todays' cinema - Page 3


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dare_dis_devil thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
"aping the West".....funda ain't tat new in bolly, yaar....

methinks its kaafi saalon puraana...

but u knw wht...there's a positive side to this change as well... i mean atleast now the bolly film makers r atleast waking up 2 sme good, meaningful cinema...

like this whole "new-age" multi-plex movie syndrome.... is kinda good... esp, 2005 had sme amazing flicks like, black ( wht if it was "inspired" frm an eng. flick), Iqbal, n, thts a good sign1 atleast the film ppl r taking an innititive....

lets see how it works out in 2006.... ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ˜Š
seema_17 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
i think that it is the movie maker's choice abt wat kind of a movie they want to make and wat brings out their creativity... as for indian cinema its not just changing rite now... in the beginning of indian cinema that is in the 1940s things were very different... the hero heroine could barely look into each others eyes... but the story wa different in the 1960s and then 1980s, it is constantly evolving... cinema is just entertainment... and u shld take all the good lessons from it and ignore the bad ones... as for me when i am watching a movie i don't think oh is the story copied or original... i ask myself if the movie is entertaining or not... am i enjoying it or not, and if it is entertaining and if i am enjoying it then i am fine with the movie... as for ripping stories off western movies... many ppl in india don't get to watch these western movies, but with the help of these "copied films" atleast they get to know these new stories with a touch of indian influence to it too... as for indians losing their culture, i think it is everyone's personal decision whether they want to keep for lose their culture, no one is forcing them to do it, and likewise we cannot enforce culture on them... its wrong to blame the loss of culture just on entertainment industry, becuz there r soo many indians living in U.S or western or European countries but they still remember and maintain their culture, even they r under constant influence of western entertainment.
sweet freedom thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Originally posted by: Henna 786

tru we have lost our individuality more skin in the directors eyes means more audiences i think its disgustin' E.G Neal 'n' Nikki

i totally agree with u๐Ÿ˜Šwell said๐Ÿ‘