (until this month). December onwards I am going to be free with ample of time. So, until then I want all of you to please bear with me. 

For any doubts or anything you can simply scrap or PM me. I'll reply as soon as I can. πŸ˜Š

Thanks a lot. πŸ˜³

HinaMalik91 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 9 years ago
Abhay is back! Wonder what business Arnav talked with him??
Abhay made himself a fool before Anjali.I think maybe he deliberately came to her room??πŸ˜‰

Awesome chapter!

Oh so Arshi are going on a date.Waiting for that
vrindagupta thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
superb update
OMG abhay is back
i really miss him

the way he flirted with anjali
she surely  needs someone like him in her life
and he lightens everyones mood around him

wonder why arnav called him 
can't wait to read more
update soon
thnaks for the PM