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Nisha_07 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Anviiiiiiiii. I promise this will be my final set.


What's been the best decision you've made in your life so far?
What's been the worst decision you've made in your life so far? 
Do you believe in soulmates?
What was the last thing to make you feel angry?
What was the last thing to make you feel happy?
What song would you say best sums you up?
Do you ever laugh at things you shouldn't?
What's the difference between destiny and karma?
Who is your role model?
What is the 1st song you will hum if I ask you to right now?
One gift you will never forget?
Are you the kind of friend you'd want to have as a friend yourself?
What are the three qualities you for in a person when making friends?
Can a man and woman be friends?
What makes you the happiest on a normal, working day?
What is the greatest compliment you have received?
What would cause you to discontinue a friendship with someone?
Why is friendship different from all other relations?

OK I have tried my best to check these to make sure you have not been asked them already and I think these are all new. But if you find any duplicates, ignore them!!

-Edited my set after reading your answers to Monu's-
Edited by Nisha_07 - 15 years ago
Anvi2009 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Monu, here goes my answers to your questions. I hope I havent missed any answer. And whichever questions Nisha asked me earlier from the below list, I just removed those questions from below. I hope it is not a problem.

what does life mean to u? God's gift to us
what has relationships got place in ur life? to respect and love
what does friendship mean to u?? "Jaisa sang, waisa rang" therefore, it is important to have good friends, who would help you progress in life, instead of holding you back
do u believe in love at first sight or true love? I believe in unconditional love
what is death for u?? death is when an individual's mind and soul leaves the body
What was your last dream about? Who remembers dreamsπŸ˜‰
What was the happiest moment of your life? As far as I remember, I was really happy when I visited Nainital, Mussourie, while I lived in India. That was the first time I saw Himalayas and snow.
What are you most proud of? Of making the right decision to work at the place I am working currently
What are the most important lessons you've learned in life? To forgive and forget (For your future protection, its good to remember if anyone hurts you or does wrong to you, but dont hold grudge against anyone, just forgive them) , never break anyone's trust, and have certain principles in life.
What is your earliest memory?
being scolded by my dad, when I would just not stop crying while giving an interview to get admitted in school
How would you like to be remembered? A simple human being who lived a simple life
If you were a super hero what powers would you have and what would your hero name be? what outfit would you wear? Monu, I seriously cant think of an answer to this question.
What would you do if you won the lottery? First, I would thank god, then, I would do some charity work, like feed the poor, third, I would help my dear and near ones with any financial trouble they may have, and lastly, would invest the remaining amount.
If you were prime minister/ruler of the world what laws would you make? First, I would make sure that in school, at work, and everywhere people for 15mins each day would have to sit silently (silence of mind), and also make education mandatory for all upto certain age. And even free, if needed, for poor people.
Where would your dream holiday be? North India
Ur zodiac sign- Capricon
Do u believe in astrology? Yes, Astrology is a science, the real problem lies with people who interpret it in the wrong way or "their" way.
Ur fav fruit - Banana
Ur fav vegetable- Okra (Bhindi)
Ur fav sweet dish- Ras gullas (seriously) and kaju katri
One of ur fantasies - I would love to fly some day, if not for real, then atleast in dreams.
Ur view on politics - way to master diplomacy, and nothing else
Ur fav politician - Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi
Ur fav musician- AR Rehman
ur fav novel- "Building a Noble World" and "Autobiography of a Yogi"
Most glamarous actress in television -  Ash
Ur fav bollywood movie- Lagaan, Taare Zameen Par, Swadesh, Munnabhai (both)
Ur fav director- Ashutosh Gowarkar
ur fav genre of music- Soft melodious
Love of ur life - ofcourse Yudi
Ur first crush ws when u were- in 8th grade
What importance do dreams have in ur life? - just a part of sleeping state, nothing more than that
Describe urself in 5 adjectives- gullible, trustworthy, unreliable (when it comes to time), talkative, logical
Importance of IF- Meeting people from all over the world with a common interest, learning new things, talking endlessly about your favorite characters, get upto date information about your favorite show in one place
Drawbacks of IF- Addiction
Ur most precious possession - My body as it always listens to me
One thing that u always carry with u? Cell phone

how many schools did u change? Once, at a very early stage though
what are ur fave subjects in school? History, Geography, Accounting
are u the bookworm or the naughty one in school? First, I use to be very quiet, but last 3 years in school, I became really naughty
for which quality did ur teachers like you? Did they ever like me
any sweet childhood memory from school? It was a  games class, and we were all seated inside the classroom for some reason, instead of playing outside. My games sir was playing a quiz with us inside the class. He had divided the class in 3 or 4 groups, and was asking random questions. Which ever group answered the most questions, that group would win. So I  remember he asked a question about where  the next Olympics game was going to be played. For like 5 minutes, no one answered. I had heard somewhere, but was not sure, about the answer so I kept quiet. But since no one was answering, I took a chance and answered Sydney. My sir got so happy for answering it right, and I remember my whole group congratulating me. Well, I still remember this moment as I felt really nice that I could answer something which no one else could.
were u ever bullied as a kid? how did u deal with it? Nopes
from age did ur mother let u go alone to school? Well, cant remember, as my school was very close to my house, and my sister and some other building friends went to the same school, so we all always went together
are u in the same school as ur siblings? Yes
any special memory from ur childhood not related to school? I use to love going to my village in Gujurat during summer with all my cousins. Out there, we use to sleep on terrace at night. And due to lack of pollution out there, I use to love seeing stars and moon above, and sleep gazing at the stars.

If you had a choice of meeting anyone in the entire world...who would it be? I have already met the person I would have loved to meet.
If you had the chance to meet anyone who has already died who would it be? Any Indian saint
What is one thing that you wish that you can change about yourself? Become more punctual in life
What is the one thing that you wish that you could change about your life? Nothing
Fav music type? melodious and soft
Fav music band? not any band in particular
If you had to choose between Salman Khan and Abishek Bahchan who would you choose...and why? No one
Fav movie? in hollywood: The American President  in bollywood, I have already written above
Fav sport...whether it be playing or just watching on tv? to watch: Cricket and playing: badminton, swimming
ever fallen in love? in love, one can only rise
ever fallen out of love? well, if you cant fall in love, how can you fall out of love
ever wish that you could turn the time back and redo a certain event in your life? Nopes
What is the one place that you would visit in the whole world...and why? North India in general
What I-F forums you visit? RKAB and NB (until KaNjali are a part of it)
Ever hurt someone and wish that you could take it back? Yes, many times
Ever told a lie that hurt someone in the long run? As far as I remember, no
Fav type of food? Home cooked food made by my mom
Would you ever deceive someone on purpose for a million dollars? Nopes, I would feel way too guilty for doing something like this
What is the nicest thing that you have done? Whenever I bring a smile on someone's face, I feel I have done a nice work
Do you belive in Aliens? Cant say
What was the last concert you attended? Long time ago, when Hritik Roshan and some more celebrities had visited Chicago
The last resturant you ate at? Uru Swati, its here in Chicago
Do you prefer to carry cash or debit card? debit card
Which one did you like..Om Shanti Om or Saawriya? Om Shanti Om, atleast it had some comedy
Would you rather be a actor or a singer? none, not good in any
Do you have any special talents...if so what? well, after visiting RKAB forum, I have realized that I can analyze
If you had a special super power what would it be and why? Oh no, not super power again.
What is your favorite quote that you repeat too often? "Bin maange moti mile, maange mile na bhik" by Kabir
Others rude behaviour always makes you unhappy? Not always, but if someone close to me is rude to me, I do feel hurt, but try my level best to ignore it
Your greatest worries are? My lack of punctuality. Just hoping that i improve in it.
Do you have a tendency to ruminate on the past? Yes, so that I dont repeat my mistakes in future, and always remember people who do good to me
Do you think you have flaws? Well just wrote about my flaws in the questions above about 5 adjectives to describe myself. Actually, at mind level, no individual is perfect, at spirit level, everyone is perfect
Do you get hurt easily by people's inconsiderateness? Use to earlier, but now, not that much

What do you do with people who hurt you? Remain quiet and find a place where I can sit alone and forget everything
How was ur first day at work? It was good, spend alot of time talking to my boss
What would be the first thing you would do if you become the admin. of IF? hmmm....I dont know
What are you doing right now besides answering my set? nothing, just concentrating on answering your questions
Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush? prefer comb
What's one thing you really want to do this very moment? (Besides killing me, of course! ) at present, dream about YuRa
Would you rather spin upside down going 30 miles or drop 400 ft. into water? Monu, 30 miles, 400 ft, gosh, nothing, I am not that adventurous
Have you ever gone ice skating? nopes, but planning to go this winter
If you were put in a room with nothing except one thing, what/who would it be? my computer
-what accessories do u like wearing? not a big accessories fan, but i usually just wear earings
-do you wear perfume? no
-when out shopping what kind of shop do u first head to? electronics
-do u shop as per need or are u a shopaholic? as per my need
-designer wear or fashion street? fashion street
-how do people describe you? talkative,  my mom sometimes tell me that I should have been a lawyer
-how would you want to be described? Whatever way people would like to describe me, its their choice
- Have u ever slapped anyone? (punch bhi chalega..) if yes, then when? masti mein toh bahut punch kiya hain, but seriously, I did slap my younger cousin sister once, long long long time ago, and I still wished I had not done that
- Which was the last song u heard? Tu hi re through Simra's VM
- your fav TV add. - none
- do u like maggie? (how much) yes, alot
What's the most outrageous thing you've done?
when i was in mumbai, at age 16, me and my best friend took a local train and went to the last station where the local train of mumbai can go, that is virar. its not safe to go alone all the way till there. We took the train from first station, churchgate, and went till the last station, virar, and came back by the same train. And yes, we did not inform our mom before going, warna permission kabhi nahin milta. It was actually my desire to go till the last station, as I loved traveling by local train, so I just dragged my friend with me.
Type of music that you dislike the most? Rap, or those bollywood songs that try to add rap style english lyrics to it
Orange or Apple juice? Orange juice
Coke or Pepsi? None
Do you have any pets? No
What is the last book that you read? Mystery of the Mind
Do you believe in luck? Yes
Do you believe in karma?  Yes
Do you consider yourself a nice person? Everyone is nice in their own way
Do you consider yourself a honest person? Yes
Do you enjoy challenges? Sometimes
Are you smiling? Yes
When did you last eat pizza? Hmm..few weeks ago. I think its been more than a month now.
Are you tired right now? No
The last spoken words that you heard? Cant remember
Who was the last person that called you? My mother
Who did you receive your last text message from? my last text message was a junk one
Do you believe that dreams come true? It can
What was the last thing you ate? Ice cream
What were you doing before answering these questions? sleeping
What is the closest item near you that is blue? my mousepad
Do you prefer living in the big city or the country? big city permanently, and country side for holidays
How many Indian shows do you watch? 2
Do you watch any Balaji shows? nopes
Fav type of book to read? Thought-provoking and Spiritual
Fav type of show to watch? hmm, get the hint from the fact that I love watching RKAB
When you go to the movies, do you get popcorn? No
What annoys you the most? When  RKAB creatives add Nattu scenes in between YuRa romance
Do you enjoy shopping? depends what I am shopping for
How did you spend your last summer? working and enjoying Chicago weather
What did you do on your last birthday? nothing much, just worked and went back home. I usually dont celebrate my bdays
Who was the first person to wish you on your last birthday? i think, my sister
Are you short or tall? medium
Have you even blown out all the candles on your birthday cake in just one breath? hmmm, I cant remember, probably not
Ever walked into a wall? not wall, but door yes
Ever walked into the wrong washroom? lol, no
How many movies do you think that you watch within a year? In a year, how can I say. Ok, I usually watch 2 movies in a month, so say around 30 movies

Edited by parikhanvi - 15 years ago
pop77 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago

Wow Anvi you gave all ans..Anvi one set tha aur two set tha..

i reallly all your ans..nice to knowU..we thing same ..i gave also similar ans..
Nisha do U want Next Bakri..anyway Beena looking for next BAkri..
Monu want her turn but if you want then let Beena knows..
Nisha_07 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Me Payal? No no - I have done my time as a's someone else's turn...How about you?πŸ˜‰
bsingapury thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
nisha payal was first bakari dear
any b akari???????????knock knock
Nisha_07 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Sorry sorry, how did I forget? Must start taking ginseng, memory is getting worse day by day...
jibi thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Oh God. Nooooo, its Anvi. 😭😭 I dont want to miss Anvi's halakat. Dekhna hai bakri kaise halaal hoti hai.πŸ˜† But bad luck. 😭 Anvi keep track of this thread (once it is unlocked), i'll ask you to provide it later. πŸ˜ƒ
pop77 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: Nisha_07

Me Payal? No no - I have done my time as a's someone else's turn...How about you?πŸ˜‰

Nisha dear i am third bakri..remember after U & RAju i am official announce..
i only aks you because before we give U Task but now small Q..
i know U waiting for Monu darling but one day her turn coming that time no one save her..
pop77 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: jibi

Oh God. Nooooo, its Anvi. 😭😭 I dont want to miss Anvi's halakat. Dekhna hai bakri kaise halaal hoti hai.πŸ˜† But bad luck. 😭 Anvi keep track of this thread (once it is unlocked), i'll ask you to provide it later. πŸ˜ƒ

Kirti you come late but BAkri gave all ans good..specially Rakhie..
i am asking other memeber if  want to sit on hot seat give your name to Beena...
right now open register...πŸ˜†
bsingapury thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
  yes kirti intrested than tell me  i will not even tak emoment to announce your name...........
and i have been keeping link of all the bakaries in link thread that is up in announcment section
so only few hours left and ihave to announce new bakari