kunal and nimmo promo pg 28 - Page 15


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tanya thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
whoa is this lady nimmo's mother.hehehe 😆 .gr8 part yaar.U r just tooooooooooooooooooooooooo gud writer

chat_222 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Thank you evryone for the comments. 😛
So here we go.
Recap - Kunal tells nimmo that they will soon try to take dadi's blessing and swati really wants to find out about the kapoor family.

swati in jack's office.
Swati is moving towards his room enjoying the beautiful office as it is almost the appointment time, while jack is coming out too through another one of the rooms.

The dito collide and all the files in both of their hands fall.
Swati bends to pick the files as she instantly recognises Jack and is feeling nervous because of her mistake. 😛
Being a gentleman jack also bends down to helpher. 😛
After a while without looking at each other both say sorry at the same time.
They smile and then move away not even noticing that their files have been mixed up.
Swati enters a beutiful room that is suppose to be jack's office and waits patiently.
Jack comes in looking worried but when he sees swati he just smiles. 😉
S- good morning Mr. kapoor, I had an appointment with you for an interview.
J- ya, sure why not, please let start quickly.
Swati opens her file just to check some information before she asks her question, but the file is completely different.
She remains silent and is trying to say something. 😕

Jack was watching her closely and then in an official manner says
J- miss swati, can we please start
Swati just mumbles. She had never been in such a situation before and is quite disappointed on herself for not memorising everything 😡 .
She is looking down on a file not able to meet eyes with jack.

Suddenly there is a burtst of laughter 😆 in the whole room as a shocked swati looks on jack.
He quitens down seeing her confused face.He starts off speaking fast answering all the questions that swati needed to start.
when jack finished he replied so are we done.
Swati replied meekly - sorry but I forgot to switch on the tape recorder.
Jack no problem I have lunch now and you can ask me in a resturant if you do not mind.
S-sure no problem.
Did swati give the true reason for this extended meeting with jack. 😊

Nimmo is dressed up in a simple jeans and t-shirt.She looks classy and not hot and sexy.
she is waiting for kunal and getting impatient.

She did not know about the sceniro that happened when kunal was coming out of the office.
Secretary- sir are you leaving already, but we have a meeting with foreign clients
K- but I have to really go
S- sir but they are leaving today by night flight
Kunal gets really pissed of. 😡 He asks for vik's help and together they come up with a plan.
what is the paln, coming up soon???????
chat_222 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Hello Everone. 😊
This is just a quick update and more will follow later.

So here we go.
Recap- Kunal really wants to go out from the office.

K- vik are u sure
V-kunal, this the only way
K- man, this is crazy 😆
V- better than being spotted by dadi, she is already angry at you and seeing you being careless about work, her temper will reach the moon.

K- can't I just call nimmo, I am sure she will understand 😳
V- Kunal you do not know these mauthuria girls, If I tell you what naina did when I was late half an hour, you will be sure that i am right. 😆 😃
K-but nimmo is not like that,she is different he said with dreamy eyes. 😉

Vik snaps his fingers
V- Hey lover boy, do not be so sure she is you rightfully wife now and things change easily. And besides with what you mentioned happened earlier this morning, I think too that she deserves this outing.
Kunal finally gives up.K-fine pass it to me quickly.

Vik hands him a packet and leaves.

Ten minutes later someone is walking quickly out of the lift, and mutters I can't beleve I am doing this.

Yes it is kunal, but what is that he is wearing. Yes he is wearing a burkha that covers him from head to toe.

Kuanl is relieved that nobody spotted him, he is almost out of the door when somebody stops him. 😕

Yes it s the clerk in his office.
G-madam i have to say something.
K-under his breath now what, he looks down and seees his shoes popping out. 😆 Oh has he seen my shoes, is he suspioucs.
The clerk continues- madam there is something I have always wanted to say something to you.
The clerk has a rose in his hand, and he says umrao jaan I like you. 😳 😳 😆
I know you don't know me properly. I was with you in college too, and have been always looking at you passing by for 6 months.
Today after a lot of courage I have been able to say this to you.
Kunal smiles inside his hideout and says oh God one more love story in the making. 😛
he suddenly notices the outstretched hand of clerk with a rose.
With some hesitation he takes the rose, making sure his hand is not seen. 😆
Suddenly lots of people start coming out from the lift and in the danger of being exposed kunal quickly grabs the rose and starts walking fast towards exit.Midway he remembers his employee, and turns around to see the guy being very confused of the sudden turn of events.

Kunal waves at him. Thinking it is his umraso jaan waving at him the guy also waves back extremely happy and grinning. 😆
Kunal dashes to his car before anything else comes up.
That is all, what will happen when kunal reaches home. 😃
kaira11 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
😆 funny part...kunal in a burkha n umrao jaan 😆 😆 , plz con soon 👏 👏 👏
sweety567 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
chat_222 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
short promo
K- nimmo is something wrong
K- nimmo I know what your problem is
N-no you don't
K- ahh, you talked to me 😆
N- oh no 😭

next scene
N- kunal leave me 😳
N-ouch, you are a limit 😡Edited by chat_222 - 17 years ago
letme_go thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
hey plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
updated it soon .