update 21st oct 2010: Kabir BASHES UP Pankaj


Do you think Pankaj was telling the truth about Roshni's illness?

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Posted: 13 years ago
Part 1

Pankaj is donning the veil on Jyoti, who's obviously disgusted by it (and too insipid to do anything despite it being done by a blind loser)  Room service interrupts them, and Pankaj says he didn't request anything, but Jyoti says she requested coffee, and that she wanted them to have a coffee together.  Pankaj says he had no idea she'd be this romantic, and Jyoti tells him that whatever she says, she says from the heart (like lying to her hubbies?)  She goes to the door & opens it, and the attendant leaves the coffee there.

Pankaj is about to pull the tray towards himself, but Jyoti quickly intervenes, and Pankaj asks her whether she remembers how she likes it.  She tells him to relax, and have the coffee.  She then makes it, and adds her sedative to it very carefully, & stirs it.  He's about to have it, but as Jyoti's luck would have it, his servant comes in and says the moment has come, & the pundit is waiting.  Pankaj tells him he's on his way.  He then grabs Jyoti and starts heading out.  Jyoti asks him about the coffee, but Pankaj tells him that their whole life is available for coffee 😈  He leads Jyoti out, while she looks helplessly @ the woman who's taking care of Roshni, and assures her that they'll be fine.

Jyoti & Pankaj arrive in his car @ the temple, where he tells her to come w/ him.  Jyoti is now paniced on what to do - Roshni ain't w/ her, while she's w/ Pankaj in bridal-wear @ the temple.  She begs the goddess not to let her down  (You do it pretty well yourself, hon!)  They get to the spot where the mantras are being chanted, and Jyoti looking like a thorough loser @ Pankaj.

Jyoti then looks up & sees Kabir looking @ her annoyed, and mentions his name.  The mention of his name changes the color of Pankaj's face.  Kabir arrives there, and Jyoti goes to him & begs him not to misunderstand her, and that she'll explain everything to him.  Pankaj calls Jyoti and tells him that Kabir has caught them red handed - there's no point hiding anything.  He asks her to tell Kabir that she was there to abandon him & elope w/ Pankaj (Ever heard of divorce & law, Mr Vashistya?)

Part 2

Jyoti protests her innocence to Kabir, & tells him how Pankaj had stolen her baby in collusion w/ the doctor.  She tells him that Roshni was none other than that daughter of hers.  Kabir looks shocked, and Jyoti continues that Pankaj had threatened that if she didn't marry him, he'd take her daughter away and she won't be able to see him (so you decided to go ahead w/ that plan, Mrs Sisodia?) That's why she had to do this drama to get her girl back.  Pankaj continues to play pretend, and tells Jyoti that Kabir can't do anything to them, and urges her to tell him that she still loves Pankaj.  He then pulls out his cellphone & plays back to Kabir Jyoti's telling him that she'll marry him and go far away.  Jyoti is shocked to hear that, as it seems another nail in the coffin of her 2nd marriage.

Pankaj then tells Kabir that there are misunderstandings b/w couples, and there was b/w him & Jyoti as well.  He tells Kabir that he & Jyoti loved each other @ one time, and the fruit of that love is Roshni (that's why to this day, I regret that Roshni ain't dead already) He tells her that that's why Jyoti returned to marry him.  He then asks Kabir to release Jyoti from this marriage, and let him be happy.

Jyoti retorts that she can never be happy w/ someone who tried to establish her daughter as illegitimate, and then snatched her from her mother @ birth.  She tells Kabir he knows everything.  Pankaj goes and tells her that Kabir is a very responsible person, so why is he doing all that?  He asks her to fold her hands to Kabir & apologize, and he'll give them permission to marry

At this point, Kabir has had enough of this bakwas, and knocks Pankaj to the ground, calling him a liar 🀣πŸ₯³  Just then, Reshmi arrives @ the scene, and Kabir tells Pankaj that Reshmi had called him &  told him everything, and even if she hadn't, he'd have believed Jyoti.  He then picks Pankaj up again, knocks him on the face, punches him in the stomach and continues in that much more tolerable vein.  Reshmi & Jyoti try to restrain him (had I been Kabir, I'd have warned Jyoti to keep her hands off, or be suspected of treachery) and tells Pankaj that this is the difference b/w Pankaj & Kabir.  He tells Pankaj that when he loves someone, she becomes part of his soul and never lies to him (uh, Kabir, had Jyoti been faithful to you, she'd have put you ahead of Roshni) He tells Pankaj that while he believed others about Jyoti, had even God come to him w/ aspersions about Jyoti, he wouldn't have believed that.  He then manages to get past Jyoti and Reshmi, and beat the crap out of Pankaj some more (for me, this all was not enough πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜†)

Jyoti & Reshmi manage to pull Kabir away and ask him to let the police handle him, and tells Kabir that it should be enough that he's separated from his daughter for good.  Kabir disagrees and tells her that this is nothing.  (I agree 😈) He asks Pankaj how he could separate a mother from her baby, and calls him unworthy of being called human.  She & Reshmi try to take Kabir away.

Pankaj tells her that people are not evil - circumstances make them that.  He tells her that had he been that evil, she'd never have loved him (Pankaj, as you noted, she loved Brij as well, which was one of the reasons you kicked her out) He asks her whether she doesn't want to know why he did all that (Jyoti, you should have let Kabir beat him until he was on life support, so that you wouldn't have to listen to such excrement)  He tells her that Roshni has a rare cancer, and has only 2 years to live (BFD - Jyoti can have more kids w/ Kabir, while you don't deserve any) He tells her that she can be saved, but Jyoti & Pankaj have to be united again 🀒

Part 3

Pankaj continues that a specialist told them that if they have another baby and donate its bone marrow to Roshni, she can be saved (what about that baby?  Please, CVs, don't make this show more unwatchable than it already is)  That's why he was trying to get her back.  He tells her he's not selfish - he did all that for his daughter. (Well, you are not worth believing)

Jyoti asks him how many more lies will he tell, and when nothing else worked, he made her daughter his pawn in his game?  She tells him that by making up a story of an illness of an young child, he wants to establish his virtue?  Pankaj goes down on his knees & protests that he was telling the truth (so what?) and that while his methods were wrong, his intentions weren't.  He tells her that he had been lying to her until now, but is now telling the truth (like the kid who cried wolf)

Reshmi finally intervenes and tells Jyoti not to listen to him, and if he tries to force the issue, get the police here.  Pankaj tries to beg, but Kabir firmly tells him that from now on, Roshni is his responsibility πŸ‘  They  leave, leaving Pankaj crying πŸ‘πŸ˜†

Later, in the car, Jyoti asks Kabir what he's thinking, and he says he's thinking of what Pankaj  said.  Jyoti points out that having separated a baby from its mom, lying was a very easy thing to do.  Jyoti then wonders what will happen, since nobody @ home knows about Roshni.  Kabir points out that he wanted her since the time Roshni was unborn, and Roshni will now stay w/ them.

Kabir, Jyoti, Reshmi & Roshni arrive home, & are greeted by CS & RP.  CS demands to know why Roshni is back there?  RP tells them that while CS is more tongue-lashing, he too wants to know why that kid is there?  He asks who it's father is?  Everyone else joins them (except Raghu - is he gone?  And if so, what's Bhavri still doing there?)

Kabir tells him to assume that he is Roshni's father.  Everyone looks shocked, & RP asks him to elaborate.   Kabir tells him that Roshni is Jyoti's daughter.  RP  is furious and tells Kabir that he thought that Jyoti is simply divorced.  Kabir apologizes for missing out on that factoid.  He tells her that Jyoti was pregnant from her previous marriage, but they had thought that that baby was dead.

CS claps derisively, and tells Kabir that he finally did something that's not happened in this family to date.  He lied @ the behest of Jyoti.  Kabir tells her that he's too familiar w/ the goings-on in this house.  He admits that he was wrong, and is aware of it.  He tells them that Jyoti only agreed to marry him when he agreed to her demand that he come b4 them and tell them everything.  He said that he was unable to do it when he feared that they'd turn this down due to this fact, but assures Bapusa that this was his and his fault alone.

Bapusa asks him that if Jyoti's baby was born dead, how is... Kabir explains that on Roshni's birth, her father Pankaj Vashist secretly kidnapped her and took her away.  He then narrates to everyone the full story, and all are  shocked.

Kabir then concludes by saying that Roshni is Jyoti's daughter, and everything that is Jyoti's is his, and he's accepted this kid as his own, and requests them all to accept her as theirs.  Everybody looks @ him.


I was beginning to dread writing this update, given how insipid the episodes have been lately, but thankfully, this one turned out to be (unbelievably) okay.

The first part of it was horrible, and illustrated what was wrong w/ Jyoti's idea of keeping  Kabir out of  it: since Pankaj didn't have the coffee, what would  Jyoti have done had Kabir not arrived - married Pankaj as well?  In which case, she'd have deservedly have landed in jail for bigamy.

While Kabir's dialogs about love were surreal in that few hubbies would be unjustified in disbelieving their wives in these circumstances, it was hugely satisfying to watch the crap being beaten out of Pankaj.  It was unseemly of Jyoti to try & stop Kabir.  At the end, the story that Pankaj made up  was surreal - even if Roshni did have all the illnesses Pankaj mentioned, that doesn't justify Jyoti's leaving Kabir.  What if Roshni had stayed w/ Jyoti, Pankaj had never discovered Jyoti's innocence: had Jyoti gone to Pankaj w/ such a request for the same reason, would Pankaj have impregnated her for that reason alone?  And the idea of creating babies as organ donors is unheard of in medical research - embryonic stem cells alone are controversial.

Hopefully, this is the last we have seen of Pankaj in this serial.  In fact, the entire return of Pankaj & Roshni was uncalled for.

Episode rating:

πŸ‘πŸΌ: The bashing Pankaj got

πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ: The start of the show, w/ Jyoti almost marrying Pankaj 🀒


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jyotir. thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
One of the best episodes in AAAGES... Almost worth the wait to see Pankaj being treated the way he was by Kabir, at the beginning of the episode though I was really doubting it and a great twist written by the CV's so hats off to them. I think Pankaj is telling the truth though, I reckon Jyoti will stay with Kabir (obviously) but Roshni has a high chance of dying, I sense a leap coming soon. D:
Gauri22 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Thanks for the fab update Vrisha!
I still blame Jyoti for keeping things wfrom kabir, and I agree - what if he had'nt conme - would she still have married that maniac???
I wonder what new games will CS play now..since they have Roshni @ home too!
LaeeqB thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Thanks for the update! I'm gonna have to watch this later!
bmm1985 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
thank you! lovely episode and even lovelier update!
CarulinaTina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago
The plus point of today's episode was definitely Kabir beating up Pankaj! :)
But the entire 'roshni-has-cancer-needs-sibling-to-donate-bone-marrow' track is a DIRECT LIFT out of My Sister's Keeper. As u mentioned, it is a controversial topic considering the child that is born solely for the purpose to provide the bone marrow. So even though I think Pankaj was telling the truth, I hope Kabir and Jyoti continue believing he was wrong. And even if they do realize it was the truth - they DONT go along with Pankaj's stupid plan.
SEPIDEHh thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
πŸ‘Thanks Vrisha for the update I think this is your masterpiece in writing updates Bravo I realy enjoyed to read it.I knew that Reshmi is doing a great job or better to say predicted this.By the way I am too busy these days and now I have to go but another time thanks for Brilliant update.(Touching the wood) you realy realy deserves three big hands.πŸ‘πŸ‘ Edited by SEPIDEHh - 13 years ago
SEPIDEHh thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Kruthika.N

The plus point of today's episode was definitely Kabir beating up Pankaj! :)

But the entire 'roshni-has-cancer-needs-sibling-to-donate-bone-marrow' track is a DIRECT LIFT out of My Sister's Keeper. As u mentioned, it is a controversial topic considering the child that is born solely for the purpose to provide the bone marrow. So even though I think Pankaj was telling the truth, I hope Kabir and Jyoti continue believing he was wrong. And even if they do realize it was the truth - they DONT go along with Pankaj's stupid plan.

I have read about this subject in Time Magazine some times ago , a middle aged couple just had another baby to save their daughters.And if the story line goes to this way the final decision for jyoti would be very difficult .Hope that Pankaj lied to them about Roshani's illness
arti12345 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
the same old storyline and the reason to reunite in the serial for ages...
does anyone remember even ekta's kasauti zindagi kay had a similar reason for old lovers to come back together..
Also, can they not go with the testube baby and surrogate mother rather than the traditional methods of child birth πŸ˜‰
Edited by arti12345 - 13 years ago
abhidip thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Thanks a lot for a wonderful update.