VIRIKA - You are my Heartbeat: LAST CHAPTER!!!! - Page 21


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Kays94 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: aa_mnhs

I was very sleepy and about to close the tab after reading the update, but the fact that you take time update a new chapter, everyday, made me stop a drop a comment. The update was lovely, as always. I'm loving this story better than the last ff, not that the other one was not as good, but what grips my interest here is, a completely different plot. i look forward to your updates everyday, and you never disappoint me :)


aww thank you soo much! it really means a lot to me :) and i agree i really loved my first story, but im starting to love this one more. Not to be all pompous, but the next few parts are amazing. I keep reading it over and over again. I'll hopefully post another long part tonight!

thanks again!
ashna1406 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
cant wait for their marriage!!continue soon n do pm me
Kanwal_chohan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
This update really touched and now I'm craving for Starbucks
Awesome update loved it continue soon and do pm me
romanticgurl070 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
wow finally virika wedding
awesoem update
loving it
pinky.padda thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
absolutely beautiful loving it
Kays94 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
chapter 10

okay so now i'm gonna go take my final, while you all can enjoy chapter 10. I know everyone's getting excited for the wedding, but its still a few parts away so just be patient. 

It was the last day of their break, before they would have to get back to their busy daily life. Jeevika had been studying the entire break as she was really nervous for her finals. She was starting to stress out a lot and Viren could easily sense it. He hadn't seen her this panicked ever since she was applying to medical school. Viren felt that it must have been her hormones talking more than Jeevika. He was getting worried now as Jeevika was studying almost 14 hours a day, not doing anything else.

viren - "Babes I think you should go rest now. You have to report to the hospital tomorrow at 9 right? You've been studying all break, you'll be fine. Give your body some rest. Come on lets go upstairs"

jeevika - "Viren are you kidding me, I still have so much to do. I can't even think about sleeping. You go sleep cause you have class early in the morning. And don't worry I'll go to the hospital myself tomorrow since I have to leave later"

viren - "Okay fine you can go yourself, but please sleep now jeevs. Your eyes look so black, like you haven't gotten sleep in days. Please listen to me"

jeevika - "Viren I really have a lot to do. I'll be more stressed if I don't finish my work right now. You go sleep, its getting late."

If Jeevika was going to be stubborn, so was Viren. He just sat there next to Jeevika admiring her beauty. Every once in a while he would go get her something to eat or drink as he knew she would never go and get it herself. Viren fell asleep with his head resting on the table. Jeevika felt bad as he wasn't getting proper sleep because of her. She shook him trying to wake him up.

jeevika - "Viren, go sleep upstairs please. You have a long day tomorrow"

viren - "So do you jeevs. I'm fine right here sitting next to you"

Before Jeevika could argue back with Viren, she felt some pain in her body. Her legs, to her back and ankles were all starting to hurt. She was starting to feel a lot more pain, and she actually asked Viren to give her some medicine as it was getting intolerable. Viren handed her her medicine.

viren - "Thats it now Jeevika, you're going sleep now. I don't care anymore. All this pain is because you've been sitting down the whole time."

jeevika - "Are you a doctor or me?" - she said smiling 

viren - "Jeevika i'm not in the mood for jokes right now. Upstairs RIGHT NOW"

jeevika - "Okay, okay fine. Can you help me get up at least"

viren - "See i knew this was going to happen. Now all day tomorrow you're going to have a body ache. And tomorrow if I find out that you skip your meals, you're seriously going to be dead. And no new york. I swear i have to treat you like a child"

jeevika - "okay calm down now. That zoya tells you everything I'm doing. such a traitor she is"

viren - "Traitor? she care's more for you than you do for yourself"

They both got in their bed and set up their alarms. 

jeevika - "Viren, can you please hold me."

viren - "Come here"

Jeevika snuggled up near Viren. She rested her head on his chest and he stroked his hand through her hair helping her sleep. The next morning Viren woke up early and left the house at 7. He texted Jeevika saying that he made her lunch and it was in the fridge. Jeevika woke up around 7:30 not feeling well at all. She thought she may have a fever so she took the thermometer out from her drawer and checked. She indeed did, so she called Zoya immediately. 

jeevika - "Zoya I don't think I'll be able to come today. I have a fever and a really bad body ache"

zoya - "Shit dude. But today was our clinical exam review session. Its okay don't worry I'll drop by later and give you the details."

jeevika - "Oh my god, I didn't know that was today. Okay never mind I'll be there and please don't tell Viren anything. He'll get mad at me again. I already got a lecture from him last night"

zoya - "But jeevika its not good to work especially with a fever. Okay do one thing try coming right now, and I'll give you some liquids thru an IV and hopefully your fever will drop for a few hours"

jeevika - "Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes"

Jeevika quickly got ready as fast as she could. Her fever was pretty high and making her really dizzy. She sat in her car and was shivering and shaking barely having control over the steering. She went inside, straight to the lockers and realized she forgot the food lunch made her. "I'm dead today" she thought to herself. 

jeevika - "zoya give me the drip fast, we have to report for duty in half an hour"

zoya - "Come"

Zoya injected Jeevika putting the needle through her skinny arm. 

zoya - "Jeevika, I can only see bones in your body. Why don't you take care of yourself"

jeevika - "I'm fine zoya, relax"

Zoya knew i was pointless arguing with her. As soon as the drip finished they went to report for their duty. Right after their duty finished, they went to their clinical exam review session. Jeevika was having a tough time sitting as she felt her fever was coming back now and she hadn't even eaten lunch.

zoya - "Jeevika give me the charts to your patients, I'll go look at them and you go eat something please"

jeevika - "I'm fine Zoya. I don't have many patients left to see, ill finish it and then we'll go eat together. Sorry i've been bugging the shit out of you since morning"

zoya - "Don't say sorry, and seriously jeevika go eat something before your health gets worst."

Jeevika wasn't going to listen and Zoya knew that too. She was super stubborn and never gave attention to her health. Zoya decided to secretly message viren and tell him everything. Viren was furious at Jeevika. He was still in class, and was going to get out in another 30 minutes. He told Zoya to stay with her incase something happened and she did exactly that. Jeevika was now getting really weak again and she fainted walking to the lockers room. Luckily Zoya and her senior doctor were right by her and they quickly took her to a room. 

Dr. Adams - "Zoya quickly put the drip on. Her blood pressure is really low too"

zoya - "Doctor she's had a fever since this morning too. I think the baby maybe in distress now"

Dr. Adams was one of the doctors Jeevika and Zoya both worked under. She was getting really worried seeing her like this. She quickly did an ultrasound and saw that the baby's heart beat was quite faint. 

Dr. Adams - "Zoya you need to monitor the baby closely. This is not good, you need to bring the heart beat back up"

Zoya did exactly what her senior doctor told her too. She saw Viren talking to some nurse. She went out and told him about Jeevika's condition and they both ran to the room.

Dr. Adams - "Hi, are you Jeevika's husband?"

viren - "Yeah I'm her fiance"

Dr. Adams - "Her health is getting stable now. Please do me a favor and keep her on bed rest for a week at least. Don't worry about the her classes and clinicals, I'll handle it. She's really strong for doing what she does. Any other third year student starts complaining, and she's carrying a child and not have I ever heard her say anything. She's so dedicated and I'm really proud of her. Just please make sure she rests"

viren - "I will, thank you so much doctor. I really appreciate it"

The doctor left the room and Zoya told him everything from the morning to her not eating. 

viren - "I really don't know what to do with her Zoya. She doesn't listen to anyone. Sometime I really miss having our parents around to guide her. I'm new to this and I don't know what to do. She's still a doctor and so careless"

zoya - "Its okay Viren I'm here with you. We're both taking care of her. Just don't get mad at her now when she gets up. She'll feel more guilty. And by the way do you want to know if its a boy or girl?"

viren - "Wait you know?"

zoya - "Yeah Dr. Adams was doing an ultrasound and I saw. Jeevika doesn't know yet. Wanna know?"

viren - "No, I'll wait till jeevika gets up. We'll find out together"

zoya - "Okay, i'm going check on my other patients. I'll be back soon"

Zoya left and Viren messaged his friend asking him to record the class lecture as he won't be able to attend. For the first time Viren was actually stressed on this whole baby situation. He always felt he could handle it but today he was worried on how they would raise a child together. No matter what though he couldn't tell Jeevika this as she should start panicking more. She was against the idea of it in the beginning yet now accepted it. Viren sat on the chair next to jeevika's bed. He fell asleep and then Zoya came in bringing him some coffee. 

zoya - "Viren go eat something, I'll sit here with her. And anyways she probably won't be up for a while because of the medicines."

viren - "Okay, i'll just go pick up some food. I'll get you something too"

Viren went to the cafeteria and got food. He came back in the room and saw Zoya checking the baby's heartbeat. 

zoya - "The baby's heartbeat is stronger now which is good. Just got to make sure her temperature is under control now" 

viren - "When can I take her home?"

zoya - "Dr. Adams said tomorrow morning. Just want to monitor her fever overnight. If it increases again the baby will get more stressed inside"

viren - "Okay, here eat some food"

Both of them sat there eating dinner and waiting for Jeevika to get up. Viren was sharing with Zoya how they were planning on going to New York and get married. Jeevika started opening her eyes and asked for water. Viren was helping her drink it as Zoya was checking her blood pressure. She put her hand over her head.

jeevika - "What happened to me?"

zoya - "You fainted outside the locker room"

jeevika - "Zoya please tell me my baby is fine. Please I don't want my careless mistake to affect that innocent thing"

Viren looked up at Zoya a little shocked. He could see the same pain in her eyes as he felt. He was glad that at least now she realized the importance of their child and she wouldn't do something stupid like what she did again today. 

zoya - "Jeevika don't worry your baby is fine. In fact I just found out the sex of the baby and Viren was waiting for you to get up so I can tell the both of you"

Viren reached out for Jeevika's hand. 

viren - "so is it a boy or girl?"

zoya - "Its a BOY" 

jeevika - "really? Can I see the ultrasound please?"

Jeevika and Viren were both ecstatic now. Zoya was putting the cool gel on jeevika's belly and showing her how big her baby was getting. Jeevika was pointing out to Viren the baby's heartbeat and Viren loved the excitement on her face. 

zoya - "Okay jeevika, you'll be released tomorrow morning and Dr. Adams has given you a week off and clearly said to be on bed rest. You get it? And I swear one more time you do something like this, Viren and I will both kill you"

jeevika - "Okay, i promise. Thank you zoya" 

zoya - "Okay, i'm going home now. I'll see you both tomorrow morning."

viren - "Thanks for everything zoya"

Zoya smiled and left the two of them alone. 
--Iqra-- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome Updates! Good luck on your exam! Thanks for the PMs. 
srinuvirika thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
omg i love it!!! i love ur stories they are tooo good!! ðŸ˜Š
-Latty- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
awesome update dear...! thank god nothing happened to jeevs and the baby...!! eagerly waiting for the next part...! thanx for the PM..:)
--Ayesha-- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Superb update dear u write such beautiful story kudoos 2 ur thoughts.
Thnax 4 d pm