OS: This Little Drive...

munnihyderabad thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
The Little Drive,...

Ahem says he will take her to the market, Gopi is shocked "Ji aap" "why not.. can't I take you to the market" Gopi stood there dumbfounded by his words...Ahem reaches the car and turns to look back for Gopi..she is still standing there trying to figure out his changed behavior..."Gopi come soon..." hearing these words she comes out of her trance state and walks hurriedly to the car. Ahem is now already in the drivers' seat with his seat belt buckled... Gopi sits in the passenger seat and looks forward  trying to contemplate what is going on now.

Unlike the last year, when he takes her to the Mandir in his new car, where he asked her to buckle up her seat belt, this time he did not tell her to buckle up... he just leaned over, with his seat belt still on him, to her side of the seat belt and in the process of pulling the seat belt,  his eyes fell on her innocent and beautiful face and he is so lost in her ,,,, staring at her endlessly, he is not realizing what hit him... he is just staring at her...

Gopi is just trying to avoid meeting his eyes ...he is so close to her..she is puzzled by his actions and trying to avoid his eye contact . Ahem sees her face, realizes she avoiding his stares and completes the process of buckling up the seat belt and straightens up in his place..

He takes a U-turn and goes out of MM main gate..."Gopi where should we be going" "Ahemji .. woh we need to get the peas from the grocery store.." "Ok tell me the way to go there" "Ji" "yes gopi...you show me the way.. i will take you .i have no idea which store you are talking about" said Ahem.. giving her the lead to show the direction in their journey in the new car. Meanwhile he calls his mom to tell her that he and gopi are going to the market to get mutter and be back in 30 minutes...

"How do you like the car gopi " gopi with a simple smile says "Ji this is much bigger than the old one and it's newer than the old one" Ahem is just surprised by her innocent words , let out a smile "of course it's a brand new car gopi " gopi now looks outside the window , cursing herself for giving such a lame reply in the first instance..

"Ok tell me how is the color of the car" "it's white " Ahem lets out a small chuckle..."Gopi, i can see it's white..and everyone can see it's white ' my question was not what is the car color... my question was do you like this white car or not"

Gopi is again cursing herself for being more and more stupid with each question... this stupidity in her started the previous morning ...when he asked her to drive him to the office and let out a grin and a small laugh... from then on she is still confused and finding it hard to contemplate or analyze his strange behavior

"Take right from here " "from here" "ji " and she sees a small temple near the intersection and folds her hands and prays..going further down she sees a church, folds her hands and bows down..."what were you doing gopi" "ji woh Mandir.. i was just bowing down" "and Church" "ji that is also a place for god ' similar to  Mandir and there also god resides... so i was praying to the god residing in the Church and moreover all gods are one and the same...my pappa used to..." trailed off  gopi looking ahead. similarly she bowed down at a Mosque from the car...Ahem along with driving is stealing glances at her every now and then...and noticing how she is reacting to the surroundings

Ahem is in complete awe of her thoughts.. he was thinking "we have been taught in the process of education that god is one, but we never follow the saying in reality... but she being uneducated,,, still believed and followed that god is one and prays as well" he is amazed at her great thoughts and pure heart...

"Gopi..." "Ji '" looks at him..now there is no confusion in her face...she is a bit comfortable and slowly opening up to him...Ahem saw this and  planning to take full advantage of the situation... today he wants to know about her.. her thoughts, her feelings, her likes and dislikes everything about her..he is on a mission to be unveil her hidden feelings

"Ahemji...take left near the Ambedkar statue ' haan .. here " said gopi pointing her left hand towards the window.."Ok ..from here i will take left" "Ji..." Ahem takes the left turn with some amount of speed which jerked her to her side..."Are you ok.. i am sorry" "ji,, I am fine.. no need to say sorry " said gopi adjusting herself in her seat .

"Gopi.. i have seen you talking to kanaji? what do you talk to him and will he help you every time you talk to him?"
Gopi gave a small smile, amazed at what he is asking about...she never expected Ahem to talk about this subject ..and  she was a bit amused to see him asking this . She stirred a bit in the seat made herself  further comfortable

"Ahemji... Kanaji is more of a friend to me... I share everything with him..my happiness and my sadness" Ahem is just drawn into her words which were flowing like nectar..."Will he solve your problems all the time? " ..Ahem looked at her expecting an answer...  but gopi let out a simple smile and said "Ahemji... if Kanaji were to solve all my problems whenever i talk to him ? wouldn't it be like i am controlling kanaji and asking him to give whatever i need...Ahemji he is god.. he will give each person whatever they desire at  a particular time." Ahem is getting all different sorts of feelings in his tummy...listening to her talk about so much philosophy and her kanaji, at such an young age

"if he can't solve your problems then why do you pray " gopi looked at Ahem with a straight face and said "Ahemji ' i had no one to share my problems..after  maa and pappa left me '." her throat choked,,,she gulped down and continued "I started telling all my problems to kanaji in the RajpalNagar Mandir...as i was growing up ...i found a friend in him... I do not ask him to remove my problems .. i just share with him and he is the one to decide when and how to solve my problem"

Ahem is feeling very happy to have her by his side, not just in his car but in his life..and at the same time he is soo guilt ridden and disappointed in himself ...is this the heart which i have hated and abused over a year thought Ahem and gulped down the air through his throat which is dried up with her words.."gopi can you give me the water bottle.."

gopi took the water bottle from the cup holder ..opened the cap and about to give him... Ahem about to take the bottle from her wrapped his fingers around hers on the bottle...Gopi was startled to see his fingers around hers and was trying to pull her hand away...Ahem realized this,,, smiled at her, "Thank you"  and let go off her hand on the bottle... she pulled her hand back and said "My pleasure" and smiled at him

"now which side" "ji straight"  Ahem continued driving... seeing this new side to her... he already knew she was hard working, truthful, honest, caring, loving,, compassionate.. but he was new to this side of her...he was even more intrigued to know about her, as he does not know anything about her.he further continued... "gopi..you did not go to school .. then who told you that god is one" "ji my pappa told me when i was 5 years old" said gopi with a slight smile and painful eyes.."Gopi your mom- dad will be so proud of you where ever they are' you have many such beautiful thoughts which i assume might have been inculcated by your parents"  "Ji " said gopi with a tinge of sadness in her voice..

the car comes to a dead  stop, due to a traffic jam... the cops are trying to detour the traffic as there is an accident on the road ahead causing the oil in the oil tanker to spill all over the place... the whole area is now greasy with oil and no cars can be passed from this route...

"Ji what happened" "Gopi .. there is a traffic jam..due to accident and we can not even go back as there is a dead stop traffic behind us as well.. so the police are detouring us... we need to take a different route to go to the store" said Ahem turning the car into the left lane where the detour board is placed and cops are helping by pointing their
arms towards the left lane.

Once they came out of the traffic..Ahem picked up the speed and continued his conversation"Gopi you still did not tell me if you like the color of this car" "Ji it's nice but..." gopi trailled  "but ' what gopi" "Ji woh... as it is white car... lot of dust will be visible on it and we have to keep cleaning it all the time" said gopi hoping at least she made some sensible statement this time around...Ahem let out his chuckle ... he is completely enjoying the little talk with her...as he never gets to talk to her when he is at home...

"And Ahemji ..you like '" "what" "you like white color car, the previous car is also white, this is also white ...so i thought you like white color"  finished gopi.. Ahem looked at her once and was happy to see her talk such a long line,,other than philosophy...,he wanted to keep the conversation going on.. to know more about her... "yeah .. i like white cars.." "but i heard dark green is your favorite color"  gopi looks at him once and turns her head to the front . Now Ahem laughs a little hahaha "Gopi dark green is my favorite color in terms of clothing.. like the one you wore on kinjal's engagement.. you were looking so bea..." gopi stares at him...blushes and looks away.. Ahem realizes what he just said...yeah he still remembers her looking beautiful... in that green outfit... he doesn't want to remember those days now, but that is the first time he was attracted to her physical beauty... that image is not gonna leave his mind.

He did not want to compliment her physical beauty as yet and scare her or embarrass her.. so he took it easy on any flirting and just kept his goal to make her comfortable to  share her past with him.

to change the topic "gopi now you know my favorite color, now tell me which color do you like?" "Ji " "Ji color" Ahem is teasing her now by talking in the same style as gopi ...gopi smiles when she realizes that he is teasing her "ji my favorite color is pink" "pink" "ji... when i was a kid ,... my parents used to get me all pink dresses and pink bands and clips and pink sandals " said gopi with excitement on her face... "so you like pink " asked Ahem turning the car on to NH-47 away from RajKot...

"No ,..i used to like pink when i was a kid " "and what color do you like now" "ji dark green" said gopi confidently..."but that's my favorite color " said Ahem "yeah..i know ...that is why i too like dark..." trailed off gopi ' Ahem realizes that she likes green,..simply because it's  his favorite color... she is just overwriting her favorites with his...He is still finding it hard to contemplate her feelings...how can a person be so selfless that she is making his likes as hers...

" ,,, i think we came out of the city... we are on highway" said gopi... scared and panicked...that they lost the route...
"Gopi .. relax .. i am here (Main Hoon Na ) .." she looks at him and panic is leaving her face,.. "see the board shows
there is a village in 30 kms...we can take a U-turn over there" said Ahem concentrating on the 2-lane NH-47

it's been almost 30 minutes into the drive "i think we should call home and tell Maaji" Ahem is pleasantly surprised with her... here he was trying to talk to her and she was thinking about his Mom being worried for them..Ahem takes out his phone..."Mom.." "Ahem..." "Mom we missed our way due to an accident, we ended up on NH-47... it might take another 1 hour to be back mom" "what ..accident... is everything ok with you guys" " yes mom ..we are fine... we just lost the way.." "saro dikra..but drive safely... as it is a new car .. you might get carried away,,,,take care dikra " "ji mom" and Ahem ended the call and looked at gopi ..she let out her smile...

he  further continued "so your likes and dislikes keep changing" "Ji ..woh" gopi knew he was teasing her for changing her favorite color from pink to green...embarrassed with a light blush looks away..."now tell me what was your favorite food when you were a kid" he asked her teasingly  "ji why all these now... let's go back home" "gopi we are on highway and no chance of taking U-turn till we reach the next village which is around 12 kms more and we have to drive back home as well... i can't drive without talking ,,, i may even fall asleep..." "ji nahin... we can talk .. but please don't sleep while drving" Ahem controlled his grin with her innocent request... she saw him controlling his grin and again felt that he is further teasing her...gopi smiled back at his tease...

"so tell me what was your favorite food as a kid " "ji cotton candy" "what" "cotton candy woh... it's a stick with a pluffy pink.." "yeah i know cotton candy and that was your favorite food item .."asked Ahem little amused and driving less than the speed limit ..to buy more time with her... ...gopi with excitement and twinkle in her eyes said "ji as it was pink color ...i used to love it.. my mouth would be pink and pappa used to get me one cotton candy every sunday.. those days i wanted even my food to be in pink color" Ahem lets out a loud laughter and gopi is amazed and happy to see Ahem smiling so loudly for the first time she's been a witness to. Ahem controls his laughter and realizes that she has spoken the longest line ever in these 1.5 years without stuttering a word...He was happy to see this side of gopi.. felt relieved that there is still a child hidden in her behind her painful and hurting eyes...

"so you used to eat cotton candy every sunday interesting " said Ahem..."ji as long as my parents were there..but after left  me.. i came to stay with mama maami..." gopi couldn't continue...her throat choked when she remembered how her maami treated her mercilessly without giving her any proper food...

Ahem couldn't control his anger at the mention of her maami which caused so much pain in her eyes even today...The excitement and twinkle in her eyes which he saw a minute ago is replaced by pain, hurt and sorrow...
Ahem wanted to divert her from this topic..."so now that you are grown up ...which food do you like the most " ahem asked teasingly... "ji..." "and don't tell malai kofta that's my favorite dish "  gopi gave and embarrassed smile and said "ji i don't have any specific likes and dislikes in food" "but gopi ' there should be one food which you like the most" "ji"  "ji" Ahem also said in the same way as gopi and expecting an answer from her " now i like kheer" "gopi this is cheating ..again u said my favorite dish as yours "said Ahem almost making face like little kid ,,,,"why not... can't two people like the same dish" asked gopi... Now it's his chance to be amazed at her confidence... he is enjoying the way she is talking now... confident and little bit arguing type...

They reach the village and they see a market... Ahem stops near the market and they both get down.. take peas and turn back...on the way to the parking lot they see a guy selling cotton candy in pink... Ahem looks at gopi and smiles ...pointing to the candy guy gopi is embarrassed and looks away...Ahem holds gopi's hands and takes to the vendor,,.." 1 cotton candy dena" asked Ahem taking out money from wallet "bhaiyya give 2 ...you also take one, it will be nice" said gopi with her trademark smile...they both take the cotton candies.. the peas and get back in the car... Ahem turns his car on NH-47 towards RajKot

"It will take another 30 minutes to reach home... now talk something gopi " "ji main" "yes gopiji ...you only"...gopi is now clueless as what to talk ...now the ball is in her court ,,,all the while Ahem has been asking her questions and she was answering them...they both start eating the cotton candy... now she has no idea of how to start a conversation..after a couple of minutes in silence...she suddenly screams "wow soo cute baby" Ahem looks at what gopi is seeing and sees a big billboard of Pampers diapers with a cute and chubby baby in a diaper...

Gopi still has a wide grin on her face... Ahem was amazed to see her grinning so much looking at a baby on a billboard..."Gopi do you like babies" she doesn't even look at him... still seeing the image on the billboard before her eyes...with a huge bright smile on her face she says "ji ...i love them they are sooo cute,,, and they are sooo soft.. they have tiny hands, little little fingers...and such  tiny feet ' don't you think so Ahemji "  Ahem is clueless ' he never held a baby in his arms..."yeah they are cute " said Ahem in a more generalized way..." they are not just cute Ahemji... they are sooo cute... and i just don't want to let go off a baby,...once i hold them... but i can't hold them forever,..." here she pouts and continues "the babies mom's will take them back.. that is why...i always wanted to have at least  4-5 cute babies of my own" ..Ahem screeches the car to a stop on the shoulder of NH-47...still trying to recollect what he just heard...

Gopi realized her folly and is in utter shock and embarrassment and words are already let out'.and Ahem is too puzzled and not sure how to react now and how to  start the conversation further

He starts his car .. and after driving for a couple of minutes in silence..., "so gopi, why do you want to have so many babies" gopi is startled at his question...she never expected Ahem to continue with this topic... and Ahem on the other hand did not want to loose this opportunity..as he is not sure when he might get such a golden chance... he is still grinning and looking ahead ...Gopi is looking at him with big eyes.. thinking what's wrong with him... why is he not getting off the topic... she is still staring at him.. "Gopi i asked something... why so many babies" she has no where to go or run away in the car...the car drive is almost like a prison,.. you can't really escape...

"ji i told... i love babies " "yeah but why so many " Ahem asked giving a glance at her and concentrating on his driving...Gopi became sad at his question "Ahemji... i missed having my own siblings...so i want a bunch of  babies .. where they all can have the unbreakable bond of siblings ' loving and sharing things .that is why i wan..." and trailed off thinking she has spoken too much...

Ahem is feeling  very happy that she wanted a bunch of kids and very overwhelmed at  her reasoning...He became nostalgic... thinking about kinjal for a few seconds...and gets back to his little talk ..."oh yeah  sure ...why not  '. we can have as  many babi..." Ahem stopped himself before he could continue further ' completely cursing himself for what he just said...Gopi is super shocked..she could fill the blanks and is still coming to terms as if she heard it correctly and her ears are not ringing... She looked at him with complete shock and embarrassment...

Both of them were  very feeling awkward and it's hot in the car even when the AC is on... Ahem brings down the window panes to let some fresh air in to cool of the hotness in the car...both were relieved with the fresh air.. took a deep breath and looked at each other for a split second...

still 15 minutes to go back home...Ahem wore his thinking cap..."Gopi can you give some water" gopi opened the bottle and offered him.. after him.. she also had some water and they were getting back to comfort level...
the fresh air is still blowing on their faces...

Ahem does not want to waste the little time left in hand and pulled the last string ' "Gopi .." "Ji " "we have less than 15 minutes ...to go home".. Gopi was a bit disappointed hearing that line from him and it did not go unnoticed by him... even he does not want the journey to end... but he can't really help it either...

"ok gopi ..now i will ask you some questions which you have to answer very fast ' you should not think about it for more than a second .. ok " gopi looks at him confused ...not sure what to expect from him this time around and still confused as what it might lead to '"Ji i will try to tell" said gopi looking at him..."no trying ...you have to tell the first thing that comes to your mind...ok" "ji"

"I will tell a word, you have to say the very first thing that comes to your mind...no thinking...ok" gopi looks at him confused... Ahem has seen this somewhere on some TV channel a few years ago,.. but gopi is not aware of this and he started his game...he pulls up the window panes and starts his game..."ok gopi .. be ready .."

-Rain - baked corn ,-Morning - Aarti, Fear of- cockroach, Holi- colors, Kanaji - friend, Your Parents - Miss them, Cotton Candy - pink, Mom - strict , Jigar - friend, Kaaki -Sweet, Rashi - elder sister,  Pappa - Fun/Masti, Ahemji - Pyar (Love)

Gopi is shocked and embarrassed yet again after realizing what she just said.., Ahem is over the moon with a big smile and gopi looks at him and gives a faint smile and avoids his stares... Ahem inwardly pats himself for his quick thinking and is bursting with happiness by her little confession... though not a proper one, but this game is used to know what a person really feels about something/someone..the subconscious thoughts words come to the fore...

Both of them looking ahead at the same time stealing glances.. one is super happy and the other is confused and didn't know what her Ahemji will think with her little confession... though she can see a smile...but can't really say if he is smiling for her stupid reply or if he is smiling...because '.gopi shrugs off all the thoughts and is silently looking ahead...

Ahem is thinking about this little journey with his wife by his side... he got to know many hidden feelings in her... today he became the intruder in to a part of her childhood ...He saw the philosophical side to her..which she follows.. that god is one... he loved the way she spoke about kanaji, that he will take care of her problems at the correct time...she talked about her parents.. the way they instilled all good values in her. He is still thinking about all her likes...the pink changing into green color, cotton candy changing into  kheer, the number of babies,, the final confession of her loving him '

He  has varied expressions on his face ranging from... pain, sorrow, pride, overwhelming, guilt, surprised, happiness, awkward, excitement, love, attraction, - he experienced a  gamut of emotions in this little journey...He was so happy to be a part of her childhood... she finally shared he childhood with him...

His heart is full of love for her... He does not want to confess yet, now that he knows that she loves him.. he wants to make her more comfortable in the relation, wanted to flirt with her, tease her.. bring her to a level where she can argue with him,, have little tiffs with him,,,just like a normal wife would do...take a command over him...

Ahem experienced and is witness to a lot more things about his wife and still he has to go a long way ahead before he completely makes her as his wife in a true sense...with these thoughts in mind... he comes to a stop in the drive way of MM...looks at gopi with a satisfied smile,...they both get off the car, with their hearts filled with new hopes, new dreams for the future...This little drive will remain close to  their hearts all through their life ..

P.S : let me know how it is... would like to see your comments๐Ÿ˜ƒ
heheh i know... no car breaking down, no rain , no kiss, no hug,,, no nothing๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜†
Edited by munnihyderabad - 12 years ago


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Frequent Posters

-GayabCat- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
fantastic update.
i love it munni
-JollyJabeen- thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Awww this was a lovely OS Munny! : )

Really enjoyed it, HAHA i see how you tried to make Koki look like the good one, As in she knew where Gohem were!๐Ÿ˜†

Cheeky! :P

HAHA i was laughing at Gopi's questions, She's just too cute!๐Ÿ˜† and Ahem in awe just finding out more about his wife day by day!: )

Great OS Munny, Keep them coming and thanks for the PM!๐Ÿ˜›
Edited by CHIKA784 - 12 years ago
Xarina thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Munny.  This was really cute.  I like your take on the way Ahem was slowly finding out more about his wife in a roundabout way. 
navyab thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
๐Ÿ˜† Im unable to stop laughing Munni...I was just about to go to sleep & saw ur OS !!!
So Ahem seems to received shocking answers to his questions ๐Ÿ˜› With this knowledge, he is going to play around with Gopi & tease her till she confesses her love ...Smart Guy !
He took his wife some 30 kms to buy peas...& smartly handled his mom saying they missed the route ๐Ÿ˜›
Edited by navyab - 12 years ago
Dhabu89 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
๐Ÿ‘Munny, that was simply brilliant. I loved their little conversation. But the best being his sneaking in a confession ๐Ÿ˜‰ Beautiful...Loved it I hope to read more soon. Thank you for this much needed OS...
Justlikethat1 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Munni... The OS needed no car breaking down, rain or Kisses..
It was wonderful as it is๐Ÿ‘ Fantastic take on the drive Munni..
I am glad this Aham had a longer drive and was able to articulate and understand a lot more about Gopi than in SNS..
I loved the game, Gopi's philosophy, her awkwardness, her innocent questions & answers. ๐Ÿ‘โญ๏ธ

An almost confession๐Ÿ˜ƒ And BABIES.. Beautiful.. Gopi wants many๐Ÿ˜‰ and Aham certainly is not averse.. Superb superb.. Well doneโญ๏ธ
varshu27 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
lovely os munni...gopi going from single word answers to talking in full sentences and then to be being  completely comfortable was wonderful...loved her reaction to the baby billboard...she is so engrossed in the baby that she lets ahem know she wants a bunch of them...so sweet...loved how ahem got her talking and got a view of her childhood...loved it...
scorpian87 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
i was super awsome munni .it was bang on without even kiss or hug.had a gr8 laugh.enjoyed it ๐Ÿ‘
Jammona thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Munni thanks for the pm and lovely story. Love the rapid fire round and her confessing, wished it was more than an os