You are mine:Iqbal,Pallavi ff

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine

Angad Khanna:A cool cheerful College going boy who loves music.
Zaib Khanna:Twin Brother of Angad.He is a tough college guy.He is very serious.He is jealous of his brother.
Gauri Khanna:She is an orphan who stays in their house.She is their distant relative.She has a huge crush on Zaib.Angad knows it.Zaib knows her feelings for him,so he avoids her.
Kripa Sharma:A sweet college going girl.Best friend of Angad.Zaib is mad about her.But nobody knows Zaib's feelings for her.
Milind Mishra:Best friend of Zaib.He poisons Zaib's mind to go against Angad.
Prachi Mishra:A quiet studious girl who is interested only in studies.She knows Milind's intentions and so she tries to correct him.


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luv_pavi thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
nice :) update soon
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine:Part 1

Gauri does puja in the puja room.Angad enters the puja room.Gauri gives aarthi to Angad.He prays.
G:All the best Angad.
He smiles:Thanks a lot Gauri.
Zaib enters the room.Gauri gives aarthi to Zaib.He prays.
G:All the best Zaib.
Z:For what?
G:Today the exam result is going to be out.Right?
Z:You are not interested in studies.So you did'nt join the college.You are interested only in household affairs.Then why are you so interested in my exam result?
Gauri is out of mood.
Zaib goes out of the room.
A:Don't worry Gauri.You know Zaib's character.Though he is rough outside,inside he is innocent.
G:I know that Angad.So i don't care about his behaviour.Infact i love his expressions when is angry.
Angad laughs:Ohhh!Why don't you confess to him that you love him?
G:Why should i?He knows that i love him.But he is pretending to be ignorant.
He smiles:One day he will also admit that he loves you.
She smiles.

Zaib gets 89% marks.Angad gets 90%.Kripa gets 67 %.Prachi gets 95%.Milind gets 66%.
Zaib is not satisfied with his result.He thinks:tHis time also i'm below Angad.
Milind goes near him:You always work hard.Angad bunks classes for his music shows.You only teach him.But he always gets more marks.
Prachi goes near them:So what?Zaib also got good marks.Congrats Zaib.
He moves away.
P:Milind,why are you talking rubbish to Zaib?Being his best friend you are not supposed to talk like this to him.He will be more upset.He got good marks.He is supposed to be happy.But because of you....
M:Hey...don't advise me.I know what to do.I'm not a kid to listen to you.
P:Why don't study well instead of causing problems?
M:Enough.I'm happy with what i got.
P:It's true that you have improved a lot.Congrats.
M:Thanks.Congrats to you.You are the topper.
She smiles:Thankyou.

Kripa and Angad are under the tree.
A:Why did'nt you score good marks?
K:Angad,i have told you many times not to talk to me about studies.I hate it.I don't know how i got this much.
He laughs.
A:What is there in the cover?
K:It's a surprise.
A:I have no patience.
She gives the cover to him.He opens it.It's a T-shirt & jeans.
K:I knew that you will score good marks.So i bought it yesterday for you.
A:Thanks a lot Kripa.It's so sweet. thanks in friendship.Afterall we are best friends.
He smiles.
Zaib sees it.He thinks:Kripa is interested only in Angad.She is not even minding me.But you are mine Kripa.
komal hashim thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
this one seems interesting but in btw sorry for not replying u earlier "holds ears"   heheh
komal hashim thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
and yeah waiting for updateeee...........
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine:Part 2

Angad and Kripa are rehearsing for the college music fest.Angad is singing.Kripa is dancing.All are watching the rehearsal.
Milind:Angad is intelligent.He knows how to win a girl's heart.
M:Ya...see....All the girls are after him.Kripa does'nt move away from him.
Prachi:Come on Milind.Kripa is Angad's best friend.Angad is not a flirt.
M:Why are you listening to what we discuss?
Prachi does'nt say anything.

Music fest....

Angad and Kripa perform together.
They announce the result:The best singer is Angad Khanna.
Angad and Kripa are excited.Angad receives the trophy.
Kripa jumps with joy.All the girls are around him.Kripa can't go near Angad because of the crowd.She feels sad.
Zaib and Milind go near her.
M:You became alone?Angad will go away from you because of his female fans.He may choose one among them as his life partner.
Kripa is dull.Milind goes away with a naughty smile.

There is a party at home to celebrate Angad's success.Kripa has worn a blue party wear.Zaib is impressed by her appearance.He goes near her:Welcome Kripa...You look very beautiful.This costume suits you.
K:Thanks Zaib.Where is Angad?
Angad runs to look cool yaar.
K:You also look coll.You are the star of the day.
They both smile.Zaib is irritated.He feels ignored.

Prachi comes to the house.She has worn a golden coloured saree with dangling earrings.Milind is bowled by her beauty.He can't take his eyes off her.
He thinks:I never knew that this book worm Prachi is beautiful.
Gauri adorns herself with grand costume and ornaments.She goes near Zaib:Zaib,how do i look like?
Z:You look like a vamp.
She becomes upset.
Z:Don't cry.You look okay.
She smiles.She thinks:i know Zaib that you are shy to admire my looks.
Kripa come towards them.Zaib smiles thinking that she is coming towards him.But she looks at Gauri:Wow!You look like a princess.
She smiles:Thanks.

They play music.Most of the guests are dancing.
Milind goes near Prachi:Shall we dance?
He extends his arm.
P:What nonsense!
M:Why?You are interested only in studies.
Milind goes away with irritation.Prachi feels bad.She calls him:Milind!
He turns back.
P:Let us dance.
He smiles.
They both hold hands together and dance to the song 'Is pal..' from the movie "Aaja Nachle".
komal hashim thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
grt me waiting for more here..............................................
jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 14 years ago

You are mine Part 3

Angad and Kripa are talking to each other.
Suddenly a lot of girls come around him:Hi Angad!Kripa moves away from them.She sees Angad laughing with them.She feels left out.
She thinks:Angad,you are going away from me.
The girls:Let us dance together Angad.
He laughs:Oh!
Suddenly he sees Kripa standing alone.
A:I'm sorry...
He runs away from them.He goes near her:Kripa!
K:Angad,you are back?
A:Those girls are so boring.No one is as interesting as you.They can't be a good friend like you.
She is very happy.
A:If i stand alone,they will catch me again.So let us dance together.
She smiles.She thinks:Still i'm scared whether i will lose you.I feel..there is a distance between us.I'm not able to be happy.
They dance together to the song 'Dooriyan...' from the movie 'Love Aaj Kal'.
Kripa is really involved in the dance.Angad thinks:First time i'm finding Kripa strange.I see something different in her eyes.But what is it?
He stares at her eyes.
Kripa thinks:No...i can't dance with Angad like this.When he looks at my face like this...i don't know...i feel strange.
She moves away from him.
K:I have a small head ache.I'm going.
A:I will drop you home.
K:No need.
She leaves the house.
He thinks:Something is desturbing Kripa?

Gauri goes near Zaib:Zaib...will you dance with me?
He gets angry:Are you not ashamed to ask me to dance with you?I hate country girls like you.
She is shocked.She runs to her room and cries.Angad sees it.

Prachi is sitting in her class room and studying.Milind goes near her:Always don't have anything else to do?
P:You don't have to know that.Don't desturb me.Let me study.
M:I have not seen a boring girl like you.Yesterday when you dressed well for the party,i thought you have changed.But are the same boring person.Look at Kripa.She is so smart and cool.
Prachi is irritated:Then why don't you date her?
M:Earlier i used to have a huge crush on her.But she made friends with Angad.Angad snatched her from me.After that i hate Angad.I don't have any interest in Kripa also.
Prachi is shocked.
Edited by jasminerahul - 14 years ago
komal hashim thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
awwwwww our gauri is upset......seems like milind has started liking prachi but asual dont realize it ................hmmm feel sorry for kripa she iz in a big confusion state..........waiting for ur update...............
MOTHERHOOD thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Very nice.The story is getting interesting.I am curious to know what will happen next.