Iluvanieij thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Eijaz Khan gets candid in an interview and shares the Bhaskar-side of him. He talks about his relationships and how they helped him grow as a person.

How was your first relationship?
For the first one year I did not accept it, but eventually we started seeing each other. It was very immature on my part that I believed; being a guy I am always right. She was comparatively more mature and stronger person. But when you are out of it you get to know how wrong you are. She is happily married now.

Were you ever dumped?
I traveled a lot when I use to do dance shows. There was a girl from abroad; I told her that I am coming to see her. When I went there she did not take my calls at all. One day I was in the nightclub and I thought I saw her walking out with someone else. I did call out her name but she did not respond then I consoled myself thinking it was not the same person. My friends told me that they did tell her about me being there but her reply was "so what if he is here". It was because I had not called her from long.

Do you have commitment phobia?
It used to happen in college days. It's a kind of fear that I will be stuck with one girl throughout my life. But now when I am in love I give two hundred percent.

Any embarrassing experience during romantic romps?
Onscreen - once I was doing a heavy duty make out scene in 'Kavvyanjali'. Scene was OK in one take but I thought camera didn't catch my actions while panning so I asked for the re-take then Anita turned around and gave me a look and said why do you want a retake, I had to explain her. I felt very stupid about it. I make romance perfectly in real life.

On a lonely island'
I guess island would be in Mauritius and I would take Megan fox along.

What's your opinion on 'Public Display of Affection'?
As I have live very individualistic life, I don't see anything wrong in it. If a person wants to kiss while saying 'good bye', and is feeling romantically inclined what's the harm in showing some affection.

Can you dare to bare, like John and Neil?

I am quite comfortable with my body so I don't have any qualms in exposing, but only if script demands.

Which men magazine do you read?

One Night Stand or Live-in relationship?

As of now I aim at settling down so ONS is complete No-No.

What do you prefer Beauty or Brains?

Given a choice big banner film or 17 kisses?
Script is king

What's our opinion on an open relationship?


Edited by Iluvanieij - 15 years ago


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Frequent Posters

~*shaili*~ thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
hey i thin the interviewer has made it up all!
neverwill eijaz say a word of what he has APPARANTLY said. hez too he nve talks abt his personal life in public..forget so bluntly! somehow i feel these arent eijaz' answers..or his words r distorted to a large extent
BlessedSexyone thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: ~*shaili*~

hey i thin the interviewer has made it up all!

neverwill eijaz say a word of what he has APPARANTLY said. hez too he nve talks abt his personal life in public..forget so bluntly! somehow i feel these arent eijaz' answers..or his words r distorted to a large extent

Eijaz don talk bout his personal life with Anita in public but has always spoke bout the past. He also stated the reason who don talk bout his personal life as off now because media was partly do with him breakin up in past with someone..... he hasnt spoke bout his personal life as off now in it. As for some the questions, he would answer, he always been straight forward and to the point
Edited by BlessedSexyone - 15 years ago
Usman. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
thnx 4 sharing ... i thnk its da first time he has ever shared his personal lyf
ejaz_lover thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
wow.. nice answers eijo.. :D.. hahahah he was talking about 15th June 2005.. the reason i joined IF :P.. i bet he wanted to do all the love moves again, action was just an excuse :P..

Thanks alot for sharing.. :)
honeybugs12 thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
wish ejaz wolud say a word about anita