Will His Pure Love Change Her Hatred(MG) Thread 3

arpitaji thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago


He loves her unconditionally and can go to any length to give her happiness. She hates him and has sworn to destroy him. Will his love change her hatred.

Character Sketch:

Maan - He stays with his Dadima and little Sister Annie and loves them dearly. He lost his parents when he was 10 and he vowed to always take care of his kid sister, to protect her from all harm. He loves Geet unconditionally and wants to give her all the happiness in this world

Annie - Maan's kid sister. Loves and respects her brother.

Dadima - Maan's dadi. Loves Maan and Annie.

Geet - Was a bubby, fun loving girl who used to stay with her brother, but suddenly one day her world came crashing down when he (Maan) entered her life and took his brother away. She vowed to destroy him


Edited by arpitaji - 12 years ago


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arpitaji thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Story so far: (Thread 1)

Geet rushed to the hospital on hearing about her brother Lucky's accident. She found that he had died and according to the case registered Maan was responsible for it, though it said that the car had skidded and lost control, also that Maan had admitted Lucky. She slapped Maan and then collapsed out of shock. Here Maan was in love with her since the time when he first saw her, one week back. He summoned Lucky's lawyer and ordered him to transfer a house and money in her name without her knowledge that he gave them. He made all the funeral arrangements as well but asked the lawyer to take the credit. Maan later went to find Annie still sitting in her torn dress. He somehow consoled her. Geet was discharged the next day and Maan visited her home for the funeral. She was agitated to see him, but when she saw unconditional love in his eyes, her heart didn't let her demean him in front of media. She was angry at her heart and vowed to take her revenge herself.

Many days had passed but she wasn't able to come out of her depression. She read about Maan but didn't find a single negative thing about him. Her heart supported Maan but her mind despised him, in the end her mind won and she decided to avenge her brother's death. She hired some goons to beat him, but he is the MSK, he creamed the goons, infuriating Geet further. Then Geet contacted her friend Romeo who was the manager at Maan's new site to create trouble there. Even though Romeo tried to explain to her that he is a nice human being, but when was Geet to listen. So he created trouble, but MSK resolved it in minutes. But Geet got more agitated, she just couldn't believe it and now her ego was too heavy on her and it literally crushed the voice of her heart.

Next Geet emotionally blackmailed her friend Pinky, who was Maan's secretary, to help her. She made her send Maan to the room booked by her in the hotel where Maan's client's party was being held. Her plan was to seduce him, then accuse him of rape and take her revenge. She managed to get him to the room, Maan was slowly losing himself in her seductive moves and wet kisses. Finally he could bear it no more and caught hold of her shoulder, bringing her face close to his in order to pour all his love by kissing her. But when he was about to do so he looked into her eyes, he was shocked to see so much hatred in her lovely almond shaped eyes. He would do anything for her, even accept that he had raped her but not at her cost, it would ruin her reputation, but her head only saw his care for her as a catch and demanded that he bleed. He banged his hands on the glass top, smashed alcohol bottles on his leg and slammed his head on the mirror, injuring himself badly. Geet rushed not able to bear it and Maan collapsed. Adi rushed him to hospital, while Pinky got Geet to hospital, Geet was feeling guilty. Doctor said that he is not relaxing, he needed to calm down for medicines to work and he was murmuring about Geet. Geet went in the ICU, his soul felt his presence and he murmured "Geet, I will bleed to death but please don't hurt yourself". She subconsciously held his hand. Feeling her touch, a layer of calmness took over Maan's body. It was as if their souls connected and he felt at peace.

Next afternoon, Maan got to know that Geet had come to see him and while dropping her back, she was very disturbed. He phoned his detectives but couldn't gather any information on her. He left the hospital in spite of doctor's advice of not putting weight on his leg. Here Geet thought of giving life a new chance and decided to take a walk in the nearby park. Maan was happy to find her and watched her from a distance. She was walking back to her home when she felt dizzy in the middle of the road. He rushed to save her and lifted and brought her to his car. His stitches had burst and blood was gushing out of his leg, but all he cared was for Geet, who was still not responding. He rushed her to hospital and asked Adi to admit her and not let anyone come to know that he saved her as she may not like it.

After a week or so, Geet took up a job at an orphanage "Care". As fate would have it the orphanage was maintained by Maan's company. After few days she came to know that it was Maan's, she agreed to work there if Maan didn't come in her way. As the days passed by, Geet was accepting the presence of Maan in the orphanage. One day Anant and Anamika thought of doing something to bring Maaneet closer. Anant send Maan to teachers room where Geet was. Anant took Maan's cell and asked his friend Bittoo to send a love message, which he without reading forwarded to Geet. Anant didn't know that it was a very filthy MMS. It showed people in compromising position and the message was "Come to the bed with me you S*** Babe, we will enjoy...". Geet lost her mind reading it and blasted Maan "You are the most pervert and filthy man I have ever met in my life." "you gave me a job here so that you can bed me any time." "you must be repenting that why didn't you sleep with me that night I offered myself" "You think I am a SL** and tomorrow you will pass me around to your friends". Maan slapped her not able to bear her abusing his love. He left from there after slamming the door on his hand to punish it for its sin of hitting her. He drove to his secret place trying to heal his broken soul. He collapsed there heartbroken with tears rolling down his eyes.

Here Geet was also broken that how could someone be so cheap. Adi couldn't see her abusing Maan and he told him the truth that Maan had saved her. Also Anant confessed his deeds. Geet repented her actions and left to find Maan. She was shocked to find him completely broken "Don't Geet, please spare me. Don't try to heal me to curse me again." "I always wanted to see you happy, but I am sorry, I can't play this game of dying and reviving anymore. I will feel myself blessed even in your hatred. I have only one request, finish me, destroy me, take your revenge, but please do it in one shot." Maan collapsed, Geet and Adi rushed him to the hospital, Geet stayed there, cursing herself for what she had done unknowingly. She cried herself to sleep. When Maan woke up, his heart ached to see her crouched like that with tear stained cheeks. He was about to wipe her tears when he remembered her accuses, he couldn't bear it anymore and left from there.

Maan tried to engross in his work and kept visiting various sites. Here Geet was waiting at his office wanting to ask his forgiveness. Maan got to know that she was waiting and left for the jungle not knowing if he could ever face her again. Here Geet got a dream that Maan was her savior and she hurt him and he was in trouble. She got very disturbed and rushed to the jungle. Maan kept torturing himself by cutting the logs furiously. On seeing her Maan "Why have you come here?? What more do you want to accuse me off??" Why have you come to meet a sick pervert like me?(his grip on the axe tightened) Aren't you afraid what a scoundrel like me would do? The stitches in his hand burst owning to the amount of pressure he was exerting on his hand while gripping the axe. Geet collapsed under her guilt seeing him bleed, weeping profoundly. Maan couldn't bear to see his love in pain, it on longer mattered how much her words had tortured him. But he would never be able to forgive himself if he was the reason of her tears. He heard her out, she apologized to him and told him the MMS truth. Hence the MMS misunderstanding got sorted out.

arpitaji thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
Story so far: (Thread 2)
On knowing the MMS truth Maan cursed himself for raising his hand on her and banged it on the tree. Geet couldn't bear to see him hurt himself and to stop him tried to bang her head on the tree but he brought his injured hand in between her head and the tree. Geet self thought How can someone be so pure hearted, so selfless. She had left no stone unturned to abuse him and yet he forgave her, not only that he was willing to suffer in order to relieve her of all her pains. He was truly her savior, her angel. Geet very carefully bandaged his hand while he was lost in her innocent beauty. Since it was risky driving in jungle at night so they decided to stay in the jungle of the night and as Geet was very scared to sleep alone in the tent, Maan slept outside it on the grass. She screamed in the dream and Maan immediately went in. As their hands met, she felt solace deep within, his mere touch was sufficient to comfort her disturbed soul, it was enough to sooth all her fears. She held his hand tightly and soon floated into a heavenly world of deep, peaceful sleep which had been depriving her for so long. He kept admiring his angel, without even batting an eyelid, completely engrossed in her radiating beauty. As the morning broke Maan went out and prepared breakfast.
Here Dev in another part of the world was obsessed with Geet, he was her childhood friend but madly in love with her. She was unaware of his possessive nature. He plegded to come  back in her life and make her his.
They left from th jungle but Maan kept on drooling looking at her... loosing focus on driving 😆. Geet: Maan, let's start afresh, can we be friends? And they finally became friends. On Geet's request they went to the orphanage first, Anant apologized and both forgave him. Maan and Geet also agreed for the couple dance on the annual day. As the days passed by Geet was starting to warm up to Maan. On the annual day Maan and Geet sizzled the dance floor. Geet was feeling very strange and nervous today. Though they had been practicing the dance and its close moves but today she felt different. His mere touch was sending shivers down her body today. Oh God' she was falling in love with her perfect charmer.
Link of my VM 😊
Here Dev reached the annual function venue and burned in jealously. He vowed to destroy their relationship.
Geet was feeling unknown sensations and butterflies in her stomach owing to the passionate dance they shared. She was trying to understand her feelings when Head mistress came and told her that Maan adores her. HM : Understand his love, my child. You are very lucky that someone truly loves you, cherish it dear and accept your feelings. Geet kept pondering over HM's words trying to contemplate her feelings.
On the other hand Maan was completely lost in the lovely memories throughout dinner and was grinning like a fool, that Annie kept teasing him.
Here Dev collected information about Maan, he came to know that the accident was caused by Maan but what was in police files was the truth. He got all the more frustrated as to how to poison Geet against Maan when an idea struck him. He called up someone and arranged for a false witness Raghu to admit in front of Geet that Maan was drunk and he had purposefully ran the car over Lucky. Dev along with Raghu went to Geet's house. Dev tried to accuse and abuse Maan but Geet defended him so he used his trump card Raghu.
Raghu lied: Woh' Maan was totally drunk that day, he couldn't even walk straight. He was racing the car as if he owned the world and then he purposefully rampaged on the foot path, with 2 tyres up on the foot path and 2 tyres on the road, where Lucky ji was walking. Then in front of my eyes he crushed Lucky ji under his car. Then he stopped the car and said "Saale dekh ke nahi chal sakta, yeh bechare gareeb log". He then called someone "Oye mere se accident ho gaya hai, use admit kara de" and he sped from there. I was trying to get help when someone came and put Luckyji in the car threatening me to keep shut and left. After that day my life has become a living hell, Maan sent his people to threaten me and my family. Please aap kisi ko yeh baat mat bataiyega nahi toh'
Geet was shocked at Raghu's description of the accident but her heart refused to believe all this. Her soul screamed "No, he can't do this. No he just can't, I won't believe it. I will confront him. I will ask him to say that I am right. Yes' he will confirm my heart." She wiped her tears and with this determination she left for his office. Once she reached there she no longer had the heart to ask him, but on his insistance she finally asked: Maan, what happened that night of the accident? Maan was shocked at her question and didn't know how to answer it. He had always feared that one day she may ask about it but he wasn't prepared to answer it, he couldn't tell her the truth nor could he ever lie to her. Geet: Maan please, damn it tell me, you are innocent. Please ek baar bool doh, I beg of you. He just stood there still as a lifeless statue. He was dying each second seeing her suffer, yet he could do nothing to console her. She wasn't able to accept his silence. "No he is innocent, I know it", her soul screamed. She got up from there and ran out. Maan just sat there on his knees thinking "Meri aankhon mein meri bebasi nahi dekhi tumne.", his hand extended but he couldn't stop her, what was he to say to stop her, that if he had picked up that phone call that night nothing would have happened. Why ' why didn't he pick up.
Please watch the VM I have made especially for this part depicting the pight of Maan and to some extent of GEET
He left from the office and screamed at the top of his lungs trying to vent out his frustration, his helplessness at causing so much anguish to her. He went to the majar to seek solace for her, wanting to beg God to grant her peace. Maan didn't find solace even in God's house, he went outside and his legs automatically went to the burning coal path. He stepped on the angare trying to offer his soul to God in return of her happiness. He kept on walking on them and turned around to cross another length. The heaven opened and it started pouring heavily, even God could not see him suffer. The angare went cold and Maan had to stop torturing himself. Baba urged him to forgive himself. Maan: Kaise maaf kar du, woh to meri wajhe se abhi bhi tarap rahi hai na. Meri mauth ke baad bhi mein apni rooh ko in gunaho ki saza doonga. Maine usko rulaya hai jiski mei ibadat karta hoon, mujhe maafi ka koi hak nahi, mere liya ab bas saza hogi, sirf saza. Saying so Maan got up determined to sacrifice himself.
Here Geet was suffering due to his silence. Heaven was pouring as if even nature was weeping at the 2 souls wanting to sacrifice themselves for the other. He wanted to wash away all her pain while she just wanted to prove his innocence, her soul could never believe he could do any wrong. Geet was walking in the middle of the road when she collapsed in front of Dadima's car. Dadima brought her home and called the doctor
Here Maan walked back to the mansion and straight away headed for the gym. He did intense Tai Chai breaking ice slabs, wooden slabs, he kept hitting the wooden stand but nothing could soothe him today. Maan had started fire Tai Chai. He was sweating profusely trying to feel her pain, suffer her suffering. Geet got to know she was in his house. Geet saw him from above and was dying each second seeing his condition. She couldn't bear to see him torturing himself and ran to the gym. She reached the door and fell on her knees seeing him destroy himself.
Maan was slowly losing control on himself. His anger was getting hold of him and he threw the fire rod and grabbed a chain weapon with spiked round edges. He whipped himself with it is so harshly that flesh peeled off his back and it started bleeding. Geet was stunned at his self destruction and when her voice couldn't pierce his thoughts, she rushed to him and held his hand from behind wanting to stop him from torturing himself. With great difficulty Geet was able to convince Maan to forgive himself. She smiled for him and instantly hugged him wanting to take away all the guilt, all the remorse. The hug was like magic to Maan and it took away all his pains. Geet could feel him relax in the hug, she was happy that she had finally managed to calm him down otherwise God only knows what he would have done to himself. She bandanged him. Geet: Bahut dard ho raha hai na, kyun kiya aapne aisa. Maan: Tum ne choo liya sare dard apne aap mit gaye. She made him promise to never torture himself and he agreed. She caressed his leg wounds very gently as if wanting to soak away all his pain. She was awestruck at his love for her but was deeply pained at how much he had made himself suffer. She could not fathom how someone could be so selfless that he was willing to bear so much torture on himself just for her sake. Here Maan was totally lost in her care, it felt as if she was soothing the wounds on his soul. He was finally feeling relieved of the burden which was slowly killing him. Her happiness and delicate touch had the power to heel even his deepest of scars. At last he was at peace with himself and was willing to forgive himself for the tears he had caused her.
Dadi thanked Geet for stopping Maan and bandaging him. Maan was happy seeing the bonding between Daadi and Geet. Maan convinced Geet to stay for the night as she was yet to fully recover and Annie was extremely pleased to meet Geet. Somehow in the first meeting itself Geet had won Daadi's heart. Daadi always had the nack of judging people and she could see that Geet was an innocent angel that had brought happiness in Maan's life. After so many days Geet was finally feeling as if she had found her family back, she had never enjoyed herself so much after Lucky's death.
Next day was Raksha bandhan and Geet was feeling an emptiness in her life when she woke up. Annie was pleading Maan to meet Lucky's sister when Geet over heard them and entered. Maan couldn't see his kid sister so distressed but he was stopping her for her own good, doctor had strictly advised against her recalling the incident. Maan finally consented because her condition was already deteriorating with all the tension and weeping.

Annie: That day, I went to the party but didn't take my body guards much against Bhaiya's wishes. We were in the disc and enjoying ourselves when somehow a gang of 4 bad boys tricked me into going outside the disc. They tried to misbehave while I tried to run away. (she stopped recalling crying profusely)

Maan: She called me but I didn't pick up the phone. Oh… God (he banged his bandaged hand on the wall)

Annie (holding his hand): Nahi Bhaiya you are not at fault. They caught me and tore my sleeves scratching my arms (Maan closed his eyes in pain at what all his kid sister had to go through) but I somehow managed to free myself and ran to the car. I started driving it but wasn't able to think clearly I was very panicky as they were following me, shouting lewd stuff. (Maan was slowly dying to hear her pain) Bhaiya called me and I told him, he rushed to save me in his car. They kept banging my car and I tried to drive fast but was constantly looking back. Then suddenly they hit my car badly and my car skidded and it hit Lucky Bhaiya (and she weeped more). I didn't know how it happened. But I am very very sorry. The goons ran away and Bhaiya reached there. He took all the blame for me. I am so so sorry.

Saying so Annie collapsed. Maan rushed to Annie and he held her and they rushed her to the hospital.Doctor immediately rushed her to the OT. After a couple of hours he came out.
Doctor: Mr Khurana, I had advised you to not let her remember the incident, especially the part about the accident. As you know she is very sensitive after your parent's death and the mental trauma she had to undergo that night especially the death of Mr. Lucky by her hands has weakened her more. Any memory of the accident is harmful for her. You need to stop her from recalling the incident otherwise she will start having fits.
Maan had got the goons caught and since they had done other crimes he got them arrested for that. He didn't want to bring Annie's case or the accident since that would require Annie to give witness account which was life threatening at that time and for the same reason he had taken all the blame for Lucky's accident.
Edited by arpitaji - 12 years ago
mrk-1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
congrats for the new thread !!! 
update soon 
kkiddoo thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Congratulation Scraps
JeevanaP thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Thanks for the link...Congrats for new thread...
meena.. thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
congrats for new thread
waiting for update
arpitaji thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: mrk-1

congrats for the new thread !!! 

update soon 

Sure dear will  try to update asap
arpitaji thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago