Arakshi fic "When there are no words" Pt 8 16/02 - Page 17


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anu91 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: AlwaysLife19

Author's notes 2: Okay, so I was overwhelmed by this sudden urge to read this fic and wait...


I don't how it happened?! I did not edit the freaking chapter! But here it was...

But thank goodness, I had saved this fic on my PC, so I uploaded it AGAIN!

This was so bloody irritating! Was this some techie glitch I don't know... ðŸ˜•

Uhmm... And as can be seen I am alive. So yeah, hopefully, the next part will be up soon. If my muse decides to grace me with her presence. ðŸ˜•

hope ur exams are good!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will i get the update...
will be waiting dear:)
.FieryPhoenix. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: anu91

hope ur exams are good!!!!!!!!!!!!
when will i get the update...
will be waiting dear:)

Exams are next month. I have my presentations right now. So... uhm... it would take some time before I update. Sorry. Really. ðŸ˜­
And please stay tuned. Thanks for your generous comment. ðŸ˜Š
anu91 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: AlwaysLife19

Exams are next month. I have my presentations right now. So... uhm... it would take some time before I update. Sorry. Really. ðŸ˜­
And please stay tuned. Thanks for your generous comment. ðŸ˜Š

don worry dude keep preparing... u will do well... best wishes...
take ur time... will be waiting...
magati thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
I am commenting on your story for the first time
Awesome story
Loved it
.FieryPhoenix. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: magati


I am commenting on your story for the first time
Awesome story
Loved it

Hello dear!
Thank you so much! 
I am glad that people are appreciating this story. ðŸ˜ƒ
Means a lot! ðŸ˜³
It's okay. As I always say, a person should comment, only when he is moved or touched by the story. Hoping to see you reply again though. ðŸ˜›
ohsehun. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
I'm totally stalking. I know.
I'll go now. 
I promise. 
Right after I reserve.


Also, I figured I need to keep this post alive before I can lost the ability to actually officially comment. So I'm totally spamming. ðŸ˜†

Edited by ..Labyrinth.. - 9 years ago
.FieryPhoenix. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

"Angst is not the human condition, it's the purgatory between what we have and what we want but can't get." 

Miguel Syjuko

Part 7: There is so much more

A pregnant pause. Then,

"Sakshi, I know that you are there. Open the door already. Or God forbid, I am gonna burn this house down."

Sakshi cringes at Ayesha's shrill, increasingly impatient voice. In her periphery, she watches Arjun staring blankly at the door, his jaws clenched. She literally feels his mind running thousand miles an hour.

As another knock ricochets in the halls of her house, she whispers frantically, "What should we do now?"

He responds promptly, his stance agile, with a deceptively calm voice. "Open the door."

"W-what?! Bu..."

"Trust me, Sakshi."

His eyes seize hers and some of his conviction seeps into her body. She trusts him. Of course she does.

Therefore, taking two calming breaths, she sprints towards the door, a knot of apprehension in the pit of the stomach. Just before opening the door, she pauses, closes her eyes momentarily and turns the doorknob.

"Hey, Ayesh."

Features slightly ruffled, the woman in questions scowls at her for good measure.

"What the hell took you so long?"

She visibly winces.

"Look, Aye-

"No, you look. I called you in the morning to ensure you have reached safely. But guess what? It goes straight into voicemail. So, thinking that you might have contacted Sameer I call him. And surprise, surprise, he tells me you didn't leave at all. Apparently, the news agency you wanted to work with has hired someone else. So much happened and I get to know now? NOW?" She finishes breathlessly, her visage contorted.

Shit, shit. Why didn't I call her yesterday?! She wracks her brain for an excuse, but her brain simply draws a blank. She has to think of something. And fast.

"I am sorry. I was consumed with other thoughts," she blurts the first coherent words that form in her brain.

Her excuse seems to have worked because her friend's expression undergoes drastic transformation and she asks her in soothing tones, "Are you okay?"

Still, for a moment Sakshi is struck speechless. Because despite her justified anger, she is worried about her well being... She must have done something really good in her previous life to have ended up with such a friend.

"Yes, yes. I am fine... the baby is fine too."

"Oh thank God. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"I know and I am sorry." She mumbles. She feels guilty for not telling her yesterday and for lying to her now but before some of her guilt crosses her face, she pulls her in a warm hug.

As they part, Ayesha quips, "So? Are you going to strand me here or can we go inside? It's chilly here, you know."  

Biting her lip, Sakshi fiddles with the hem of her dress. She had been stalling her so he could devise some plan, most probably skulk at some corner of her house. However, sensing that she cannot stall anymore and in the meanwhile hoping that everything will work out, she sighs and moves aside to open the door wider, her back turned towards her house all the time.

However, the very next minute, her friend gives a start, her mouth agape.  

"What is it?" She frowns at her friend and pivots on her heels when-

When she finds the Devil standing in the middle of the hall.

She halts, her eyes widening in disbelief.

No one speaks a word for a whole minute.

"Ayesha." Arjun gives a curt nod, finally, finally breaking the ensued silence.


In an instant though, she turns towards Sakshi, clutches her elbow and hisses sharply, "Explain" all the while her eyes studying him surreptitiously. 

"Sakshi called me an hour ago. Said she needed some help. As I was in this area, I came here to help." It is Arjun who speaks, his tone carrying a hint of smoothness.

"Oh." Ayesha hastily removes her hand and blushes hard. "I am sorry," she adds.

"It is o-okay," Sakshi replies, inconspicuously shooting daggers in his direction. It hits her then that Arjun had changed to his work clothes- a crisp salmon shirt and denims.

Oh. Oh.

He had devised a plan after all.

"Now that Ayesha is here, I am sure you would be fine, hmm?" He says as he takes languorous strides towards the door. "In that case, I will take your leave." He gazes meaningfully in her direction and offering Ayesha a fleeting glance, walks away.

As soon as he departs, simultaneous sighs are emitted by the occupants of the house.

"Well, that was-


"Yep. Tell me about it."

She continues, "I was just taken aback, that is. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would find him here, you know. Sorry for snapping at you."

"It is okay, Ayesh." Sakshi offers, still a bit shaken with his brazen and bizarre move.

"For a moment there, I thought you were, uhm, sleeping with him or something. And that's why it took you so long to-

"AYESHA!" Sakshi gasps loudly, her cheeks flushing.

"What?! It did look that way."

"Well, Y-you are wrong." she continues lamely.


A beat later, "By the way, what help did you require and that too from Arjun sir?" Ayesha questions, her visage twisting into a perplexed expression.

"Uh, uhm, it was n-nothing. I mean, it was something uh, related to some previous case... yeah."

Ayesha gives her a long, tenacious look but when she offers nothing further, she merely shrugs.

"Fine. Just inform me before dropping a bomb like that. It's not every day when I expect Arjun Suryakant Raute in your house."

"Noted." And this time she knows that she means it.


Sakshi spends most of her languid Sunday morning engaging in idle chatting with Ayesha and subsequent visits from the rest of her team namely, Shree, Chotu, Sameer and Liza. As anticipated, they ask her numerous questions. Thankfully though, her previous night's discourse with Arjun ensures that she could answer most of the questions tactfully. In fact her answers are so carefully worded that the detectives are unable to discern any fabrication.

Assuring them that she would attend to her duties the next day itself, her teammates take leave...

It is only later in the evening when she hears his footfalls.

"Hey." He offers her a slight nod.

"Hey," she murmurs, putting her novel down. She notices the sluggishness in his step and a hint of uneasiness in his posture.

However, before she can point it out, he walks towards her and sinks gracefully on the couch.

"Where were you the entire day?" she inquires, angling towards him, once he had settled down.

"I had some work."

"What work?" she asks again, her innate curiosity getting the better of her as usual.

He grits his teeth, the sign of his reluctance telling. "I had to clear certain unpaid dues."


One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes.

Just when the silence seems too stifling, Arjun speaks up. "H-how was your day?"

Her eyes widen in disbelief as a pleasant tingle courses through her body. In the time she had known him, he had always refrained from asking her anything personal. Yet today... it is indescribable what it did to her.

As expected, he feels a bit abashed when she faces him fully and she can tell that it took almost all of his strength to ask her something as trivial as that. And while a part of her knows that he simply wanted to break the silence, because when you aren't screwing around, conversations happen at the expense of it being coerced, the other part is thrilled with his effort, nonetheless.

"It was-was good. I mean, after you left, the rest of the team came to inquire about my impromptu decision to stay, but I convinced them and I guess it worked."

He shakes his head, absorbing the tiny bits of information. Abruptly though, she remembers the incident in the morning and consequently, she lashes out before she can convince herself to do otherwise, her tone low and foreboding, "By the way, what the hell were you thinking in the morning?! Pulling a stunt like that!"

"About that-

Disregarding his interruption, she rambles on. "I thought that you would hide or run or I don't know but that?! Standing there in the middle of the hall so early in the morning when she knows that I am pregnant and she would obviously jump to conclusions and-

A half smirk, half smile tugs at the corners of his lips and she freezes in her tirade, too distracted to continue.

"You thought that I would hide? Do you not know me?"

Her retort dies on her tongue as she takes a sharp intake of breath, all the blood pounding on her ears.

Gods, he was beautiful.

Her face must have given away her awe with him because within a split second he averts his gaze, allowing her to do the same and when he looks back at her; all the traces of his demi-smile are gone to be replaced with his perpetual frown. Call it wishful thinking but she wishes to freeze that moment forever, or at least capture that perfect moment. That ghost of a smile.

The next time he speaks, the hard lines on his face reappear and there is harshness in his brogue. "Look Sakshi, I-I could not have possibly told her that we-

"I know Arjun, I bloody know," a frustrated growl rumbles from her throat and she doesn't even make a perfunctory attempt to mask the bitterness. "I know that this is supposed to be a hidden affair. I never expected you to declare our relationship status especially..." Especially when even I have no idea what it is.

She rises from the settee then, suddenly too hackneyed to continue the conversation.

"This won't happen again. We will form a plan to deal with this situ-

"Because plans work so well for us?" she pivots on her heels, crossing her arms, her lip curling in derision. "You cannot be serious Arjun. Because we CANNOT plan this. Hell, when have things gone the way we planned. If things worked the way we plan it then we would not-

It is the defeated slump in his shoulders which makes her falter before his weary timbre reaches her.

"I am trying, you know. I am aware that this situation is hard for you; to lie, to hide things from your friends, but I am trying to help."

Something akin to guilt swarms her way to her throat and her conscience pricks at her for being so callous. The truth was she knew that he was trying. He had stayed the night and he had asked her about her day. While these might be frivolous to others, yet for her, it did serve as a proof to his proclamation.

"I know. I am just saying that we will figure this out when the time comes." She falls back into the couch and her fingers press against his in a feathery caress. Licking her lips, she continues, "I know it is hard for you too. Maybe harder than me, considering that you have to care for a person whom you don't care-

It's profound. Poignant. The way his face falls, the way his eyes swirl with bereavement, the way his fingers recoil from her touch, it is so eloquent of the agony that he felt. The guilt, the guilt returns with vengeance, consuming and stabbing her being. The remorse that she felt earlier is nothing, nothing, compared to this. She had simply stated the fact, with the detachment that is typical of a journalist, there was no hard edge to it, no acrimony. She knew that he didn't care about her and that was it, really. There were no underlying emotions to it. Simple.

But she knows it was not that simple. Not when he looks like he would shatter into a million pieces, not when he seems so distant. So distant. Gods, it is pure agony. And she desperately wants to take back her words if only to alleviate his pain.

"I care about you. I do," he whispers and it is so soft, so soft that she would have missed it if she was not paying attention to him. He continues, unaware of her persistent gaze,"It would matter to me if something happened to you. And it is not only because you are pregnant with my child."

This time, the silence that befalls them is heavy and thick. His words floating between them like static defiles the air with its immensity. And it is as profound, as poignant as the silence.


She doesn't remember how long they remain in the same position or how long they delve in their conflicting thoughts. All she remembers is moving, moving, easing herself from her position and gliding to her bedroom. She remembers that before stepping inside she had murmured, "Why are we so f**ked up Arjun that we can't even tell each other what we feel." She also remembers that she had not expected a reply, so she had closed the door behind her.

And now, she can't remember if Arjun did speak those words or it was her mind playing some cruel trick.


"I don't know, Sakshi. I wish I knew."

(To be continued..)

Edited by AlwaysLife19 - 10 years ago
princess2507 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Nice update dr
I am eager to read how their love story progresses
Cont soon
.FieryPhoenix. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
A/N: Would you believe if I say that tomorrow is my exam?! Because that's the truth. And here I am updating Part 7. ðŸ˜›
It's just that once I start writing... I can't stop. ðŸ˜†

Anyway. Coming back to the part, I hope I didn't disappoint you. You see, before going into all the baby stuff, some things needed to be sorted out and that last conversation, it just... it just seemed important to me. That Arjun agreed that he cared for her. 

However, good news is that I will take the baby angle farther into the next part.

Another thing worth mentioning is that many people would argue and say that Arjun should have hidden in some other room. Because it was the intelligent thing to do. But somehow, it didn't make sense to me. Arjun is a fiery character, he considers himself a 'lion' so it seemed cowardly to me that he would hide, whaddaya think? 

What else? Hm. That conversation. Intense, huh? I know that many of you are looking for some romance, and I assure you that it will happen, just not that early. There are various aspects which I need to explore first and hey, this is an angst story. So, if you are looking for some sappy declaration of love, then sorry love, this fic will drip with angst till the end. 

And last, I heard about Mrunal leaving and man, it sucks! I almost abandoned this fic, y'know. So, I have to ask this. Will you people read it even if Mrunal leaves?? If yes, we are cool. If no, well, I will try to wrap it up in 1-2 chapters. (Though you might miss on a LOT of stuff. Yep, I am evil that way.)

READ and LIKE and COMMENT!! All those who do, virtual cookies from my side! 

Oh and this fic has crossed 12000 views! W.O.W. Never expected that so many peeps will read it. 
Shezi19 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Thanks for update
After a long time we got this part
Yes we all upset mrunal leaving and I am also try to wrap up
My arakshi story
I suggest you to wrap your story soon
Because no presence of her
No feeling comes while reading story
It totally my opinion
Any way nice story