vijisridhar thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 16 years ago
June 2nd Update:

1. Episode starts again with GJ digging the flower pot, when suddenly selvi appears and asks what he is doing, GJ somehow stammers and manages to say that the flower pot has got bugs, so he is re-planting it, didnt' go to the club as he is having a headache and acts as if he is suffering from a bad ache, he asks her to go soon and get a coffee. After she goes inside, he digs again and takes out the revolver, thinks about how it was suttufied from Arasi's home and cocks the gun and goes away. selvi comes out with the coffee and is wondering where GJ went without re-doing the plant also.

2. Mr. V is getting ready to office, calls up sarojini and says as the driver if on leave so he will drop her in the hospital and go to his work. sarojini comes and says that she will also drive on her own as women are more disciplined than men as they are toppers in all the public exams too. V concedes defeat and is about to go out, when sarojini asks him to ask selvi to come home and see her. V says why doenst she call up and tell that directly. sarojini says, she can, but she wants the love and affection between the daughter and father to grow, selvi has grown ditesting daddy all thru her life and wants to change that habbit. V says selvi doenst like when he talks like father to her in the office, thats why he has to think, sarojini insists that he keep speaking like a father and one day selvi will come around and accept him. He shakes his head, sarojini says nowadays she feels like seeing selvi often and he goes away,

GJ comes to the construction site and screams NT - an adiyal suddenly appears on GJ's face and scares him. GJ now calls NT's name in a softer tone and moves around in search of him, this adiyal follows him behind, but doenst want GJ to see him, eventhough GJ senses that someone is following him. GJ tries to see him but, he manages to hide. GJ stands in one place and looks from side to side and is wondering, when a few of NT's adiyals criss-cross GJ by shoulder-pushing him around (like you do when you are caught in a heavy crowded place, very funny to see GJ scared and a different welcome for him by NT) GJ is pushed into another place, he sees a big shadow of NT.

3. NT comes face to face now and GJ is shouting as to why he had asked him to come now, NT wonders aloud as to why GJ is different and how come he is not scared anymore, GJ angrily retorts, yes, he is not afraid anymore. NT says its all wrong (a pause) and says he himself was wrong in not killing GJ after he turned approver in court, NT had pitied GJ's plight coz, arasi had shot him in the leg, but now he regrets his decision, it was wrong as he was caught red-handed in malaysia by arasi, he should killed GJ at that moment, but he escaped, after escaping from arasi's custody, he should have killed GJ, but he was didnt, everytime V tied him down from killing GJ whenever he pleaded with V wanting to kill, now he understands the reason as he is the son-in-law and selvi is the daughter. GJ is looking at NT with a smirk on his face. NT is telling that he pardoned GJ coz, he respects and 'visvaasam' on V and not because he is SIL or any relationship. NT continues (even as GJ asks as to how come he knows all the details) why he is blackmailing V, he got a company, now he is asking for shares in other companies, why he is doing this, GJ first says coz he is SIL, but NT disagrees and GJ says he will do it coz he has the right to get it and even he will try to get the whole of V's property, NT is kind of shocked and says these property was not V's own creation and business, but people like NT and others accumulated all the wealth for V by playing with their own lives. GJ says, now i know why, coz, NT wants to 'suruttufy' al the wealth by becoming an approver and going against V, NT is angry and says these approver business is all GJ's work, after all, GJ was about to sell his own daughter for money before and told manything in court also, V doesnt know the original GJ who did business with NT before, then fooled selvi, etc. . GJ screams, if you are having 'visvaasam' for his boss V, then why is he jealous when he tries to get the wealth from V, GJ is also shouting that he can also threaten NT by telling V and also make him go to jail by telling the police, as NT is afterall a criminal on the run and is being searched by police. NT is also angry and says, now he is convinced that GJ will defenitely tell the police as he has this on his mind and also he will go and give witness against Mr. V also, but before that (he turns his back to GJ) and brings out the gun, when at the same time GJ also takes his gun and both place it infront of their heads. both are looking into their eyes, NT's one adiyal comes and pushes GJ to the wall, NT escapes, now many adiyals come running to catch GJ, but GJ manages to hit 1 guy with his gun and the stick and escape and hide, his adiyals run and it becomes dark, still people are running (doenst show who is who) FREEZE.

PS: the NT-GJ confrontation was very good, you have to watch it to understand more than reading it 👏 👏 👏 am sure the confrontation is to continue tomorrow.




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vijisridhar thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 16 years ago
June 3rd update:

1. Ooohh... starts with NT sitting on that construction site terrace with that leg wounded by GJ's bullet (from yesterday's episode) with blood oozing out. an adiyal comes and says that GJ has escaped, NT is angry with his hair all flared up (very nice acting 👏 ) then, he pours alcohol on his wound ...(it hurts badly doesnt it.. ) then, takes a knife and shouts "GJ" and plunges it into his wound (i think he is taking out the bullet like they do in the war ... 😵 ☢️ 🤔 ) (have to appreciate the director here as only the facial expressions of NT is shown not the wound or anything 👏 👏 ).GJ on his house terrace is restlessly loitering. scene shifts to NT having the bloodied bullet in his hand and is about to throw it, but restrains himself, with that bullet in his fingers thinks of what all GJ had told before (let mama-sir tell me not ask for property, he cannot say, he will not say no even if i ask for all his property), then he thinks of what Mr. V had told NT when he wanted to kill GJ (i have some important use of GJ, just threaten him, do anything, but dont' kill him). NT thoughtfully asks his adiyal to bring KK's postmortem report. He says to himself "GJ you have made a mistake" a couple of times and shouts "THAPPU PANNITTADAA". GJ on the terrace still. scene shifts to NT dressing his wound and adiyal bringing the report, NT reading it then laughing out aloud like a true villain 😈 😎 👏 .

2. this part was awesome - dual between NT and GJ. NT calls GJ and says that he has made a mistake, a big blunder of leaving him without killing and also shooting him with the same revolver that he had used on KK
😛👏 , GJ is shocked at hearing this. NT continues that he saw the portmortem report and knows everything about gun, etc.  GJ is now defensive. NT says "how come it is possible GJ, you robbed (suttutta) gun from arasi's house, shot KK,  got 100 crores from his mother-in-law by pretending to be the best marumagan, after shooting KK, got himself a company, now trying to rob V of his property also, when he asked about all these, shot NT himself, how is this possible ...huh " (NT uses this suttutta, sutta for everything he speaks ...awesome 👏👏👏. Now NT knows the truth and with GJ being on the defensive, asks him if he is ready for a deal. 😉 - GJ now has about 116 crores (100 crores from arasi + 16 crore company from V), so pack 16 crores and says "NT NIVARANA NIDHI"  to GJ questioning as to why he needs that money ... 🤣. GJ is in a fix and tries calling (i think V) but couldnt' reach him. 
Arasi is reading documents intently (i think the postmortem report). she goes to a doctor's cabin and introduces herself to a shocked guy .. He suddenly opens the topic without arasi starting the conversation, that does she have any questions or clarification on KK's postmortem report, he had done the portmortem and stated clearly about 2 bullets, etc, etc. Arasi is amused about the doc talking without her asking anything and says she has come for a help, saying that she needs a clean health report for a friend's son who is wanting to go abroad for work, but has many health problems. the doc says how he can give a false certificate, he is a very genuine guy, etc. Arasi says, his family is financially troubled, it will a help for them, thats why. the doc relents now and arasi is asking how come an uncurruptible person is now easily accepting togive a false certificate, the doc says, its all as a good samaritan, afterall, arasi would help him if necessary later on ...😡, now arasi is like - so this was why you  gave a false postmortem report on KK ..? the doc guy is flabbergasted .. 👏.

3. Arasi - If people come to know about the false report, his job will go, cannot practice as a doc itself, have to be in jail. but, i will not get you this punishment. So saying, arasi takes out her gun in front of a scared guy and places it cooly on the table and gives a smart smile 😳 . arasi says, afterall she had killed her husband , how much time will take her to shoot this doc to death. anyway, whether its 1 murder or more killings, the punishment is the same, she is anyway going to jail, if the doc doesnt tell the truth she  has decided to kill him right there, right now....👏👏😃 and gives a stern smile 😈.
the doc is trying to defend himself saying, how come she has come for some help and now is threatening him with guns and all, and  talking without any sense, Arasi gets angry and pulls him up by his collar and says is he trying to fool her, he had given the report, now read it and see , pointing the gun at the doc guy she continues her tirade - "it says about 2 bullet wounds (1 on his abdomen and 1 on his heart) but shot and pierced KK's body from different angles, if so, then how come its possible from the same gun that arasi had. It has to be from 2 different gun and 2 different persons. ...👏👏, so is it not the truth, come on...tell me, this is the truth, what you have given the court is false, isnt' it...?" and now arasi cocks the gun at him ready to shoot.  The doc now stammers and tells that what she found is the truth. the bullet that entered KK from arasi's gun pierced his abdomen but there was another bullet that pierced his heart, actually KK died not from her gun wound, but from the gun that pierced his heart (that is, he was shot by another person also). Now arasi threatens him again as to who the other person was and who asked him to write a false reort. the doc says that he doesnt know, he hasnt' seen the person, he only got a phone call telling him to write such a report and assured him of lot of money for that.  He says that he tried to trace the call back by redialling that number again, but the 'sim card' seemed to have been destroyed so it was unreachable.  Now arasi puts the gun in her waist, takes the original postmortem report also and warns him and goes away. 👏👏
Mr. V is met by one of his messenger saying about arasi visiting the doc and getting the original reports, but doesnt know what transpired in their conversation. V is thoughtful and calls up the new DGP and asks him to meet him personally immediately, nothing can be done on phone. DGP accepts. FREEZES on V's face.

PS: it was one of the very good episodes ...just fantastic ...👏👏👏 the truth is out, the dual between NT & GJ and arasi & doc has to be seen to believe it. Defenitely a must watch episode.

Edited by vijisridhar - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago

hehe Jas...let me stand up for you 😉 will come back with the detailed update tomorrow morning..but until is

June 4th highlights:

-DGP arrives to Mr.Vs office where Mr.V tell him to do something and send Arase back to jail cause as long as she is out in bail, she will digg grave for him (mr.V) 😡 she went to meet the doc who gave KKs post-mortem..DGP comes up with this excellent idea..make the court reject her bail and send her back to jail by accuse her of destroying the evidence 😡

-Arase tell Kalai and AM about the evidence she found out...KK being shoot with 2 different gun...they should prove it on the court..she will do that!

-Arase recieve notice from court..she is being accused for destroying evidence...she is now confident her enemies are working hard to send her back to jail cause she is close to the come they knows all of her moment...someone keep an eye on her and that too in her own department..she will find out..Kalai doesnt know what to do.

-Mr.V turns DGPs wife against Arase...he blame arase for her husbands death. he kidnapped her to save her from arase 😡 she should take revenge on arase..not him since it was her who arrested her hubby...looks like ex DGPs wife believed mr.V and wows to take revenge on arase 😡 (for Gods was her who gave poison to her own hubby and now want to get back obn arase 😡 )

-Golddgigger aka GJ runs to mama sir and ask him to save is clueless over what GJ talks about until he learn GJ shot NT...mama sir is shocked 😲 freeze

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago
June 5th update highlights....This time, I promise to come back with a detailed update tomorrow more lazzy mels 😉 😆

-Mama sir is shocked to learn GJ shoot NT and even more when he comes to know NT figured out the gun matter

-Doc amma hand over her cell to hubby dearest cause she tries to avoid her friend who want to see a bride for her son. Selvi calls up doc, daddy dearest lies she is not there 😕 next day, Selvi is shocked to learn doc was home the whole day and wonder why daddy dearest lied to her..when they confront him..he denies and turn the table around...selvi heard wrong cause of tv volume at her home...( hmm..I guess Mr.V will be catch cause of his small mistakes like this or why did he lied to selvi n doc? 😕 )

-Its turn out that doc buy (the one who gave KKs post-mortem repport) is none other than Yauvana boyfriend (thx Viji for correcting it😃)...he lied to cover up for her..there is no mustery was her who told him to switch the repports ( I think she is Nts sister or related to him 😕 ) they dont want arase to figure out the truth..if so then she will be in a big problem...hmmm..this girl is such a mystery 😕

-Mr.V meets NT...NT think Mr.V doesnt know about Gj and the gun...he is stunned to learn all its Mr,V who is beind Gj n the gun matter. NT gives hos boss 2 options..he have to get him out of those case against him like Mr.V did..otherwise..he will tell everything to arase

-Mr.v meets DGP and tell him the matter. DGP says they can only make NT surrender to the police if they can trust GJ n make him lie in the court, otherwise..NT will speak the truth...but then..even if GJ is catch...he will tell the truth to arase so Mr.V is in a big dilemma...he have to choose..between NT or GJ...?

If I were Mr.V I would have choosed NT...he is atleast royal and doesnt demand things like that golddigger GJ 😡

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago
June 6th highlights

(Thanks to Isaitamil I could catch up scenes I missed out on Friday😃)

Mr.V with NT and GJ ( is it me or do NT looks weird with his moustache and little bit grown hair??😕 Maybe its only me wince I haven't watch it for a long time now😆) GJ is scared of NT and want to return back company and shares he got from mama sir, but doesn't want NT to give killer looks to him…Nt on his part says its GJ who tried to kill, they should search through him cause he may have gun..both of them blame and accuse each other while Mama sir just watch them and finally stops them. He says when both of them fights it's a weakness for them and strength for Arase..they have only one common enemy and that's Arase, not enmity between them. He also remind them, all of them are under Arases suspicion list..GJ is sure she doesn't suspect him, but Nt remind that is only until he goes to her with the bullet..from that minute GJ will be her no 1 enemy. Mama sir shut up GJ and want his help to free Nt from his charges, Gj wonder how?? Mama sir replies Gjs witness made Arase arrest NT so if he changes his witness, they cant do anything and NT will go free. He should lie and says the police threaten him so he gave a false statement under pressure from the police. GJ want the bullet first, and NT want him to give statement first..mama sir is confused over whom to support and decide he want both of them…Gj agrees do lie but what should he reply when they ask who is responsible for the 143 murder case when they ask about it in the court? Mr.V and NT is silent and stare at each other…looks like they are up to something,,, oh no….I smell …more trouble for Arase now….!

Looks like Nt have surrender himself and uthavakarai Udhay gets up to argue for him in a muted scene. ( thank God it was muted otherwise my BP would increased of hearing his rubbish..good for nothing arguments…😡😡) Its creeps, I mean Gjs turn to give witness at the witness box and he too says something in a smutted scene….😡

Judge reads up his judgment…they accept NT and gold diggers statements and forgives Gj since he was already sentenced 7 years at the jail even thought he gave false statement cause of his enmity with NT and NT goes free since they court doesn't have any proper prove and witness against NT. Gold digger and mama sir shakes hand over their victory…(grr…creeps😡)

Arase is pissed of at her good for nothing son Udhay, Kalai just listen to her mother. Have he forgot it was Nt who killed his grandma, he was there….the money mr.V gives him is bigger than family and love of his family… if she was on power, she would have never let Nt and Mr.V escape easily but thanks to Udhay, they are free now. She is ashamed of calling him as her son..

Mama sir and gold digger discuss about the case..mama sir want to say thanks…and Gj thinks it him😆,..but mama sir was meaning Udhay😆…he praise him and how he break the case with his brilliant argument..Gj doesnt like to hear Mr,V praise Udhay😆. (yeah..yeah…he only can argue brilliant as long as the lion lay down…🤢) he want to use son to give shock treatments for the mother.

Arase goes through files carefully.

last scene:
its Arase case regarding the bail( I donno wherever it was the same case like GJ and NTs 😕 ). PP starts his arguement, he accuse Arase for trying to vanish the evidence and witness against her 😡 the state was against Arases bail, but still court gave her bail and look what happend now Udhay says Radhikas famous line " I object" and want to start hearing by enguiry the previous witness meaning Selvi n Mr.V. Judge gives permission to him...but Arase loudly refuse that by saying "NO, your honour"...everyone is shocked😲😲..from Selvi, AM, GJ, mr.V...and mostly Udhay😲 Judge wonder wherever she doesnt trust her defender Udhay who so fare have been her lawyer..she says she doesnt 👏 👏 👏 ..Udhay is speechless 😆
She ask permission from the judge to carry out her own defense, the case she is accused for is not a simple case..its a strong case and she want to fight for her rights and for the countrys sake judge gives her green signal, a dissapointed n irritated Udhay sits down..Arase want to start with Selvi first and ask her to come to the witness box 😆 Arase starts, " so you wanted to meet your motherw who throw you away from the birth...later on you found me and wanted to meet me and as longing for my love n affection?+" Selvi agrees...Arase now dropps the bomb...would she still wanted her if she was not a IPS but a poor worker who lived in a slum 😆 Selvi is kind of confused now, Arase continues..she was afterall after her money...thats why she contiuned to come after her..Selvi says thats not truth, she didnt accept her 100 croes. Arase then ask why didnt she refuse to accept that when her hubby GJ come home with that? she just acted like she didnt want that infront her, but never sent GJ back with that 100croes..why didnt she?? Selvi is taken back and cant reply....FREEZE

(the last part was good...donno about the others...will come back with the missed scenes later on 😉 )

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 16 years ago

June 9th update

(thanks Isaitamil for the online episode👏)

Continues from Fridays scene…Arase want to know why Selvi didn't return 100croes she gave to GJ? Selvi doesn't know what to reply and says she was not after the money…Arase screams "yeei…only reply to the asked Qs..! Selvi tries to but cant and admit she didn't sent that back. Arase now point out..Selvi only wanted the moneycause if not then why didn't she come to see her after she got that? And why did she went to Mr.V? He is a millionaire and doesn't know how much he owns…that's why she went to her dad…Selvi denies and Arase once again put Selvi on a dilemma… why did her husband GJ got one of Mr.V's companies?(he never got it..he was blackmaling him😆) Selvi replies GJ brought that from Mr.V and didn't get it free…Arase ask from what money? From where did they got big amount? Selvi cant reply to that Qs so Arase accuse her to being with Mr,V for the moneys sake and that's why she accuse her own mother for murder…Selvi is deeply taken back and leaves the witness box. 😆

Arase next witness are none other than Mr,V himself…they meets face to face at the witness box and killer looks they gives each other is a treat to watch….(lol😆😆). Arase starts her argument.."you are Selvi's dad, as her mother…I don't like to see you and your wife getting close with Selvi?? So in anger and jealously, I tried to accuse you in a fake have said that, right? Mr.V nods his head and agrees…Arase ask for evidence? Do he have any evidence proving she tried to threaten him? He nods no…Arase ask if so,,then why would she tell all of that to him? She could have just went ahead with that case..why bother to tell him in the first place and make him escape easily? Does any of that make senses?? What will she get of separate Selvi from him and his family? She threathen Mr.V so Mr.V went to KK and told him about it, Kk and Arase has a big fight cause of it and in anger she killed her husband…wasn't that one of PP's argument? M.rV nods yes. Arase now point out…KK already know Selvi was her daughter so why would get upset of that fact about mr.V being her dad? its Mr.Vs turn to be speechless now and he leaves the witness box.😆

PP want to know why KK wrote in his dairy "if I dies , then its cause of Arase". what will she say about that? Arase replies its has a reason…she handed over her daughter Kalai to the police so Kk and she had arguments about it. Court sent her to the mental asylum and there she went completely mad…Kk was angry with her cause of it and was emotionally affected..he wanted to die instead of watching Kalai like that and even said if he dies..its cause of her. He could have wrote that in angry, right? She looks at the judge and speak for herself..she used to be a higher officer in the police department, and knows everything about how to handle criminals and how they commit crimes. When she knows all of that, wouldn't she also know how to escape from such a serious crime? Why will she be stupid and leave out evidence and get easily trapped? She cant be dumb enough to use her own gun to kill her hubby and leave the body so the public will find it easy? Your honour, he didn't die cause of the bullet hit from her gun….he died of a bullet from another gun. EVERYONE is SHOCKED😲😲…including mr.V himself, GJ, Udhay, etc.😆 PP stands up and wonder how could she say he didn't die cause of the bullet from her gun when both of the bullets come from her gun….to that Arase replies..only one was from my gun..other was from a different gun and have even subsisted those 2 bullets to the judge so he can look at them by himself….everyone is silent and doesn't know what to believe. 😕She also point out some mistakes was done on the post mortem report. Judge wonder how they could make this kind of  mistake, Arase want to enquiry the doc who wrote that.

Doc looks at Arase and apology to the judge for the terrible mistake he did…he accidentally wrote it wrong.😡 Arase come to meet him and discuss the post mortem report cause she had doubt on it..when he re-checked that he discovered his mistake, bullet from Arases gun didn't kill KK, but the bullet from the other gun. (yeah...bullet from your girlfriend😡 but why did she killed KK?? KK has a past?😕)Arase wonder who told him to wrote that and he lies😡…he remind them of that boy who lost both of his eyes cause of the terrible mistake doc did by operating on the wrong eye (the doc who did that mistake should have been dismissed😡) …like that he too made a mistake n apologized to Arase and now ask the judge the same. Arase is stunned and gives him a look..he looks at her…judge ask wherever she want to cross examination him…she doesn't want to do that after the look her gave her.

PP want to charge Arase for attempt murder on KK, Arase shut him up by telling the case itself charged on her proves its all a big lie.why should she get punishment cause someone stole her gun from her?? Everything was done in record time to frame her so she wont investigate the case and decide to talk with the inspector who arrested her. She ask him questions like, have he found out who the anonym caller is? Why haven't they tracked him yet or did he bother to figure that out? He most have seen the killer cause right after the first shoot…post mortem report says the next shot come within 5minutes, the caller most have seen that too? Inspector replies, he may have been sacred and runaway? Arase then ask if f he was scared , them from where did get the gut to call the police? She also want to know where he wrote abput all of this on his stations general report? He is silent…and says no…should he have wrote or not? He says he forgot but worte about it on the FIR. She ask about his personal pocket diary? He says he lost it. Arase is not surprised and ask why he never got doubt on the post mortem report like her? shouldn't he have gone to the forensics department and enquired with them? Or did he forget about a department like that exist or doesn't know about it? Public have a good laugh.

Finally, Arase want to enquiry DGP…she ask him whoever he knows mr.V? DGP says both yes and no…and then says he knows many people by that name. Arase want to know whom..he cant say that so she point out he lied. He ask why kind of improvement he did on Mr.Vs case? DGP replies nothing cause it was a fake planted case on mr.V? Arase point out he didn't bother to investigate and even didn't talk with the cops who knows about that case since he got them transferred the first day. DGP cant answer to any of her questions and leaves….Arase look at the judge and beg him to release her cause its obvious from the enquiry she did, she cant be blamed. She was framed for a crime she didn't commit and wanted to put her behind the bars so she couldn't investigate on her case…they should release her and try to find the right criminal… FREEZE  ( phew...finally done with the update....grr...its more difficult to watch it online and write the update.......I prefer to watch it live on  tv and write it from what I all of you who watch it online and provide the update....kudos to u guys....👏👏)

Edited by meli - 16 years ago
vijisridhar thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 16 years ago
Hi guys

My mom lost her IF password and does not remember also. 😕 she gave me mail to give the short-update on the site. Its late there in chennai and said she would register (new) again and try to find her way of where to post the update, etc. Just navigation issues. So, here it is in the words of my mom.

Short update: June 11th.

1.Udhay is talking to his P.A. maha...she is asking why he is dull and behappy his mom is released from the case and now it is clear she didn't kill his dad...he can see some other work..he replies...i have to find out whose is the 2nd bullet..who is the killer...only by that 2nd one which went to his dad's chest only dad expired...
GJ is talking with V.....V says she will not keep quite and do some disturbance ..GJ replies mama sir is afraid of his athai unnecessarily..

2. Home Secy.calls arasi over phone..he asked her to join her duty as DGP .and cancells her suspension..she refuses because again and again suspension..joining. she hates the job because of this job she lost her mom..husband...but Home Secy convinces her to join her since the department doesn't want to loose such a nErmaiyaana....truthful...sincere police oficer like arasi..she agrees.....she comes in DGP dress to office..

3..Viswanathan comes with a flower bouquet to meet her and congratulates her for becoming DGP again...he says she gave costly price to become DGP again...he hopes she will not like to loose anybody.else....till retirement she should be with peace of mind in life..already she lost and now son is away...why not she takes rest in home and play with the grandkids....she replies.." i know how to live...i will be amma in my home..DGP in offcie...Paatti to the need not worry about can go came to give bouquet and i am sure you are afraid of me viswanathan....i will arrest you,....Chairman/MD of VS group of company......bring you on the streets ..with kai can go now.

Thanks and enjoy.

jasunap thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Wednesday 11th June 08


Missed the first couple of minutes

Gj assures Vishy he will get all the details for Vishy. Vishy grimaces.

A chappie walks into the home secretary's office and hands over a file. The home Secy glances through it and returns the file and tells the chap to closely follow whatever is in that file. Chap departs, and then the Secy calls arase and asks to meet up with her. Arase turns up and the home Secy says he has cancelled her suspension order. He asks her to resume office. Arase thanks him but declines. She says she is affected a great deal by her husband's death and she has had to pay a great deal for this job. Now she is no longer interested.

The home Secy insists and waxes eloquently about her good deeds and how the police force needs her, the nation needs her and blah blah blah. Arase reluctantly accepts. She dons the uniform again and appears back in the same office. She gets back to her same desk, and her laptop is on the table. She opens it punches a few keys and looks on grimly at the screen.

She then calls a cop and asks him for the pending cases. This being one of the better offices has just a fistful of files pending. She questions the cop as to why action has not been taken in these cases.

The cop cribs that each time they want to do something they get calls that ask them to drop the cases, and the criminals themselves say "if we can do this to arase…imagine what your plight will be.." Arase launches into a soliloquy about naanayam, naermai and nenjhazhutham.

Vishy boy comes with a bunch of flowers to meet with arase. He congratulates her on donning her uniform. He tells her to play things down now that she has lost her mom, her husband and her son has left her as well. Arase listens to him and then says, "susssh you scaredy cat, you cowardly lion, you have just come to see me cos you are yellow.." She taunts him some more and he screen freezes on his grimace!
kamakshi thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Thanks for all your wishes and welcoming me to IF

12.6.08 arasi

1. Arasi throws the bouquet to Vish...and ask him to get out..
GJ comes to arasi's home..he is welcoming arasi who comes in uniform..congratulate her...saying she is great etc., he.. he... he ..acting as if he is very happy that she is released.. she offers coffee to him..while he was taking coffee she notices him very sharply..she says she will not leave the person who killed KK and she will arrest him and bring him on the streets like a dog....he felt uneasy....
3.Singaperumal comes with bouquet and congratules arasi for becoming DGP...he also says he will not keep quite ..he will deftly do harm to her ...take revenge for his son's death...she replies o.k. i will see...singaperumal says one more power is joined to me and he will give trouble and goes away....Arasi calls her assistants and says Singaperumal says one more power is joined to him..we have to find out what is that? follow this person...they say yes..madam...(thodarum)
Aahaana thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago

June 13th update

GJ is at his office and thinking of Arase's word previous day…she will trace up and arrest that person who shot her husband and drag him on the streets like a dog…GJ has a worried face….when Yavarani or whatever her name was arrives there. She stare at him and when he sees her she smiles and wonder why he is worried? GJ tell her what Arase told her about catching killer of her husband and now Yavaranis smiles is down and worried…GJ sees that and ask her…she just cover up…she too is worried about it. GJ ask why it worries her? She with her fake smiles says whatever bother him, will also bother her…both of them laughs like crazy and lollufies…when she comes out..she is worried again and we can see tension on her face. (isn't it funny??..both of Kks shooter is worried which of them Arase will catch😆…grr…GJ and Yuvas scenes are so irritating..sakialla🤢)

Rani wonder why hubby dearest haven't still told her about what happened that day at the court. She thinks Arase most have been proud of him since he got her out and praise him. Udhay says nothing of that happened, in fact he didn't even argue that day coz Arase did all of job on her own and got released. Rani is shocked and wonder why her athai did that..Udhay says how will she trust him after he got NT and Mr.V released free from their case. She most have thought he was good for nothing-.Rani starts her prombal..she knows something happed that Arase will be angry with them too since she cant stand Mr.V. maybe they should go and see her? Udhay ask with what face can he face his mother? He was the one who accused her for killing her own husband …that look she gave him at the court was like slapping him with chappals. was "who are you to get me free..I can do that by myself" and she thanked him for defending him. How will he tell his own mother why he joined mr.V? if she knows the real reason she wont have agreed for that and let him join mr.V. Rani console him..things will be fine if you go and see you mother. (yeah…yeah…rani is such a woman with double moral. First she want her hubby to join mr.V and now after knowing Arase is free..she want to go back…grr…😡)

Arase on her cabin when one of the officer inform her, gun expert have arrived there. She goes to him and show him the bullet and want to know where it was produced. Expert look at the bullet and come to the conclusion the bullet was not made in India. He call up (probably to the lab) and get info, the bullet was made in foreign, more exactly German.

Arase order her officers to arrest all of the local dealers without license.

All of those who are arrested are standing on line and Arase watch all of them carefully..she notice one of them tries to say something but doesn't…she let all of them go but hold back that one who was kind of scared and enquiry him. He doesn't say a word so she hit him..he automatically start to say he doesn't know who that was, but it was a woman who hided her face with her dupatta. He will recognize her again if he sees her…Arase is stunned to learn it was woman they are seating for…FREEZE

( I think it most be Yavarani..cause she was the one who wanted her boyfriend who switch post mortem report and also had the worried face when GJ told her, Arase wont spare that person who killed her husband)

Edited by meli - 15 years ago