CV's still confuse 4 bhavri character

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Posted: 13 years ago
Hi Guys , is u all have seen Cv's always add Bhavri's baby in her all deeds. latest was Anamica cheakup where bhavri gave this idea....upto this it is -veity but later she said she wanna know her child sex so she did this...this is selfishness....atlast Mathali said some supportive words dat child sex wont change Bhavri love toward her dat Bhavri din reply just left the place as Masa called all this CV's r puting her character in two sides, once she is normal & next minute she turns selfish( i wont say -ve , as -ve mean without any reason creating problems or taking revenge ,  but till this she din do anything without her own benifite even she is not taking revenge with Mathali)
All this tells Cv's r still confuse dat Bhavri should turn -ve or not
Even Cv's din clarified why Bhavri wanna know about her child sex....well one thing i'm sure what ever baby's sex ...Bhavri wont kill her child as some r predicting....there is some other reason
oh god yesterday only Cv's revailed one truth about her arriver now next mistry started why she wanna know her child sex?
After Bhavri's  pregnency or Shaurya death( both happened at same time) her character is really become confusing & one can predict what next she will do
one example is---last week she was about to quarrel with Maya this week she is full on supporting her.............😕😕😕(totaly confused)😕😕😕
do comment what u think her character is confusing?😊