Yaamirukka bayamaen March 22 - 26, 2010 - Page 2


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Meena.IF thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Eljay ma,
Shall I post Monday updates.. I have watched the episode...
Please change the thread topic as March month updates.. For April we will open separate thread..
eljay thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Sorry Meena, I started writing Thursday's update and somebody came to the computer while I was checking on the rasam, and - my update was lost!  I am giving  a brief one here.

Update for Thursday, March 25, 2010 - thedal 20:

The Inspector is asking the fake Shanmugam who sent him, why he came to Indrani's house, is he connected to the murders, and he admits that he is not the real Shanmugam.  He says he was contacted by someone who said he would be paid Rs. 10 lakhs, some of it paid in advance, and the balance to be paid after the statue was found.  He says he does not know who is searching for it, has no parents or siblings, refuses to say anything about his background, but denies having anything to do with the murders.  He thinks Indrani knows something about the murders, because the paambu pidaari man had come to see her the day before he died, and he saw Indrani paying the PP man some money.  All he knows is that the deaths are not sami saavus.

The asari is doing his puja.  The boy is watching and asks him what he is doing.  He says the asari wasn't doing any puja earlier, asks him why he is doing it now.  He asks him what he asked for, and asari says that the boy knows it.  Guhan says he didn't ask for anything and says he is greedy.  The asari agrees and says that if the boy wishes, he can give them everything and asks him to bless his sister.  Guhan says that greed will destroy a man, says the asari is a greedy man and his greed will not let him live happily.  He tells him to do his job and not crave anything.

Deyvanai is watching her Paati pray to the empty peetham.  She wants to know why Paati is still angry.   Dhanda is angry that she called the police, says he could have gotten the answers out of him.  She asks why he was allowed in without any questions, he says that Indrani saw the maccham and that was why he was accepted.  She points out that they did not call America once after he came, he never phoned America, she was suspicious because he did not act like a guy from America, he did not mingle with anyone in the family, then she went to his room and he got angry, so she set up a trap for him with Muthu's help.  She says the ola chuvadi and the song were all a trap.

Dhanda wants Devyanai to find the statue just as she found the fake Shanmugam.  She tells him that it will come in its own time. 

The Inspector comes to see Indrani.  They ask him who the impostor was, who sent him, and why he is questioning them.  He asks them why they let him stay for a whole month without checking and Dhanda tells him that Dev was the one who suspected him.   She tells the Inspector how she and Muthu laid traps for him.  He asks why they are searching for the statue, did they give money to the PP, did they suspect anyone, and Dhanda says they suspect Thinaikaathaan.  Dhanda thinks Thinai must have set up Shanmugam, and tells the Inspector to take action against Thinai.  He tells Inspector to hurry up, go and catch him and find out where the statue is.  The Inspector is thinking ...

Thodarum ...
anjkhoney thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Dear Friends

Meena will not be able to update the serial as she is experiencing some kinda problem with her net connection..

Could someone please tk cr of her updates?

thank you😊
eljay thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Hmmm, I was half hoping that Anj's post would also be an April Fool's joke!

Update for Monday, March 29, 2010 - thedal 21:

Guhan is meditating.  Someone comes up to him.  Guhan tells him to go to a certain veppa maram and asks him to dig for an yettukurippu.  The man finds the veppa maram and digs with his hands (how does he know exactly where around the maram to dig? - and finds the yettukurippus.  He gives them to Guhan.  He writes something on them and tells the man to leave it in the water and it will reach whoever it is supposed to reach when the correct time comes.

His sister comes looking for him with some kozhakattais, given by the next door neighbor.  She hasn't eaten, so Guhan gives her also.  She hasn't cooked at home because there is no rice or paruppu at home.  Guhan tells her to go home and cook, she repeats that there is nothing at home, he tells her to go home and everything will be there.  Then he picks up some dirt, says something, and there is a glow around him.  The man, Veerasamy, is watching.

The tribal girl, Valli is playing with her friend.  She says that she knew Shanmugam was a fake, and she was friendly with him to see what he knew about the statue.  It turned out that he was trying to find out from her.  The friend asks if she will do the same if the real Shanmugam comes, and then leaves.  Valli is thinking about the real Shanmugam, what she will do if he comes.

The Inspector has gone to see Thinaikaathaan.  He comes out after making them wait for some time.  He comes out after some time, and the Inspector asks him what he knows about the murders.  Thinai says that he will own up if he did something, but he has not done anything, this is saamy matter.  The Inspector asks if he planted the fake Shanmugam in Indrani's house, he asks if Indrani told him that, and says he and his men are not afraid of anyone.  The Inspector says that if he gets any proof, he will shoot all of them, Thinai glares at him, and tells him to do what he can do, and leaves.  Inspector says he is trying to throw the aruval, and see what happens.

Thinai is angry with the Inspector and tells his people that there is some other group or person looking for the statue.  He thinks there are more people involved and they should watch out carefully and increase the guards.  Somebody is listening to all this from behind a rock, Thinai throws a stick at him, he runs and Thinai sends his men after him.  He escapes in a SUV, and Thinai sends him men to find him.  Thinai is angry over all this.

Thodarum ...

eljay thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Update for Tuesday, Mar 30, 2010 - thedal 22:

Indrani is sitting on the swing.  Deyva is asking Dhanda why she can't call Shaktivel mama.  Dhanda says that Indrani hasn't talked to him after he left so many years back.  Muthu argues that maybe he doesn't want to talk to Dhanda.  Deyva says that he should talk and see how it goes, Dhanda says he doesn't have the number, Deyva has the number already.  She wants to find out if the Shanmugam who came is really the fake guy, she calls and talks to Shaktivel.  He asks to speak to Indrani, she reluctantly takes the phone, and he repeatedly asks for mannippu, she has tears in her eyes and keeps saying his name.  He says he was afraid to call her, she asks about Shanmugam, he says that he has gone out with his friends, she tells him about the fake guy, he says he knew about it from Deyva's father, he says he will send the real Shanmugam soon.  Indrani is happy and she says "Let's eat", Deyv tells Saku to lay the table, Dhanda doesn't look pleased.

Guhan tells Valli to walk carefully.  She says she knows the place very well, can even walk backwards, and walks backwards and falls.  Her ankle is hurt badly, she is in pain, he goes and strokes it and the pain disappears.  She asks how the pain disappeared and wants to know if he is Murugan, he says he is Murugan adimai, Murugan is going to come, she will meet him and talk to him, and Kanda puraanam is going to happen again (I guess Shanmugam is going to come, both Valli and Devy will be interested in him - is he going to marry both of them?)

The Inspector is talking to someone called Sarathy, who is dressed like a samiyaar, at night.  He tells him about Vetrivel who went to the padaikalam and about all the others who have died there.  Sarathy says he is not scared to go there, his department training will take care of him, the Inspector says that there will be four men following him and to make sure that all the villagers know he is going there. He is asked to keep his cell phone switched on at all times.

It is dark, Sarathy stops at two places, asks for water, tells them he is going to the padaikalam (did I get the word right?  What is it?) because he is a disciple of Sangaadi (I didn't get the name properly).  One man tries to stop him, he says he will go there and tell him in the morning what happened there.  Scary background music with howling and the full moon, he is walking and someone asks him if he is new there, tells him not to go to the padaikalam, he says he knows what to do and keeps going, and suddenly there is an old man with a beard sitting there.  He asks if that is the way to the padakalam, asks if his life will be in danger, should he go or not, the old man gives some strange reply and tells him to go.

Thodarum ....
Edited by eljay - 14 years ago
eljay thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Sorry about the delay, folks!

Update for Wednesday, March 31 - thedal 23:

Night time - a dog can be heard howling.  The Inspector's man, Sarathy, is looking for Vetrivel.  The crazy siddhar sees him, says "Vandhittiya?"  and laughs to himself.  He says something about a pichaikkaran, kettadhu dhaan kidaikkuma, illai ketkaamal kidaikkuma.  Sarathy's phone rings, it is the Inspector asking him where he is, and he says he is in spot no. 7.  Suddenly he sees something go ahead of him, so he tells the Inspector he is going to follow the image.  Siddhar goes to the cave and tells the stunned looking Vetrivel that he must keep to himself whatever he knows, because there is still time for the ooru to know all this and laughs to himself.

Sarathy is still walking and looking around, then suddenly he sees something, lightning flashes, he is stunned.  The Inspector comes, asks him what happened, and he shows him Vetrivel standing on a rock in front.  Then we see the crazy siddhar doing a dance, saying "Poi serndhittiya?  Po, po ...".

Dhanda in his house, calls Kanakku and asks for Rs. 1000.  Kanakku stands there, without saying anything, Dhanda asks why he is hesitating since it is not a big amount, K says that Periamma has to be consulted, Dhanda says that he should not have to ask for money from his own house, D says that after the previous affair with the coconut man, Chellappa, Periamma has said that she must approve before any money is given.  Dhanda is angry.

Dhanda's wife asks him why he is getting angry with the Kanakku for small amounts.  He asks her what he should do for his personal needs, she says something about his conduct - UNmaiyaa irukka paarunga, illaina get Deyva married to Muthu.  Periamma listens to Deyva, she will do anything for Deyva.  Dhanda objects, saying the Deyva is educated, while Muthu is roaming around the place, stealing small amounts, but his wife says he will reform (Yes, that is the usual excuse they all use!), but he is not convinced.  He is thinking.

Guhan is doing something when his sister comes looking for him.  She asks him what he is doing, he says he is araichufying marundhu in case someone gets hurt.  She wants to know who is getting hurt, just then the asari comes, limping, saying Samy! Samy!  He says he was beaten up by the seth's men, because he refused to go with them, and asks Guhan to go with him.  Guhan says that what has to happen will happen, kadanai vaangi yemaatha mudiyuma?  He gives him some of the marundhu and tells him to take it.  The girl asks if he knew his father was going to get hurt.  The boy goes away, the girl asks her father why he calls him Samy, and tells him not to call him like that, then he may just go away, and tells him to go and do some work.

Indrani is doing pujai to the empty peetham, she comes out and Dhanda's wife gives her something to drink.  She asks if Saku put less uppu in the kanji so that she will not have soranai, and says she wants lots of uppu.

Muthu comes in whistling, Indrani goes to her cupboard, looks for something and calls for Dhanda.  She wants to know who took the vaira thodu from the bureau.  Dhanda and his wife look at each other, say Theriyalai, she says to call Muthu, they try to say that he takes small amounts, but he won't take such big things.  Dhanda calls Muthu, searches his pockets, and comes up with some cash.  They ask him how he got the money, he stammers saying someone gave him, Indrani is sarcastic, tells them that he must get out of the house.  Saku says they will also leave and Dhanda says that they also have maanam, rosham.  Indrani says Nerathai veenaakaadhe, kilambu, innama kilambalai>?"

Thodarum ...
Meena.IF thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
I will not be able to watch any serial before 9 from now on... so I am so sorry that I ill not be able to give updates.. Eljay ma, if u wish we can continue the discussions...  Can u open a new thread for April?
eljay thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Sorry, Meena, I have fallen behind with this update.  I am going to try to catch up.  I will post April 1 here, to finish the week, and then start a new thread for April.  Okay?

Update for April 1, 2010 - thedal 24:

Indrani is telling Dhanda and family to leave.  Dhanda says that if she ever comes to realize that they were not at fault, she can call them back, and leaves.  She sends Kanakku with some money, Dhanda sends it back. 

The seth has asked a manthravadi to come and asks him if he can make gold.  He says he does not know how to do that.  Seth's adiyaal says that the asari knows mandram and that's how he made the smoke screen and escaped the other day.  He asks manthravadi (MV) if he knows how to do that, and MV says that he will use his vasiya sakthi to bring the man here and make him tell his secrets.  Then he sits down, takes out his stuff, puts a skull down, two lemons in front of the skull, some vethalai, bananas, sprinkles water on the skull, takes some mai and applies it on the vethalai, and the image of the asari can be seen on that.  Then he blows some smoke, and the asari is coming out of his house.  Seth is watching all this, and confirms that the man he wants is the one in the vethalai.  MV says that he is going to work, to make jewelry, and this work was given by a Paati, and tells the Seth to send his men to catch him. 

Dhanda and family are in Gajendran's house, and he says that he has expected this for some time.  He says that Paati will keep people with her if she needs them, if not, she will send them out, she has no paasam.  Dhanda blames Muthu, if he had told them that he had money with him, this would not have happened.  Gajendran tells them that they can stay there, but Muthu is angry and says that he will find the statue before Indrani does.  Gajendran has a satisfied smile on his face - is he behind all this?

Asari goes to Indrani's house, and asks for work, and says he wants to make the jewelry for her pethi.  Indrani asks him why he changed his mind, he says he is not able to get any work, and says he will definitely do the job in two weeks, and she can pay him after the job is done.  She brings him a gold bar from her cupboard, asks him if he remembers what has to be made, he says Yes, and takes the bar.

On his way back, he is being watched by the Seth's men.  He stops at a small store on the way to get a drink, somebody comes up to him and greets him.  He does not recognize this guy, who asks him for a favor.  He says his sister is getting married, the groom's family wants him to make the jewels, and they need it this week.  Asari says he cannot do it this week, the man says that he will tell the groom's family that he refused to do the job.  Asari thinks and says he will do the job, after all, and goes with the guy.  As he goes, the Seth's men are following him, and at one point, he turns and sees them.  They catch him, and bundle him into the van which is waiting nearby and take him.  The van goes, and Guhan is shown watching the van leave.

Thodarum ....
Meena.IF thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Thanks Eljay ma,,,
I think we can start the new thread from April 5th...
If u r not able to post a detailed update, a brief will also do.. Also, AZ uncle character a Dhandapani nu full a type pannunga.. paavam dhanda nu sonna romba feel panraru...