10/6-Written Update

Teesha thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
Since Hera is busy, I am filing in for her on Mondays.
Part 1:
Niam's House
Niam picks up Angad n Suhana's photo with shock. Angad apologizes saying he was not aware this picture was in this file plus he shudnt b keeping it anyways but sumtimes sum memories can not b thrown away. Niam looks disturbed.

Dixit House
Neha gives everyones tiffin. Gayatri is proud n blesses her. Shubh asks her to take care and take her medicines on time.

A boy is having trouble keeping his telescope stand. Parikshit adds his opinions but is not appreciated rather the guy tells him off n asks him to work on his own solar project.

Anusha is tyring to call Karthik but the network is weak. Her friend tries to warn Anusha about Karthiks change in personality n attitude but Anusha shrugs it off n feels rather glad. Finally she gets through Karthik. He tells her he is busy with a client in a meeting. She hears music in the background n sort of gets angry. She questions where this meeting is. Karthik answers in office, he adds such questions of her irritates him n hangs up. Anusha realizes that music that was playing in the background is of the resturant where she is sitting. She goes to look for him but in vain. She spots him once more but before she can reach him he is gone. She spots a watch on the table n wonders where she saw it.

Dixt House
Parikshits and Aditya test out Par's project which works fine at first but then stops. Adi wonders wats wrong. Par tells him they must have made a mistake somewhere. Gayatri calls them for dinner. Par tells Adi to have dinner first but Adi wants to check out whats the problem. Par insists to eat first n then they together would figure out whats wrong. Adi obliges.

Niam's House
Suhana is calling for Niam. Out comes Angad asking whether she called him (dude r u deaf? Angad n Niam dont sound alike a bit!) She tells him angrily she called her husband n that he has no right to be in her bedroom. Angad asks her to relax n questions y shes always so irritated n that he knws there is nothing btwn them but they r still frends. Suhana jus listens disinterested. He tells her he made a mistake. She asks him wat. He tells her when he went to pay the monthly rent he accidentally dropped their photographs n shows her the photos. She's shocked as he adds Niam saw them as well. He tells her to keep it n that his work is done she stares at him but he soon corrects himself saying that if these photos stay with him then sumone will see them so its best not to keep it with him. As she tries to say sumthing he tells her she can rip them burn them watever she likes n he has to go now. Before leaving he tells her how he wishes he cud bring time back n make her his. She is completed frustrated of him by now n shrugs the pictures aside (I knw where this is going. Niam will land on these photos n think Suhana hasnt moved on as both Angad n Suhana have kept their photos with them. Gosh this Angad! Niam made a huge mistake keeping him)

Dixit House
Neha is laying in Shubhs arm. He shares a few memories of college with her n how he had wished to b like Karthik but he is glad today that he isnt. At least he hasnt hurt his parents (I love Shubh! but he needs a little reality check here. Wat about all the times he had lied to his parents abt working n how hurt they were once on knwing he is in a gang. I knw he means he hasnt ditched them like Karthik but the phrase I never hurt them is a bit too much) Neha looks at him upset. Shubh changes the topic saying he has talked enough n now its her turn. She talks abt where she did her commerce from n how she had only 1-2 frends but there was a professor who loved her like his daugther. Shubh smiles but the smile is shortlived cus as expected Neha doesnt remember his name n thinks hard while Shubh looks disturbed.

Part 2

Dixt House
Neha is lost in thoughts. Shubh snaps her out n tells her no big deal if she doesnt remember the name. Neha questions whose name? Shubh is taken aback n reminds her she was telling him about her professor who loved her as his daugther. Neha remembers n says ya how cud I forget his name? He taught me for 3 yrs. Shubh tells her not to worry as it happens with him as well, he too doesnt remember names of professor who taught him the same class so many yrs. He tries to lighten the mood by asking her to sleep otherwise both wont remember Maa Paa's name tomorrow. He lays her down n looks quite upset.

Niam's House
Angad acts as if he is talking to Suhana right out Suhana's Mum in laws room. He tells her its not right to meet like this after marriage n wat will her family think. He acts like she's forcing him to come meet her n says I cant argue with u so I will come but let Niam fall asleep first. Niam's Mum is very disturbed.

Karthik's House
Karthiks walks in n says "Hi Jaan" he compliments Anusha who is fuming with anger. She asks him where he was during the day n he tells her she looks even more prettier when she is angry (ya right!) she tells him to stop joking around. He tells her he went to Germany. She looks shocked. He jokes around n says he obviously went to office. She tells him not to lie n see how drunk he is. He tells her its important to entertain the clients n drink with them. Anusha asks him who this special client is n since when did office start serving drinks? She questions where he was at the grand something hotel. Karthik looks up shocked but then covers up saying wat rubbish. Anusha shows him his watch n asks him wat he is doing behind her back. He tells her to stop it n that he has been gone all day n now she is irritating him. He says he had lost the watch earlier. He puts the watch on n leaves. Anusha is huffing n puffing as usual. (I loved this scene. Sudeep was awesum!)

Part 3

Niam's House
Suhana is sitting in her room thinking abt the times since Angad enter n wat he had to say to her. She gets a call from the house phone n wonder who is calling. No guesses, its Angad. Suhana is angry he dared to call her but he tells her its an emergency n that his frend is here n has a headache n is asking for medicine so he didnt feel right to wake up aunty uncle so he thought of asking her. (wat a pathetic excuse n let me tell u even before seeing Suhana will go to help!)

Dixit House
Parikshit is finishing is HW. Gayatri cums up acting as if she woke up from sleep (her make up is still fresh! lol) n asks him to come to bed. He tells her he is almost done. She tells him to come soon.

Niam's House
Suhana brings Angad the medicines. Angad thanks her n asks her for one last favor n that his frend is in the garden throwing up n if she cud go give the medicine to his frend while he gets coffee. Suhana asks him whether he has gone out of his mind n to c the time n she will not go anywhere. Angad pleads n as expected Suhana madame gives in. Angad smirks.

Suhana goes out in the garden n finds no one. Angad cums. Suhana asks him where his frend is. Angad asks like he is not aware n calls out to his so called frend name Jay. He thanks Suhana for helping him. Jus then Niam's Mom cums out on the terrace n watches them as Angad places his hand on Suhana's shoulder to thank her. Niam's Mum is shocked while Suhana just stares. (Niam's Mum was always a little hatke n now she will definitely poison Niam's mind further! Great, another love story ruined!)

Precap: None

That's it u all. Sorry for any errors!



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Mizzme thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
thanks for the lovely update i just love shubh and neha and guys think i have got the gaurav khanna fever i just can not stop thinkin about him☺️
hadah thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Hey,Thank u so much for the update...
Just love shubh-neha scene....
They look so sweet together!!!❤️
coolgals13 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
i think angad is creating rift between suhana and niam...