You are mine:Iqbal,Pallavi ff - Page 2


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jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine Part 4

Prachi:You used to love Kripa?
Milind:Not love anyway.It was just a crush in the school.
P:Do you love her now?
M:No way.
P:Then why are you still angry with Angad?
M:I don't know why.
P:Milind...this is not good.
M:Prachi...i don't have time to listen to your lecture.So bye...
He leaves the room.He comes back again.
M:I came to tell you something.
M:Yesterday you were looking gorgeous in the saree.Saree suits you well.
She smiles:Thanks.
He leaves the room with a smile.

Angad enters Gauri's room.
A:Gauri,i know that you are upset.
G:No Angad.
A:I know that.I think Zaib wants you to be modern.So you better start wearing modern clothes also.
She is shocked:What are you saying Angad?
A:Now a days wearing western clothes is not a big deal.
G:But i'm not used to wearing it.
A:But for Zaib you can wear.Right?
She is silent.

Angad rings up Kripa:I need your help.Gauri wants to wear modern costumes.Can you purchase some good clothes for her?
K:O sure.
Kripa buys modern clothes and gives it to Gauri.Angad and Kripa are waiting outside the dressing room which is attached to the bedroom for Gauri.Gauri comes out wearing a modern dress.They are surprised to see her in a modern dress.
K:Wow!You look so nice. look hot.
Gauri is relieved.
A:If Zaib sees you now,he will fall for you.
She blushes.They hear a car's voice.
A:I think Zaib has come.Kripa goes downstairs to receive Zaib.He is surprised to see her:Kripa!You are here?
K:Ya...come with me to a room.There is a surprise for you.
He is thrilled:Surprise for me?
He is very happy.
Kripa takes him to Gauri's room.Only Angad is seen there.Zaib becomes dull seeing him there.
Gauri comes out of the dressing room.She is shy.
Zaib laughs:You are looking so funny.
He becomes serious:Horrible.Is this the surprise Kripa?
All are shocked to see Zaib's reaction.
A:Whatever dress Gauri find only fault.What is this Zaib?
Zaib shouts:Yes...i find fault.Because no good dress suits her.
Gauri cries.Zaib leaves the room.Angad and Kripa try to console her.

Angad and Kripa are walking out.
A:I feel sad for Gauri.He loves Zaib very much.
K:I also feel sad.When someone loses someone they love very much they get depressed.I can understand that.
Angad stares at her:You have any experience?
Kripa looks at Angad.She looks upset.
A:Tell me Kripa.
MOTHERHOOD thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago

I think now Kripa will express her love for Angad.

jagrutid thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 14 years ago
i loved it! i wasnt too sure when i started reading burt as i went on all the couples were characters i really liked. mostly milind who i loved to watch onscreen. angaad and kripa jodi i am aware of and i think in your ff they are awsome. feel somewhat confused for kripa bless her shes in the middle of it all but i really love the way you manage to fit in all these characters so well. the interaction between all of the characters is awsome. i think so far zaib has to be the character that has stood out to me. i really like his character, yes he seems to be harsh but im sure there is layers under that character. i do feel sorry for gauri shes in love with him and all she gets from him is slack yet ...i love the concept. i think zaib  from what im reading is  a character with a silent persona though yet under all that there is  a soft person. the actual, very first sence i really loved. in the puja house and the comment of his on gauri being only intrested in domestic houswork, from that moment i knew his comment has underlining sense of care to it. maybe he doesnt approve of the fact that gauri is depriving herself of education. im finding both the story and his character intreguing. i love the sense of questions that come with his character. please keep it going im really enjoying it. as for the whole dress think😉 im guessing zaib wants to see her in a saari???lol could be totaly wrong..but anyways loved it. even more so than sunshine to be honest. waiting for your update now thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

 Part 5

Angad:Now a days there is some change in you.Tell me...what scares you?You lost anyone you love?
Kripa keeps silent.
A:You love anyone who does'nt love you? are my best friend.Do you think i will hide my boyfriend from you?
A:I'm sorry Kripa.
K:It's ok...bye...
She goes.

Friendship day....

Angad and Kripa tie the friendship band around each other's's wrist.Zaib is irritated to see that.
M:Kripa did'nt give you friendship band.Angad must have poisoned her mind.That's why she is not making friends with you.Angad is the only friend she has.
Zaib becomes upset:I don't know what Angad's secret is.
Milind and Zaib tie friendship band around each other's wrist.Prachi watches it.After Zaib goes away,she goes near Milind:Friendship band sjould be tied with sincerity.Only a true friend should do that.Why did you tie friendship band around Zaib's wrist?
Milind is irritated:You mean..i'm not Zaib's friend?
P:Yes.You are not Zaib's sincere friend.
M:How dare you say that?He is my best stupid girl!
P:If you are his sincere friend why are you poisoning his mind?You are making him turn against his own brother.Why are you angry with Kripa?
Milind is angry:I will do whatever i want.You know...i brought a friendship band for you.But now i lost my mood to gift it to you.
He goes away.She is shocked:Friendship band for me?
After some time she goes to the classroom which is empty.She sees Milind sitting there simply.
M:What do you want?
P:I want your friendship band.Waiting eagerly for that.Won't you?
She extends her arm.
Slowly he gets up and ties the friendship band around her wrist.She smiles.
P:I'm sorry...i did'nt know that you consider me as your friend.So i did'nt bring any gift for you.
M:It's ok.I will tolerate it.
She smiles.
P:Did you notice one thing?Accidently we both wore black outfit.
Milind notices it only at that time.He passes a smile.
She smiles and goes out.She thinks:I think Milind is not a bad boy like i thought before.He is good at heart.

Kripa is watching 'Kuch kuch hota hai' at home.She sheds tears when Anjali finds out that her best friend Rahul loves Tina,because she loves him madly.
She thinks:Is my friendship story becoming another love tragedy?
Somebody is knocking at the door."Kripa!"
She wipes her tears and opens the here?What a surprise?
A:Today is friendship day.Right?So i thought i will surprise you by making a surprise visit.
She smiles.
Angad looks at the tv screen:Wow!Watching a friendship movie today?That's good.Let's watch the movie together.
They both are watching it together.Angad is touched by the scene where Rahul weeps when he realises that he is going to lose Anjali.
After the movie,they both wipe their wet eyes.
Kripa takes a casset:I will play music.
A:Why did you cry?
K:Because....when girls are around you..i'm scared whether i'm going to lose my only friend.
A:Do you think i will sacrifice my friendship at any cost?Never.
She is relived.She smiles.
K:Why did you cry?
A:I don't know...seeing true friendship i became emotional.
She smiles.
jagrutid thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 14 years ago
kripa and angad are so deeply into  it that..its more of a uknown thing for each of them isnt it. i really like the fact that you mixed emotion with such a simple scene like watching a movie. it helped alot in portraying unreconised feelings that lie bettween them both. update was nice to read but i have to say im a zaib and gauri fan for this to see what happens next with gauri. Thanks for the really quick superhero update. hope your creative writing keeps flowing this way....jagruti
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine Part 6

The college students go for excursion.
Zaib and Milind play badminton.Milind wins.
Zaib:Congrats Milind.
M:Thanks yaar.
They both hug each other.
Milind goes to a side and takes rest.Prachi goes near Zaib:You and Milind played together.Milind won.But you are not sad.
Z:Why should I?He is my friend.
P:Angad is your brother....twin brother.Then why are you not happy when Angad wins?
Zaib has no answer and he moves away.

It's raining.All are going inside the tent.Angad and Kripa have no space there.They run together to search for a place.They find a cottage and go inside.
Angad sits near the fire.Kripa dries her hair.Angad observes her.She smiles slightly.
He goes near her and touches her face.She is stunned:Angad!
Suddenly he comes back to his senses.
A:I'm sorry.I don't know how i....
He goes out.Her eyes get filled up with tears.She comes out.Angad is at the verandah.
K:Angad,let's go straight to the hostel.
They both go to the hostel.They don't talk to each other till they reach the place.They are not able to face each other.Angad goes to the men's section.Kripa goes to the ladies' section.

Kripa lies down.After some time,Prachi enters the room:Hi Kripa,you slept?
K:No,you guys are back?
P:Now there is no rain.So we are back.By the way...where were you?You and Angad were missing from our gang.
Kripa sweats:We went to a cottage.
P:Why are you so tensed?
K:Nothing like that.I'm tired.
P:Ok...then...take rest....
Prachi thinks:Something has happened.Otherwise a cool girl like Kripa can't be like this.

The next day....They all get inside the bus to go back.Angad and Kripa sit at different places.Prachi notices it and feels strange.

Kripa avoids Angad.Angad finds it unbearable.He goes to Kripa's house.She is alone there.
A:Why are you avoiding me like this Kripa?I can't bear it anymore.Yes,i admit...i did a mistake.But i apologized.Right?Please tell me that you forgave me.
K:No need of any apology.I did'nt avoid you purposefully.I's better to keep a distance...a boy and a girl being best friends...that's not practical always.
Angad becomes upset.He thinks:I crossed my border.I forgot for a moment that Kripa is my best friend.I have to be punished.
He leaves the house silently.Kripa sheds tears.

Milind rings up Prachi:Hi you know the speciality of tomorrow?
M:Ah!You stupid girl!Tomorrow is Valentine's day.
P:Oh!I forgot.
M:What were you doing?
P:I was studying.
M:My Gosh!This is a night to dream about your lover.Instead of that you are studying?
She smiles:But i don't have a boyfriend.
M:You don't love anyone?
M:Ok....if so tomorrow i will give you a surprise.
He puts the phone down.She smiles and closes her eyes.She sees Milind's face.She opens her eyes:Milind!I'm dreaming about him?What rubbish!I should dream only about studies.

Valentine's day.The college is decorated with flowers.Prachi enters the college.Milind is catching a boquet of red roses.Prachi smiles.
M:Do you like red roses?
P:Yes,i love it.
Kripa passes by.
M:Kripa!This is for you.
He gives it to her.She smiles.
M:I love you.
Prachi is shocked.
jagrutid thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 14 years ago
kripa and angad are an inevitable couple from what im reading. really want them to be together as for milind whats this suprise of his. hope he doesnt bring in some randoms to the scene. ive got a feeling hes going to introduce a new character or aleast do something unpredictable. anyways thanks again for the update im off now...will keep updated with your updates..cya..jagruti
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine Part 7

Kripa is shocked.
Milind laughs:I was just kidding.
Kripa and Prachi are relieved.Kripa goes away.Milind winks at Prachi.
P:You are too strange to understand.I have not seen a stupid guy like you in my life.
M:Prachi..i was trying to give you a Valentine's shock.
P:Valentine's shock?Disgusting.I don't care what you do...whom you love.Because i hate you.You go to Kripa.
M:Prachi...i don't love Kripa.I just wanted to know your feelings.I wanted to know if you get jealous if i propose to Kripa.That's all.
P:I'm not jealous.I hate you.
Milind is moody.
M:These roses?
She takes it and throws it.It falls on Zaib.
Milind goes near him:This Prachi is crazy.I just proposed to Kripa for fun.That made her angry.
Zaib is shocked:What?You proposed to whom?
He slaps Milind.Milind is shocked.
Z:How dare you do that?Kripa is only mine.
Milind is shocked:You love Kripa?
Z:Yes,i love Kripa.You tried to snatch her from me like Angad.So i hate you also.You are not my friend anymore.
Milind is shocked:Zaib!Listen to me.It was just a joke.
Zaib catches his collar:Stay away from us.
Zaib goes away.

Valentine's day party in the College...
Gauri accompanies Angad and Zaib to the party.She looks stylish in her modern attire.Zaib whispers to Gauri's ears:This is a prestigous college.Behave well.Don't be too traditional here.
She shakes her head.
Milind goes near Prachi with a smile.She looks stunning in her yellow outfit.
M:Hi Prachi...Happy Valentine's day...
Prachi is angry.She moves away from him.He feels sad.
Angad's eyes search for Kripa.Finally he sees her.They both look at each other.Kripa has worn a stylish violet costume.He goes near her:Kripa...since a few days i have been thinking of you and our relationship.You said...friendship between a boy and girl may not be practical.That's true.So let us give a new name to our relationship.I love you...
Everyone including Kripa is shocked.
A:What do you say?
Kripa's eyes are wet.
K:I too love you Angad.
He takes a ring and slips it on her finger.She smiles.
Zaib is burning with anger.
MOTHERHOOD thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Your writing skill is very vey good.I am loving this college-based drama.
MOTHERHOOD thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
I am enjoying this college based drama.I wish you will give Shiv-Gauri more importance in your next ffs.I want a full-fledged love story of Shiv-Gauri