abhiya'mini ff"an unknown desire" "epilogue pg-66 - Page 49


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heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: kuttu

Oh finally Abahy and Pai are together thanks to Jai otherwise if it was left to the two of them then it is next to impossible yeh true dear, coz of jeh only they r together. They are quite thick headed I would say. It was a lovely story thankuuu so much dearand where has the little boy gone off too nowπŸ˜‰.πŸ˜‰

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
thankuuu dear😊
heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: renuka1997

Superb update...thankuuu so much dear
Loved the ways you explained abhay's feeling...glad u loved it
I really cried when Abhay said that he wanted his son to once call him dad and that would be enough for him to live the rest of his life...
Abhiya are finally to together...
I liked the part where abhi bring abhay-piya together...glad u liked dat
Im waiting for the nxt update...i wl write an epilogue
As there will be a lovetalk between them...hehehehe,  in last , there wl b all love n romance
Continue soon...wl try
Thanx for the pm...ma pleasure
Love u...
Renuka .

love u too


heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: sweta-mony

Lovely update dr, thanx alot

continue soon sure wl try
nd thanx for pm. ma pleasure

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: .rumki.

awesome update thankuuu so mcuh
now abhiya r 2gether yepiii 
liked abhay & abhi part glad u liked it
con soon sure wl try

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: maneetabhiya

wow heena very very good updatethankuuu so much dear😊.

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
thanx alot dear😊
snitchseeker thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

I am waiting for the epilouge.😊

heena_mehta thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago


after 1 year!!!

pia- adi plsss bacha, come here n take bath!!

adi- mommy first u catch me, then i wl, otherwise i won't!!!(adi was running in his room n pia's behind him, finally he climbed on d bed n stood there)

pia- adi,nt fair haan, v r getting late , u want to look bad at ur best buddy's special day!!

adi- i wanna go, bt i want daddy to b here wid me!!

pia(showing fake anger)- come down adi, i m warning u this time, otherwise i wl leave u here only!!!

adi face fell down n he sat there only on d bed!!!

pia knew very well his son, dat was all his tantrums , so dat pia won't force him to take bath!!!

pia took her seat nxt to abhi n while taking him in her lap n kissing his cheek , she said- abhi, u knw na dad is busy nw these days, he wl b coming back soon wid sid uncle, then v all wl go to ur buddy's party n u knw wat, arav is also taking bath, u want him to win??

abhi turned around n said- no mom, no one can win frm abhi, lets go!!

pia took abhi to d washroom n made him take bath, he was aving all fun while taking bath, wid his mom, he was splashing water all here n there, pia got all wet, bt she was enjoying her son's act, finally abhi too khalf an hour to come out of his bath tub, pia tied towel around his tiny waist n pia was abt to dry his hair when he ran towards d door n clinged to d figure standing there!!!

abhai- dad!!!!!

abhay while taking him in his arms n ruffling his wet hair, he said- hey champ, looking all fresh n cool, ready to rock d function!!

abhi replied yes , while kissing his dad's cheek!!

pia came there while looking at her perfect family, there was a perfect smile on her face!!!

abhay while looking her frm top to bottom- pia who was taking bath u or abhi??

abhi giggled at abhay's words, while pia started drying his hair n replied- y don't u ask frm ur son only!!!

abhi innocently- dad ,mommy wanted to play wid me, dats y!!!

pia looked at her son wid wide open eyes n abhay smiled !!!!

pia- abhi!!!! when pia heard panchi was calling her n she said- i wl deal wid u later on abhi!!!

abhi-mommy dad is wid me!!

pia while taking her steps towards d door, she said- i wl c u n ur dad both!!

pia left d room leaving dad-son behind, abhay while making abhi stand on his bed-drying his hair- abhay look wat u did , ur mom gt angry, nw wat wl i do!!

abhi giggled n replied - daddy i knw mommy cn never get angry neither frm u nor frm me n i knw if she wl get, u cn get her back very easily!!!

abhay looked at his son wid a mocking smile n said- abhiii, u r getting so naughty day by day!!!

abhi- its all ur company dad!!!

abhay first gt shocked n then he smiled n started tickling him n said- nw tel , coz of whose company's u r getting naughty!!

abhay while laughing n kicking his small legs in d air- dad, plsss plsss...its nt u, it arav!!

when a small boy entered in d room , all well dressed up n said- chahchu, pia chaachi is calling abhi outside, v r waiting for him!!

abhi- oh shit dad, plsss do something quickly, otherwise mommy won't allow me to go to d function wid panchi aunty , sid uncle n arav!!

abhay quickly grabbed abhi's suit lying on his bed , combed his hair n get him ready n he came out of d room, taking both d kids wid him!!

panchi, sid , arav n abhi left , leaving abhay-pia behind, bf4 leaving abhi kissed pia's cheeck n said- i wl waiting for u mom-dad, come soon!!!

pia-v wl b there widin an hour abhi, till then no "shatani" !!!

everyone smiled n 4 of them left frm there!!


abhay-pia started moving towards there room, when pia felt a little dizzy n she held abhy's arm!!!

abhay saw her n held her carefully n made her sit on d near by chair- pia r u ok??

pia nodded her head a little in affirmation , abhay made her drink some water, after few minutes, pia got herself back n found him looking at her wid those concerned eyes n a bit anger was also there!!

abhay- pia, v r going to hospital nw n i don't want to listen ny excuse , enough of ur excuses!!

pia smiled a little n said- abhay don't worry i m totally fine n i went to d hospital in d morning ,doctor said dat its just coz of little exertion, nthing else n as per ur orders i av gt done all d important tests also n reports i wl get tomorrow!!

abhay while cupping her face- u r nt lying na, coz its second time, u felt dizzy!!

pia while placing her hands on his- hmmm!!!

abhay kissed her forehead n said- sry pia, nw these days i don't get enough time to b wid u n abhi n i knw these preparations n shopping n all other stuffs are getting tiresome for u, bt i promise , this won't b happening frm tomorrow, coz i m almost done wid my this project!!!

pia -its ok abhay, everyone is here wid me, dad, panchi, arnab uncle , madhu aunty!!!

abhay- bt still, u never take care of urself , i m reli worried abt ur falling health!!!

pia(wid awww looks)- abhay , i promise i wl take care of myself, bt for nw cn v go n get ready , ur son n they both wl b waiting for us!!!!

abhay smiled n said- ya sure n i was thinking to help u in getting ready (he said this while raising his eyesbrows n a liitle hint of naugtiness in his blue eyes)

pia while moving a little away frm n giving a kinda "u cn never change xpressions" to him wid a cute smile-no abhay i reli don't need ur help, ur son has already helped me alot!!!

abhay held her wrist n pulled her back, his one hand firmly placed of her t waist n wid other, he moved her thick black curls frm her shoulder n placed his lips there , pia gasped a little wid his sudden act , then he whispered - then nw its my turn!!!

pia coming back to her senses which she was already started loosing coz of his closeness, she pushed him back n replied while showing dat she was nt at all eaffected by his sudden act- abhay, stop being so naughty n go get ready , v r getting late!!!

abhay took his step towards her n said- no pia i cn't afford to loose such a precious moment, look just v two, no one else is here n he picked her in his arms, pia gt literally surprised...dat was something totally unxpected, bt she didn't show ny resistance n while smiling she said- how cn u b so sure, dat just v two r here???

abhay gave cute confused looks, wid a bit panicked one- wat do u mean pia, dad is at home??

pia giggled a little- no, bt who knws, may b someone wl come after sometime!!!

abhay- no one wl come pia, everyone must b busy there at d function, so u don't need to b worried abt dat, no one wl come to disturb us!!

pia smiled a little at his words n didn't say nything else!!!


after an hour,pia came out of washroom tying a towel around her delicate figure n saw 3 missed calls of panchi!!

pia- oh shit, 3 missed calls, everyone must b waiting for us n abhi, no, she closed her eyes for a sec, bt soon she felt those two strong arms around her waist, his chin on her bare shoulder, his whole wet upper body was covering her's

pia found her little frustration gt vansihed , bt then again she said - abhay move, look panchi has already called me thrice, they all must b waiting for us, wat they might b thinking n abhi gosh!!!!! plsss jaldi karo, she tried to loosen his grip !!!

abhay was all smiling at his wife' reactions, he turned her around n while cupping her face, he softly rubbed his lips on hers n then said- go , get ready n don't worry, panchi knws us very well(he said while showing his perfect dimple smile)


abhay-pia entered d hall, which was beautifully decorated, wid all exquisite arrangements!!

as soon as they entered they found all d eyes on them, n most of them aving d same xpression "u two cn never change"!!!

pia smiled neverously while abhay gave a perfect authority smile "she is my wife, i av all d rights" n placed his hand on her waist bringing her closer, pia's cheeks turned, she smiled forcefully looking at those guests n then she gave killing looks to abhay, bt abhay was all njoying this!!!

soon panchi came there n pia made herself stand properly , looking down !!

panchi- pia, u don't need to feel embrassed , i knw its nt ur fault, while looking at abhay!!!

abhay(kinda shocked)- wat i did, panchi, nt fair haan, u always take her side, widout knwing dat she is d one coz of whom i always get late!!!

pia - wat ?? me bt u were d one whooo

abhay(smirking)- whooo wat pia, wat haan???

pia went speechless, her mouth was wide opened!!!

panchi got it n smiled n said- u both listen to me first, u cn solve ur matter later on, coz at present there r many ppl whose ultimate anger n disappointment u need to face!!!

abhay-pia both gulpped their saliva, finally abhay said- where r they???

panchi smiling at their condition- n whispered - nw ready to pay for ur xtra romance at home, go ur son is sitting there(pointing in some direction) n while looking at pia n he is his room!!

pia- panchi , i m dead, its his day n i gt late!!!

panchi while creasing pia's cheek- go ,abhay wl take care abhi n by d way u r looking beautiful in this saree!!

abhay while raising his collars- of,course it was my choice!!!

pia smiled n ran towards his room n abhay moved towards his son!!!


pia knocked at d door, bt gt no response, then she slightly opened d door n found him standing near d window!!!

pia- cn i come???

other person (without turning)- no u cn't, go back, i don't want u here!!

pia- bt listen to me for once, i knw i m late, i shouldn't b, bt i promise this is d last time, plsss forgive me!! (she took her steps towards him!!

person- u knw very well pia, u cn't keep ur this promise, then y r u saying this!!

pia came n stood nxt to him n smiled- coz i knw, u cn never get angry frm me !!

boy turned n looked at her, she was holding her ears n giving perfect cheesy smile to him- sry! pia said!!!

boy- u knw very well , how to convinece me wid ur cheesy , puppy looks!!

pia giggled a little n hugged him- i m sry jay!!!

while hugging him back, jay replied- u r forgiven pia for coming late to my engagement function!!!

pia while hugging him- congrats jay!! i m so happy for u n actually v all r happy for both of u!!!

jay while separating himself frm her said- thanx pia!!

pia noticed dat uneasyness in his eyes- jay wats wrong??

jay -pia r u sure, she wl b happy wid me, wl i b d right person for him, i don't want to hurt her!!!

pia smiled a little at his concerned for her- jay she loves, she trusts u n she made her choice after knwing d whole truth, she accepted u d way u r n i knw she cn't find better life partner than u!!!

jay smiled a little still nt sure !!

pia while handling engagement ring in his hand, she said- n d most important thing is this, dat u lover her na ( dat was more like a question frm her side)

jay(this time he was sure abt his answer)- i lover her pia, i m sure abt this thing !!!

pia smiled n hugged him back- i m so happy for u n misha !!!! may GOD bless u both!!!


soon they both came down , jay walked towards misha, who was looking truly beautiful, d radiant glow on her face was telling its own story!!

pia walked to abhay, who was standing wid abhi in his arms!!

pia - hey abhi aving fun wid dad!!!

abhi- mommy, u knw dad promised me to play video game wid me tomorrow, coz u came late today!!

pia looked at her son, he xwas erox copy of his dad, she kissed his cheek n a tear rolled down her eye- i love u abhi n u both r my life!!

abhay got worried looking at her , he brought his one hand near her cheek n asked- pia wats wrong!!!

pia smiled a little- nthing abhay, sometimes i feel everything around me is still like a dream!!!!

abhay understood dat wat she was thinking, he kissed her forehead n said- its all real pia!!! u r living ur dream in reality!!!!

when pia heard her name, she gave her perfect to smile to her son n husband n ran towards misha n jay!!!!


pia stood nxt to misha

misha- gosh pia, cn i borrow u frm ur husband for a day!!

pia smiled a little n passed ring to her !!!

soon d ceremony took place, they all were aving so much fun, when abhay found pia missing frm d ceremony, she asked panchi n she said- she saw her going outside!!!


pia was talking to someone on phone!!

abhay who just reached there, could hear only last few words- ok thanx, i wl come n collect my reports tomorrow!!!

pia turned around n bumbed into him, she lost her balance n abt to fall, she quickly closed her eyes in fear n placed her hand securly on her lower abdomen, bt bf4 she could av hit d ground, she found herself supported by two strong arms!!!

pia slowly opened her eyes n found abhay there, d very nxt moment, she hugged him wid all her strength while taking few deep breaths!!!

abhay creasing her back, he himself gt worried bt trying to calm her down, he took pia to d near by bench n made her sit there!!!

abhay while taking her hands in his- wats wrong pia, y u gt so scared???

pia looked at him wid all love in her eyes, bt abhay noticed dat unknwon fear still there!!

abhay cupped her face softly n asked- pia wats wrong, y u look so restless??

pia still looking at him silently n finally replied bringing those simple curvy smile to her lips, nthing abhay i though i might av hit d ground n gt injured!!!

abhay - pia i wl never let u fall down!! never pia!!!


after few hours they reached their home!!!

pia n abhay both were lying on d bed n abhi was sleeping b/w them, pia was all smiling looking at her bundle of love who was sleeping peacefully n abhay was happy looking at both of them, specially pia who was looking content n normal nw!!!!

pia kissed abhi's forehead n said- abhay u stay here wid him for some more time, i av something to do!!!

abhay smiled n pia left frm there bt bf4 leaving d room, she asked frm abhay- abhay do u find this family perfect??

abhay was quite surprised by her question n didn't knw wat to say, basically he was amused dat y she asked such a question while all smiling ,bt bf4 he could av asked nything, she left , abhay was sure something was going in her mind, bt wat??


it was almost half an hour, frm d time pia left, abhay decided to check out, he covered his son properly wid d blanket n bf4 leaving, he placed a goodnite kiss on his forehead!!!


abhay entered his room after looking for her everywhere in d house, his whole room was in dark, his all thoughts were flying to pia "where is she", he was abt to switch on d light when he saw a flickering light in d corner of his room, soon his eyes recongnised d figure holding candle, he smiled n gt relief looking at her, she was lightining few other candles, abhay took his steps towards her , there he found a cake on d glass table n on it , it was beautifully written "happy b'day my love"

abhay smiled while looking at her , there were no needs of words b/w them at dat moment, pia kept dat candle on d table n while covering dat one hand distance b/w them, she brought her face close to him , looked at him for a sec n then she softly placed her lips on his, closing her eyes n then she whispered in his ear-happy birthday abhay!!

abhay ,as gesture of thanx he cupped her face n he kissed her n this time it was nt a soft one, it was a strong one, they both were teasing each other, while aving a desire f xploring more n more, nt feeling even d need of air!!! finally pia gave up under his passion, abhay stopped himself, still holding her firmly, pia rested her head on his shoulder, clinging his shirt, both were breathing heavily!!!

abhay hugged her n said -pia this is my best b'day ever!!! thanx alot!!!

pia smiled n while separating herself frm him, she took him to d table although she was feeling too shy to look into his eyes directly!!!

abhay cut d cake n they both had it!!


after sometime,

pia was sitting on d bed n abhay 's head was lying in her lap, pia was moving her delicate fingers in his thick black hair, they were just enjoying their moment all in silence!! when finally abhay said - pia , this moment cn't b more perfect, thanx for everything pia,i feel complete coz u and abhi, u two r my reason to survive, my everything!!!

pia smiled n said-abhay wat if i say dat nt just v two, someone else also deserves this love, equally like i n abhi do!!!

abhay quickly stood up n sat infront of her- pia abt whom r u talking?? who else deserves my love??

pia smiled n took his hand in hers n while bringing it close to her lower abdomen, she placed his hand there n said - abhay here he is,he also deserves ur love, i m pregnant!!!!

abhay looked at her , he went all quiet, he was just looking at her, there was no word left wid him to say something, pia felt his hand shivering, his eyes gt teary!!!

pia ( gt a little worried)- abhay pls say something!!!

abhay hugged her n closed his eyes, he just wanted time to stop there only , bt after few minutes, finally he said- pia , i don't knw how to thankuuu for this, u av given me d most beautiful gift of my life, i still regret dat time, i was nt wid u when abhi came into this world, bt this time, i m n i wl b there wid u in every beautiful phase of ur pregnancy, i cn't xplain u how am i feeling nw, i just want to shout n tel to this whole world , dat i m going to become father once again, abhi soon wl get his own brother or sister!! how much happy he wl b pia!!!

pia couldn't hold her emotions n found tears rolling down her cheeks, abhay brought her face infront of him while breaking d hug n he kissed her both eyes n then her forehead n pia let herself got fit in his strong arms, placing her head on his chest!!!

pia- abhay , it all appears like a dream to me n everything is so perfect here, she again kept her hand on her tummy!!!

abhay- wen did u come to knw abt ur pregnancy??

pia - when u held me there in d garden!!

abhay- dats y gt so scared!!!

pia- hmmm!!!

abhay- i m always here for u pia!!!!

pia- i love u abhay!!!

abhay- i love u too, u three r my life!

pia- u knw abhay today is reli lucky for us,firstly v got this news n secondly i m so happy for jay also dat he is getting married to misha, finally he found his true love, otherwise i was always under some burden of his scarifice!! dat day if he didn't come to my house n find ur n my pic on my bed wid arav, then v wouldn't av been here, he gt shattered after knwing d truth, nt coz dat he had lost me, bt coz how he never found dat it was u whom i loved , abhi was ur son n then he brought me back here to u !!!

abhay- u r right pia,jay is d only reason for our being here today in our perfect world, i m also very happy for my frnd!!!!


few moths passed, time was flying for abhay-pia, everyone was so happy , knwing pia's preganacy news, abhi n arav both were so xcited to meet d new memeber of their family, misha-jay gt married n was happy in their world!!

abhay -pia enjoying every moment of their parenting face, for abhay it was wonderful xperience, pia couldn't b more happy, abhay was always there around her, fulfilling her all odd whims n wishes!! she never found him wid so much patience, it was all perfect!!


it was pia's last month!!

around 2 a.m in d morning!!

pia screamed in pain n held abhay's arm who was sleeping nxt to her, abhay quickly put on d light n saw pia crying in pain, abhay gt reli panicked!!


pia- abhay, v need to go to d hospital nw (she said all this in her breaking n shivering tone)

abhay found it reli hard to see pia in so much pain, he called panchi , panchi came there n held pia , while massaging pia's temple , she said- everything wl b fine pia, just relax n hold on , v all r here, abhay came there n while carryingher, he took her to d car, sid was there on d driver, while panchi sitting nxt to him n abhay was there wid pia behind,pia was all sweating n trying hard nt to cry, coz she didn't want to scare abhay, who was already sweating n feeling terrible looking at her!!

pia held his hand strongly m controlling herself , while breathing heavily she said- don't worry abhay,i wl b fine , bt abhi bfr she could av completed her sentence , she screamed once again- ouchhh n this time tears started falling down her cheeks!!

abhay- bro, drive fast,plsss!!! pia just few minutes more, he kissed gently on her forehead!!!

after few minutes they reached hospital...doc took pia to delivery room!!

abhay called up jay n told him to 2 go his home, as abhi n arav was there wid abhay's dad!!!

abhay was moving to n fro in d hospital corridor, last few hours were d most diffiuclt hours of his life, pia;s continuous screaming was making himfeel terrible n sick frm inside!! he wanted to rush inside n hug her, console her n taking away all d pain frm her!!!

after almsot 3 hours doc came out of d room, abhay rushed to her n asked- howz pis doc, is she fine, cn i see her!!!

doc smiled a little, n moved aside, abhay found a nurse holding his bundle of love in her hands!!!

doc- congtas mr.raichand- its a baby girl n ur wife, she is perfectly fine, just quite weak n unconcious, bt soon she wl gain her counciousness, u cn meet her after 15minutes!!

abhay said thanx, nurse came n brought her hand infront of him, to pass his sign of love to him, abhay hands were shivering, he held her so gently like she was d most fine of piece of glass n his slight hard touch wl break her down into pieces, n as soon he held his daughter in his hands, he found himself to b totally in someother world, he never felt this bf4 , dat feeling was magical n divine, he was holding his n pia's part in his hands, a tear fell frm his eye,panchi n sid came to him n panchi said- abhay look she is like pia n her eyes r like ur mom abhay!!!

abhay looked at her daughter once again n found her mother's eyes in hers!!!

abhay closed his eyes for once n found his mother's presence there , sid kept his ahnd on abhay's shoulder n said congrats bro!!!

abhay smiled n said thanx!!

abhay- sister cn i meet my wife!!

sis- ya sure , u cn go n meet here!!!

abhay entered d room while holding his daughter in his hands, he found pia sleeping, she was looking all pale n weak!!! abhay went n sat nxt to her, he kissed her forehead, pia slowly opened her eyes, she found everything quite blurred at first bt then she found him there, holding their sign of love in his hands, she smiled a little!!!

abhay made her angel sleep nxt to her mom n said- pia , its a girl, our "chaahat", pia looked at her daughter n was admiring how beautifull she was!!

soon panchi n sid came inside, panchi n sid congratulated pia, panchi hugged pia n then sid too n he said- finally v av got one princess in our home!!!

abhi entered d room wid jay n misha n asked- i also wanna c my sister, he ran to abhay n abhay held him up n made him sit in his lap . abhi was amsued looking at his sis n asked- dad y she is so small??? nw how how wl she play wid me n arav??

everyone laughs at his question, bt then abhai bent down n kissed his sis n said- i love u!!!

abhai- dad, i also want to sit nxt to mom like chaahat is sleeping!!!

panchi made pia sit while supporting her back frm pillow n abhay made abhi sit on d other side of chaahat n pia hugged her son!!!

jay n misha congratulated both of them n jay clicked a picture of four, a perfect family moment!!!!!!!!

"I desire nothing more than to be in your heart until forever dies

here this ff ends!!!

thanx for ur love n support!!!

Edited by heena_mehta - 12 years ago
.SmokeySilence. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Wowww...such a perfect ending. Specially because Piya was all alone when she had Abhi and Abhay never got to experience the entire feelings of preparing to be a father and feel how it is to be to hold his own child in arms... so another kid would be relally great. I'm really glad you write about it πŸ‘ πŸ˜³
So finally he could take care of Piya when she's expecting and give all the attention and love she had missed when he wasn't  there for her. Their family is perfect including Sid, Panchi and their kid. Jeh finally Jeh found someone who would love him back. So sweet... everyone's happy. 
Abhiya romance is amazing and I knew Piya's pregnant the moment she felt dizzy πŸ˜›
Simple perfect ending... πŸ˜³ great job heena πŸ‘ πŸ‘
Edited by princess_xeelan - 12 years ago
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