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Posted: 14 years ago
I know guys this is the last week of my updates I got amazing
response day by day from many of you people but this message
is for Sarvesh who sent me a wonderful PM thank you Sarvesh because of wonderful & amazing readers like you my updates become amazing.... 😊God bless You

Last Epi....

:-Suhani was worried for Saloni & how her secret would ruin her life...

:-Saloni gets hyper & shouts at Ansh & confuses all others...

:-Raloni Shubhani & Antry play game of passing a pillow...

:-Ansh was about to show a photo album but Saloni spills coffee
& angers Rahul....

:-Shubh asks Rahul not to get angry asks all to come to hall...

:-Suhani gets to know the shocking truth that father of Saloni's child is none
other than Ansh...

Swarg 25th Tuesday
Part 1
Scene {K.N passage Hall}

Suhani is worried after seeing Ansh's college photo album
& she's worried if Ansh-Saloni's secret comes out it will ruin
everything...she's unable to beileve is it really Ansh who's res-
ponsible for Saloni's child...

Rahul stroms out of the room & Saloni stops him...

Suhani wonders what is wrong with Raloni...

Scene 2 {KN hall}😡
Rahul shouts calls where is Shubh & SNT I had called
all the members...

Suhani says Shubh & SNT have gone for some important work....
asks Rahul what's wrong why is he behaving in such a
way & why is he talking this way...tell me what is the

Rahul shouts & says that someone has taken 10 lacs from
my cupboard...

Part 2
Scene 3 {Rahul blames K.N members of being theif...threatens
to call the police}
Taiji says what are you saying Rahul someone from this house
beta all are family people...how can that be...

Rahul says i dont know whi took it but its certainly one of
you all...in this house where even servants are treated like
owners then who can guess who's suspect & who's what???

Ansh shouts at Ansh how dare he talk this way....

Rahul says don't shout i know you people are cheats...
who even it is tell me or else all have to bare one
persons mistake....i am callng the police & get K.N
members room checked...

Chander Manorama Chinniji Antry Taiji all are tensed &
Suhani gets hyper that what did you say you will get us
checked we will see how daring he can be... i ll make
sure how will he be successful in doing this...

Taiji scolds Suhani that talk sensibily with Rahul...

Suhani says please forgive me but there is a limit to
everything & Rahul has crossed that limit...i am just
reminding him his limits...so Rahul...okay go ahead &
call the police but the first room will be checked it
will be yours...

Rahul says what do you mean I have stolen my own money

Taiji says what are you saying Suhani....

Suhani says yes the kind of greedy person you are you
might have taken the money & hid it somewhere so that you
can blame us for the theft & take the money from us & double

Rahul says oh this is what is called the theif calling the
victim a theif...one phone call & i came here leaving all
my work you people tricked me...

Taiji asks What phone call Rahul beta what are you talking
who called you here???

Rahul shouts that now Dadi you don't try to act unknown of
all this trick...what ever is happening with me its because
of me... Shubhani tricked me saying I have a share in your
property & then lied to me but stopped me giving me 10 lac
rupees & now are blaming me for the theft...you people are

Scene 4
{Suhani on purpose fights with Rahul}
Suhani says yes actually greedy person he is who gives more
importance to money than family realtions... i cannot even
bare his shadow in my house...

Taiji asks Suhani to shut up but Rahul says okay fine i am
leaving K.N going back to USA...

Shubh comes Taiji keeps shouting Rahul to stop...

Taiji shouts that what is happening Kanhaji why did you this
to me before I died what did you do Kanhaji....

Shubh comes & asks what is wrong will anyone say...

Taiji says why are you asking al other i'll tell you Suhani
blaming Rahul of being a thief & insulted him in front of all
asked him to get out of the house even said his shadow also
should not fall ever in K.N... Suhani has ruined everything
little bit of respect Rahul had for her but now that also is
gone because of her why did you do this & curses SUhani of
being a Baanj {incapable} that she herself cannot bare a child
& cannot even see other mothers & children happy...

Shubh stops Taiji asks why is she talking this way...

Taiji says she will touch Rahul's feet he wont let him go...

Shubh also follows Taiji to Rahul's room...Chinniji Tillu
Antry all go back to their room...

Part 3
Scene 5 {Shubhani's room}

Suhani stops Saloni asks her to come with her to her room...

Suhani shows a photo from Ansh album which Saloni sees gets

Suhani asks her what is the truth tell me Saloni... you &
Ansh... I was suspicious about your behaviour towards Ansh
that why you were keeping distance from him...tell me Saloni
Ansh is the father of your first child right???

Saloni cries & says yes Bhabhi yes he's the father of my
illegitimate child.... Bhabhi i did not know about this
I only knew him as Krish & when I heard Ansh I couldn't
realise & wouldn't have known about it but one day I got
to see Ansh's photo album...which Chinniji mamai gave me
recognised that Krish is actually Ansh & decided to do Viraj's
Jarayu to avoid facing Ansh...but she was not lucky as Antry
came back from H.M on that day....beileve me i did not know
please dont reveal this secret or else Gayatri & her life
will get ruined....pleads...

Suhani says don;t worry i will say anything i know whatever
happened between Ansh & you it was just a mistake done un-
knowingly & that's why i put up a scene to blame Rahul so
that he agrees to take you back to USA...that the money she
took to give the B.M would have come out Rahul her relations
would have become sore...

Saloni says she is very grateful to her touches Suhani's feet
& says whatever she's done for her even own blood relatives
also don't do to save the others.... Bhabhi i will never forget
this jesture of yours...

Suhani says okay now its getting late pack your bags go from
here so that this secret will be safe with me forever...there
will be no secrets for her to live life fearfully...

Scene 6 {Raloni's room}
Taiji is askin Rahul not to leave her like this asks apology
but he says everyone are cheat so he cannot live here...

Shubh asks Saloni to make Rahul understand but Rahul shouts
at her saying what are looking at finish the packing bags
we ae leaving....after so much insult & blames i'll stay

Shubh says Rahul I know Suhani's mistake but she would have
been in some misunderstanding...

Taiji says it is not her misunderstanding but she did it on'
purpose as she cannot see me happy that's why she insulted
Rahul like this...

Shubh  says Dadiji why are you making this issue bigger...i'll
talk & try to sort out the differences...

Rahul says no need for that because my decision is firm...

Taiji says Suhani Dulhan doesn't even like me a bit... that's
why she put up a scene...

Saloni asks Taiji not to curse Suhani is elder to us...leave
it they're going so end this matter here...

Taiji asks Shubh why is he standing & staring why doesn't he
go & tell anything Suhani & says if my Rahul went away I will
never forgive Suhani...all my life...

Shubh is highly confused & did not even dream a situation like

Part 4
Scene 7 {last scene K.N hall}
SNT comes to know of the theft & wonders in K.N...says I can't
beileve this...

Taiji says & your Suhani Dulhan has put the blame on Rahul...

SNT says Suhani no i cannot believe Suhani cannot do this...

Taiji says why not Satya...you believe your Bahu but not this
old lady i wont get place even in hell if i am lying...pleads
Shubh to ask Suhani to apologise to Rahul & stop him...& if
Rahul went away i will never forgive Suhani her ill wishes
with Suhani...remember this...

Shubh says Dadiji don't say all this i have called Suhani she
is just coming...

Suhani comes & Shubh says to Suhani that Dadiji believes that
if she will apologise to Rahul he will decide to stay back...

Suhani doesn't say anything & Saloni is tensed... Rahul shouts
at Saloni that isn't drama enough for you which you have seen
from so many days now lets move we are getting late...

Taiji pleads Suhani to apoogise to Rahul & even asks SNT to
ask Suhani... but Suhani remains quite...
Precap:-Suhani brings a boy from the orphanage & Everyone are
Guys I've stopped rating the show as its ending so there are no prizes for guessing that Swarg had a good start but after few ups & lots of down its ending so let it end peacefully...😉
