To all the non-single ladies out here... - Page 7


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Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: -Ammie-

Agreed...well if i encounter ASR, the one in the begining of the show..i would run away due to being scared..
but if i see the NOW asr i will again run away..cause he's tooo sexy😳😆
Yep u gotta have a eyelocks and rabba ve...
eye make up and a freshly washed dupatta is compulsary🤣🤣
Oh this remindes me i had this small eye lock with this cute guy (not as cute as asr and no chance of me lking him we just frnds😆) but i did have an eyelock cause he was blowing my hair with the hair dryer that he was using to dry his painting in well he was looking at me without blinking and my hair was going nuts (he likes me..just telling so u know the details🤣)
and all this while i was thinking why the freakin hell isn't rabba ve playing in the back🤣

lmao... so he likes you... the eye locks and the fake wind was there.. so why ain't you guyz dating 😆
-Saruu- thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
@Desigirl Aww😳 Edited by -Saruu- - 12 years ago
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: ..-Sanzz-..

Lollzzz 😆 I Hope This Happen Coz I'm Damn Romantic Dreamer : D 😍

join the club my lovely 😆
JayaBachan thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Well I am going through insomnia so I may as well tell my tale. Short introduction: Name is Samira and I am currently studying Psychology at University. Basically I'm a second year student which makes me 19 years old (soon to be 20). My university is filled with low life losers who try to flirt with anything or anyone that smells or merely looks a tad human. Since it is dominated by male engineering students, the population of females is almost close to nil.

That is why us poor girls (whatever that is remaining) is always a prey to the eyes of many. Alas! So in my first year I always noticed a guy staring at me whenever he walked past. I ignored him and in fact flung some dirty looks because I readily assumed he was just one of the others. So I basically paid him no heed for an entire year. The next year (which is 2011 aka NOW) I came from my break ready for a new semester. I met up with a bunch of girls and realized that they were obsessing and squealing about a guy who according to them was the best looking guy at our uni. Now you might think I'm one of those cool-not-interested-in-men types of person but sorry to break it to you. The moment I heard the key words 'Good Looking' my ears popped up and I was squealing with them too. 🤣

I demanded them to show me this divine creature so I can stalk him with my eyes too. They pointed him out to me and I was gobsmackled! It was the very same guy who I used to get annoyed by. I rolled my eyes and purred 'him?' in disappointment. I was totally imagining the next Arjun Rampal, John Abraham or Damon Salvatore. But then when the girls left I tried to see him in a new light. And yes I actually realized he was adorable! ☺️ 6 Feet tall, muscular, light tanned skin, and a half smile that caused a dimple to appear.

So after that - I always noticed him! And this time he started noticing me noticing him. LOL if that made any sense. Every time I walked past, I would pretend not to look at him. And once he left, I would turn around and admire his back swooning and drooling. But once I wanted to look at his face. So I was drinking a can of coke and realized that he was walking towards me talking on the phone. Thinking it was safe to do those little corner stares, I tried and got caught. He was already looking at me so when I tried to look at him he realized and smiled. I almost fell on my face in shock.

The very same day later after class, he was going home. So he walked past me and looked at me, smiling. I shamefully smiled back at him and cursed myself right after. I did not want him to think that I am interested. La di da di da I tried to enforce some psychology into this situation by mind raping him in confusion. Don't understand? Basically I started to ignore him thus trying to remedy the mistake I did by smiling back at him. I think the poor lad got confused! 🤣 I make him sound like a child although he looks around 24/25.

Fast forwaaarding boring Rabba Ve staring scenes. Whenever his in the library so am I -.-' which makes me look like the ultimate stalker. But nevertheless his always so dedicated to studying. Dead set if I was trying to study I get distracted every 30 seconds. But he was studying with his friend for a good hour. Eventually maybe my mind was speaking so loud it reached his ears and he turned around and FINALLY noticed my existence *Stomps foot on the ground*. The moment he realized I was in the library he got distracted. Every two minutes he would stretch and allow me to watch his biceps tense (oh my ...) then look over his shoulder to stare at me.

Blah blah somehow I ended up shamefully sitting nearby his table because I literally am an embarrassment to female-hood. My friends found me and started chatting. I forgot for a second that he was in ears shot so I became to babble like a banshee. I was telling my friends how I finally got paid from work and now can afford to eat some bloody food from uni. Apparently the moment I said that he smiled (clearly he was eavesdropping). Rewind! Before the library scene I was at the ATM trying to check how much money I have in my account. I was cocky enough to hope I had a few dollars only to realize I had basically 5 dollars in my account. I shamefully hid the amount from prying eyes hoping nobody noticed my Poverty stricken condition. At that moment he walked past with his mates so I completely hugged the ATM in desperation. 🤣

FAST FORWARDING. More eyelock moments. But the moment I realized he had noticed something was when he was walking past his friends. I took out my phone and pretended I was loved by a caller (nobody called) only to hear him tell his friends 'that one'. His friends all automatically looked at my direction and I honestly think that if a camera was recording me, It would have zoomed into my face from all different directions. What did he mean that one? Did he mean 'that is the one I like' or 'that is the one who stalks me. The freak!' 😳

After that I became insanely paranoid, thinking and considering the latter. Eventually my best friend came to uni and was dying to see the guy. So I finally saw him standing outside the building through the automatic doors. I opened my book and looked at it and told my friend to have a look since his never going to see her again. So I pretended to read my book (which was upside down). At the mean time my friend was informing me of everything she was perceiving. According to her he noticed us one meter away and said something to his friends. When we walked through the door the friends all went quiet and the guy just looked at me with a small dimpled smile. Then when we walked past, apparently he turned around and watched me go. 😳

Blah blah blah that is all for now. Not so romantic. I was just bored! And this is bloody LONG! 😆
Edited by _SiinnceMaan_ - 12 years ago
MOTHERHOOD thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Nice topic.Even I thought of starting such a topic.👏

Well I am 23,unmarried,untouched.I was never in a relationship and it may sound weird but I didn't even had crush on anybody.I am very much unromantic.
I love to watch romantic dramas for recreation and entertainment but never take them seriously.But I have to admit IPKKND have made an impact on me.I don't why but whenever I see ArHi I feel it would have been nice if I had someone special.ArHi has seriously made an effect on me which no shows,no books,no man made on me in my 23 years old life.😳

BTW,I believe  true love exists in real world but maybe only 0.0000001% people experience it.Such caring guys like ASR and such romance like ArHi do not exist in real life normally.Most of the man I see are dominating,lusty,flirtious🤢.I don't like to be with men in real life.

BIackSwan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: vampire_girl

to tell the truth i still very young to experience that you see😆 but ya like any crazy girl after watching that scene i am like "when will my rajkumar come" 😳 its srange actually i dont even know if some one like is even there or not🤣 but ya i am waiting hope when the right time comes the right person will come 😳 as of now i am only in love with arnav and stupid studies🤣 i am gonna read others post! how they felt curious to know that 😉

*nadz with her arms on her hips*

run back to ur studies bachii cuz bachcha party is not welcome for this discussion MIND IT 😈
FairyTale-Naima thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Awww I loved reading this post!! See, this is why I love this forum! I haven't had any 'romantic' experiences yet, still waitin for my prince! LOL! So it was lovely to read this.

Naima xox
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: bholabear

Oh it does so happen in real life. It happened to me too!

Okay, I must admit, initially (being a gharelu girl) I didn't beileve in this falling in love business too much. But I met him in college in my PG class. He says he took one look at me on my first day, and told his friend who was there that there's the girl I'm going to marry at the first look. His friend had just laughed it off.

Once college started, he used to talk to me nicely. And best part, you won't believe, he went to the same school as a very good family friend of ours went to, and this girl had warned me not to be too friendly with him, as he had a 'bad' reputation with girls. Like ASR w/La. Lol.

But there was something about him that sent shivers up my spine. I always know when he was there near by. Like ArShi. A month later, he confessed his feelings and I took some more time.

We took 5 years of fighting with our families to get married, and now have 2 kids after 14 years of happiness. We do fight, ocassionally, but the magic remains. If he's not arouund, I feel my half part is missing. We still talk abt 4-5 times on the phone while at work, even if its just to check if he had lunch. And I love him more than ever today. And its the same with him.

Just want to say, don't give up guys! There is surely someone out there made especially for each one of you. And then, you'll know the feeling yourself. :)

thank you for sharing your story 😃

actually i'm a bit of pessimist myself... i do think that this type of love does exist and happens in real life but it's very rare...

i don't think that everyone is destined to experience this kinda lasting romantic love that happens between two lovers... so i'm not sure if it'll ever happen to me or not 😳 but certainly hope it does 😆

wow... you have been together for 14 years... that's pretty amazing  👏

it's nice to hear that the passion and love is still there even after so many years, as that's how it's supposed to be...

-Saruu- thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: _SiinnceMaan_

Well I am going through insomnia so I may as well tell my tale. Short introduction: Name is Samira and I am currently studying Psychology at University. Basically I'm a second year student which makes me 19 years old (soon to be 20). My university is filled with low life losers who try to flirt with anything or anyone that smells or merely looks a tad human. Since it is dominated by male engineering students, the population of females is almost close to nil. 

Hahaa Low Lifes Hu Try To Flirt🤣 Dont Be THAT Harsh😉 They May Be HOT Lowlifes😆

That is why us poor girls (whatever that is remaining) is always a prey to the eyes of many. Alas! So in my first year I always noticed a guy staring at me whenever he walked past. I ignored him and in fact flung some dirty looks because I readily assumed he was just one of the others. So I basically paid him no heed for an entire year. The next year (which is 2011 aka NOW) I came from my break ready for a new semester. I met up with a bunch of girls and realized that they were obsessing and squealing about a guy who according to them was the best looking guy at our uni. Now you might think I'm one of those cool-not-interested-in-men types of person but sorry to break it to you. The moment I heard the key words 'Good Looking' my ears popped up and I was squealing with them too. 🤣

Awww Filmyy Stylee😍 Moody Sameeraa😉😲 Hahaaa Us Girls,We Hear Good lOOKING aND Start Ooh Aah Ing😳

I demanded them to show me this divine creature so I can stalk him with my eyes too. They pointed him out to me and I was gobsmackled! It was the very same guy who I used to get annoyed by. I rolled my eyes and purred 'him?' in disappointment. I was totally imagining the next Arjun Rampal, John Abraham or Damon Salvatore. But then when the girls left I tried to see him in a new light. And yes I actually realized he was adorable! ☺️ 6 Feet tall, muscular, light tanned skin, and a half smile that caused a dimple to appear. 

LOL Ahh Damon😍 Omg That Is  Soo Sweett Awww You Dont Realise When Love Happens And A Person Changes SO Much From Plain Fugly To Dayummm☺️Ahhh He Seems HOTT😳

So after that - I always noticed him! And this time he started noticing me noticing him. LOL if that made any sense. Every time I walked past, I would pretend not to look at him. And once he left, I would turn around and admire his back swooning and drooling. But once I wanted to look at his face. So I was drinking a can of coke and realized that he was walking towards me talking on the phone. Thinking it was safe to do those little corner stares, I tried and got caught. He was already looking at me so when I tried to look at him he realized and smiled. I almost fell on my face in shock. 

Hahaaa Awww Youre SOOO Cutee😳 And ROFL Fail😳

The very same day later after class, he was going home. So he walked past me and looked at me, smiling. I shamefully smiled back at him and cursed myself right after. I did not want him to think that I am interested. La di da di da I tried to enforce some psychology into this situation by mind raping him in confusion. Don't understand? Basically I started to ignore him thus trying to remedy the mistake I did by smiling back at him. I think the poor lad got confused! 🤣 I make him sound like a child although he looks around 24/25.

Fast forwaaarding boring Rabba Ve staring scenes. Whenever his in the library so am I -.-' which makes me look like the ultimate stalker. But nevertheless his always so dedicated to studying. Dead set if I was trying to study I get distracted every 30 seconds. But he was studying with his friend for a good hour. Eventually maybe my mind was speaking so loud it reached his ears and he turned around and FINALLY noticed my existence *Stomps foot on the ground*. The moment he realized I was in the library he got distracted. Every two minutes he would stretch and allow me to watch his biceps tense (oh my ...) then look over his shoulder to stare at me.

Blah blah somehow I ended up shamefully sitting nearby his table because I literally am an embarrassment to female-hood. My friends found me and started chatting. I forgot for a second that he was in ears shot so I became to babble like a banshee. I was telling my friends how I finally got paid from work and now can afford to eat some bloody food from uni. Apparently the moment I said that he smiled (clearly he was eavesdropping). Rewind! Before the library scene I was at the ATM trying to check how much money I have in my account. I was cocky enough to hope I had a few dollars only to realize I had basically 5 dollars in my account. I shamefully hid the amount from prying eyes hoping nobody noticed my Poverty stricken condition. At that moment he walked past with his mates so I completely hugged the ATM in desperation. 🤣

FAST FORWARDING. More eyelock moments. But the moment I realized he had noticed something was when he was walking past his friends. I took out my phone and pretended I was loved by a caller (nobody called) only to hear him tell his friends 'that one'. His friends all automatically looked at my direction and I honestly think that if a camera was recording me, It would have zoomed into my face from all different directions. What did he mean that one? Did he mean 'that is the one I like' or 'that is the one who stalks me. The freak!' 😳

After that I became insanely paranoid, thinking and considering the latter. Eventually my best friend came to uni and was dying to see the guy. So I finally saw him standing outside the building through the automatic doors. I opened my book and looked at it and told my friend to have a look since his never going to see her again. So I pretended to read my book (which was upside down). At the mean time my friend was informing me of everything she was perceiving. According to her he noticed us one meter away and said something to his friends. When we walked through the door the friends all went quiet and the guy just looked at me with a small dimpled smile. Then when we walked past, apparently he turned around and watched me go. 😳

Blah blah blah that is all for now. Not so romantic. I was just bored! And this is bloody LONG! 😆

I Like Long Storys,That Was Sooo Cutee,You Should Get On It😉😛
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: meepha

I am 18,just like r dear KHUSHI!!!

& life is sad when compared to khushi.I dont go on trips with "HIM JI" I dont interfere in someone's personal space nd get his stare back..


i dont beleive love mein yeh sub kuch hota haai yaar😭

Its just that he cares genuinely...Not always staring & stuff.Mayb m wrong.Only experience waaley can corrct


it doesn't matter that you don't have the eye locks... it seem's like he cares for you deeply which is more important 😆