FF: Seducing the Throne::NEW Thread PG 1 - Page 22


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haminasto thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
Edited by 18shabbo - 12 years ago
haminasto thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
oh!!! i knew this was coming...
im sooo happy!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
i havent read the teaser im just so excited for my buba!!!!
now u can ask me anything to do...i'll sing even...just me(it kind of gets me but anything for you)
sarchanu thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
god! awesome teaser pls update soon cant wait!!!! 
smithasrk thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Congratulations. U deserve it.👏

Teaser.👏..ok they are friends and...

pls update soon😭😭

Edited by smithasrk - 12 years ago
like_ipk thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
FF of the week  - COngrats!!  You deserve it !! 👏
n the teaser is great...
Bass...hole 😆... great that Arnav n Chuck are friends...
the kids are so in for it...
looking fwd to the updt...
drdee142 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Best FF of the Week, Congrats 👏 Way to Go 👍🏼
Great teaser, now waiting for the update
Edited by drdee142 - 12 years ago
sweetdesire thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S Dear🥳
You really deserve it
Nice Promo😊
Want to read more
so do continue soon
Thanks for the PM
Take care

Lots of Love
meluhan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Firstly Congratulations🥳
ASR and CB are friends...i knew it...😉
I cant wait to read what happens next
writergrl1992 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
oh i'm in looovvveee!!!!!!! :D :D i just can't wait for hte next part!!! sizzling love stories just run in the Raizada blood, don't they?? 😆 yay!
Nmyra thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Chapter Six  

-Family History-

Part I

My siggy for the week




Six Years ago,

Raizada Mansion



Whoever said one's teenage was the beginning of one's best years, in Aasha Singh Raizada's opinion must have had it pretty bad the rest of their lives. Because if this first week of being that particular age was anything to judge it by, this was definitely going to be a bad year.



Not that she hadn't already expected that having started it out waking up to a ton of birthday wishes on her Facebook, and one particularly changed profile picture and relationship status that had broke her heart.



"Morning Chachu, morning Maasi!" chirped a bright cheery sixteen year old, grabbing a glass of OJ off the table without bothering to sit down, as '.

"Mom'I need to talk to you." Hissed Aasha.

"What's wrong?" asked Khushi distractedly, still wiping her hands on the pallu of her sari as her daughter dragged her into the kitchen.

"You invited Damien Bass to my birthday party?!" screeched Aasha her voice nearly inaudible in its glass breaking outrageous pitch.



"You wanted your godfather at the party, I could hardly not invite him." Khushi explained rationally.



"You have got to be kidding me?!" intoned Aasha each word punctuated with a note of utter disbelief as she totally ignored the additional fact that the boy in question was her godfather's son.



"Aasha baccha, I'm sure Damien has forgotten all about last year and I'm quite sure he's much to sophisticated to mention it even if he hasn't." Reassured Khushi, while privately admitting that if anything was going to keep him in line it would probably be what his father would do if he found out he'd played a significant role in his only god-daughter's adamant refusal to come see him in what was almost a year now.


"MOM!! That doesn't change anything !! I'll know, and he'll give me that knowing smirk, and'''." She broke off in a groan of humiliation as she furiously ran out of the kitchen.





Present Day,

Waldorf Residence


As overjoyed as Blair had been at her surprise pregnancy, being the size of a baby whale had definitely been taking its toll on her.


"Dorota!" she called out shrilly annoyed beyond measure at being unable to rise from the settee in the Blue room on her own. How was it Dorota managed, it was ridiculous how she managed to bumble around despite always being the very same size, she noted on a whimper. And what in god's name was that awful whining sound, "Dorotaaa!"

Only to be answered with an unconcerned, "Yes Miz Blair?"


"What is that God forsaken noise?" she snapped, irritated at the grating noise.


"Miz Blair cell phone, perhaps under now 'big butt?" The voluminous Polish woman, suggested.


Blair who had stiffened at the off-guard comment to her posterior by her childhood nurse-maid, shot her a withering glare as she felt around, and finally retrieved her phone'




"Dorota says I have a big butt." She pouted into the telephone, "And you haven't been to see me in ages, the last time I saw Aasha was'"


"Blair'" Khushi broke in firmly, "How's the pregnancy coming along?" asked the soothing voice coming down the line.


Blair rolled her eyes, Khushi, ever the solicitous Indian-worry-wart, "It's fine. Except getting fat is so not what it's cracked up to be, I don't even remember being this fat during my first pregnancy, granted that was ages and ages ago, but I didn't exactly plan this one so shouldn't God be a little nicer on the weight gain part'" she began her monologue causing even Dorota to 'hummmph' her way out of the parlor.

But before she was able to continue she was cut off. Again.

"Blair, we can debate the pro's and con's of you turning into a baby elephant later. We seem to have a situation. Where's Chuck?"


Blair who would normally object vehemently to being compared to a baby elephant, decided that it just wasn't worth the decidedly odd explanations Khushi would get into if she did get started. And why was she asking where Chuck was?


"Chuck said he was going out for drinks'wait 'where's Arnav?" she asked the foreign name rolling easily off her tongue.


"Not in Delhi." Replied Khushi succinctly.


Blair found herself quickly slipping into her calculative mode, "He left without telling you where he went. Chuck left with a vague 'to drinks' claim. Their together. But why not just tell us. And why so suddenly?"


"That's what I didn't get. We were supposed to be going next week anyway to come see Aasha and you, and I think there were even a few formalities with the India end of the New Waldorf Line, he wanted to deal with. And he had his entire office lie to me about where he was. Although for some reason most of them seem to be under the impression that he is there, in some idiotic meeting of some sort, which he's not'"


"Aman." Blair guessed.


Khushi didn't bother to confirm, instead asking, "Blair, do you think something happened to Aasha, you know how protective they are of her'"


"No, no." she quickly reassured, "No one really knows who she is here, and Chuck has a secret security team on her, apparently quote/unquote 'She said her dad couldn't hire anyone, she never said anything about me.'"


"Oh god Aasha is going to flip if she finds out," predicted Khushi ominously, "'that was one of the reasons she left Delhi, she was sick of being the Raizada Princess."

But Blair Waldorf Bass had suddenly stopped listening.


Raizada Princess.


Mystery Scandal Princess.


Oh shit.


Present Day,

Near The Empire Hotel


Well, well, well, thought Damien, maybe this wasn't going to be as bad a day as he'd thought, he told himself his trademark smirk hitching itself to a corner of his mouth as he held out the phone he'd so deftly retrieved.


"Couldn't stay away I see." He drawled, only to have the now exquisitely attired siren from his hotel room earlier that day roll her eyes at him in disgust.


Normally Damien avoided staying at the Empire, he preferred the privacy of his own pent-house to the inadvertent scrutiny of his father's hotel. But for this enigmatic minx, who seemingly didn't give a fig about him, he was definitely glad he'd made the exception.



Just as she'd made to reach for the phone however, he held it easily out of her reach. Not a very difficult task  given how she barely reached his shoulder's.


Infuriated his tiny siren, finally snapped, "Your are aware that this constitutes harassment, aren't you?", only to attach his smirk more firmly to its present spot as he drawled, "So sue me."


Present Day,

Empire Hotel


"A pity the same won't be said for your wife's talent when it comes to the new fashion line."


The silence that ensued was deafening.

Until Chuck broke into a wayward grin, "Very well done, a bit crass, but at least you've evolved from your 'what the'' it was more than a tad tedious, you know."


"Oh shut up you Bass-hole," retorted Arnav, as he reached out for the envelope Chuck had just received.


"Still testy I see."


Ignoring him, Arnav opened the envelope and ignoring the pictures that slid out, reached for the folded report.

Chuck on the other hand seemed more than content watching his friend's face contort in misery as he finished reading through the report, finally having apparently decided the silence one once again bordering on irritating he decided the test the waters with a off-hand, "Well, think of it this way'it could have been worse."


Arnav merely arched an eyebrow, as if to say 'really'.


Chuck, who despite his reformation, still delighted in taking the mickey out of Arnav, all the more so when his guilt-trapping lioness wasn't here to stop him, continued in a perfectly serious monotone, "I mean imagine if '.well'hmm maybe you're right, it doesn't get any worse."

Arnav who was wonderfully close to punching Chuck in the face just to get him to shut up, suddenly reached into his jacket and drew out his phone.


Damn it Khushi was calling.



Present Day,

Near The Empire Hotel


Aasha shook her head in amazed distaste.


Dear Lord, what a 'a'. toad.


And clich to boot.


"Sue me."


God if she had a penny for all the times someone used that on her as a line.


But as if seemingly oblivious to her aversion to his cliche lines, the toad in the overcoat continued to smirk at Aasha, who finally decided her phone was honestly not worth the effort, she'd just call and have her sim card disconnected and with a neat side-step left him holding her phone. The faster she got to the Hotel the faster she could fix this.



Present Day,

Near The Empire Hotel


The girl had balls he'd give her that.


She'd waited for a sweet moment and then walked off leaving him with her phone in his hands.


The implication clear.


His lovely lady in red would rather deal with the hassle of a new phone than deal with him.


Which considering the phone she'd just left him with, would mean a number of things.


1.       She wasn't in financial straits to any kind.


2.       She was in a rush.


3.       And given the direction she was headed, she was going straight to the Empire.




A smug grin spreading over his well-experienced lips, Damien began to pocket the mystery girls phone, intending to have the hotel return give him her room number so he could return it, after her tormented her for a while that was,  when as if just on cue it buzzed.


Fishing it out of his pocket, Damien looked down at the screen with no little amount of shock. As it was he recognized the number flashing on her screen, and even if he hadn't the picture of the 'scandal princess' as Gossip Girl had referred to her with the particular woman on screen was more than disconcerting.



"I'm really busy, Khushi is everything alright?" Arnav began shooting Chuck as telling look, as he began re-tracing the rim of his glass.


"Oh wonderful'" his wife answered sweetly.


"I'll speak to you later then'" he replied, his relief nearly evident, until of course she interrupted.


"Arnav'" she began in her sweet- morning after voice that rose suspicion in every atom of his being.




"How's New York, darling?"


Bloody Hell.



Hey Upper East Sider's, Gossip Girl here.


Your one and only source into the lives of Manhattan's Elite.


History they say has a way of repeating itself.


Now as wonderfully romantic as that may sound, repeats are much too boring to be actually scandalous.


Not that every good Gossip doesn't respect some good history.


History always makes the scandals so much more'scandalous.


Which makes one wonder, how much longer till our Prince of the Damned find's out exactly who his Scandalous Princess is?


My guess is'with her phone in lieu of a slipper in his hand'not too long.


You know you love me,


Gossip Girl




 Read and Review my loves!!

Okay quick note for my silent reader's - if you're a silent reader who doesn't comment at all i'm probably not going to accept buddy requests, i'm sorry but it's too much hassle for someone who doesn't even bother to leave a comment. On the other hand if you comment at least occasionally feel free to send a buddy request.



NOT via a PM.

Also you may want to take a peak at - ::Daddy's Little Princess:: ArHi::Aasha Chronicles
Edited by Nmyra - 12 years ago