should i stop "Apne"...????

Unekalakmini thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I am totally got disappointed...i do not know what to do all are in courage  me to write this "Apne" ...I am the person who hardly working almost 10 hours with people who mentally retired...and all of you know what kind of personal trauma that i have gone trough...  

but i love sooo much Abhi and simi  and this forum and you all...because of that i decided to write new Simbhi Story...when i am having my short break times i only write this...

But i do not know why the people who gave their hand to support me now turn their faces away from me...???? at least they have to have good ethics to tell me " Uneka I can not help you to editing and all do it for ur self..." do you think is that good to giving hand for the person and leave that person in middle of the path without any there any reason any one can talk with me ...i can understand others difficulties and i am always willing to accept my faults.. .. 
still i am willing to write this because of my true  friends and all Simbhi fans...but i am really got hurt for this mistreatment you have done to me...

Edited by ulakmini - 12 years ago


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norani thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Dear Uneka : I really enjoyed reading Apne which you wrote. We really appreciate it because of your love for Simi-Abhi and we are here too for their love. I can't write a story because I am just a "straight" character.

Don't stop, do continue. I can wait for the episodes whether it be quick or late.

BTW, Shankar may have reasons as why he is not around. Last time he did say he got problems with  his computer and need to set it back to factory settings. This might happen again, dear.
Unekalakmini thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: norani

Dear Uneka : I really enjoyed reading Apne which you wrote. We really appreciate it because of your love for Simi-Abhi and we are here too for their love. I can't write a story because I am just a "straight" character.

Don't stop, do continue. I can wait for the episodes whether it be quick or late.

BTW, Shankar may have reasons as why he is not around. Last time he did say he got problems with  his computer and need to set it back to factory settings. This might happen again, dear.

but i do not like him to ask others to help me...if he is not able to help he has to tell me it directly...i can find solution for my languages mistakes...I did not asked him to help me...he is the person who pmed  and informed me before post the episode in forum it has send to i kept my faith on him and start to do the work...I thought that we are a family...i respected his interference in this matter and i always kept my way to sending  all the parts  before i post it in forum...even i do not had to do it... but i respected him and i really appreciated his effort to keep our loving Kb forum alive till today...i feel really bad that he has broken my faith without informing can he disrespect me to asking my another friend to edit this and help me...???? 
i will post 'Apne" in my own for you all...but i can not appreciate this insult that he has done to me...

Edited by ulakmini - 12 years ago
-Shankar- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
sorry uneka.
was busy in another forum and i still am busy with arranging a big event.
so i asked rumi to do it and never got around to pm you... 😒
vinolya thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Dear Uneka, Pls continue writing we all love reading it.. As of now I can just tell you this..
Love your work.. and keep writing. Dont get disheartened.😊
Unekalakmini thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: -Shankar-

sorry uneka.

was busy in another forum and i still am busy with arranging a big event.
so i asked rumi to do it and never got around to pm you... 😒

you do not have to ask Rumi to do it...if you do not want to do it  why are you bothering Rumi..???? you have to tell me...i accepted your help just because you said me in pm    that, after i  wrote episode it has to send you...
you have to learn to keep trust in people and respect people...
i am in this forum since November 2009...i got lot of good  friends trough this forum and till  now i am keeping  them with me ...i started to write "Apne" because of my dearest friend all have chosen her to write this script, but when she told me about it, i said her that i will do it for her... after posted first 3 episodes i am really happy and appreciate my all KB friends were like it and in courage me...

but i have done big mistake to trust you shankar...if you are going to discourage me you sadly mistaken..I do not need your help and i will do it my own...but do not play this kind of ugly games with people who have kept their faith on you...

Edited by ulakmini - 12 years ago
kalika.j thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Iam really sorry for a missunderstanding between me and Uneka. Nobody told me to write the script, it was a total misunderstaing, becoz the conversation on phone between us was not clear. After the conversation I have to clear it but I ignore it. once again I am really sorry to you all especially to you dear Uneka.
Please continue your story, we are waiting...
Edited by kalika.j - 12 years ago
-Shankar- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: ulakmini

you do not have to ask Rumi to do it...if you do not want to do it  why are you bothering Rumi..???? you have to tell me...i accepted your help just because you said me in pm    that, after i  wrote episode it has to send you...
you have to learn to keep trust in people and respect people...
i am in this forum since November 2009...i got lot of good  friends trough this forum and till  now i am keeping  them with me ...i started to write "Apne" because of my dearest friend all have chosen her to write this script, but when she told me about it, i said her that i will do it for her... after posted first 3 episodes i am really happy and appreciate my all KB friends were like it and in courage me...

but i have done big mistake to trust you shankar...if you are going to discourage me you sadly mistaken..I do not need your help and i will do it my own...but do not play this kind of ugly games with people who have kept their faith on you...

you have misunderstood me but it is okay. i will do my job by making it sticky when u post it
Rumi007 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
I am really sorry for the misunderstanding.😳
-Shankar- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
topic is against rules
(attacking DT member) topic closed