AnGaD aNd kRiPa: A New LuV StOrY - Page 2


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angadlover<3 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
heyy!!...i read the promos!!!!...the fanfic sounds intersting!!!...plzz continue soon!!... 😃
sUgA -N- sPiCe thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Episode 1: Pilot
(shows angad and his mother naina, together outside a HUGE house)
Angad: mom, i know you have waited for this moment, to move into a beautiful house, to have maids do all the work you've been doing for so long.
Naina: Yes, you're right.i have been waiting for this moment, son, but not so i can move into a big house, or to have maids, but for a moment for you to make me proud.
Angad smiles and says: Mom, if it wasn't for your encouragement, maybe i wouldn't be here.
Naina is crying tears of joy and hugs her son. They go inside the house and start unpacking. Naina takes out a pic of a man from her bag and hangs it up on the wall. Angad walks into the room and sees the picture, he looks angry.
Angad: Mom, wat is this? why are you putting his picture here?
Naina: Beta, he's your father
Angad: no hes not. if he was my father then he wouldn't have left you for his family. if he was my father then he would have talkedto me, talked to you, tried to figure wat state we were in. but instead of that, he let us rot! he let us rot, while he stayed with his family, while he partied.
Naina: i noe your father has made mistakes but--
Angad: no buts mom, i can never forgive that man for wat he has done to you. but forget this mom, why are we talking about him on this happy day? come on let's explore the house
Next seen shows the same man in the picture (angads father) talking on his fone. His name is Vivek (i made it up by the way)
Vivek: no, no no! tell him i won't accept the deal unless he puts more money into it, i dont have time for small deals like this, ima billionare and i want deals of my status!
Vivek angrily turns off the phone. His wife, Damini, comes in.
Damini: Vivek, its a sunday and you promised the children it was only family time. We are having so much fun outside playing tennis and you're here, talking bussiness deals?
Vivek: sorry, damini, its just that an urgent deal came up
Damini: no urgent deals for todai! if someone needs you, its ur children, atleast give them time todaY!
Vivek: your rite lets go!
(Vivek and Damini walk outside to their tennis court)
Mishty: Bhai!! you won't be able to beat me this time!
Pritvi: Keep dreaming Mishty, has ther ever been a game where i've lost?
Mishty: ther willbe today (and mishty hits the ball hard, and Pritvi misses)
Mishty: GAME OVER! i won!
Mishty walks over to vivek
Mishty: papa, you missed our game! see i beat pritvi!
Vivek and Damini laugh, the family seems to be having a great time.
(Kripa is shown inside her room, wit books everywhere)
Kripas mom, Shweta (made that name up 2), walks in
Shweta: Kripa! it's a sunday! leave studying for today atleast!
Kripa: no mom i can't!! i have exams tommorow! i'll be studying all night!
Shweta: but theres a party at Vivek Uncle's house, and wat about mishty, she's going to the party doesnt she have exams, wont she be studying
Kripa: mom, mishty pagal hai! now,please let me study, or u can just forget about me attending the party!
Shweta laughs and leaves Kripa's room.
(at night at Bose house at the party)
Shweta and her Husband Nikil are ther
Mishty comes up to them
Mishty: Auntie, where kripa?
Shweta: she studying mishty, but dont worry she will be here soon
Mishty: she better be! i get so bored here
Nikil and Shweta laugh and Mishty leaves.
Pritvi looks as if he's waiting for someone.
Mishty: Bhai who are u waiting for?
Pritvi: uhhhhhh no one
Mishty: hmm kripa??
Pritvi: wat are you talking about mishty?
Mishty: shes gnna be here soon dont worry.
Pritvi: thank god, i mean, why would i care???
Mishty laffs and says "see ya" Pritvi just smiles and says in his mind When are you coming, Kripa.
Meanwhile... Kripa is driving to the party, but all of a sudden her car gets broken
Kripa: ugh!! wats wrong wid this car?
she gets out and opens the front thingy and smoke comes out of it.
All of a sudden a car stops. Angad gets out of the car. Kripa reconizes him as Angad Khanna, super rock star and is baffled to see him.
Angad: wats the matter?
Kripa: uhhhhh my car broke down
Angad: lemme see if i can help you.
hes cheking out the car while kripa is checking HIM out lol
all of a sudden he starts to talk and kripa who was lost in space all of a sudden jumps as angad starts talking
Angad: lookslike itsnot gnna be fixed for a while
Kripa: o man
Angad: looks like you need to get somewhere, do you want me to drop you off?
Kripa is delighted
Kripa: sure,but wat about my car
ANgad: dont worry i'll call the tow truck
Kripa and Angad get into angads car and go
Meanwhile at the Bose Party.....
Vivek gets another phone call
Damini: vivek, i swear if you pick this phone up,
Vivek: plz Damini, just once
Damini: fine but make it quick!!
Vivek: goes out to talk on the fone
Meanwhile.... wid angad and kripa
Angad: over here?
Kripa: ya, here. thanks for the ride and for towing my car. i really appreaciate it.
Angad: no problem,(he smiles), by the way, i am Angad Khanna.
Kripa: i noe (she says dreamily)
Angad: wat?
Kripa: imean,, my name is Kripa sharma
They shake hands
Kripa grabs her cell phone and goes outside waving once more.
Vivek mean while is outside talking and Angad is driving slowly, thinking about how beautiful kripa was
all of a sudden Angad sees Vivek.
Angad thinking: Him, here??

sUgA -N- sPiCe thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
come on ppl i cant wait!!! lol i wnna noe how u guys like it!!! and if anyone can guesss both the questions on the bottom, i will make episode 2 tommorow!!!
1. What character does Kripa represent? (HINT: this character is in the show on the WB!!!)
2. In what WB show do 2 guys have the same father but different mothers??

If both of these questions are answered correctly then i will post episode #2 tommorow!! hint:!! and and.... here are some spoilers for the next show:

The next show is called "Switched" HEre is a description
Angad and Kripa's phones get switched from last night's ride. They keep getting each other's call and decide to meet. Angad also tells his mom about meeting Vivek and also can't stop thinking about kripa. Kripa can't stop thinking about Angad also. Shweta, Nikil, Vivek, and Damini get together and decide that Kripa and Pritvi should get married.

** if these questions aren't answered by tomm i wil post the rite answers gluck!!!
taniya_22 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
I loved it...plz cont. soon...
i'm not sure...but i'm just guessing the answerz...
1. Is the girl Haley...
2. Isn't it One Tree Hill...
waterlily_126 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
looinf forward to it..hone..
sUgA -N- sPiCe thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
u were half rite!! the show is One tree hill
but the character is different for #1
i'll give you sum hints
the show is not One Tree Hill
and the person who plays this character was a popular cheerleader in the first season of this show!!
sUgA -N- sPiCe thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
o ya for #1: The character from the show is not from One Tree Hill or Supernatural!! that shud help u out mor!! but thank taniya_22 for having #2 rite
taniya_22 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
I was just thinking is the girl...Lana Lang from Smallville...just guessin again...
sUgA -N- sPiCe thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
yaaay i love that show
and i love clark kent aka tom welling
well be expecting the epi "switched" tommorow!!!! thanks taniya_22
gg?? thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Yai!! I like it. I'm sure it is goin to be 10 x beta than ekta's.