Epi 478: D-N The Real Eternal Story

bandbajao thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago

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Yuvika_15 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
oh missy u beat me 2 it...**Yuvi throws chappals at missy**
finally bk 4 posting my review...nice update
bt i hav 2 say leela annoyed me big time...wt on earth was she expecting? she kept sayin "y r u being mahan?" to roops bt wt on earth did she wnt roops 2 do, keep quiet n marry baji knwin he loves sum1 else... seriously i found leela being a little 2 selfish...she was jus thinkin abt roops n nt the other lives tht r involved... thank god roops had mre sense than her n tld her tht she doesnt want 2 marry baji n she wnts madhu n baji 2 b together.
its kinda complicated 2 say whether or not roops is in love with baji, cos 2 me it seemed she didnt love him, but nw tht things hav changed she does like him n does truly wanna c him happy... bt thn she's sad n crying? πŸ˜• hmm quite complicated... i hpe she finds a true soul m8 in aditya or ne1 else, becos she truly has reformed n does deserve 2 b happy.
Again AS made a mistake of trying 2 gt roops married in Sawant's house rather than madhu... did any1 think to ask roops if she is ready 2 marry? fair enuf she has reached the age of marriage, bt at the end of the day its her decision on whether or not she's mentally prepared for it... i reali dnt like hw they go to finalise a rishta without evn bothering 2 ask their kids what they WANT... mst of this mess cud hav been avoided if onli baji didnt do his natak, n AS had the sense 2 ask her daughters wt they want b4 going ahead n planning their entire lives 4 them. evn dutta shud hav asked roops/madhu if they r ok 2 marry b4 following his mother.. sorry if im being harsh but i feel they did wrong with both roops/madhu in tryin 2 gt them married without evn asking them, ok roops knw, bt madhu she had no clue until the night b4, n evn tht truth didnt cum from the ppl it shud hav cum from, it cme from baji. just imagine if baji was unable 2 tel the truth tht night, she wudnt hav known til they had cum bk after finalising the rishta?... seriously the 3 may b wrong in nt revealing the truth, bt AS n Dutta were wrong to in going ahead with the rishta without evn informing madhu tht a rishta cme for her.
Sawants' reaction was expected...at the end of the day they wntd 2 girls, bt decided 2 hav madhu marry aditya as they mayb also felt like AS tht both hav studied abroad n wud b on the same wave length... n nw da family wnts roops instead of madhu 2 marry der son... it wud hav been strange if they sed yes..m glad dutta had sense in sayin it was expected, bt blaming madhu-roops 4 this happening wud b wrong 2...madhu was unaware tht a rishta had cum 4 her, n roops werent in the place 2 say anything, so if the family hav ne1 2 blame 4 this mess with rishta then its themselves 4 nt speaking 2 their kids 1st b4 fixing anything. the kinda image they gave 2 the sawants was tht they r ppl tht hav no clue as 2 wt their kids wnt...n this is tru, cos they neva bother askin wt their kids want. πŸ˜•
hmm interesting, kala gt share in factory...i guess she gts the money from the drugs she supplies near tht sea area... (remember sum fishermen cumin n complaining 2 duji abt ppl duin drugs der...dis was wen dutta was angry with baji, n baji decided 2 leave hme) tht was a matter tht remain unsolved, guess it wil b solved nw...cnt w8 for kala 2 return 2 meet dutta n evry1 else... wil b interesting 2 c wt she has 2 say...
precap- a very bad decision by madhu-baji...again they shud ask if roops wants 2 marry...jus cos u reached the age of marriage does nt mean ur mentally prepared 4 it...i hpe sum1 does ask roops what she wants... cos its her life at the end of the day, n she shud live it according 2 hw she wants...
Edited by Yuvika_15 - 12 years ago
Ani_La_Iam thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
looking forward to read the moment between Dutta, Baji and Madhu.

Hope there will be a moment between Dutta and Roops to...she need someone to talk to and someone to make her feel importen, loved and cared for.

mIsHeZ.x thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Yuvika_15

oh missy u beat me 2 it...**Yuvi throws chappals at missy**


bandbajao thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Updated! but without the green today since i am very busy friends  sorry!!
we'll b on time tomorrow! pakka πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by bandbajao - 12 years ago
mnx12 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 13 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 12 years ago

Good episode. Now Roops spoke what is in her mind, she likes Baji but Baji love Madhu. As is having high BP, because no one accepts what she says. Even Savitaji is not listening to her. Atleast ask the concerned people first, before deciding their future.

Abhi is confident, Kala will lead him to Datta. Let's see what is in her mind, what is her game now in Ratnagiri.
precap is good, Baji & Madhu have decided one more thing, on their own, without asking AS, will she accept it?πŸ˜†
Thanks BB & the writersπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
droopy_asleep thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Hmmm...we got to hear Roop and the fact that she does like Baaji, but knows that Madhu and Baaji love each other.
I will say I am bit disappointed today:
1. Baaji is not saying anything - getting very irritated with him. Yes, Dutta does not want to listen, but he is not even trying. Even today, Madhu went into the room..and Baaji stood at the threshold. Come on man...speak up and be heard.
Its ok for him to have doubts, it is ok to be apprehensive, but its not ok to keep silent like this and not even voice your concern...even after the whole fiasco has happened. * sigh *
2. I am glad Savita refused the proposal...anyone would have done that. Embarrassing yes...and to top it all, now Madhu and Baaji decided not to get married till Roop gets married? Just decisions? How about some consultation, how about some discussion?

Amazing writing BB and team to bring out all these discussions and emotions in us :) πŸ‘

As for the future:
1. Sawant is going to turn against Dutta for sure
2. Abhi is going to link Nave to this somehow...I hope he does.
3. Will we ever see Sami?
jagrutid thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Got to say disappointing  today..aayi saab..took too much of the word count up with her drama! and she faints again..!!get a life!! shes ruined enough lifes to be crying over them now..leela..with suds kishore with kala all disasters! πŸ˜’ but on the other hand dutta as ever was amazing.. BE RIGHT BACK with my extensive comments after i  finish submit this assignment!!..of mine! god help me!!πŸ˜•
Edited by jagrutid - 12 years ago
droopy_asleep thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
OK - I had to say one more thing - Where is that Baaji who stood up for Naku when Dutta raised a hand to her...the roothi hui biwi scene?
Come on - please speak up Baaji
-malli- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
lol so AS faints finally.. lol. DN convo ws awesome! his anger and hurt made me so sad :( he is right in feelin let down. wanted madhu dutta scene tdy :( :( but now it will happen tomo!! also kala geting caught in the side by abhijay. v good. she wont even know. want that slimy nave also to get caught. thanx for today :) waiting for tomo already.