abd_20 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
Last epi...

:-Suhani doesn't apologise to Rahul...

:-Taiji cries when Raloni & Viraj goes away...

:-SNT & Shubh questions Suhani but she doesn't answer cause
she needs to save Ansh-Saloni's secret...

:-Suhani goes missing in K.N...

:-Shubh Antry try searching Shubh roams around Vrindavan &
Antry tries calling every place for Suhani's information...
Swarg 27th May, Thursday

Part 1
Scene 1 {K.N temple area}

Suhani comes back but with a kid... Gayatri comes running
& hugs her...

Gayatri asks where did she go???

Ansh asks Suhani Bhabhi who is this sweet kid...

The kid gets scared & holds Suhani with fear...{wraps
his arms around Suhani}

Ansh asks kid his name he answers 'Krish'...

Ansh says its a very nice name.... he shakes hands with
him & says cute boy...

Suhani comes in & apologises to SNT & Taiji that she's
sorry that they must have worried about her all day...

Taiji asks who is this kid... Suhani says Taiji i cannot
tell anything infront of this kid...i'll tell everything
tomorrow morning...

Taiji says why tomorrow why not now...whom are scared for...
K.N Bahu was out of the house the entire day & when she's
back & that too with a unknown kid....what meaning do I
take out of this...

Shubh says to Taiji that theres no need for her to take
out any meaning because if Suhani is saying she'll tell them
everything in the morning can't we wait until tommorrow...

Ansh gives Krish's bag to Suhani & she takes Krish inside...

Chander says to Taiji that Suhani went out empty handed
nbow comes in K.N with a kid Taiji i think there's something

Taiji thinks deeply...

Scene 2 {Shubhani's room}

Suhani helps change Krish's clothes & asks him how did he
like his new home...

Krish doesn't say anything...

Suhani says you have to stay here now & she remembers he
told her that he fears sleeping alone so he will sleep
in her room....& asks hin to wait as she's going to get
him some hot milk as he didn't have food from afternoon...

Suhani was going but Krish holds Suhani's saree pallu &
tells her he's not feeling hungry...

Suhani says how he's not hungry afternoon also he did not
have anything...look how big strong I am as I used to eat
a lot when I was your age & if you want to grow up fast
you have to eat & drink a lot...

Suhani asks Krish don't you like this house so Krish
cries.. Suhani asks him is he afraid he hugs her...

Suhani makes him understand that good children do not weep
like this...wipes his tears & tells him its okay now he will
have to sleep & she makes him go to sleep as Shubh watches
how Suhani is taking care of the kid...Suhani gets up &
Shubh comes in the room...& asks whos kid is this???
Scene 3 {Shubh asks Suhani about Krish}

Shubh comes in & tries to ask her something but Suhani
asks him to talk softly as Krish is asleep...

Suhani says she's sorry about all this & she know how
worried he must have become...

Shubh says he's sorry as he shouldn't have spoken to her
like that & asks atleast now she can tell him why did she
do this???

Suhani tells Shubh that she has brought this kid from
an orphanage...

Shubh asks Suhani from orphanage...

Suhani says this little boy is her college friends kid...
her college friend had suddenly disappeared & now she saw
her again who had come to meet her child in an orphanage
& she told her about this kid that she had done a mistake
in college party where this incident happened & she had to
give birth to this kid but had to give it to an orphanage...
she couldn't see this child's condition...so she got him
from the orphanage... {Guys i think i have left a part
of Shubhani's room scene will edit later}

Scene 4 {K.N temple}

Next morning Krish & Shubh are standing infront of the
temple & praying....

Suhani does the arti & gives prasaad to them...

Shubh asks Krish to tell Suhani how good friends they have
become... gives high five... Krish shows a chocolate that
Shubh gave him...

Suhani says oh that's good thing...come on now its time for
breakfast...Shubh asks Krish now Rats in stomach are racing
with hunger... what about you Krish???

Krish says yes i am also hungry...

Shubh & Krish was about to go to the kitchen...
but Suhani stops Shubh & tells she wants to talk to him
Shubh asks Krish to go & see the house...

Suhani says that she is afraid that when SNT & Taiji will
listen that she brought Krish from an orphanage they might
not accept him...

Shubh says she need not worry as he will manage...

Krish asks Shubh in your home where you people eat???

Suhani says come with me i'll show you & I will feed you
with my own hands...
Part 3
Scene 5 {SNT's room}

Shubh tells SNT half truth...

SNT says this is very sad thing happned with the kid...
asks him to talk to Suhani if Suhani's freind needs he'll
be happy to help....

Shubh says he thinks if they could take care of the kid that
will be enough help for Suhani's friend...

SNT asks did he ask who that girl is???

Shubh says he feels he shouldn't discuss this matter as
already Suhani is tensed so he did not feel right ask or say
anything more...as Suhani lately has gone through a lot but
he has full faith in her...

Taiji comes & says that Shubh you are right if a couple have
faith & tell everything to eachother it becomes easy for their
relations...but other people also live in this house who would
like to know who is this friend who has got such crisis who
had to leave her own child...

Shubh says "Dadiji the for you a matter of suspicion is a little
child who's eyes are enought to read that he needs our love &
support for which we should lend our hands & not suspect in a
childs matter..."

Taiji says "i am not suspecting a kid after all Kids are God
sent angels..."

Shubh says then let it be as a little kid needs our help
we should not make an issue out of this & make the kid

Taiji says okay if its a matter of helping an innocent kid
then who am i to come inbetween your decision..."

Scene 6 {K.N hall}

Ansh is playing with Krish & Suhani asks Krish to play
later & have breakfast...

Gayatri is also trying to catch Krish & he goes & bumps into

Krish gets scared & says Sorry to SNT...

Shubh says he need not fear SNT as he's his father his

SNT & Krish shake hands.... & Krish asks SNT to tell
Ansh not to tickle him...

Ansh says I was just playing with you Krish so that you
don't feel bored & you are complaining about me...

SNT kisses Krish & lifts him in hhis arms
SNT asks Ansh not to tickle Krish.. Ansh says now they
are good friends he will tickle...

Suhani feels good that Krish is getting his rightful place
in K.N...

Taiji is very irritated with Krish...

SNT asks Suhani to go for shopping to get Krish new clothes...

Taiji says rudely that "go everyone go who's bothered about the
Prasaad she asked them to keep for Kanhaji which she wanted
to keep as a token of thanking god that Suhani had come back

Gayatri says she will stay back home & help her...

Taiji tells Gayatri that atleast there is someone who cares
about the old lady blesses her saying "doodo nahao pooto
phalo" it means "bathe in milk & grow & give birth new life
stay happy" stares at Suhani...

Suhani senses Taiji's irrtation towards her...
Precap:-Krish & Ansh have lots of exact habits like putting
sugar in milk & making sounds by clinking the spoon on the
glass & Suhani asks Krish that his milk must be cold let her
heat it... so Krish says he doesn't drink hot milk he likes
his milk cold....

Ansh says wow what a co -incident he also likes cold milk from
his childhood...

Gayatri notices that ansh & Krish both tapping little wooden
plank with their hands...while eating...

Gayatri says say a another co-incident as Krish is tapping
his hands on the wooden plank just like Ansh does...
Suhani feels surprised..but in a sad way...

How is this story going to end people can you guess....
what will be the last epi like....i am highly confused...
June 4th the last day i believe...

Edited by abd_20 - 14 years ago


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oompa_loompa thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
What I feel is they r going to disclose krish true identity in house soon and then thy guy will stay there as son of subhani...Taijji will be ashamed of her self...

Thts all....till 4th June....but hope channel change the decision and proceed further