parekh thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Remember the smart, perky Air Force officer in Sara Aakash on Star Plus, Sonal Sehgal. She was in the news due to rumours of her alleged relationship with her co-star Shakti Anand, till it died a natural death when he married Sai Deodhar, the other actress in the same serial. After essaying the role of the stylish, brusque and offhanded Director of Hotel Kingston on Star One, Sonal Sehgal is nowhere on the tele scene today except for modeling for ads. The reason: She fell in love with a guy from outside the industry, got married and has perhaps quit acting too. One can never say if she will decide to make a comeback tomorrow but the big question is will she be considered to play the main character!


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mitts thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
wat!!!!! SS left acting but why?????????????She is such a gr8 actress 😭
sammie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
arey not left , just inactive 4 few days 😊
sammie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
and she'll be back with a gr8er role 😃
koel_vish thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Is this an article or your own views.Anyways sonal is one great actor and yes she might be on a break but that doesnt mean she would have quit actg.She might be waiting for a nice break in a great serial.She came in Jassi coz of its popularity and the character she was potraying,so might come in some serial with a great and unique concept just like HK.Let's wait and watch
sammie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
totally agree with u koel 😃
mitts thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
I wish wat u said is truth 😕
sammie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
hi meetu
u know her from earlier, great
let us know more about her

btw welcome to IF and HK section 😃
mitts thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
WOW thats soemthing very new for all of us but she deserve all these tiltle she is just awsome yaar

sammie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
yes she deserves all these and a lot more too 😊