FF: Betrayed by Love: T2 *Note and a teaser page 143* - Page 62


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SIP1997 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Hello dear friends, here I am as usual, a day late and a dollar short. 😆

Jokes apart, I really wish I could write faster and bring you guys an update a week but I have slowed down little more than usual lately, but I will do my best to catch up.

Thank you all for your respond on the previous update, really appreciate all your comments, encouragements and motivations, you guys are the best.

Here is the next update without anymore delays. Hope you like it.

Part 37


Next morning Priya woke up with a headache. Despite the fact that she had been able to sleep without nightmares since she arrived in Delhi she had been unable to rest the night before. She had thought about all that has happened between her and Arjun all night but she had been unable to convince herself to come clean with him before things went too far between them.

Even after Arjun cleared her doubts about his intentions she had been unable to persuade herself to let go of her fear and insecurity. She trusted Arjun not to judge her for what happened to her but she also couldn't burden him with the baggage of her issues with herself.

If she gave into her desires then there is also the fear of his family and society rejecting her because of what happened to her. If Arjun found out what happened to her he would refuse to leave her side, in fact it would make him more determined to be with her and she couldn't see him drift away from his family again. His family had already lost so much of him after Roshni died. She wouldn't be able to see that happening to him again. He deserves someone much better than her and somehow, some way she would have to convince of him of this.

Priya took a quick shower and got dressed in work clothes. There was no need for the traditional clothes, plus she needed to be in work mode in order to talk Dr. Meera. Her work clothes gave her confidence while the traditional clothes made her vulnerable. She wore black slacks coupled with a white shirt and lightweight, black jacket. She paired the outfit with black, low-heeled pumps. She tied her hair in a ponytail then applied minimum make up before taking a last look at herself in the mirror and walking out the door.

Priya was not surprised to be one of the first ones to wake up. The house seemed really quiet compared to the past two days. Most of the guest had departed the night before so it was just the ETF members and the family now. Priya headed in the direction of the kitchen but came to sudden stop when she heard Arjun's Vimla masi talking to his mom. "Savita I am telling you I don't like that girl being so close to Arjun. She is not right for him. What kind of girl goes out with a man alone at night and let him enter her room while his family is sleeping close by?"

"Didi aap bhi na, Priya is a nice girl and Arjun really likes her so please don't say anything to him about her." Arjun's mom replied with disapproval. Priya took a step back but was unable to move when she heard Vimla masi's next words. "What is there to like about her Savita? You should stop him, not encourage him. God knows what she did when she was on that undercover assignment for eight months. I mean look at her face, don't you think something big must have happened for them to do that type of damage to her face?"

"Didi I already explained to you how Priya got that scar. She saved Arjun's life." Arjun's mom replied with great deal of patience.

"Savita we know that but will the society believe all that. And what if she did save Arjun's life, does it mean he owes her his undying devotion? Besides he needs someone who can take care of his home and family, not someone he works with." Priya had heard enough. She made herself move before she could hear more.

Priya hadn't been the only one to hear the conversation between Arjun's mom and Masi. On the other side Swati was seething with anger while Maya winced at what she heard. They both saw Priya back away from the kitchen and hurry toward her room. Maya placed a reassuring hand on Swati's shoulder to calm her, "I will talk to Savita kaki, you go see if Priya is okay."

Swati nodded then turned towards the stairs with a heavy heart. The damage was already done; she didn't know how she would console her friend after what she heard. She took a deep breath before opening Priya's room door. As expected her friend was sitting on the bed, shoulders slumped in defeat as she caressed her palm. Swati sat next to her and bumped her shoulder gently.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Swati tried to sound lighthearted but wasn't able to pull it off completely. "Just when I start to hope I get a reality check. Why do I forget that I have no right to dream?" Priya curled her hand and looked away from the symbol on her palm.

"Why are you letting one opinionated woman's words get to you? She doesn't matter, what matters is how Arjun feels." Priya's head snapped around to Swati, "You heard?" Swati nodded her head, "Everything she said."

Priya stood up and walked to the window, "It isn't just her opinion Swati. It isn't just about how Arjun feels. If I were to go ahead and form a relationship with Arjun, I am not just forming a relationship with him. I would be forging an alliance with his family also. Priya glanced out the window at the beautiful gardens. "What they think matters and what society thinks affects them not just me."

Swati joined her at the window, "Why would the society judge you without knowing what exactly happened to you, for that matter why would his family judge you for it either?" Swati argued.

"It wouldn't matter until few years pass and I am unable to conceive a child, that is when they will wonder and come to their own conclusions. That is when all the questions will start. And with questions the resentment will also start." Priya couldn't take the risk of putting Arjun and his family through all that heartache. They have been through enough already when Roshni died.

"Priya when are you going to stop punishing yourself for what happened. It was not your fault. You sacrificed everything to save Arjun and Roshni and no one has the right to judge or punish you for it." Swati knew that no matter what she said Priya is not going to change her mind now. Only one person can make her listen and she hoped that he succeeds where she and everyone who has tried to talk to her before had failed miserably.

Arjun was about to knock on Priya's door when he heard murmur of words coming from inside her room. He was about to walk away when Swati's words stopped him in his tracks. He wondered what happened for Swati to sound so frustrated. He knocked on the door softly then entered Priya's room.

He crossed his arm and gave Swati and Priya an enquiring look. His eyes flickered over Priya and the warning look she threw towards Swati, who in turned replied with an irritated look. It didn't take a genius to know that something had spooked Priya in the time he left her last night to this morning.

Swati walked out of the room wordlessly and Arjun felt grateful for that. He turned and closed the door before walking towards Priya, who had turned away from him. He pretended not to see the changes in her or her standoffish attitude. He stepped in front of her and waited for her to acknowledge him.

Priya felt Arjun's gaze on her but she didn't have the courage or the strength to meet his eyes. She had tried her best to build the walls around her heart back up again in the little time she had but she had failed miserably. She didn't have the nerve to tell him she couldn't give him what he wanted after what transpired between them the night before, yet she didn't have the courage to tell him the truth about herself either.

When Arjun couldn't wait for Priya to look up at him, he cupped her face gently and raised her chin. He bent his head and placed his lips upon hers to give her a lingering soft kiss he then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her to him, "Good Morning Priya."

Priya tried to remain immune to Arjun's kiss and hug but as soon as he touched her she only felt relief. Her arms rose automatically to hug him back. He had broken all the barriers the night before and no matter how hard she worked to put up those barriers again she couldn't raise them.

His warmth, his strength was too enticing to resist. "Priya as much as I want to go on standing here, like this, with you, I can't. We have to leave to go see Dr. Meera." Priya immediately dropped her arms to her side and stepped away from Arjun.

"You don't have to go with me. I will take Chotu and Shree with me. You should stay here and spend time with you family." Priya turned to walk away but Arjun caught her hand in his to stop her.

Arjun couldn't resist wrapping his arm around her slender waist and placing his face against hers from the back. "I know I don't have to go with you but I want to, do you mind?" Priya's shoulders slumped in defeat. She turned towards him then looked up at him to make him understand, but the words got clogged in her throat as soon as she looked in to his eyes.

Arjun couldn't fight the temptation to taste her pouty lips again. He bent his head without breaking their eye contact and captured her lips with his. He made a deep groaning sound in his throat when she responded to the kiss. This time he didn't fight the need to taste the inside of her mouth and deepened the kiss.

Priya felt a tremor go through her when she felt Arjun probe her mouth then deepen the kiss. Her hands clenched on his biceps as his arms tightened around her to bring her closer to him. She forgot all about keeping her distance and the meeting with Dr. Meera in those few moments and poured her heart into the kiss.

Arjun pulled back gradually by gentling the kiss then trailing his mouth away from her lips to her cheek and pull back completely. It was a long moment before both Priya and Arjun released each other entirely. Neither wanted to ruin the moment with conversation so they both turned towards the door without saying anything.

Drive towards Dr. Meera's office was also a silent one. While Arjun was joyful with the latest developments, Priya was feeling unsure about everything. Try as she might she couldn't put Arjun's masi's words out of her mind.

Priya snapped out of her thoughts when the car screeched to a stop in front of the hospital doors. "Priya, you go in, I am going to park the car and join you in few minutes." Priya followed Arjun's instructions silently and stepped down from the car without saying anything to him.

Her mind was still in turmoil in regards to her and Arjun. Has she been in the right frame of mind she wouldn't have missed the man walking towards her with an evil smirk on his face, by the time she noticed him he was already standing in front of her.

Harish Shukla appeared the same as he had two years ago, only difference now is that he dressed as a politician rather than police officer and he now had two guards with him instead of two sub-inspectors. "What are you doing here Shukla?"

Shukla's eyes flared in anger and his smirk faded immediately, "That's minister Shukla to you officer Priya." He paused then smirked again, "As for what I am doing here, it is none of your business, but I will tell you anyway. I came here to see Dr. Meera."

Priya's face paled a little and her mouth pinched in irritation. Shukla gave a victorious smile when he saw Priya's reaction. "It won't be long before I find out the whole truth about what happened when you were doing your so called undercover assignment. If not from your doctors then I have other resources." Shukla derived great pleasure seeing the flicker of fear on Priya's face.

He took a step closer to further intimidate her after seeing the flash of fear in her eyes. "Did you think I would give up on making you pay for what you did to my sister? Don't think that just because Rawte family has accepted your lies that the rest of the society will too." Shukla raised his hand, "There is only one way for you to save yourself now.." His hand was caught in a tight grip before it could make a contact with Priya's face.

"If you know what's good for you then you will never attempt to touch Priya again," Arjun threatened as he pushed Shukla away from Priya. Shukla's guards stepped forward but one glare from Arjun stopped them in their tracks.

Shukl's arrogance deflated like a balloon as Arjun stepped in front of Priya, but he was not one to give up so easily. He recovered just as quickly and smirked at Arjun, "Shield her all you want Rawte but remember you won't always be around to protect her. She has messed with the wrong people this time I know they won't spare her."

Arjun took a menacing step towards Shukla but stopped when he felt Priya's hand catch his arm, "I am warning you again Shukla, stay away from Priya." Arjun said then took Priya's hand and walked past Shukla and his guards.

Once in the elevator Priya slumped against the wall. She didn't know why she had let Shukla intimidate her. She glanced at Arjun from under her lashes and wasn't surprised to see a nerve jumping in his tightly clenched jaw. His hands were fisted tight as if he was controlling the urge to punch something.

Priya slowly placed her hand on top of his tightly fisted hand. Arjun tried his best to relax when he felt Priya's hand atop of his but it wasn't so easy to release his anger. He didn't know whom he was angry towards most, Shukla for cornering her or at himself for leaving her vulnerable to a vulture like Shukla.

Scroll down for more!😛
Edited by ll-Shilpa-ll - 10 years ago
SIP1997 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

It had only taken him couple of minutes to park the car. As soon as he entered the building he had seen Shukla talking to Priya but Arjun had held back to let Priya handle Shulka like she had in the past. When Arjun saw that Priya wasn't going to stop Shukla's intimidation tactics he had stepped forward to intervene.

"What did he say to you, before I came, to make you freeze like that?" Arjun turned towards Priya and waited for her to answer him. "Nothing important, he was being his usual arrogant self." Priya answered without looking at Arjun.

"You have dealt with his arrogance in your own way before but today you didn't say a word, why?" Arjun didn't know why Priya had let Shukla off so easily. "Arjun, he is no longer that police officer at the training academy. He is a politician now, we can't trust him." Arjun was right. She could have dealt with Shukla but fact that he had come to see Dr. Meera had set Priya back for a moment. The thought of Shukla coming to know everything had scared her for few seconds making her freeze. She breathed a sigh of relief when they arrived at their floor, preventing Arjun from asking more questions.

When they arrived at Dr. Meera's office the nurse immediately escorted Priya and Arjun to her office. Arjun was shocked to learn that Dr. Meera is actually a Psychiatrist and not a medical doctor.

Dr. Meera was in her late fifties with graying hair and a pleasant smile. She stood up and came around her desk to hug Priya as soon as she saw her. "Priya it is so nice to see you, how have you been?" Priya hugged Dr. Meera back in relief. She was glad no harm had fallen upon the lady who had helped her through the most traumatic time of her life. "I am fine Dr. Meera, is everything alright with you?"

Dr. Meera offered Arjun and Priya a seat then went around her desk to take her seat. "I am fine Priya," she then turned to Arjun. "You must be ACP Arjun Rawte?"

Arjun offered her his hand in introduction, "Yes, it is nice to meet you doctor. I thought you were Priya's medical doctor not her Psychiatrist." Arjun ignored Priya's sharp glance towards him. "We were told you had something you wanted to share with us." Arjun came straight to the point.

Dr. Meera glanced at Priya then gave Arjun her full attention, "Yes, few weeks ago someone broke into our records office and destroyed several patient records. Nothing had been taken out of the office but it had appeared as if they had been looking for a specific file. I didn't think much of it until I started receiving threats, asking me to hand over all of Priya's treatment records.

Arjun leaned forward, "so they didn't find Priya's records, in the files here, in your office?" Dr. Meera hesitated and glanced at Priya. She knew her patient was adamant about her privacy but Dr. Meera felt that she shouldn't hide anything from Arjun. "I shredded all of Priya's records, never kept anything after she was released from under my care." Priya closed her eyes in relief.

"Why was Harish Shukla here to see you Dr. Meera?" Priya asked softly. Dr. Meera blew out a breath. "Same thing he has been coming here for every chance he gets for past two years. He wanted to know why you were under my care after you were medically released by your doctor."

Arjun glanced at Priya, "why are these people after your records?" Priya had been afraid Arjun would get curious about things as soon as he learned of Shukla's visit to Dr. Meera's office. She should have been more firm about coming to see Dr. Meera on her own or with Chotu and Shree. She shrugged her shoulders, "He hasn't given up on the investigation regarding my undercover assignment."

Arjun frowned, he understood why Shukla wanted Priya's records but he didn't understand what could be so detrimental in those records that could harm Priya? Why had Dr. Meera destroyed all records of Priya's treatments?

Priya stood up, "Thank you Dr. Meera. I will speak to the commissioner here for your and your family's security but please don't hesitate to call us." Priya decided it was best to speak to Dr. Meera later so that nothing gets revealed to Arjun unintentionally.

Priya walked towards the door but stopped when Arjun didn't follow her. Arjun's mind was reeling with questions and he was sure that the answers were also buried somewhere in his conscious, he just needed to bring them to surface. He stood up to follow Priya then turned to Dr. Meera, "It is not standard practice to destroy someone's treatment records. In fact it is illegal, so why were Priya's records destroyed?" Arjun heard Priya inhale sharply but didn't turn towards her. He also didn't miss the fear in her eyes or the worried look that Dr. Meera gave Priya.

"Yes it is not a standard practice but I made the records disappear at the request of DIG and commissioner of Delhi police after Shukla demanded investigation into Priya's undercover assignment."

Arjun nodded, "Thank you doctor, as Priya said we will make sure you and your family are safe." He followed Priya out the door. The drive back to Rawte mansion was silent as the drive to the hospital.

As soon as they arrived home Arjun pulled Sameer aside to brief him, while Priya made her way to her room. Arjun told Sameer everything that happened at Dr. Meera's office but he left out his own doubts and questions from the conversation.

Priya was also relieving what had happened at Dr. Meera's office when she heard someone knock softly on the door then enter her room. To her surprise Arjun's mom stood at the door with a tray of food in her hands. Priya immediately walked towards her and took the tray from her. "Aunty aap, please come in, you didn't have to bring the food, I was just getting ready to come down in few minutes."

Mrs. Rawte waited until Priya placed the tray on the table then took her hand and pulled her to seat next to her. "I know, but I wanted to talk to you about something and I thought it would be more comfortable here.

Priya sat next to Arjun's mom silently because she didn't know what Arjun's mom wanted to discuss with her. "Beta, I wanted to apologize to you for what you heard this morning and also for how you were treated by me and Arjun's father two years ago." Priya opened her mouth but fell silent when Arjun's mom placed her hand on top of hers to stop her.

"Please let me say what I have to say," Arjun's mom paused to gather her thoughts. "We are sorry for what you were put through two years ago and hope that what happened then doesn't affect your relationship with Arjun."

"Aunty please don't apologize for anything, I never blamed you for what happened. Circumstances were such that it would have been hard for anyone to believe anything. As for Arjun, he and I will always be friends." Mrs. Rawte felt a burden lift off of her heart at Priya's words. Although she had known Priya's didn't hold grudge it still made her feel better after apologizing to Priya.

"I have one more request Priya." Mrs. Rawte said as she placed a pair of antique kangan's in Priya's hand. Priya looked at Arjun's mom in confusion, "It would make us very happy if you married Arjun."

Priya's gasped in shock, she had never expected Arjun's mom to come to her with a marriage proposal. At first she didn't know how to respond to the proposal but she hardened her heart, "Aunty please don't get me wrong, it would be an honor to marry someone like Arjun but he deserves someone better than me."

Mrs. Rawte had been aware that it wouldn't be easy to convince Priya that there was no one better than her for Arjun but she still offered the proposal to let Priya know that they would be happy if hers and Arjun's relationship ever progressed to the point of marriage. She wanted Priya to keep open mind about her and Arjun. "I know you feel that he deserves better but in my opinion no one is more perfect than you for my son."

Priya shook her head and tried to hand the kangans back but Mrs. Rawte placed her hand on top of the kangans to stop Priya, "Please keep them with you." She stood up to walk out the door but stopped. "Priya I understand what is stopping you but don't let what happened in the past make you feel as though you don't deserve to be happy."

Priya and Mrs. Rawte were both unaware that their entire conversation was heard by the man standing just outside the door.


NOTE: Okay here it is friends. Just a little disclaimer, I have taken few liberties regarding Priya's medical records, I am not sure how it works in India, but here in USA every officer who experience traumatic event they are evaluated and treated by a Psychiatrist to prevent post traumatic stress disorders or to help those officers who does suffer from this disorder. It is also precautions taken to prevent burn out.

As most of you may have figured out by now that Priya's experience was much bigger than just a physical attack, she was also sexually assaulted while undercover so more precautions were taken for her, hence the reason for destruction of all her medical records and therapy sessions with Dr. Meera.

Hope you enjoyed the update, much more coming up in the next one.

Edited by ll-Shilpa-ll - 10 years ago
AeDilHaiMushkil thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Hey Behna.. *puppy eyes* Sorry! My darn net connection ditched me..
Okay so here I am.. 😉

First of all, I was a bit heartbroken when Priya actually considered stepping back after what transpired between them.. But then again, who are we kidding.. She's the self-sacrificing Tigress and after what she's done for Arjun in the past, locking up her heart is nothing compared to any of it..
And that makes me adore her even more.. 😳

The darn Maasi.. One more name added to my hit-list now.. 😡 (Ab inhe tapka nahi sakte.. khair chodo.. leave her to it!)
If only Priya could.. But nopes.. her reaction to all of it was just obvious.. And so was Swati's concern for her.. I'm glad she hasn't given up trying but at the moment, nothing anyone says will mean anything to her..
As Doc rightly said, only Arjun will be able to help her heal perhaps when she begins to reciprocate his feelings..

And how! 😲  Maar daala na..   Aise nanhi jaan ko koi shock deta hai, kya?! Berehem.. Zaalim duniya.. 😛

Eesh! Okay, before u throw that shoe at me.. Needless to tell you, I louuved their little passionate moment there.. ☺️   Super se upar!
And B1, this is when you probably even haven't scratched the surface of the passion contained within both of them.. 😉
Lage raho..
Jokes apart, it is these little moments of togetherness that will bind them in a beautiful relationship..

Okay.. Please excuse the ranting.. But oh well.. Why not! I'm going to party.. Finally Shukky Baby is here to get himself whipped.. 🥳
Grrr... He's worse than what I'd imagined.. Opportunist, trouble-maker and really evil!

Then again, why fear when the hero himself is here.. 😉  Fultu Dabbang-ishtyle.. 😎
If that was just a sneak into what is to come, I'm going to stock up on chips and coke right away! I could soo imagine his bones cracking.. (Nah! I'm not being evil here..) 😛

To be honest, Priya's reaction to Shukla's advances scared me as well.. No matter how hard she tries, that is one spot which will always leave her exposed and vulnerable; but only until Tiger himself puts all of it to rest..
And by the looks of it, the day doesn't seem to far.. 😉😛

Dr. Meera.. A triumph of characterisation, Behna.. You deserve a pat on your back for this one..
She's really an amazing lady and an even more sharp and brilliant doctor..

Like Hotwa, I too was shocked to know that she's not a medical doctor but a psychiatrist.. That only goes on to tell the intensity of trauma, Priya must;ve been through back then.. 

Damn! My heart was pounding while I read those bits, worried about him putting 2 n 2 together..
Then again, now is the time.. They both need relief!

And of course, the last bit of convo between the Saas-Bahuria..
I've said this before but I really love the woman.. Let's face it, not many would've willingly wanted their only son to be related to a girl who had been assaulted..

But not Tiger's mother.. 😃 Kangan, huh?! Lo ji.. Official acceptance toh ho gaya.. Now waiting for the personal one.. 😉
Which I'm sure is going to be nothing short of a roller coaster.

It was Arjun, who heard the convo right? I wonder how he's going to react to it? Will he confront Priya about it or is he going to sit back and wait for her to approach him with the issue?!

Looking forward to lots of action, romance, pain and of course, smiling through teary-eyes..

Do update soon, Behna.. Waiting as always.. 😃

I need not tell you this.. But yeah, super se uparwala update, as always.. 🤗

P.S.: I'm really enjoying the new phase.. Going to savour every bit of it, forever.. All of it seems so darn real that I can't detach myself from it.. 
(One of my favoritest tragic love-stories..) 😳

Edited by _Mohabbatgirl_ - 10 years ago
vidya.anand thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Intense amazing chapter...
the kiss was so full of passion and love...
yeh maasi kahaan se aayi...stupid si...ek slap maarna chahthi thi...Arjun ko problem nahi hai aur usske family ko bhi problem nahi...issko kya hai...chup nahi beit sakthi...some are like that...poking into anything and everything...
bechaari Priya...kitni khush thi...sab kuch uss maasi ne spoil kardiya...she is feeling low and inferior again..

good that Arjun went to meet Dr Meera with her...ab Arjun ko bohat kuch patha hai...he knows something very bad happened to her...

and he would find the truth...I am sure he was the man hearing Priya and his mother's talk...

cont soon!
Edited by vidya.anand - 10 years ago
Devangana thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Lovely, waiting for the next part
_Tabassum_ thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Awwwsssmmm part
beautifully written...
cont sooon
Mimi2609 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
😭 Pata nahin why, but i feel as from now on, you are going to make us cry with each update😭😭😭
the happy times are gone, now it's time to deal with Priya's past😭
i could understand her feelings, she could neither say yes nor say no, saying yes means telling Arjun everything and saying no means running away from any happiness she could ever get...
she neither has the courage nor wish to hurt Arjun more with her truth, nor she has the confidence that she's perfect for Arjun despite everything😭
and hearing people like that aunty's talks can crush any girl's confidence😡
but i loved the way Swati is with her, even Maya😳
and finally a cute romantic moment between these two😳, but is it enough to clear her insecurities?😭
and now that Shukla, ouski to main🤬
but hopefully that Dr Meera destroyed everything, but still i guess more questions have been raised in Arjun's mind now, and he'll do everything to know the truth and of course protect her😳
Even Priya knows that Arjun really loves her a lot, because in all her insecurities she never even thought Arjun would leave her, maybe his pure love would be able to heal part of her wounds, cause the rest she'd have to overcome by herself, of course with the help of Arjun😳
The final part was a treat, so Mrs Rawte agrees that Priya is best for Arjun and even gave her the bracelets😳...
One thorn less😈
One by one all walls which Priya built around her heart are crumbling😃
Please continue soon😳
Edited by Tina2603 - 10 years ago
satanslove thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
Awesomeee B1
One step forward and one step back ...
The meeting with Dr Meera ...trigger for more questions !!
Arjun masi - typical mentatlity !! kabhi change nahi honge !!!...
Arjun Mom nee toh shocker de diya !!!!!
Another awesome updatre B1 ...Loved it
NainaSM thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
nice update 👏... hope Arjun will bring priya back to her life ..😳. continue soon 👍🏼
abhi_arshilover thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
nice update. thanks for pm.