OS: Awkward Entails (16+ maybe?) New Year Sp :)

Bored_Koala thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Engager 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

I celebrated my New Year in train!! Yes, In a train.. which got delayed by 6 hours due to fog making my journey 24hours long... and this OS is the outcome of those 6 hours... I have no idea how this came to my mind.. and since my last update of my SS: Love in DU had an upsetting update for the new year.. this is my gift to you.. Hope you like it :)

Awkward Entails

Arnav stood before the glass door, wondering if it was the right thing to do. There were neon advertisements all around, inviting him but only doubts filled his mind. He knew what he wanted, the style and the cut. He was a fashion house owner after all but train of thoughts didn't leave him at peace.

 Would it be like he's forcing it on Khushi? What if she doesn't like the idea? Questions rushed through his mind, leaving him on the fence. A part of him wanted to be selfish, he'd been fantasising about it for so long but then again, he didn't want to make Khushi uncomfortable. As it is, it took him a lot of effort to bring out the little prowess she showed lately at nights. He sighed. He had to act fast if he didn't want the people on the other side of the glass door probably to think he was a pervert; he got embarrassed at the thought. He was standing outside a lingerie store, for God's sake.

He took a deep breath in and firmed his mind. If Khushi denies, he'd step back, he decided. Well, atleast he tried and if she agrees.. the thought of it made Arnav smirk wickedly. It was certainly worth the try. He walked in, head front.

He held the handle of the door and pushed it open, trying to ride high on his faltering confidence and as he did, his eyes popped out. Was that Akash? Was that Akash browsing through.. through lacy bras? He stood frozen for a few seconds. Bizarre images started playing in his mind. Akash and Payal? Two people who did not utter any more than the word 'Ji' in normal circumstances were able enough to pull off stuff like these when Khushi and himself, the fiery kinds, hadn't progressed as such in all these months?  Images flashed. "What the!" he screamed at his own self. He seemed to be depraved to himself for a second but he immediately held himself and turned around to leave. He pulled the door in to open it and rushed out with few quick steps. As the door closed behind him by itself, Arnav breathed, thanking his stars that Akash didn't see him. If he had, they wouldn't have been able to meet each other's eyes for a few months in future.

"There must be other stores in the mall" he muttered, walking away from the scene. As he strode away, the evil smirk crept its way back to his lips all of a sudden as a thought popped in his mind. All his doubts vanished. If Akash and Payal did it, why couldn't they? His steps found their lost glaze.

He confidently walked into the next store of his kind which he noticed and nodded curtly as the pretty ladies greeted him in. He couldn't let it show that it was his first time. He walked inside, playing the picture of what he had in his mind before his eyes. That's an easy task, he thought but little did he expect what was to happen when he looked around.

Different bright colours, shapes, sizes and designs boggled him. Yes, he was a fashion house owner but no, not of a lingerie store. He had seen such stuff but not at such a large scale. The brightness of situation had startled him a bit. He was used to more of the subtle shades, sophisticated as he was.

He turned to the aisle which held what he had in his mind but different options unsettled him. "Sir, may I help you?" asked an assistant, coming to his side. He nodded slightly as he scratched his eyebrow on the other side. A little help could do, he thought. "Any specific colour?" asked the smiling assistant, gesturing towards the wide range available in her store. They were trained in ways to make their customer comfortable when they were ill-at-ease and Arnav was certainly not the first husband who had walked into their store. They knew just the right way to handle such situations.

 "Colour?" he thought to himself. He decided to take a little of Khushi's choice in this aspect. Khushi loved bright colours so maybe he should get something of that sort, he decided. "Something bright" he voiced his thoughts. At his command, the lady moved aptly. Arnav followed at her heels.

As she reached a spot, she picked out a hanger from the range and showed it to Arnav. "Would this do?" she asked pleasantly. Arnav's eyes popped out for the second time in the day. The lady was holding up a bright fluorescent green bra attached to a net-ty dress which would reach upto a girl's mid-thigh. "No!" Arnav almost screamed, trying to calm his head which wanted to shake negative vehemently.

"Then this?" asked the lady as she pulled out a hanger from the other side. Arnav was at a loss of words. "Yellow?" he asked himself. "Who on Earth gets turned on by neon green and yellow?" he scoffed. There must be people of the sort else why would the company produce them at such a mass scale? His mind reasoned.

He wanted to shoo the lady off but held himself back. He wasn't the rude kind anymore, Khushi had changed him. He smiled slightly as he noticed the change inside him. "Umm.. I'll just look through these" he said modestly, pointing over his shoulders. The lady agreed.

Arnav turned back and started looking through the rows. Polka dots, stripes, neons but nothing that he had in mind. Disappointed, he was about to turn away when something red and shiny caught his eyes. He looked at it enquiringly and the lady noticed the change. She quickly moved forward and took the hanger holding it out and there it shone in the bright light: a set of Bold-Red lingerie, made of red net which had a pattern of Red Roses on it.. This was not what he had in mind but it certainly was a good find, any day. Arnav didn't move his eyes for a few seconds.

"This would be it then, Sir?" asked the assistant, trying to bite in her smile. Flustered at being caught, Arnav looked away and muttered "Yes" under his breath. He watched as the lady walked away to the counter. He followed without a word. It was before long his card was swiped, costing him more than what a normal dress normal would. Nodding as the person over the counter greeted him well for the day while passing him his paper bag, he walked away; out of the store, out of glass door.

Once out, he breathed out. He touched his face and realized how warm it was. He wasn't the boss there inside, he was just a customer and that made him fluster a little. He resumed his walking away, resolving to launch a lingerie line of his own to save him from such awkward situations in future.

"In future" he smirked.


This is just a ONE shot.. 

I don't even know how this came to my mind.. So won't up posting a second part


Lousy? Stupid? Liked it?

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IGNORE TYPOS, wrote it in a train





WiniWonka's Chocolate Factory






It takes a lot of effort to write...

Edited by winiwonka - 11 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
simply brilliant.loved it
PSharada thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 11 years ago
Are you thinking of extending this one shot. It was too good. Loved reading it. 
guggu thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Reserved 😃


I could very well imagine Arnav walking into a lingerie store and being embarrassed about it! And on top of it he sees Akash there! 🤣 If they can do such wild things then what the hell are we fiesty beings waiting for?? BANG ON!!

I knew from the very beginning that he would buy something red for her.

Wini, please write a second part to this, I so want to see how Khushi reacts to her lingerie shopping husband! 😆

Edited by guggu - 11 years ago
_disha_ thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
It was too cute and dont u feel it deserves part 2 ,I would love to see how khushi reacts to it !! 😳 😉
XBosyX thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
awesome os
love it
its was cute
i hope it will be part 2
wanna see khushi reaction
ar-n-only-ar thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
aww arnav is a sweethrt...
lovely update :-)
henamani thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
y a one shot
what is khushi's reaction
pls write more
Venicestar88 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
loved it... but seriously... you cannot leave it at that! its got to have a few parts you know☺️

oh, thanks for the PM :D
Edited by lakharnshi88 - 11 years ago
ritukgarg thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Very cute:) hope there is part 2!