Destiny's Game- FINISHED FF 10/31 - Page 15


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Arshi-licious01 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Haha Harshu, someone's mad.. Will try, love you!
AmidstTheWords thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

im so so proud of u my sis

i read te first part and now i have read the second,third and fourth part in a go

then re read again

im speechless ria 

im in tears

both are in pain both have endured so much in their lives

arnavs anger always takes over his love and he commits mistake

and khushi she has an habit of blaming herself for everything

two people so diverse but yet one from heart

and that is what makes their love unique

ria u have taken an differnt route and i love it

their daughter who isnt aware of her father

im eager 2 see how u will unfold the story

and arnavs reaction when he will know he has a daughter

ps- pls dont make arnav suffer 2 much 

Arshi-licious01 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Excited readers,
I'm happy to tell you that I have finalized what I will write for Chapter 5. 😃
It will be very long with LOTS of Arshi  ðŸ˜³
Edited by Arshi-licious01 - 11 years ago
kriti_atharv thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
oh wow hun...i just read all the parts today and my my they are awsuuum...oh man the same problem of arnav blaming khushi for everything and this tome round khushi is also blaming herself...i love their daughter...she is sooo like arnav...gosh she even says what the and loved it very much n thnx 4da pm dear,...
nehusashhh thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
again arnav hurtin her fr movin on!! so sad!!
Arshi-licious01 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Chapter 5

Things were a hustle a bustle in Allen Fashion Industries, all in preparation for the Australia's biggest and notorious fashion show. Khushi and Arnav were both very busy and managed hectic schedules, but still they made it a priority to stay out of each other's way. Their eye locks were still worth minutes, but at least their attention was diverted for a short period of time. Arnav had forgotten of his commitment to make Khushi's life hell.

            However, that wasn't for long. It was October 31, the day of Allen's most famous fashion show- Bellevue de Milan. It was pouring and the rain could be heard, thumping its weight on the roofs of the buildings. Lightening struck, and thunder made its impression upon the onlookers of the storm, standing handicapped to the devastating scene. This was the perfect opportunity for Arnav- to compensate for the four years and now month that Khushi had made him suffer.

            Arnav motioned to Khushi to come over to him. Khushi, who was making last minute additions to the model's bridal dress nervously made her way amidst the pandemonium to Arnav. "The chief ambassadors must be on their way here. Who is going to welcome them?" Khushi's mouth formed an 'o' shape while she let the orders she just said sink in. She had gone through this before.  This laad governor was bent on making her life hell, except there was no comedy gist to it this time.

            Khushi silently nodded her head and went to get her umbrella. It would not last or survive the treacherous rain, but it would lessen the pain of her experience in the smashing rain. Just the thought ran a shiver in her spine. And Arnav was shocked. If it was before, Khushi would argue and bicker with the laad governor. This time, he was her laad governor, but she had not used her right. How he missed her loud points against his orders!

But what did he really want? One part of him wanted to make Khushi's life hell. She ruined his life, so why can't he do the same? Another side of him yearned to be one with her again. To share her pain and happiness. To love her with all his heart, body, and soul. To embrace her, and tell her that he was there for her. To let her know that he always wished her the best. This internal conflict of Arnav Singh raizada was his biggest drawback, and yet his biggest strength.


            Khushi made her way outside, struggling to hold herself, forget the umbrella. She finally let it go. She released her tightened grip of the umbrella, and spread out her arms. She let the cold rain drip on her face. She let the water drops hug her body. It was refreshing. Arnav was in the lobby when he saw this. How he was envious of the raindrops that got to embrace and stick to her body, feeling every inch and curve of it.. She was looking ravishing.. They say a girl's true face is shown when she get wet in the rain. What was on her face? She was the same child-like Khushi deep down under the layers of silt of the hard life she endured that molded her current persona.

            Khushi then went out into the street. She admired the beautiful decorations that she and her team had worked on for months. The designs and arrangements were extravagant and the carousal only awaited its chief ambassadors, whom Khushi is standing in the rain to welcome. She would stand inside when the rain became uncontrollable, but Arnav had closed the doors, as the rain would ruin the inner furnishings. He was inhumane. It is often conceived that love makes a person softer and genial towards others. But love, for Arnav Singh Raizada, was a different concept. It had made him harder than stone and the diminution of all his loved ones just added salt to his serious wounds, which were in thirst for love and care to heal and soothe.

            Cars started to arrive and Khushi started to get confused. She was distracted by all the honking noises, directing cars where to park. The valet parking officials had been on a break, advised by Arnav, of course. It started to rain harder. Khushi's eyesight grew awry and blurred. Nothing could be seen clearly. She saw two yellow lights coming toward her. In a split second, she had her whole life in front of her lives, when suddenly, someone grabbed her waist and swerved her out of the way. Her eyes were closed and she could only hear loud breaths. It was him. He held a firm grasp on her waist. He held her arm tight, again leaving his signature mark. He breathed into her, and she looked up at him with innocent eyes.

"Khushi, can't you see? What if something happened to you? What if I lost you?"

"So what? Would it make any difference to you? Oh right, you would lose one person to make their life hell." She cried.

It did make a difference. He loved her.

"I don't personally care, but I would have to answer to someone! I'm sure you have some jerk waiting for you at home. A life, which is better than what I gave you." He let go of his grips, and left her in the rain, in tears which dissolved into the rain.. And Khushi's personification diminished with every new drop of rain..


 The ambassadors arrived and were pleased by the warm welcome of Khushi. Anyone could be smitten with that divine smile. Khushi dried herself, and changed her clothes to a new chic red anarkali suit. She then made her way to the green room to see Arnav talking to the showstopper of the event. She wore the bridal dress, and very much complemented it. She had a slick grin on her face as she dreamily listened to Arnav's husky voice and was lost in his brown chocolaty eyes. She was flirting. Nothing made Khushi madder than someone flirting with Arnav, dreaming to make him theirs.

            Khushi observed for a while. After Arnav left, Khushi heard Naina, the showstopper, say to her friend, "You see the man who just came and talked to me? He's the owner of AR Industries. He so likes me. After all, I can just make anyone lost in my beauty. He's totally mine! I feel bad for all the others drooling for him. Whatever, Naina doesn't care. Who she sets an eye on, she gets.. This time, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada is my target." She fluffed her hair and smirked.

            Khushi stormed towards her and slapped Naina. "How could you talk such dirty things of a respectable man, who maybe has a family.. You're so cheap and low.. Have some respect!" She huffed in anger.

Naina was mad, "Ugh, how dare you? Did you forget that I'm doing you a favor? I QUIT." The loud screams attracted Arnav, and he was pleased to know that Khushi was still possessive of him. He still did matter to her. Naina rushed to the dressing room and quickly changed out of the gaudy wedding dress and left the scene. Khushi looked at Arnav, who heavy-heartedly gave her a furious look. He then calmly said, "I don't care. Now, you are going to be tonight's showstopper." Khushi sighed and went to go change.


            Deep inside, the lover Arnav was excited to see Khushi in a bridal outfit again. He impatiently waited until she came out. He waited in the pretext of rechecking all the arrangements. Then, she came out. The sight before him was glorious. She was looking gorgeous. The wedding dress was made for her. The light colors complemented her soft skin tone and the jewels clung to her body.  The last time she was looking so beautiful was their own wedding..



            Arnav stood amazed as he saw his beautiful wife gingerly walk down the stairs, weighted with the heavy jewelry. The green and pink suited her perfectly and it personified her fresh breath of life and jovialness. It explained their relationship- like a flower. His eyes stood wide as he let it absorb that the woman coming down was just his. No one else's.


After she came down, the two exchanged their garland of assorted flowers like marigolds and carnations. Showing her fun self, she dodged the garland twice, when she finally gave up. Khushi Kumari Gupta, soon to be Raizada, happily gave up to the one she loved. Arnav, without hesitance, bowed down to his wife. This didn't hurt his great image. It just eulogized it. Then, Arnav let out his hand and Khushi gave her hand in it. The two walked to the wedding dais together, hand in hand, as they were immersed in this world of togetherness.

The priest customarily preached his chants while Khushi prayed for their married life to flourish and for them to always have each other's companionship and love to rid all the problems that would come their way. Arnav admired her and prayed that whatever Khushi wanted came true. After all, there were some things that Arnav couldn't make possible without the help of God. Then, he filled her maang with the velvet-like sindoor. It spread and teemed her maang. It was a symbol of his teeming love for her, which she would proudly adorn herself with everyday. Then came the time for the vows- the pheres.

Arnav and Khushi smiled as Anjali tied their gatbandhan so tight that it could never fall apart, like their relationship. Come what may, but their love would never diminish. Then, the two lovebirds stood up and got ready for the nuptial rounds. They walked hand in hand, and promised these vows unto each other,


You will offer me food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children.


I am responsible for the home and all household responsibilities.



Together we will protect our house and children.


I will be by your side as your courage and strength. I will rejoice in your happiness. In return, you will love me solely.


May we grow wealthy and prosperous and strive for the education of our children. May our children live long.


I will love you solely for the rest of my life, as you are my husband. Every other man in my life will be secondary. I vow to remain chaste.



You have brought sacredness into my life, and have completed me. May we be blessed with noble and obedient children.


I will shower you with joy, from head to toe. I will strive to please you in every way I can.


Groom: You are my best friend, and staunchest well-wisher. You have come into my life, enriching it. God bless you.


I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live. Your happiness is my happiness, and your sorrow is my sorrow. I will trust and honor you, and will strive to fulfill all your wishes.



May you be filled with joy and peace.


I will always be by your side.



We are now husband and wife, and are one. You are mine and I am yours for eternity.


As God is witness, I am now your wife. We will love, honor and cherish each other forever.

The wedding was successful, and Arnav and Khushi were now two bodies, one soul till the end of eternity..

~Flashback Over~


Arnav was interrupted by two men beside him, who admired Khushi's beauty. He heard them say, "Look at Khushi, she looks so beautiful! I wish she was mine! Who wouldn't love having a wife who was so gorgeous! Oh! She comes in my dreams everynight.." Arnav clenched his jaws and fists. He turned around and ferociously said, "Have you no shame? You're talking about a woman! Have some respect and decency. Unbelievable and disgusting!"

The two men smirked, and asked, "And who is she to you?"

Arnav grew angrier and shouted, "SHE'S MY WIFE."

A sheer silence spread the room and the once pandemonium stood still. A tear fell out of Khushi's eyes, as she walked away. Before leaving, she covered her heart and said, "Wrong, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. I was your wife. Now, I am no one to you."



Edited by Arshi-licious01 - 11 years ago
Arshi-licious01 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Chapter 5 posted ðŸ˜ƒ

I managed to fit an update in the middle of my week as I needed a break from school work ðŸ˜†

Do comment, like, and enjoy.. This update is a long one as I promised ðŸ˜‰
Edited by Arshi-licious01 - 11 years ago
Angel13 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
mindblwoing update
oh those flashbacks of wedding
and how Arnav told those boys to get off
and Khushi walking away hurt
thanks for pm
cont. soon
frenzyy thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
arnav said khushi is his wife... 
cheval thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
awww so nice i really want him to knw abt his daughter plzzz