.::Dil Of The Week -Power20::. - Page 6


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Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: shabo24

lalala *sings off key* 30 sentences on who REALLY deserves Edward (Choices: You, Shifz di, Bella) and no repeating sentences!


P.S. Can't wait to see what MNSR comes up with!!!!

Cannot write 30 sentences. I have work pending Hateful job *kuchal* and many essays to write πŸ˜•πŸ˜†
Duh! Ofcourse me. I am cool and awesome.πŸ˜† Edward will be lucky to have me. Besides I am lot cooler than Bella who cheated on him with Jacob, Ok it was just kisses but cheating is cheating. Hmph. Shifs can have Jacob instead. I am so nice no? πŸ˜†I like my man, dazzling, beautiful, marble hard, Ice-Cold and HOT πŸ˜† *Kidnaps Edwards and hides him away*πŸ˜›
-Faith- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago

*laat maaring lazy lamhe mode*

Okie reminds me of entry somewhere else... where I cudnt even reply once *disappointed muh*😳

Now u know u wont huh no more on my ebil muh making...

5 words that best describe you
5 words the least desribe you

Your favourite quote
Your favourite book
Your favourite character from a book or a tv serial or anywhereπŸ˜†
Your favourite MNSTR moment okie that wud be hard make it ur fav MNSTR post
Your favourite Triv Patshala

Your favourite chocolate
Your favourite dessert
Your favourite emoπŸ˜†
Your favourite chorni morniπŸ˜† okie nvm this was the ebil me speaking not meπŸ˜† *hides muh*

What inspires/motivates you
5 of your favorite things in no order.
who is the one you can tell [almost] anything to in no order..
3 things that make you smile.
2 things you want to do before you die.
5 things you can't live with out

5 sentences about your Patshalas: What you liked about doing them and what you did not
3 sentences abt Estee's BTLT
5 of your favourite Triv created Gaalis πŸ˜†
5 of your favourite Premeer moments/scenes... and why

5 sentences abt ur fiancee.. aaah what was his name *soching* umm started with a P noπŸ˜†
5 sentences abt your vampire dude.... kya naam tha lol Edward
3 sentences about Lallu and his zulfeinπŸ˜† etc
3 sentences about Dheer and his zulfein and his beautiful popping out eyesπŸ˜†
3 sentences about Hateful Harman

As many sentences u want abt MNSTR

5 words to describe each of the following

Who or what do the following remind you of?

Give captions to following pics * pics credit anshu*

I m cholly trivy.. cudnt help asking... and woh bhi itnay sarey random ones 😳 
And ishh not for grilling.. I dont even like grilling..*hides muh*
Ishh just ur answers are shoo good... and gosh ur date with lallu and other essaysπŸ˜²πŸ˜†πŸ˜† So trivyishπŸ€— Lubju...
*runs before trivy comes with a belan*
Bhago!!! *OSO style*

Woah this turned out longer than I thought.. its coz of the one post rule thing u were mentioning na 😳

zehra-pisces thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
hey triv di congrats! for being dil of the week i read ur answers to shifali's questions then came to know that our hobbies r very similar congrats for being grilled now da week hav almost ended tc
-Jwalamukhi- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: Power20

Cannot write 30 sentences. I have work pending Hateful job *kuchal* and many essays to write πŸ˜•πŸ˜†
Duh! Ofcourse me. I am cool and awesome.πŸ˜† Edward will be lucky to have me. Besides I am lot cooler than Bella who cheated on him with Jacob, Ok it was just kisses but cheating is cheating. Hmph. Shifs can have Jacob instead. I am so nice no? πŸ˜†I like my man, dazzling, beautiful, marble hard, Ice-Cold and HOT πŸ˜† *Kidnaps Edwards and hides him away*πŸ˜›

No thank you. I am happy with MY Edward...Triv, now don't make me kill you for Edward.😊 MNSR wont appreciate it.
mdeena thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Okie me ish backk!! 😊 and congo's Trv Di!!!!!!(hope you dun mind me calling you thhatt.. 😳😊) your DOTW! hope you had funn with all the grilling.. i'm kinda late with my q's but here they areee:
Your name is?
Who named you this?
Why did he/she name you this?
Where did they name you this?
When did they name you this?

Which do you prefer more? Twilight or Harry Potter?
Because of whom?
Any special characters in this book?
When you read this book, what does it remind you of?
Can you relate to any characters in this book?

What is your all-time favourite book?
What are other book's that you like?
Any specific author that you like?
and now my usual 20 q's!
1. What are your favourite GIRL NAMES? List from favourite to least favourite.
2. What are your favourite GUY NAMES? List from favourite to least favourite.
3. What are your favourite COLOURS? List from favourite to least favourite.
4. Who are your favourite TV JODI'S? List from favourite to least favourite.
5. Who are your favourite TV ACTORS? List from favourite to least favourite.
6. Who are your favourite TV ACTRESSES? List from favourite to least favourite.
7. What are your favourite TV SHOWS? List from favourite to least favourite.
8. Who are your favourite MOVIE JODI's? List from favourite to least favourite.
9. Who are your favourite MOVIE ACTORS? List from favourite to least favourite.
10. Who are your favourite MOVIE ACTRESSES? List from favourite to least favourite.
11. What are your favourite MOVIES? List from favourite to least favourite.
12. Which do you prefer more? BOLLYWOOD or HOLLYWOOD or SOMETHING ELSE?
13. Which do you prefer more? INDIAN TV or ENGLISH TV or SOMETHING ELSE?
15. What are your MOST favourite songs? (Note*Do not have to be in a particular order)
16. What is your favourite countries in the world? List from favourite to least favourite.
17. In the whole world, who are the people most important to you?
18. What are your favourite websites? List from favourite to least favourite.
19. Do you like school/university/college? Why or Why not? What are the good things about school? What are the bad things about school? 
20. What do you want to be when you leave university/college/school? Why? Did anybody inspire you? When did you chose this?
Enjoy! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰
- Deena
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: ruexangel

Hey congrats Triv d πŸ‘

i lyk reading ur humurous posts πŸ˜†.
Good luck on the hot seat
p.s I live twilightt!!!!!⭐️ lol cant begin to describe how obbsessed i am with it lol πŸ˜†. hmm i c theres competition for Edward lol πŸ˜†.(he's mine! lol jks) i love edward 2😍 him & bella so sweett
~Rue :)

πŸ˜†Thanks. πŸ₯±Really? Humorous? HmmmπŸ˜†

Ugh..I have so many people dore daaling on my EddooπŸ˜›Very Bad(e) πŸ˜† Uh..Bella toh irritated me in New Moon & Breaking Dawn🀒 so not a big fan of hers.
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: angel82

🀣Trivy , its your turn ??🀣Congrats !! this is going to be fun to read....have always enjoyed reading your humorous posts.. have a great time answering all the questions...

Me will ask only one question,
 create your own Harman-Meher romantic dialougues .. (5-10 lines).πŸ˜† 

Ya its my turn. That backstabber NansπŸ˜‘πŸ˜† Again humorous posts?πŸ˜• Don't I ever write my deep thoughts?πŸ˜•πŸ˜† I have many..deep thoughts that isπŸ˜† Le...poocha toh Harman-Meher dialogues🀒πŸ₯±πŸ˜†
Ok let me try:
Harman trying to ask Meher on a date.
Meher is sitting in the mandir, no not praying but eating prasad. That Chor.
Harman enters and look's at the mandir as if dazed. "I know this place. I don't remember exactly-"
Meher interrupted. "This is the place that Prem jiju threw a shoe on your head and told you to get out of this house but you choried his shoes and declared yourself as the new Prem."🀒
Harman is pleased. "Oh yes, now I remember."
Meher is irritated coz Harman's presence's not allowing her to chori the laddo's. "What do you want?" She asked staring at the laddoo's like they will appear in her hands by magic.
"I-will you? That is-should you? No-I mean- Can you?"
"What?!" Meher glared at him.
Harman decided he should soften Meher before asking her out. What should he do? Oh yes, compliment her. Girls are a sucker for compliments. Preet had told him so. Preet kept telling Ash that she was intelligent so lying was allowed. Woot.
"Your eyes-" Harman began scrunching his face in deep thought. Well atleast he tried.
"Yes?" Meher asked wondering if her horrid eye make-up was getting destroyed due to heat from all that diya's Gaya3 mom lights.
"Your eyes are as brown as-"
"Yes?" Meher smiled expecting compliments. Not many people gave her those..compliments that is. She batted her eyelashes.
Harman clutched Meher's shoulder so that he wouldn't fly away due to her rapidly batting eyelashes. "Your eyes are as brown as-as-as-" Harman thought wildly of brown things. "As-umm mud!" He finished triumphly.
Meher's eyes narrowed making her look like a chinese person.... in a weird way.
Scared, Harman tried again. "And your hair is like-really silky like-like-like a Horse tail!" He grinned pleased.
Meher was turning rapidly red with anger. "Anything else?" She snapped.
Puzzled Harman wondered if she didn't like his compliments. "Your lips-uh..your lips are as red as-uh-as red as-" He thought out wildly. Meher didn't like his before compliments because the comparison was to such ordinary things..may be he shouldn't compare her lips to red roses as he had planned. He had been watching Discovery before this....he grinned smugly remembering the program he had been watching. "I just remembered I was watching this program on Discovery and I rememeber that your lips are the exact colour of the umm thing I had seen in that program." He nodded pleased.
Meher grinned "What was as red as my lips?" She asked closing her eyes expecting something wildly romantic.
"Your lips are as red as a baboon's backside." Harman stated proudly.
Meher's eyes snapped open and her grin vanished. "My lips are as red as a BABOON'S BACKSIDE?!" She screeched.
Harman's eyes widened. "Uhh..didn't you like it?" He mumbled backing away from Meher.
Meher kept advancing on him. Scared, really scared silly, Harman glanced at his surroundings expecting someone to help him but there was no one. Hastily he grabbed a laddoo and threw it in the general direction of Meher. Meher slowed. Trembling Harman picked up the plate full of laddoo's and offered it to Meher. "W-w-w-w-w-want I-i-i-i-i-it?" He stammered.
Meher snatched the plate and Harman beat a hasty retreat. Who needs a date anyway, they eat together everyday anyway he reasoned.

Ok kuch jyaada lamba ho gaya. I couldn't help it 🀣  I love such kind of questions Angie. ThanksπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: thephworld

hey triv congrats

i loved angie's question u r dead!!!!! hahahahahha........wid her inspiration here goes mine:

first of all abt ur favvvvvvvvv charecter 😈 😈 😈 ....gotcha???........biji πŸ˜›πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

1) tell abt biji .....5 sentences!!!.......too easy if i leave it so.....
so sum conditions:1) do not repeat ny sentence 2) say only nice things abt her!!!πŸ˜‰

πŸ˜• Ok..lemme try..Hmm, Biji likes Parathe. She dislikes Mowgli. She loves tarzan and it's her lifelong dream to turn every Juneja guy into a Tarzan. She also loves Nihaal a lot (Dunno in what wayπŸ˜‰πŸ˜†) She used to run behind Preet with a plateful of paratha's to turn him into a Tarzan and used to call him a mowgli. (Dunno why...Preet didn't roam in Canada wearing a animal skin underwear and swinging on the tree branches.πŸ˜† She is Lallu's Daijaan or Daimaa. Her status in J-Zoo keeps changingπŸ˜†
2)5 films u'd cast harman in as a lead???😈 😈 😈
Hai Lord.πŸ˜† 
1. The Ring - He has that potential😈
2. Nanga Shaitan(I'm not kidding I really saw a poster of this movie on some buildingπŸ₯±πŸ˜† and I was all😲πŸ₯±πŸ€£ This movie would give us real nightmares if Harman was in it as the leadπŸ˜†)
3. Count Dracula
4. Frankenstein
5. Friday the Thirteen
Note that I have placed him in all horror movies because he would rock at them 🀣  given his expressionless face.

3) interview with old dheer n lallu by U !!!! min., 5 questions!!!
πŸ˜†All right...hmmm.
 Triv entered the interview room and rolled her eyes at the two people who she was supposed to interview. Lallu was busy cramming himself with biscuits and Dheer was busy eating chana's from the bowl on the table before them.
"I lub kis iscuts. Bere ooo you fet dem?" He asked his mouth full, chewing on one.
Triv rolled her eyes and asked. "Huh?"
He repeated swallowing. "I love this biscuits. Where do you get them?"
"Those are Goaty's friend Simba's biscuits." She replied.
"Who is Simba?" Lallu asked picking up another biscuit. It was the last one on the plate.
"Simba is our dog." She volunteered.
Lallu choked. Dheer snickered and choked himself coz he had been in middle of swallowing chana's too.
Triv gave a suffering sigh and pushed the tray full of water filled glasses in front of them. They gulped it hastily. Sputtering and choking again.
Disgusted she studied the picture of Goaty with the MNSTR behind her absently.
Lallu's voice was choked as he asked. "They were dog biscuits?"
Triv nodded.
"Ugh!" He exclaimed but ate the last piece anyway. Triv sighed again. This guy was beyond disgusting.
"Shall we start the interview? It's just basics." Triv asked as Lallu and Dheer started squabbling over the bowl full of chana's now. Dheer gave Lallu an evil eye and tipped the bowl above his open mouth, filling it with the remaining chana's. Some overflowed and scattered on the floor.
Triv was very close to committing Luicide and Duicide now.
"Right," She snapped and waved towards the water again as Dheer started choking again and Lallu started snickering. She glared at lallu and lallu tried to burrow into the chair looking scared.
She ignored Dheer who was gulping the water and decided to begin with lallu.
"I am Lalit Juneja and I am very famous." He volunteered.
"You are infamously famous," Triv muttered.
Lallu nodded proudly.
She glanced at Dheer.
"I am infamously famous Dheer- ummm- Redcar" He said.
"Your name is Dheer Redcar?" Triv asked.
"Yup!" He replied.
"Hmmm." Triv said. "Wat's your profession?" She asked next.
"I am an Indrutialist."
"Yes-I can see that." Triv muttered. "And, don't you mean Industrialist?"
"Yaes. Yaes. That only."
She turned to Dheer.
"I'm just the guy who has a red sports car but no home and I just roam about scaring people." He shrugged looking quite proud.
"Huh," Triv muttered. "Who was your inspiration for whatever you are in your life right now?"
"My dead friend Ballu. Our Dostana was legendary." Lallu replied becoming all teary.
"My car is my inspiration" Dheer mumbled not meeting Triv's eyes.
"Your car is the inspiration of scaring people to death?" She asked. Dheer nodded, trying to search for the scattered chana's on the floor. "Oh," Triv said with a sigh.
"What are your dreams?" She asked next and hastily added. "Just one or two." For Lallu's sake. He had a longgggg list of dreams.
"Just one or two?" He asked disappointed.
"Yes, this is a short basic interview. I don't want this to stretch into a week long torture." Triv explained helpfully.
"Oh...Well it's hard to choose. I have so many dreams...Oh, I get it. I have a life long dream of opening a Zoo and having as many people as possible living with me to torture them with my unlimited dreams." He grinned proudly.
"Mine's...just...scaring people with my frog eyes and horse hair." Dheer muttered from somewhere below the table.
"Uh..what are you doing?" Triv asked bending to stare at him below the table. She saw him popping the scattered chana's in his mouth. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. This interview had gone long enough.
"Ok, last question." She muttered for her sake.
"What? So soon?" Lallu asked disappointed.
"No one likes nightfares to last long," She told him helpfully.
Lallu didn't understand obviously. She gestured to someone behind Lallu for something. The person nodded and disappeared in a room and came out and stood behind lallu again with 2 packets.
"What are your ultimate goals in life before you die or someone does a favor on humanity and kills you both?" She asked.
"I want to meet my dead friend Ballu and live happily ever after with him."
"That can be arranged," Triv insisted but lallu apparently was dreaming about ballu now and didn't catch her sentence.
"My goal is to destroy Jun - I mean Jugni." Dheer said sitting up in the chair again.
"Why Jugni?" Lallu asked outraged. Hmmm.
"Did you get all the chana's?" Triv asked Dheer raising her left eyebrow?
 "Yes," He muttered. "Well, she never predicts about me," He answered lallu. "I deserve her predictions you know."
"No one likes to predict about horrors," Triv said standing up. The person behind Lallu gave them each a Doggie bag. Lallu's really was a Doggie bag. It had the dog biscuits he liked and Dheer's Doggie bag was actually a Horse bag. It contained Chana ka packets.
"Bye-Bye now." She said shooing them off. "Burn the chairs and clean the floor with a strong disinfectant." She instructed as she left the interview room.
Ahhh..there..again kuch jyaada hi lamba ho gaya 🀣

want to ask more......but well don't want to trouble u much...ah how gud i am....nahi??πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Oh ya..you are a regular angelπŸ˜†

* forgot to add : easy ques: in wat roles of harry potter series would u cast.....prem,heer,lallu,gaya3,harman,meher,dheer,RR,veera. (no biji here...lol)
Prem -Harry
Heer- Ginny
Lallu - Wormtail
Gaya3 - Hagrid
Harman - Lucius Malfoy
Meher - Lavender
Dheer - Quirrell
RR- Voldy the Moldy
Veera - Bellatrix

-Goth- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: Power20

πŸ˜• Ok..lemme try..Hmm, Biji likes Parathe. She dislikes Mowgli. She loves tarzan and it's her lifelong dream to turn every Juneja guy into a Tarzan. She also loves Nihaal a lot (Dunno in what wayπŸ˜‰πŸ˜†) She used to run behind Preet with a plateful of paratha's to turn him into a Tarzan and used to call him a mowgli. (Dunno why...Preet didn't roam in Canada wearing a animal skin underwear and swinging on the tree branches.πŸ˜† She is Lallu's Daijaan or Daimaa. Her status in J-Zoo keeps changingπŸ˜†

πŸ˜† trivvvvvvvvv u never disappoint!!!!!πŸ‘
i thought u'd blast me for calling biji ur fav!!!!!

2)5 films u'd cast harman in as a lead???😈 😈 😈
Hai Lord.πŸ˜† 
1. The Ring - He has that potential😈
2. Nanga Shaitan(I'm not kidding I really saw a poster of this movie on some buildingπŸ₯±πŸ˜† and I was all😲πŸ₯±πŸ€£ This movie would give us real nightmares if Harman was in it as the leadπŸ˜†)
3. Count Dracula
4. Frankenstein
5. Friday the Thirteen
Note that I have placed him in all horror movies because he would rock at them 🀣  given his expressionless face.
ring?????????🀣 🀣 n friday 13 🀣 🀣 count dracula is perfect 4 him!!!
nanga shaitaan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kaisa naam hai ye??????πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†triv, who can dare see him!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god!!! wid him in all these.....now these movies sound 'actually' horror to me!!!u rock!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


3) interview with old dheer n lallu by U !!!! min., 5 questions!!!
πŸ˜†All right...hmmm.
 Triv entered the interview room and rolled her eyes at the two people who she was supposed to interview. Lallu was busy cramming himself with biscuits and Dheer was busy eating chana's from the bowl on the table before them.RR's horsey bro???πŸ˜†πŸ€£
"I lub kis iscuts. Bere ooo you fet dem?" He asked his mouth full, chewing on one.
Triv rolled her eyes and asked. "Huh?"
He repeated swallowing. "I love this biscuits. Where do you get them?"
"Those are Goaty's friend Simba's biscuits." She replied.simba??? πŸ˜†nice name!!! where on earth u get such names??? chama chindi,simba,nanga shaitaan!!!!!!πŸ˜†
"Who is Simba?" Lallu asked picking up another biscuit. It was the last one on the plate.
"Simba is our dog." She volunteered.first time i'm hearing such a name!!!sounded like a  tamil film to me initially!!!!!
Lallu choked. Dheer snickered and choked himself coz he had been in middle of swallowing chana's too.
Triv gave a suffering sigh and pushed the tray full of water filled glasses in front of them. They gulped it hastily. Sputtering and choking again.
Disgusted she studied the picture of Goaty with the MNSTR behind her absently.
Lallu's voice was choked as he asked. "They were dog biscuits?"
Triv nodded.
"Ugh!" He exclaimed but ate the last piece anyway. Triv sighed again. This guy was beyond disgusting.
"Shall we start the interview? It's just basics." Triv asked as Lallu and Dheer started squabbling over the bowl full of chana's now. Dheer gave Lallu an evil eye and tipped the bowl above his open mouth, filling it with the remaining chana's. Some overflowed and scattered on the floor.
Triv was very close to committing Luicide and Duicide now.πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† yea,me too feeling!!
"Right," She snapped and waved towards the water again as Dheer started choking again and Lallu started snickering. She glared at lallu and lallu tried to burrow into the chair looking scared.haila!!! atlast sum1 here who scares lallu!!!! take a bow!!!
She ignored Dheer who was gulping the water and decided to begin with lallu.
"I am Lalit Juneja and I am very famous." He volunteered.
"You are infamously famous," Triv muttered.
Lallu nodded proudly.
She glanced at Dheer.
"I am infamously famous Dheer- ummm- Redcar" He said.
"Your name is Dheer Redcar?" Triv asked.
"Yup!" He replied.
"Hmmm." Triv said. "Wat's your profession?" She asked next.
"I am an Indrutialist." gr8 one!!!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
"Yes-I can see that." Triv muttered. "And, don't you mean Industrialist?"
"Yaes. Yaes. That only."
She turned to Dheer.
"I'm just the guy who has a red sports car but no home and I just roam about scaring people." He shrugged looking quite proud.
"Huh," Triv muttered. "Who was your inspiration for whatever you are in your life right now?"
"My dead friend Ballu. Our Dostana was legendary." Lallu replied becoming all teary.
"My car is my inspiration" Dheer mumbled not meeting Triv's eyes.
"Your car is the inspiration of scaring people to death?" She asked. Dheer nodded, trying to search for the scattered chana's on the floor. "Oh," Triv said with a sigh.
"What are your dreams?" She asked next and hastily added. "Just one or two." For Lallu's sake. He had a longgggg list of dreams.smart gal!!!!!!!!!!
"Just one or two?" He asked disappointed.
"Yes, this is a short basic interview. I don't want this to stretch into a week long torture." Triv explained helpfully.
"Oh...Well it's hard to choose. I have so many dreams...Oh, I get it. I have a life long dream of opening a Zoo and having as many people as possible living with me to torture them with my unlimited dreams." He grinned proudly.
"Mine's...just...scaring people with my frog eyes and horse hair." Dheer muttered from somewhere below the table.trivvvvv.....πŸ˜†...these 2 just perfect!!!!!
"Uh..what are you doing?" Triv asked bending to stare at him below the table. She saw him popping the scattered chana's in his mouth. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. This interview had gone long enough.yea??? for me da time just flew!!!!!πŸ˜‰very intelligent triv!!!!😲 already on 5th ques!!! i should've given 10 ques!!! πŸ€”  πŸ˜›
"Ok, last question." She muttered for her sake.
"What? So soon?" Lallu asked disappointed.for once i agree ullu!!!
"No one likes nightfares to last long," She told him helpfully.
Lallu didn't understand obviously. She gestured to someone behind Lallu for something. The person nodded and disappeared in a room and came out and stood behind lallu again with 2 packets.
"What are your ultimate goals in life before you die or someone does a favor on humanity and kills you both?" She asked.
"I want to meet my dead friend Ballu and live happily ever after with him."
"That can be arranged," Triv insisted but lallu apparently was dreaming about ballu now and didn't catch her sentence.
"My goal is to destroy Jun - I mean Jugni." Dheer said sitting up in the chair again.
"Why Jugni?" Lallu asked outraged. Hmmm.ohhh!!!πŸ˜†
"Did you get all the chana's?" Triv asked Dheer raising her left eyebrow?
 "Yes," He muttered. "Well, she never predicts about me," He answered lallu. "I deserve her predictions you know."
"No one likes to predict about horrors," Triv said standing up. The person behind Lallu gave them each a Doggie bag. Lallu's really was a Doggie bag. It had the dog biscuits he liked and Dheer's Doggie bag was actually a Horse bag. It contained Chana ka packets.
"Bye-Bye now." She said shooing them off. "Burn the chairs and clean the floor with a strong disinfectant." She instructed as she left the interview room.
Ahhh..there..again kuch jyaada hi lamba ho gaya 🀣 triv u wrote all this spontaneously???😲
well....afterall this is T of MNSTR n a half of fantastic duo afterall!!!πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
i thouroughly enjoyed it triv!!!!! 🀣

want to ask more......but well don't want to trouble u much...ah how gud i am....nahi??πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Oh ya..you are a regular angelπŸ˜† hehehehehehehehe.......thank u!!!!πŸ˜†

* forgot to add : easy ques: in wat roles of harry potter series would u cast.....prem,heer,lallu,gaya3,harman,meher,dheer,RR,veera. (no biji here...lol)
Prem -Harry
Heer- Ginny
Lallu - Wormtail
Gaya3 - Hagrid
Harman - Lucius Malfoy
Meher - Lavender
Dheer - Quirrell
RR- Voldy the Moldy
Veera - Bellatrix
dheer quirrell??so dat u can get rid off him soon??πŸ˜† even i thought of same charecters except i thought dheer is bane or magorian(coz of da hair πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†)!!! as usual gr8 job triv!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ n i loved Harher story......dat was quite deepppppppπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Edited by thephworld - 15 years ago
-Bee- thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Ooooohhhh, I hope Im not too late. I've been a silent reader, but needed something to distract me when Prem 'left' (he is not dead). Anyway, like people have said before, I love your posts, coz they are so funny. If only you were a creative. My Qs are:
1. What quality of Prem-Heer would you change (if any)?
2. Which character would you throw out of J-zoo (ONLY 1)?
3. Which Dheer did you like the best and why?
4. Name 5 contemporary Hindi movies you would like to see Prem-Heer in.
...last, but not the least (it's kinda violent)...
5. What method of torture do you pick out for the creatives, if they ever decide to honour us with a Sita-marrying-Laxman (or Ravan) track, with Ram crying on the side? (like other bt serials)
Hope you reply, and hope you can understand the last question. i'm kinda sleepy rite now.