saher_90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

Hello Guys

This is to inform you that Aahat Forum is getting ARCHIEVED...As you guys know Aahat series has been ended, and the forum isnt active as well. So, getting forum Archived is the best option till  they comes back with a new season. Its been so wonderfull to be the part of this section....Aahat  forum has given  me such lovely friends whom i'll never forget...Last but not the least, I would like to thank (My CM) -Nadii-for being such good to me & how can we forget (OUR VIDEOBIE)-Nipun97- for posting videos regularly on time... Thanks to all members who contribute to the section 🤗We will be BACK SOON 😃
Aahat Dev Team
Edited by saher_90 - 13 years ago