22nd June - Written Update

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Posted: 15 years ago
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22nd June

Dada Thakur talks to Karan's dad
Karan drinks too much and keeps asking Naina for a kiss
Naina sleep walks and Veer tries to stop her.

  • Veer saves Naina
  • Vikram and Trishna are introduced - Naina's brother and his wife and Trishna asks Vikram to take money off her father to start a business and Vikram says no
  • Uncle comes and knows about Sumer and Sunaina and suspects Veer and Naina
Full Written Update:
Naina is about to jump off the balcony. Veer comes just in time and saves her. Naina wakes up and hugs Veer and thanks him. The next morning, Naina comes down to eat breakfast with Karan and Veer. Karan says sorry about yesterday and wouldn't have forgiven himself if anything happened to Naina. Naina says just relax, Veer saved me. She thanks Veer and so does Karan, Veer says its ok. Kangana comes and says forget saying sorry, thanks, I never saw anything. Kaka brings in a suitcase and Karan asks has Uncle come and Kaka replies yes. Kaka walks in and we are shown bits off the man watching the DVDs. Uncle looks like Keerat. Karan says hello and Uncle saysyou're getting handsome everyday. They hug. Karan introduces everyone. He goes to shake Naina's hand and Naina says Namaste. Veer pushes Uncle out of the way and the lights drop. Veer says sorry, Uncle says if you weren't here today, I don't know what I'll do and thanks him for saving his life. Veer says by the way, I'm Veer. Uncle shakes his hands and then he says you guys enjoy, I'll get fresh and come.

Vikram comes in and Trishna puts down the phone. Vikram reads his newspaper and Trishna says are you just going to read the paper or think about yourself, think about us as nobody has time to think about us in this house. Vikram says Trishna, looks like your dad has wound you up again. Trishna throws the paper away and says what a problem do you have with my father, why do you always take me wrong and your-so-called relatives never took your side, my father gave you money for your project, only my father wants to help you. Vikram says I can't take any help from your father. Trishna says then who will you get help from, your father, who gave the business to Abhay to look after, you have a habit of living of them, but I can't tolerate my insult in this house, please take the money and start the business. Vikram says sorry Trishna, if Dada Thakur finds out I started the business with your dad's money, then he'll feel bad and I wont tolerate this. Trishna says when he doesn't care about you, why do you care about him, please understand, when you get profits, then return the money to father, please take the money. Vikram says I won't take money means I won't take money. Vikram walks off and Trishna gets all angry and upset.

Uncle says for a minute I thought that boy recognised me, the way the boy pushed me, I got scared. His "henchman" says yes, Veer and Naina looks exactly like Sumer and Sunaina. Uncle says I have to find out if they are look-alikes or really Sumer and Sunaina who are Veer and Naina. Uncle remembers the first time he saw Veer. Its a flashbacks and some guys are walking after Veer and he says I've told you so many times not to mess with my flute. Uncle says from then I have been watching him and when Chandel showed me his daughter-in-law's photo, then my breathing almost stopped, when I saw Veer I thought it must be a coincidence, but when I saw Naina, then I understood it wasn't coincidence, they have been borned again to kill me. His "henchman" says why don't you kill them both. Uncle says it isn't so easy, it might just be a coincidence and have no relation with Sumer and Sunaina, so why should I take their life and I will know the truth tomorrow.

Naina's mum phones Naina and says they'll be worried when she leaves the house after getting married. Naina goes quiet and Naina's mum says Naina are you ok and Naina says yes. Naina's mum asks if Karan is looking after her well and Naina says yes, he takes care of me well, in fact a bit too much, what is dad doing? Naina's mum says that he is getting ready for the marriage, anyways take care. They put the phone down. Dada Thakur is with a Pandit and Dada Thakur says what day will be good? Pandit says I'm looking. Karan's parents arrive and they are greeted and sit down. Dada Thakur says he is getting the marriage date from the Pandit and they came at the right time. Karan's mum asks what date has been given to the Pandit, he doesn't answer and she continues saying you haven't told us... Pandit tells Dada Thakur how is October? Karan's mum says thats too far away isn't there a closer date and Pandit says there isn't a good date for 3 months. Karan's mum says Pandit, please look again, maybe you missed a date out. Dada Thakur says please let our daughter stay with us for longer, October is only 3 months. Karan's father says Dada Thakur is right, its only 3 months, we know you want to bring our daughter-in-law home quickly. Pandit says ok, I must leave now. The say goodbye and Pandit leaves. Dada Thakur says this date isn't bad, it takes a while to prepare when his phone rings. He picks up his phone and goes. Karan's mum says Hari Aum, I'm angry at this pandit, if only we got a closer date, it would have been better.

Naina, Kangana and Karan are sitting on a sheet on grass and Uncle comes and says are you guys enjoying yourself, Karan' where is your best friend? Karan says he is over there doing his routine work. Uncle goes over to him slowly whilst having flash backs of Jo Ishq Ki Marzi Woh Rab Ki Marzi. Veer is cleaning his flute sitting by a tree and Uncle comes there and has flashbacks of Sumer playing the flute. He says Sumer...

Trishna is leaving with her suitcase while Naina's mum tries to stop her and asks her where she is going. Trishna says she is leaving the house.

Edited by sattvik - 15 years ago

