Pink's Scrapbook|Anecdotes#106&107|PG:146 - Page 28


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-CromulentHaze- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
This time it's only the one and it's more of an OS then an anecdote or drabble simply because of the length! I hope all of you enjoy it :) Anywho PM stuff is page 4 and index is page 1 and lastly sorry for any errors! Okies Bye.


 -The Best Last Day Ever!-


It was the last day of the year and there were only 2 more hours left until the end of 2010 would come and 2011 would start.  Most people would be out partying and drinking with family and friends celebrating and waiting for the countdown to start but for me Riddhima it was a totally different story. Today instead of being with my family and friends welcoming the star t of a new year I was sitting at my desk in my office typing a stupid letter for my stupid boss as he walked in front of me dictating word for word what he wanted to convey. Omg! I want to kill him! Will he never shut up! This letter is almost 5 pages long! How much longer do I have to sit here and type! My fingers are killing me! Dear god please help me!  Urggh!!!!! I hate you ARMAAN MALLIK! I HATE YOU….but I love you!  I know your all thinking what the hell is wrong with me? One second I say I hate him and the next second I love him. Well I don't blame you but what can I do. I really love him but the worst part is that he has no idea. What it's not like I haven't tried to tell him, I have but every time I go near him I start to fumble with my words and my heart starts to beat really fast and I end up making a fool of myself. I still remember the first time I tired to tell him that I love him. I was working late and it was a really hot summer day. It was 32 degrees outside but luckily for us we had the AC on. Anywho I had just gotten off the phone with a client and was making my way to Armaan's office to drop of the paper work that I had filled out when I noticed that his office door was wide open and that he was still sitting in his office working away. I was really surprised seeing him there since usually he never stayed beyond 4pm and at the time it was almost 7pm. I stood there for a few seconds not knowing if I should go in or not since I knew that I would end up losing my cool around him and end up talking nonsense in front of him. And so after debating for a minute I decided to turn around and leave, before anything happened and he saw me but to my misfortune he saw me just as I was turning around to leave.


"Riddhima I see you, so there is no use turning back so just come in I won't bite!"


Crap! So much for running away! Stupid man won't even let me run!


"Urghh fine. Here I'm inside now happy!"


"Yes very much. Now can I ask you what is it that you wanted?"


What did I want? I want YOU stupid! If only I had been able to say that out loud but no I had to tell him the real reason.


"Well I just wanted to leave these new contracts on your desk so you could check them over in the morning but I didn't know that you were still here."


"Well I am and thank you I'll take a look at them before I leave. Was there anything else you wanted to say?"


Was there anything else I wanted to say? Umm..Oh I don't know…how about you look so friggin hot right now in that white shirt with half the buttons open and your sleeves rolled up or how I really want to jump into your lap and put my arms around your neck and kiss you! or that I really really love you!


" that's it. I'll leave now."


Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Was all I could think as I reluctantly left his office that day.

So as you can all see from my story that I don' t have the guts to tell him. I know I'm really lame but you put yourself into my shoes and try then you will know.


"Riddhima are you listening?"


"Huh? Of course I am! Why?"


"Well for one you have been staring at me lost for the past 2 minutes and you haven't typed a single word. Are you okay?"


Am I okay? No! I'm not okay! I'm in love with you and I can't even say it! This sucks!


 "No I'm fine. I'm sorry I was just thinking about my family and how they must be waiting for me."


"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I had kept you for so long. Why don't you take off and we can finish this on Wednesday when we get back to work."


Okay what just happened? He wants me to take off? He has never said that to me before! Is he okay? Omg why does he look disappointed? Could it be that he doesn't want me to leave? Nahh why would he want me to stay he doesn't even like me that much but…


"Are you sure Armaan because I can finish the letter and then leave?"


"Would you…I's no problem you can leave."


Okay is this for real? Did he just indirectly say that he wanted me to stay? What does that mean? Does it mean he..he…likes…me?  Omg! I think he likes me! Now what do I do?... Go or stay here and find out if he could actually become my boyfriend? I like the second option better. Then I guess if I really want to find out then I will have to finally bring out the courage to tell him how I feel but am I ready for that? YES YOU ARE!! Okay incase any of you don't get it that was my heart screaming at me to go ahead and me being who I am I have always listened to my brain but not today! Today I'm going to put an end to this and follow my heart.


"Armaan I have something to tell you!"


"Yeah sure go ahead."


Okay it's now or never Ridzi say it!


"I..I love you!"


There I said it. I feel so much better but…why is he looking at me like he's guilty. Oh no! did I just ruin everything. Omg he doesn't love me! He's not even looking at me in the eye. Why did I have to open my mouth? Why did I just tell him the truth? I should have known that he would never like someone like me and why would he! I'm not even his type. He's always going out with those mini skirt overloading there faces with make up chicks so then why would he want to be with a girl like me who hardly wears any make up and wears simple yet not to flashy business clothes. Oh great here come the water works! I need to leave before he says anything. Run Riddhima Run! I got up from my seat abruptly and ran towards the door not even noticing his face for any sign of a reaction or for the chance to let his voice fill my ear drums but I guess god had other plans and the moment I was about to step my foot out the door I felt a hand grip my own halting me in my tracks.


Why are you holding my hand Armaan? Let me go! I need to leave! Was all I could think as I stood motionless at the door. I wanted to say something rude and hurtful and just free my hand from his and leave but he didn't let me. He just continued to hold my hand. Why wasn't he letting go? Couldn't he see that I didn't want to be around him? Couldn't he tell that I had once again made a fool out of myself? I could feel my tears continue to move down my face and my heart continue to pain. I was beginning to feel suffocated being in the same room with him and him being in such close proximity with me as he was standing right behind me that I could feel his breathing against my neck. I was starting to lose control and finally not being able to hold myself anymore I turned around and looked at him. I was about to tell him to let me go when he opened his mouth and spoke stopping me in my tracks.


"Where do you think you're going?"


"Excuse me! I just made a fool out of myself and told you that I love you and you just broke my heart by rejecting me and you're asking me were I'm going!"


"Miss.Riddhima may I ask when did I reject you or break your heart? didn't even let me reply."


Damn it! He does have a point! I hate that!


"Fine you want to reply then reply so I can leave and be far away from you!"


"Oh really and what if I tell you that after what I'm about to say that you won't want to leave?"


"Yeah right! What could you possibly say that would make me want to stay with you?"


"Oh I don't know…. Maybe …I love you too! Or how I have been in love with you since the moment you stepped into my life! Or how I make you stay late on purpose sometimes just so I can spend some time with you! Or how I have waited for you to tell me your feelings for so long! Or how my day lights up when you smile at me! Or how I can't stop thinking about you! Or how I fight with you on purpose because I love to see the expressions on your face! Or how you are the most beautiful woman in the whole world and I love you the way you are! I love you Miss.Riddhima Gupta! I love you. "


Did I just hear him right? Did he just say that he loves me too? My heart was beating like a racing train. I almost felt like I was about to have a heart attack. I didn't know what to say or do and I guess Armaan sensed that and so without saying a word he came closer towards me and putting his arms around my waist he moved my body closer towards his so that it was pressed against his well toned muscled chest and bringing my face closer towards his he placed my lips over his.  I didn't know what to do it felt a bit weird kissing my boss but after a minute or two I started to relax and just when I was beginning to loose myself he broke the kiss and moved a bit a away but still in the same position.

I felt dazed and yet happy with what had just happened. He had kissed me!  My first kiss!! But before I could even question or express anything he spoke up again saying something that I hadn't expected.


"Happy New Year Baby. I love you!"


Omg! How hot does that sound! Ahhh and he's all mine now!!


"Happy New Year Armaan! I love you too!"


And with that I put my arms around his neck once more and this time bringing my face towards his I placed my lips on his and kissed him back to show just how much I loved him. And that I got to say was the best last day of the year ever!




SleepingBeauty. thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG this was like the cutest OS I couldn't stop smiling throughout. Armaan is just too cute to handle and to be true <33
waiting to read more!
KaSh-Maneet-Fan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Hiii...Awesome os...Loved it...sweet concept...AR sooo adorable...Can't wait 4 more...Con soon...Thanks 4 da pm
sakshiA thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow! what a cute os.
riddhima is so cute and when she talked with herself she looked adorable.
armaan is ... i have no words.
their confession is  romantic and cute.
write more. 
abditory. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Awwie it was so cuttee. I love how Armaan said her i love you. And Gosh Ridhz inner voices were just🤣  Ahh babes you are brilliant. Loved it to the core^^

Edited by Salwa_Mehrin - 11 years ago
Nandini_goyal thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
I have read this already somewhere
teenorchid thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
such a cutooo os tashu. How do u write such awesome stufff. Loved itt
HR-DMG4life thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Cute os :D

Nikki <3
pinky.padda thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
absolutely fabulous loved it
sweetdesire thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Hey dear...Awwiie this just too cute and romantic...really loved it a lot...Armaan's love confession is too write more...Thanks for the PM..Take care


Lots of Love


Edited by sweetdesire - 11 years ago