love1 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago

the episode starts with the veer taking mahi and heer to drop their home and in the car they both image tht, they are getting marry to veer.

veer drop heer to home, heer say to mahi tht come wiht me to my home but veer says tht no we are going to do reharsal, heer goes to her home and says to veer tht drop mahi and come soon home.priya sees this tht veer is taking mahi with himself.

veer take mahi to his form house where suddenly light goes, they both burn the candle and veer in the darkness try to luv mahi but mahi stop him and says tht no, not right now. few days after we are gettting married so everything after tht. veer says ok.
veersays mahi tht close ur eyes, i have a surprise for u, mahi close her eyes and veer puts a ring in her finger. mahi is happy by this. priya from window is looking this.

veer drop mahi to her home and says tht u will come again tomorrow to form house she says yes.

mahi comes to her room and look at ring and says tht luv u veer, priya comes to her room and says veer gave a ring to u, he also gave a ring to me too, he took  me in his form house where he luved me, mahi says shut up priya and leave my room right now. priya says veer is like this mahi he did this wiht many girls mahi try to hit her but priya stop her hand and says if i m wrong u can hit me and if  i m right then hit urself.

veer comes to  his home where heer waits for him, she ask him where were u he says i was decideing my wedding date, she says everybody know its 25th of nov. veer is surprised tht how she know he thinks tht mahi told her.

next day taijee and baujee go to jewellery shop for buying something for heer weddding at tht time mahi comes there baujee feels tht pammi is there he follew her but not able to see her face.

mahi go to a frame shop and give the shopkeeper baujee sketch (which she made in last episide) and says him to frame it.she try to call veer tht i will be late but she forgets her cell in her room.

priya comes in mahi room and see her mobile and send a message from mahi mobile to veer tht i m coming to form house to celebrate again like yesterday night.

baujee agian see mahi and try to follow her but again failed.

veer come to form house and sees a girl standing he huge her and start luv her without seeing her face suddenly mahi comes and says well done veer today i know u reality, veer is shocked and says i think this girl is u, tht girl trun tht is priya looking just like mahi. mahi  says i hate u veer bcoz u cheat me and take off her ring and throug it on veer face and goes back, priya is happy by this.

after mahi goes, veer ask priya wht r u doing hare, she says i luv u veer but i hate u veer says u onlu luv urself, u can't get me.

veer dad call mahi dad and talk abt his well. at tht time veer come and heer ask her abt tea but he says i dont want and go to his room, heer is confused she knew tht he was with mahi, he says to veer dad tht ask abt mahi. at  tht time mahi comes to home. he dad give her phone of heer,heer says to her tht veer is very upset  is any thing is wrong, mahi says i dont want to talk abt him, i never saw such a cheap man in my life. and i dont want to talk abt this matter any more do u get tht heer.

heer comes to veer room and try to talk veer but veer stop her.

priya come to mahi room and mahi says i dont want to see ur face leave my room now, priya says u dont want to see ur face mahi listen this and goes to washroom and break the miror. at tht time veer message comes on mahi's mobile priya receives it. veer in his message wrote tht it mis understanding mahi, piya from mahi side send tht message tht i new saw cheap man like u, u deserve only ptiya.and leave mahi room.

mahi comes form washroom at tht time veer agian send message tht ok i m for  priya.

veer and heer going to somewhere in car veer says her all thing tht mahi has some misunderstanding. heer says u dont worry mahi is wrong. veer says tht u always make me comfortable heer. heer is happy by this.

mahi says to her mom and dad tht i m going paris for taking addmission in dance acadami of paris.
priya  and her dad is happy by this but her mom is shocked by this. her dad says to priya tht u saw how god hel u she says it all done by me now u look wht i do with heer.he dad is amazed.
in shoping plaze taijee sees baujee stekch, she asked abt it, shop keeper says her tht i girl give it for frame, she thing tht girl must be heer, she comes homes and talk to heer on phone abt it. but she says i havenot give any sketch for frame.
veer receive a blank call, he knew tht it is of mahi he call back to mahi house her mom told him tht she is going to paris. veer is shocked.

veer comes to mahi house and go to mahi room and locked her room and make pieces of her ticket, mahi mom dad and priya is bitting the mahi room door, veer says to mahi tht i only luv u and i will prove this on 25th nov by marrying u and kiss her  at tht time mahi family comes in and see this tht veer kissed her,
veer goes back and mahi dad ask her wht is this she says i luv veer and we are going to marry on 25th nov. her dad slap her and says to her mom i told u dont adopt this child i dont know whoes cheap blood is running in her body mahi is shocked by listing this and on her face the episode ends.


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anitha.b thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 19 years ago
sounds like an interesting episode. Do u have pictures of the actors?
love1 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 19 years ago
yes  i have pic of some actors of this drama  post here soon