ARHI FF: Master Class: Thread 3 - Page 79


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warriorprincess thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago

Chapter 41

'Khushi... I'll see you soon... '

It was now almost 6 weeks since Khushi had seen Arnav. He had a manic schedule which had taken him from Delhi back to Sydney that morning for a week after which he had apparently returned to Delhi for twenty-fours after which he had gone to New York for 2 weeks and then returned to Sydney. After that Khushi had lost track of where he was. Contact with him had been minimal; a few texts, an email here and there to help prepare her for her meeting with Amina and one phone call to wish her luck before her meeting. Khushi knew that he was very busy; Aman-ji had told her how AR-Corp had been successful with their negotiations in Sydney and because of this a roll-over transnational contract had emerged in the United States. She sighed. She was very happy for Arnav and his success; but the bottom line was that she missed him.

Miss him... well there's an understatement if there ever was one, she thought as she arranged her papers into a file. Craved him. Yearned for him. Pinned for him... Cried for him. Yes, those were more adequate descriptors. Her mind flew back to the last time she saw him and after spending countless hours thinking about everything, decoding her fears and anxiety, she felt hugely relieved now that she had made a decision. Khushi sighed, she knew that there were no conditions that the person you love MUST love you back. She didn't know definitively if Arnav loved her... or if he just really liked her, but she knew that there was a common bond between them. Her Amma had once told her that when someone loves you, all you need to look at the actions of that person and ever since Arnav told her that he wanted to be with her, he had always put her best interest first. Khushi had made a decision; fear of losing him should not hold her back from telling him. Her loving him was one thing, and him not believing in marriage was another separate issue.

Her decision was made and she would be acting on it - she was going to place her trust in him and offer her love to him.

Khushi sighed, clearly he had been very serious when he said that he wouldn't push her and that they'd talk when he got back ' but she really hadn't expected this to mean almost no contact. Khushi thought she had been dealing with his departure relatively well; until today.

She had had the meeting with Amina Rizwi and the outcome had not been favourable for Khushi. Amina had told her that whilst Jaleebi Junction was exactly the type of business initiative her organisation supported; all funding for 2012-2013 had been allocated and the earliest her proposal could even be considered would be in mid-2013! Whilst Amina had promised to get in touch with Khushi if anything changed; Khushi had left the meeting feeling very very dejected and upset. Today was the one day where she would have been grateful to have Arnav's support she thought with a big sigh. Nevertheless, she promised herself that she could keep fighting until Jaleebi Junction became a reality.

Khushi logged into her computer and opened her mail client.


On the other side of the world in cold, dreary New York, Arnav was stuck in yet another project briefing meeting.  He had decided to personally lead AR Corp's newest and biggest project. It was an all consuming exercise; he and his team had been working 12-15 hour days to get things finalised before their big launch this evening after which he would hopefully get to go back home. To Khushi. To HIS Khushi. Arnav took a deep breath; the sensation of being in love with her was still one that still amazed him.

The incessant buzzing of his BlackBerry distracted him. He smiled. It was HER. Even before he opened the email she had made him smile and Arnav realised it was the first time he had genuinely smiled since he left her. The separation pangs hit him again at that moment. He groaned. He hated waiting for anything; it f*cking irritated the crap out of him - patience was not one of his virtues, and the immeasurable need to see her again was at the top of his wish list. A louder groan emerged as he read her email and sighed.

To: RR  ([email protected])

From:  Khushi Kumari Gupta (

Sent: 22 October 2012,  4:24pm

Re:  News



I just wanted to let you know that I met with Amina this afternoon. She said that they can't fund any new proposals until mid-2013.



(Not sure if this is an appropriate thing to say to my mentor, so read this as just yourself... I miss you, I wish I could see you... come back soon like you promised... I'm ready to talk).


He wished he was with her. She must be so disappointed.  Arnav could relate to it ' he had experienced countless rejections when he was trying to set-up AR-Corp.  Then it struck him and he re-read the postscript on her email; come back soon like you promised... I'm ready to talk.  Arnav let out a breath, this was progress. Despite being frantically busy, Arnav couldn't stop thinking about Khushi; she haunted his every waking and sleeping moment making these six weeks away from her pure torture. It couldn't continue like this; he needed to put his feelings on the table and then deal with the consequences whatever they may be. But in the interim, there was one thing he needed to do.


He heard one of his associates call his name.

'Mr Raizada, we'll be ready to go live in 10 minutes Sir' he was informed.

Great ' enough time to do what he needed to do he thought as he excused himself and stepped out of the meeting room and into the empty corridor.

Khushi looked at her ringing phone; private number it showed. She frowned and decided not to answer ' must be another marketing call she thought. It rang again. Khushi glared at it 'Go away' she said.

Why the hell wasn't she answering?? He was going to try once more.

Khushi groaned 'Hello ' I have a phone plan. I don't want another one. Leave me alone otherwise I'm going to tell Devi Maiya to make sure you never sell another phone...ever!' she said before anyone could speak. There, she thought, the message was clear.


Khushi gasped.

'Arnav?.. I'm so sorry, I thought it...' her voice trailed off as she realised it really was him.

Arnav chuckled. Only Khushi could get away with threatening someone with the wrath of her Devi Maiya. He sobered when he recalled her email.

'Khushi... I got your email...are... are you ok?' he asked.

Khushi shook her head as she answered 'I'm ok Arnav'.

Arnav knew the truth in a heartbeat.

'I miss you too..' he whispered.

Khushi had to try hard not to cry, which was what she felt like doing most right that minute.

Arnav sighed.  Suddenly, an idea struck him and Arnav smiled to himself- there was one way to cheer her up.

'Khushi, switch on US CNBC Business News. Stay on that channel for 30 minutes, there's something you need to see.' Arnav said to Khushi.

'Mr Raizada we're ready for you'.

Arnav nodded and turned his attention back to Khushi as he said 'I have to go now. I'll call you later ok,' and with that he hung up.

Khushi was slightly confused, but did as directed. She never ever watched business news and wondered why Arnav wanted her to watch; maybe there was a special on business investments.

'And now we welcome Mr Arnav Singh Raizada to this segment' she heard some woman called Suze Ormond announce.

Khushi's heart skipped a beat.

There HE was. On TV. Right in front of her eyes.

He was dressed in a very expensive looking charcoal suit with a light blue shirt and a dark blue tie. She instantly noted that he had had a haircut which drew even more attention to his distinctive features. The stubble had been trimmed, but was still well defined, his caramel eyes looking even lighter in the studio lights. He looked so composed and...powerful.

Khushi was mesmerized as the anchor interviewed Arnav about AR Corp's new venture asking questions about the project, its conception, what its success meant to Arnav, the challenges faced by the project during initialisation.  Her heart swelled with pride as she listened to him answer each question very eloquently and with smooth expertise, not once coming across as an arrogant tycoon. 

The anchor moved to asking Arnav about strategies to deal with the hectic lifestyle that comes with a CEO's portfolio and in response, Arnav told her how reading was his way of getting away from stress. Khushi smiled; she didn't know that he was an avid reader.

'Reading is definitely something we should all endeavour to do more off. Offcourse there must be a lovely Mrs Raizada or a future Mrs Raizada that must spoil you rotten too?' asked Suze with a cheeky smile.

Arnav tried to hide his slight lop sided smile as he brushed his nose with his hand. Ordinarily he would have never entertained any personal questions in relation to his private life; but today he had an ulterior motive.

'No Suze, there isn't a Mrs Raizada presently, but there someone very special and I'm very much looking forward to returning home to her,' he said as he looked directly into the camera.

If it was possible to measure the voltage of a smile on a power meter; then Khushi's smile would have overshot the scale.

Ms Ormond chuckled as his answer and Arnav added 'I'll let you know how well she spoils me the next time we chat Suze' he said with a shy smile.

'And with that we end our segment on emerging entrepreneurs. Thank you very much for joining me  Arnav.'

Khushi groaned as the segment ended and Arnav disappeared from in front of her. He was amazing ' in an instant he had changed her mood from utterly sad to amazingly overjoyed. She was very chuffed that she was his, and even more chuffed that he was hers.

Yet once again, Khushi had to pinch herself to believe it ' Arnav Singh Raizada was a very big deal.


Khushi jumped as she heard Aman-ji's voice. She spun around.

Aman-ji watched as the rapidly reddening Khushi turned to face him.

Aman had been in his office, when one of the team raced in to say that ASR was on TV and was talking about a Mrs Raizada! The fact that ASR was on TV in itself was not news; because of his profile as CEO, Arnav was the public face of AR Corp and media rounds came with the territory. What had astounded Aman was the last question and Arnav's blatant answer. Aman's suspicion has been proved correct; the great Arnav Singh had just proudly announced to the world and its cousin that there was someone very special in his life... that too on international television. Aman had to hold back a chuckle as he thought 'well done my boy' and mentally thumped Arnav on the back in congratulation.  The joy had been short lived as the local channels had picked up the byte and were hounding AR Corp for an official statement.

Now as Aman stood in front of the woman everyone in India would be desperately trying to find, he could see that it was clear that both sides were equally engulfed in the flames of love. And Khushi was definitely the woman in question. She was however blissfully unaware of the media frenzy that would descend on her if the media worked out who she was.

Khushi cleared her throat. 'Umm... ahhh did you need something Aman-ji?' she babbled as she dropped the remote control in slight panic. Aman bent down and picked it up and handed it back to her.

'It's ok Khushi-ji, no one knows. Arnav didn't tell me... I guessed... and I think I'm right aren't I?' Aman asked quietly.

Khushi flopped into her chair as she nodded.

Aman sat down opposite her. He owed it to ASR to ensure Khushi's safety; Aman didn't mince his words as he spoke.

'Khushi, at this stage, no one appears to know that ASR is referring to you. However, we have begun to get calls from local media who are hounding us for a statement. As pre-emptive measure I'm shortly going distribute a press release to the effect that AR Corp requests that ASR's privacy is respected until a time ASR himself wishes to issue any further communication. If you are contacted, all you need to say is this 'you are not authorised to provide any statement in relation to this matter.'

Khushi nodded.

'In the meantime, if you are ready to leave I'll take you home.'

Khushi picked up her bag and quickly shut down her computer. She waited for Aman-ji in the same reception area of their office. Aman-ji emerged and they walked to his car.

They rode in silence and the vibration of Aman's phone broke the silence. Aman looked at the display; it was ASR. He answered via the car's bluetooth system.

'ASR, go're on speaker and I've got Khushi-ji here with me...and I know' he said knowing full well that ASR would know instantly what he was referring to.

Khushi flushed red again.

Arnav's voice flooded the enclosed space via the car's speakers.

'Aman, hi..I just had a call from Nandini. I'm told that the media there have picked up my interview?' he asked.

Khushi was astounded; how could he sound so calm about it?!

'Yes, ASR they have and as Nandini must have mentioned, we have issued a statement to handle the situation for now,' said Aman.

'That's fine Aman.. Aman I need..  Aman I need you to make sure that Khushi is kept safe. Get some security around her house just in case' directed Arnav. 

'It's already done ASR and I'm driving Khushi-ji home as we speak. Don't worry about it ASR; this was going happen whenever this sort of news about you emerged. In a way it's good that you're not here.' responded Aman.

Arnav was grateful to Aman for handling the situation.

'I'll back there shortly and I'll handle it.'

Khushi's heart skipped a beat - he was finally coming back!

'Aman could you put me to Khushi?'

Aman disconnected the blue tooth connection and handed Khushi the handset.

Khushi was very conscious of having a  conversation in front of Aman-ji.

'hello...' she said quietly.

' ok? He asked.

'I'm fine Arnav... but thank you ... for the...the message' she whispered shyly.

'Khushi... I'll be back day after tomorrow night.. I want to see you.'

He held his breath. Would she fight it?

'I'm waiting for you Arnav...'

Arnav smiled to himself. Only a few more hours to wait now.

Hi all

I know the last chapter was a bit... how shall I put it... traumatic? disappointing? not fulfilling? lacking trust between the two main characters?

I understand. But this is part of the ride.

Love isn't always perfect. It isn't a fairytale or a storybook.

It doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, developing the guts to admit love.

Someone has said this about love (cant remember who)...

'Its a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, & impossible to live without.'

Love is hard work, but most of all, Love is realizing that every second was worth it because you  fought; whether it was yourself or others to eventually make it succeed.

All I will say is: hang in there, trust me...have I let you down yet?



Edited by warriorprincess - 11 years ago
pearlo thumbnail
Engager 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago all I can say!!! I know there is a confession hidden which will come in the true ASR style!!! Or will khushi propose first?? Than q4 d pm's!!!
Jhalak29 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG!!! A brilliant update

Loved it to the core, it was perfectin terms if understanding, distance
Angst, pinning, both growing with the relationship
Strngthening it,,,,,
He brilliantly possess n protects,,, 
Thank u for mking my sunday a perfect one...

Last chapter was also brilliant, i know i didnt leave a complete comment
The journey which is well lived consists the up, the downs and the flats too
So i njoied it, arnav is amazingly honest👏
Edited by Jhalak29 - 11 years ago
bluetaj thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
You are on a roll, they are so close to a confession, hope that happens without a full blown media first knowing it.
S003 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Hello Naina,
I hope you don't mind... but I'm an occasional writer on the IP Redux thread... and have some popularity there... I'm going to shamelessly promote your work...dude I'm tired of praising you... I have not words...
Where the last chapter was Angsty... and so very girl like... it is like a girl after taking a big step in  a relationship they analysis where it is going and paralyze themselves the boy has no idea what the hell happened...
to this distance making everything clear... loved it. hon
keep up the good work...
TabbyJ. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
I know the last chapter was a bit... how shall I put it... traumatic? disappointing? not fulfilling? lacking trust between the two main characters?


omg i loved thiss update, it was amazing!!
asr doing things his style and aman i love u man!!!!
waiting for the confession!

-Xpress- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

kvarsha thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
aww thts awesomeee updateee...
aww arhii atlast in love😳
thnx 4 pm😃
henamani thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
thank u naina
not for the update or the pm today
but ur note
yes love is sth u can tlive without and u have to fight evry inch of the way
i'm fighting for it right now and i can relate to this
i wish every one
good love
sun_shine_girl thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Whoa whoa whoa...
This is a gigantic update girl, I am talking about the emotional roller-coaster you are taking us through...
Arnav and Khushi have been away from each other for six weeks...thats a looong time, and both missing each other.
I could feel Khushi's disappointment at missing the help for her project and at being away from Arnav...
And then bang, comes the interview...if this is not a confession I do not know what it is...