Never Gone Never Far #2, pt.15/pg120 30/11 - Page 16


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ChocoBloc_12 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Arrww... i really hope its the real Arnav... that was a beautiful update... loved it... really excited about the Raizada's coming to London :) really excited about the Arnav- Khushi reunion... its going to be an exciting one :)

Thanks for the PM :)
adiya1714 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Congrats on the new thread!
Loved the chapter...can't wait until they both actually meet!
Angel-Girl thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
hahah we were learning about Disorders and stuff in AP Psychology
and this was one of the first things that came to mind :D
Loved the update 
..Damsel.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
omg, is the real Arnav here now?

loved the update...and eagerly waiting for the next part
-_-harsh42 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago

Part 8:

Khushi ran as if her life depended on it. And quite frankly, it did too. As soon as she stepped out of her building, she looked at the spot where Arnav had stood a few minutes ago. But he wasn't there anymore. She didn't want to believe this and she took slow, measured steps towards that same spot, hyperventilating in the process.

Yes. He wasn't there. Tears hadn't ceased flowing from her eyes. She turned around, searching for the face of that man whom she couldn't live without, wiping the unstoppable tears so that they didn't blur her vision. Amidst all those strange faces around her, she craved to see that one face, but to no avail.

For the first time after leaving him, she started getting scared. Shivering feverishly, she hugged herself and stood among so many people, feeling all alone for the first time in her life. She hadn't felt so even when she had known her parents weren't coming back. Unable to take this any longer, she ran back into her building, to see if Arnav was there in her apartment. But she knew that wouldn't be so.

Since the last fifteen or twenty days that she had left him and come to London, her Arnav had followed her everywhere. The grief caused by the fact that she couldn't see her Arnav anymore was such that it made her give out a deranged cry and was so engrossed in her ache, that she didn't see Anjali before she ran into her. Anjali steadied herself with the help of the wall, as she held Khushi.

Arnav hadn't slept a wink, and when Anjali saw her brother silently walk out of the apartment, Anjali had thought of stopping him, and had slowly limped towards the main door, and had just stepped out, when she saw Khushi run into her.

Khushi pulled back to apologize, when she realized it was Anjali. "Di!!?" Khushi exclaimed, and hugged her tight and started wailing at her loss. They were standing right outside their apartment, and Payal, on hearing the commotion, came out see what was happening. "Khushi!!" gasped she, as she hugged her sister. Khushi looked in wonder as she got to see her jiji and Di, together. Not knowing whether she should be agonizing over the loss of Arnav, or be happy over seeing her sisters, her fragile mind promptly shut itself up in order to protect her from any other shock or trauma, and she fainted in the arms of her two sisters.

NK had been sleeping, exhausted due to the jet lag when he was jolted awake, by someone screaming Khushi's name. He rushed outside to see Payal and Anjali precariously balance an unconscious Khushi, and he lifted her and took her inside. Anjali called Lavanya, to tell her what had happened.

Lavanya was actually in the living room of her apartment, trying to ward off her sleep and took the coffee mug from Aditya. They had been up since 5 a.m in the morning, going to the airport to pick up the Raizadas, persuading them to stay at her apartment. She hadn't told any of them that Khushi lived right in the apartment opposite to theirs. And they finally came to Aditya's apartment, after deciding to give some time for their guests to get used to the change in timezone.

While preparing coffee for his sleep deprived cousin, his thoughts wandered to Anjali. There was this sadness in her face, which Aditya found very disturbing. He just couldn't see the sad set of her lips. It looked much better when she smiled. 'That is the way she's meant to be...' he decided, as he poured coffee to two mugs and brought it out. Handing one mug to his cousin, he had just sat down to have a sip when Lavanya's phone rang. Lavanya received the call, wondering what Anjali was doing, calling her, when she had thought Anjali would be fast asleep due to the exhaustion. And when Anjali gave an account of Khushi fainting outside their doorstep, Lavanya looked fearfully at Aditya, who immediately knew something was wrong. He left his coffee and rose from his seat, tugging a blanched Lavanya with him.

As they drove, Aditya persuaded Lavanya to tell him what exactly had happened, and when he did tell him, Aditya ran a hand through his hair in frustration, cursing himself for letting this happen to Khushi. "Don't blame yourself, Bhaiyya. . ." Lavanya said meekly, drawing out an exasperated reply from him, "How can I not, Lav?! I'm a PSYCHIATRIST, for crying out loud!! I should have known she is no state to take anymore of such shocks. . ."

"Bhaiyya, please! We don't even know why all this happened!!" Lavanya said, having had enough with Aditya blaming himself for Khushi's illness. And she knew his frustration was not just for Khushi. He still blamed himself for his sister's untimely death, and she very well knew it.


Arnav didn't know why he was being brought to London, all of a sudden. Had his sister come to know about Khushi too? If so, she didn't show any sign of it. But he didn't completely believe her excuse of visiting London like this. "You need a breath of fresh air, Chotey" she had said. Though why London in particular, he hadn't known. What was still more confusing was to see Lavanya at the airport, waiting for them, along with her cousin.

Aditya Kashyap. His look had been so direct, peering into Arnav's eyes, as if to inquest all the secrets out of his mind. 'I am doing this for Di's sake' Arnav had reminded himself, and had gone with her, not concerning himself about anything or anybody else. They were taken to Lavanya's apartment, and for reasons unknown, Arnav had started to feel suffocated. When he was sure that Di, Payal, and NK had all slept, he left. He didn't know where he wanted to go, but he just left.

As he waited at the pedestrian crossing, Arnav felt he heard his name being called out. And the voice, he didn't even have to look at the person to recognize it. Khushi. But that was impossible! He turned behind and when he didn't hear it once again, he sighed and put on his aviators, not wanting anybody else to discover his moist eyes, and walked across the street and towards the park that he could see nearby.

Being in the same city, where he knew Khushi was, his frail mind felt even more frayed. He strolled through the park, not really looking at anything. His gaze rested on a man who was as tall as himself, pull a petite blonde who was squealing in joy, to himself and kiss her tenderly. Arnav's eyes darted away from such a display of love, missing his wife all over again. That was what she had deserved. All the love, gentle care, tender love. And he had given her anything but that.

He sat on a bench, his mind automatically wandering to Khushi. What could she be doing? What would she do if she saw him? Was what he heard on the phone true? Did she never want to see him again? He sat there wondering about all this, losing all sense of time.


Aditya held Khushi's wrist, as he searched for her pulse. When he found it, he breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that everything was normal. Her state of unconsciousness would be due to the shock then. "Is she alright?" Anjali asked, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, and Aditya smiled reassuringly at her. Anjali sighed too, closing her eyes, and rubbing her temples to ease her slowly building head-ache. Lavanya entered the living room with coffee for everybody, and they all sat there, thinking of what should be done next.

"I need to talk. To Arnav Singh Raizada." Aditya said, "But before that, one of my colleague is on her way. To take a complete check-over of Khushi." On seeing fear in Anjali, Payal and Lavanya's eyes, he explained further, "She's alright. . . This is just to make sure that she's fully well. . ."

"And what do you need to talk to my brother about?" Anjali asked, unable to hide the protective edge that entered her voice. Aditya smiled as he realized that the fragile-looking-Anjali was like a mother tiger when it came to her brother. "Khushi. She hasn't taken the separation from her husband too well. She has been. . . . Imagining him around her, not really ready to let him go. . . ." Aditya explained, trying to make it all sound nonchalant. But Anjali had looked straight into his eyes, and he lowered his gaze, feeling guilty at hiding the facts from everybody. And now he was sure Anjali knew there was more to Khushi's illness than he was letting them know.

Payal had felt tears fill up her eyes, and before she could even think of her sister, NK had started sobbing, and she looked around uncomfortably, to ask anybody to take him off her hands. Anjali seemed to be lost with Aditya. She wasn't sure, but she felt as if they were having their own silent conversation. And Lavanya, wiped her tears away, sad that this was happening to two most important people in her life, and looked at Payal. She saw, ASR's cousin, NK cry and then at Payal, who was awkwardly patting his shoulder. She smiled at the scene, and guided NK to the other room. Payal asked a few questions to Aditya, to make sure whether her sister would be fine. And Aditya assured that once she would take Arnav back wholly, she would be fine.

His colleague arrived then, and asked them all to leave and let her do her duty. Dr. Anna, was the closest, Aditya had for a friend. They had dated while in graduate med school. But it wasn't anything major. He looked at Anjali, who was refusing to look him in the eye, from when Anna had arrived. Payal and Lavanya were talking about their family, NK fawning a little over Lavanya, and Lavanya blushing at all the attention she was getting. Aditya came and sat right next to Anjali, seeing her stiffen, and was about to ask what was wrong, when Anna walked in through the door, asking Aditya to come over, and that she needed to talk.

Anjali had seen the flirtatious look that Anna had passed to Aditya as soon as she had come, and she had been thinking that even Aditya was like all other men! Cursing all the male population, she had purposefully avoided his eyes, knowing fully well that he was looking at every action of hers. And him being a psychiatrist, she knew he could probably understand why she was feeling a little irritated at him. And then he had come to sit beside her, and she knew that he would be wanting to know what was wrong. But luckily, Dr. B*tch intervened then and asked to talk to him. ALONE. Anjali looked at the retreating back of Aditya, her gut, knotting with tension, hoping that he would prove her theory of 'All-men-are-B*stards', wrong. And he did. He turned to her, looking at her as to why she hadn't come with him, and that her coming with him was the most natural thing to happen, making her forget her irritation immediately, and feel relieved.

He was about to leave, when he looked back at Anjali staring at him. She lowered her gaze, blushing a little when she was caught staring at him. But he didn't seem to mind even a little, as he looked at her questioningly, asking whether she wanted to join him. And she complied, as she rose from her seat and walked ahead of him. They stopped in the corridor, just outside the apartment and waited for Anna to start talking. "Okay, I don't see anything wrong with her physically. But I think she might be pregnant. I'm going to have to make one more test before I tell you for sure. She keeps mumbling Arnav! Get her this Arnav ASAP! And I injected a sedative to make her sleep without any thoughts of this Arnav of hers. So she'll be asleep for a few more hours." Anna declared, making Aditya and Anjali grin happily at each other, at hearing the news about pregnancy.

As soon as Anna took leave, Aditya frowned, worried about Khushi now. Anjali called him, but he was too engrossed in his thoughts, and she put her hand on his arm, and regarded him with questioning eyes. Aditya held her hand  in between both of his, missing the surprised look in her eyes, as he came out with his thoughts about Khushi's mental state. He had been hiding this from Lavanya too, and for reasons indiscernible to him at present, he poured over his heart about Khushi. She silently listened to him, horrified for Khushi, yet feeling a little comforted at the fact that Aditya seemed to share it with just her, and was giving her the much-needed strength at the moment, and in return, relying on her. As if he was tired of all this, and she was the only one who could comfort him. . . . .


Precap:ArHi meet!! πŸ˜ƒ

                Or do they??!!  πŸ˜‰ 😈

P.S: Read and review, pweaseee?? 😳 πŸ˜ƒ

Edited by -_-harsh42 - 12 years ago
--Siva-- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I'm here!

-- Edited --

The banner and Kushi running for Arnav was so matching!!

I had some confusions on their residing plan but after the update I'm good!

OMG.. Arnav had moist eyes when he saw another couple! It made me almost cry.. How they miss each other.. They have gone thru a lot!

Anjali - Mother Tiger! Best exact word for her nature when it comes to her Chotey!

I loved the instant connection of Anjali and Adi also the instant confusion of Arnav on seeing Adi! I love you Adi, you make people go crazy (In all possible waysπŸ˜‰)

"All-Men-are-B*stards" Very good phraseπŸ˜‰

I loved the whole update! Precap is real exciting at least the first line not the second thoughπŸ˜†
Edited by --Siva-- - 12 years ago
Addie07 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
U always do this to me... 

every time i finish reading this m left craving for more

hey u included the scene from the banner...

 i almost cried when Arnie cried there when he heard Khushi's voice... 

overall awesome update and u know it... now m dying for the next chappie...

this is one of those times when i wish u updated this one as regularly as u updated ur previous FF

Edited by Lyraa99 - 12 years ago
-aparna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
u stopeed at cliffhanger again. I want arhi meeting in next updttt onlyyy
i hink m expecting goody goody things in this updt
but all got is crying on arnie state;(
khushi is pregnat ? In this state?
Awsome amazing :*
Edited by aparna5293 - 12 years ago
-bansi- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Loved it..!!

M seriously loving the things that are brewing between Anjali and Aditya...Anjali was jealous when Anna had been talking to Aditya...while Aditya can't see her sad face...

Oww...Khushi n her state...feel sad for her...!!

Hope Arnav n Khushi meet up...which will help her also...!!

Cont soon..!!
blah_blah3 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago


Khushi ran into Anjali, and poor girl fainted!

Aww Aditya is so sweet. He cares about Khushi as if she was his own sister.

Aditya and Anjali? 😲

She could use someone in her life I guess 😊

Khushi preggers? 😲

What the! How the hell will Arnav react when he finds out?

And them meeting, will she just think hes a figment of her imagination again? πŸ˜•

Fab update Harshu! You left me with so many questions πŸ˜†
Edited by blah_blah03 - 12 years ago