Live-in Relationships; Staying Together - Page 15


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bDgT thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: doodleberry

Bri, fantastic topic.

Live-in relationships '
Yes when a serial like Hasratein can deal with that ages back then why not now? I just wanna say if any need arises where Geet had to leave Khurana Mansion after the truth being out then I want Maan to be her mental strength and support Geet and walk out of the mansion and they can be each other's support. We can see their struggle to make a mark and create a position for themselves in the world. I have always been fond of doing something different and be an example and I want them to be an inspiration to all those who wants to have a Live-in relationships.

Well put Doodle! I think the production houses seem to think that the viewers are going backwards, which is not the case! i want them to explore all sorts of things! It's time for television "to take the mickey out of the viewers"
bDgT thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: jasw

Interesting topic. I guess till there are only two people involved, live-in or marriage, anything will do as long as you have love in the relationship but once kid comes into picture then it's better to follow the institution of marriage for the sake of your kid. The kid won't understand the emancipation of his parents and definitely will have to bear the brunt for being an illegitimate kid.

Personally, It took us years to get married ..not because we wanted to experiment with live-in but because of convince-in of our respective parents!! 😃 Now I can laugh, but to tell you the truth, it was most challenging phase!

The way Maan is so eager to announce his engagement, I am sure he'll go for the ultimate-marriage! Geet being brought up in conventional family would definitely feel awkward in a live-in relationship!

I have seen kids who have come out of wedlock and who are all doing great! It depends on the parents as to how they bring them up to cope. For that we don't need an institution like marriage to bring about respectability.

I applaud you for your decision and for the thought that went behind it.

Maan-Geet: Let's wait and watch how they adapt and change. I always believe "change is the only constant"
bDgT thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: LoveStruck21

Whew. Good Topic :)

Well, what Geet and Maan are doing now is so SAFE. They are living together, yes, but at the same time they are not. Which can opt well for both younger and older viewers.
Moving onto the question at hand. I think living together allows many people to avoid, or just understand the future they have in store.
I currently am living with my boyfriend. We dated the first year of our relationship and moved in together in college. We have been living together throughout college. It has been an experience. You get to understand the person better, feel the person better, connect better. It becomes something so genuine, and now though we are planning our wedding, it doesn't make a difference. Weather we marry or not, we still love being together. Marriage is but a piece of paper legally binding you in the eyes of both god and the law. For many, they have been together for years without even getting married. I think that this varies for everyone, many do not want to live together before hand, and many do, I just feel that the idea should not be looked down upon because it allows for both individuals to learn and grow from each other, making them people who are less afraid of the world and what not.

Thanks for commenting LoveStruck!  Wonderful statement and sentiment expressed in the words that are bolded. Truly, one does not need a paper or some tradition to make a relationship sacred and sanctified. It is all in the mind and the hearts of the individuals as to how important that relationship is to them. No paper or ritual can bind people, it is only for the sake of legality and property that one needs the sanction of the society or some ritual.
bDgT thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: sweetchilly1234

Sorry guys, I was busy studying for my medschool finals.  @Savitan: Dear I am not against live in relationship but, the truth of the matter is that I also love my parents, and their reputation.  More than any guy, I will love my parents whether the guy likes it or not because, they have raised me to be who I am.  I can hurt anyone, and I mean anyone in this world, "duniya definitely jaye tel lene", but, I cannot see my parents hurt.  And whether anyone wants to belive it or not, usually the relationships that are intercast, or interculture end up in divorce.  And if you had sex before marriage, and end up having kids, guess what, you are gonna live with kids from one marriage into the other.  NOt only will you destroy your life by marryin multiple times, but, you will also damage the kids.  Number of my friends in America, have divorced parents, and the trauma that they go through, I dont think I can bare to see my kids go through the same thing.  Apart from that currently I do hate indian guys, b/c one just pretended to love me and now its who the hell are you starting yesterday b/c I am not willing to satisfy his ego..First and recent break up....Bloody egoistic jerks..If you sleep with them all is well, if you dont, you are not good enough..This is one of the reasons, I am willing to go through an arrange marriage with a guy with equal education, and gud family...screw the rest, they are not worth it ;(

Sweetchilly, i am real sorry about the pain you had to go through and the trials and tribulations on your journey in life.

There are no guarantees against being hurt or deceived in any relationship, be that of marriage or out of marriage.  Sometimes you end up with the wrong person be it arranged marriage or love marriage and then what do you do? Instead of continuing and making your life and your loved ones (kids, etc., ) life hell everyday, you do the surgical cut. It is not like people love getting married multiple times. Sometimes everyone is not so lucky to find the right guy or may be they themselves are not the right people for the right guy. In life, you live, you learn. That is all there is to it.

I hope you find happiness and the right one.

Best wishes,
Opti thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
Edited by Opti - 13 years ago
LoveStruck21 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: bDgT

Sweetchilly, i am real sorry about the pain you had to go through and the trials and tribulations on your journey in life.

There are no guarantees against being hurt or deceived in any relationship, be that of marriage or out of marriage. Sometimes you end up with the wrong person be it arranged marriage or love marriage and then what do you do? Instead of continuing and making your life and your loved ones (kids, etc., ) life hell everyday, you do the surgical cut. It is not like people love getting married multiple times. Sometimes everyone is not so lucky to find the right guy or may be they themselves are not the right people for the right guy. In life, you live, you learn. That is all there is to it.

I hope you find happiness and the right one.

Best wishes,

Hey sweetchilly1234
I would just like to say, that I am sure no one wants to hurt the people who raised them and made them who they are today, be it a parent, an aunt an uncle, no one wants to hurt someone who molded them into the person they have become. That being said, I believe that many people become closed off to ANY idea which is neocultural. I am very sorry that the first time you step out of your zone, you end up being hurt, but who is to say that an arranged marriage will work out any better. I have stated before, marriage is but legal and satisfying for those who want something tangible in their lives to fall back upon. If the man you end up marrying is a completely different from what you had your heart set on, you are bound to him if you do not believe in divorce. I think it is unfair to look down upon people who have different outlooks on life. If one does have children before marriage, as sad as it maybe, it is not for anyone to judge, nor assume that he/she has 'destroyed' their lives. It takes some people trial and error, for some it does not. Life is FAR FROM a fairy tale or these hindi soaps, the stark truth is there are thousands of women who are married in India who suffer through it because they like to save face. Would your parents be happy to know that their daughter is hurting on their behalf, I doubt it. Choices should be made not to appease others, but yourself. You will be living with your decisions, others might influence the choices you make, but slowly, if you resent the choices you made, it will seep into every aspect of your life, slowly causing hurt to the people you did not want to hurt in the first place. You sound bitter because the first person you trusted let you down, if you allow ONE person to change the vision you have of life, the HE has WON, and you have lost. Do not allow him the luxury. And about the interculture and what not they only FAIL if the people around the couple are not supportive. If you love someone, your daughter, son whatever you realize that such minor things do not matter. One does not die with their creed or color, but their soul and heart. Your flesh and caste are buried with you, your soul and heart is what has to answer to god. Parents who understand their children will never wish that they themselves become a barrier to their happiness. Again, your hatred of 'Indian boys" is also incorrect, its almost like hating all Muslims for the 9/11 attacks. Open your heart and mind sweetheart, and I am sure, your soulmate is just around the corner.

I am but stating my opinion, do offence to you, and please do not take it to heart if you found anything as such.

luvGeet thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
I wouldnt mind at all....Geet and Maan :D :D :D the best couple ever! 
agree with you 100%
lallulal2010 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
i am a very modern person when it comes to new ideas which are not exactly what every other person does.....but frankly i cant digest the idea of live-ins......
tinatartari thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
bDgT gr8 topic indeed.yes i think instead of the silly n baseless marriage whr geet has 2 b tied in a sari n varmillion etc. y dnt they show a living-in relationship btw maaneet??it wud b gr8 n fun 2 watch 2.n after all they dnt need 2 show sme original physical relationship,so wats the prob???the slight romantic scenes we c daily so if they hav living-in relation onscreen,wats bad in it??i think the cv s shud think bout tat...
JayaBachan thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Hey! 😛 This is an amazing post, absolutely loved reading everyone's views. 👍🏼

I am amazed with the beautiful hearts and mentalities of many members of this forum. I just came back from visiting a war zoned forum 😆, so seeing all these mature replies has lifted my heart and sent me to heaven 😆.

Personally, I do respect everyone's decisions - but I've always been a person who couldn't really digest the notion of a de facto relationship. But that's just my own personal opinion, by no means am I frowning upon those who live or have lived in one.

In the case of this show, I seriously do not give a damn if Geet lives in his room 🤣. Heck! I could even go bold enough to hope that they even sleep on the same bed! 🤣 And if anyone dares to protest against this, I'll be very very angry 😡😆.