~Ange.Noir~ thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Recent news has compelle me to make this topic and post it in most of the forums here in IF. Please dont ignore this.

This post will serve as a tribute to the multitudes of people who were injured and those whpo dies in the recent bombings in Mumbai. It definitely is a very sad occasion and I feel that we all need to take a moment for those innocent people whose lives were ruined in an instant. 

Please post your prayers for them in this post and post flowers if you want. Post anything that you feel would be your contribution to them.

Here is my prayer:

Dear God,
Please bless those souls who are in peril at this moment and keep those people who have lost their lives. Let them all rest in peace with you in your Kingdom. Save the people who are in pain at this moment due to the blasts and bring them out of their turmoil. Bless the families of those affected and guide them. Shelter them with your loving kindness and mercy.
Please God, let there be no more such disasters and protect us all from evil.

Please take a moment or two to post a prayer for these people. A moment of your life for the hundreds or even thousands of people.
Dont ignore this message as this is a plea. If you ignore, that means you dont love your country.
