Written/Video Update October 1

twin_sisters thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Hello everyone... Guten Tag !! thats german for Good day ... sorry for the delay .. am really busy today so might keep it short.. lets see .. 😊
Wednesday October 1, 2008

Video update thanks to Magnificent

Part 1
KS starts today with the family gathered around Pritush. They are having the haldi rasam .. they also apply haldi to Ganga... then Ganga is all dressed up for the wedding and she prays in front of God., Pronita sliently is watching everything .. Jai comes and asks Pronita why she was crying last night. She says that sometimes things happen that make you cry but I promise you that today there will only be tears of joy .. and I just want to share that happiness with only one person and that is you.. (awe so sweet..😳) Meera is looking at them .(jealous.. ) she comes to Pronita and taunts her that now chuda is alos done and everything is all ready.. now only thing left are the pheras and then bidai... she says that I have a lot of work to do since I am the mother of the bride.. see you later .. (😡)
Shonali is leaving and she is saying bye to Pronita and Rishi. She says that I liked coming to India and I also liked the people of India too. Pritush is overhearing all this..(another game...) She leaves.. Pritush is about to leave from there when Rishi calls him and tells him to look over some bills of the functions till that day. Pritush's parents too come there and he leaves. Rishi goes too. Pronita tells the Mittals that Shonali left something for them. Its a blank cheque. The Mittals are excited. Pronita tells them that Shonali is madly in love with Pritush. She tried to even tell her their truth but she still is crazy about him. She is even ready to give away everything that she owns just to get Pritush. The Mittals are maha excited. Pronita tells them that I didnt even want to give you this check but what to do, I had to respect her wishes...She tells them that she is so heart broken that Pritush cannot marry her so she is set to leave India forever.. and I could not stop her. But she felt she wanted to do something for Pritush, so she left you this cheque. And Pritush can fill whatever amount that he wishes for in that cheque... she intices the Mittals more .. she says that I should not be saying this but with a heavy heart I suggest that you cancel Ganga's wedding to Pritush and marry him to Shonali.. 😆 She says that Shonali loves him a lot and anyway you guys are here for money right.. so you will get your money and Shonali will get her love. Mr. Mittal says that its too late for this now. He says that now if we refuse, Meera will kill us. Pronita says that she will kill you if she comes to know. She says I have a fool proof plan if you guys decide to follow it.. Mrs. Mittal says what will happen if the Walias come to know we broke off the wedding... Pronita says that if you follw my plan, then they will find out that Pritush likes Shonali and they will never let him marry Ganga.Mr. Mittal says that Mr. Walia is very happy with this wedding, so then why will he break this marriage ? Pronita assures him that when Mr. Walia finds the truth he will berak off this marriage on his own. Mr. MIttal doubts how that will happen..Pronita says I will tell you...
Part 2
Jai and Ganga are talking to each other. The father-daughter are having a chat.. Ganga looks nice.. Jai is teasing her that princess dont get up for anybody and he bows down to her.. She says  that there are very few people in this world who can marry the person of their choice.. whose dreams come true.. she says whatever is happening in my life today is because of you ( wait and see what happens next... 😆) she says that if my life is a fairy tale then you are its author.. she says if it wernt for you , I would never have know that I love Pritush ... she is getting very emotional.. Jai stops her and says that I shall pray for you that you will be always be happy .. 😊
 Pronita overhears and thinks how can I tell you Mr. Walia that our daughter is entering a life of misrey and not happiness... The barat arrives...  Adi tells Krishna and Vidya to not let the dulha in unless he pays you a hefty sum.. Rashi gets Ganga to the mandap..
Krishna-Vidya dont let the Mittals in and say that they cannot enter unless their "Jiju" pays them.. The Mittals assure them  that Pritush is comming and he will definately pay them.. The Walia's welcome the Mittals ... Mr. Mittal says that before the next resam is done, we would like to talk to you. Jai says why are you being so formal.. he asks them what they want to say.. Mrs. Mittal says that it will be better if they talk about give and take before the pheras.. Jai and Adi are surprised.. 😲 Jai says I am not able to understand. He says that the muhurat will pass so lets do the pheras then we can talk. Mittals say that we have to talk before the pheras. Jai is confused. Mr. Mittal says dont act innocent..you are the father of bride.. you know that you give your daughter something for her happy future life. Jai says that ya all parents give something to their daughter happily.. Mr. Mittal says that we just want to know what you are giving your daughter. Meera intervenes that what are you saying.. Ganga is Walia's daughter...she says dont worry . there wont be anything less.. Mrs. Mittal says that we are talking so that there is no tension. She says we just want to know how much money and jwellery we will get .. the family is shocked.. 😲 ( yeh Walia's ko shock khuch jyada hi laghte hai na...😆) Jai is shocked (again.. ) that the Mittals are talking about dowry when the barat is at the door.. Mrs. Mittal says that its a happy thing .. Jai is now angry and he says that its not about happiness. its like making a deal..he says that I want to make relations not deal .. we have never given nor taken dowry.. The Mittals say that they will have to reconsider... the family is shocked ... again .. 😆
Part 3
Meera is wondering why the Mittals are behaving like that..she tells Jai that lets sit down and discuss this matter before it gets worse. she asks the Mittals how much money they want.. Mrs. Mittal says that other than "other things" and jwellery, we want cash 50 crores.. its time for Meera to get a shockkk.. and also the family.. incl Ganga... 😲 Meera goes to Mittals and asks them what new natak they are up to.. He says this is the time when they can make some money...he says the money you gave us is too little... Jai tells Meera not to talk with them. He says I wont give them Rs. 50 also.. 😆 (there's my  man... 😳) Mrs. Mittal says that ok then we will leave. Jai says, Ok as you wish.. 😆
Meera is stunned.. he says that today they are talking about dowry..tomorrow they will talk about sending my daughter back, they they might talk about divorce ...Meera says that we have done all the rasams and Ganga is wearing her wedding dress.. what will people say ..jai says I dont care about socient, I cannot marry my daughter to such a house..Meera says that its just 50 crores.. Jai tells her its not about 50 crores he says I can give 500 crores also .. all my money is for my kids..but I cannot marry my daughter to such greedy people..Meera says that for your ethics you are ready to sacrifice your daughters love.. Jai says my decision is final..
Ganga speaks up and says I havent taken a decision yet. she says that it was my decision to marry Pritush and if this wedding breaks off, then I want to talk to him first. She is confident that Pritush cannot do something like that.. ( get real girl... 😡) ..he is not so greedy and she is pretty sure that whatever is happening he does not even know about it. Mrs. Mittal sasy dont involve him in all this. Ganga says its important that we do.. she says untill he tells me that he wants dowry, I will not believe it..Pronita says that I agree with Ganga..she is getting married to Pritush and not Mr. & Mrs. Mittal.. we have to know what he thinks..Meera says ok lets call him and everything will be cleared.. Shonali enters with Pritush .. he has a blindfold over him and he is wondering where she is taking her.. she says its a surprise.. they are wearing garlands around their neck.. (again the Walias are shocked... 😲) Pritush says to Shonali that he cannot believe that they are going to be one soon.. he says I thought I will have to marry that Ganga but thank God I could run away from the barat and we could get married.. he asks her to open his blindfold so he can see their dream house.. she says that once the blind fold opens you will get the biggest shocking surprise of you life.. 😆 he tells Shonali he loves her .. 😲😆 ..he is shocked to see where he is .. the screen splits into two.. with Meera and Pronita...
Pronita tells Meera that this could have happened to you too but I wont let you off so eaisly..I have thought of a special plan for you..wont you ask me how I did all this.. I learnt it form you..you took Pritush from marrying Shonali.. I picked him up from the middle of barat.. 😆
Phew.. long update.. enjoy...
Edited by twin_sisters - 15 years ago



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Frequent Posters

-Happy4Ever- thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Thanks a lot
Why can't Pronita tell Jai to at least do a reality check on Mittals business.
Well, Finally, Ganga's wedding is off. Ab Meera ki baari hai.
Edited by bahu - 15 years ago
KS_addict thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
These people are crazy!! ANd the family keeps getting shocked!!! What a scene!
Salz. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
very nice and detailed
sbeasla thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
I like your details and I'm anxious to read the last part!!!
dechenkyiden thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
hey.. wheoeva it is.. i thank u frm d bottom of d heart for such a brief detail.. n yur view to0..hehehe// den...im looking forward a upcoming part thanks once again... Edited by dechenkyiden - 15 years ago
SuganthiS thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
Thank you for the update. At long last, Ganga's wedding is stopped !
lilsprite thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Hold on - so is poor Shonali really married to Prityush?
giguser thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Can't wait to watch tomorrow's episode.................
JasveerShastri thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Great update.Thanks so much